Greece Greece - Ben Needham, 21 mos, Isle of Kos, 24 July 1991

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

emma l

Apr 20, 2004
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Hey guys I wanted to post this because little Ben could by anywhere right now- its been so long. This case has had a lot of publicity over here and his mother is constantly on tv shows/radio.

Work done by a private investigator suggests Ben was abducted "to order" for an illegal adoption and may not know he is missing

Please keep you eyes open especially those of you who may be travelling to Kos/Greece/Turkey for your holidays this year.........

In 1991 Ben then 21 months old together with his Grandparents and parents moved from England to live on the Greek Island of Kos. On 24th July 1991 Ben disappeared from outside a farm house in the village of Iraklise which was being renovated by his Grandparents. Ben is now nearly 14 years old and has not been seen by his biological family since the day he disappeared. Ben's family are still highly distressed at not knowing what happened. There have been many reported sightings of Ben on the Greek islands and the mainland particularly during 1991 and 1992.

Heres Bens hompage with an age progression

I remember there was a time about 3 years ago when the really thought they'd found Ben- but DNA tests proved it wasn't him.

This is interesting

I know its a long shot but please just be aware Ben could be anywhere by now.
Ben was 21 months old when he disappeared without a trace from the Isle of Kos. I remember there was some speculation that he was a child caught on camera by vacationers some years later; they went so far as to obtain a strand of the boy's hair for DNA testing. It was a deadend; the boy was not Ben.

Here is a website dedicated to Ben. There is an interesting link there, showing a photograph of a boy in Turkey who resembles Ben's age-progressed picture. However, there hasn't been any new information published in quite some time.

Ben would be 16 now. I hope he is alive and well somewhere, blissfully unaware that he is a kidnapped boy, living a normal, happy life. I suppose there is always the possibility that 21-month old Ben never made it off the Isle of Kos, that he remains there today.
I remember this case when it happened actually. It is one of those that has really stuck with me. I believe there was a theory that some travellers at the island may have picked him up and taken him with them. The good thing is in this case that most people seem to think that Ben was taken by people that have kept him safe and brought him up, rather than a paedophile but it still must be devastating for the parents.It must have been hard for them not to blame Ben's uncle who was keeping an eye on him (correct me if I'm wrong on that bit)!
Yes, apparently Ben's uncle was watching him, and I seem to remember he was a young man (late teens/early 20s?). There were some rumors floating around that he accidently killed Ben when riding his dirt bike and buried Ben on the island, which is why I said it is possible that Ben never left the island. I like to think Ben is a live and well and happy, completely unaware he is missing toddler Ben Needham.
Its certainly a case that has stuck with people. Do you know who the claims about the uncle burying Ben etc were made by? I mean were the family openly hostile to him or...? Or was it just a theory put forward by someone?
On Ben's website there is a photograph of a ten year old boy that some think could be
Ben. I think there is deffinitly a remarkable resembalance to the age sketch. Does anyone know if there is an update about this boy? I can find no further information regrading this leed.

thanks Mjak
It's frustrating because their "latest developments" are 2 years old now. I also thought that picture resembled the age-progressed Ben pics. I thought, "This is it, we'll finally know." Then . . . nothing. I haven't been able to find any other updates.
Mr. E said:
It's frustrating because their "latest developments" are 2 years old now. I also thought that picture resembled the age-progressed Ben pics. I thought, "This is it, we'll finally know." Then . . . nothing. I haven't been able to find any other updates.
I can not believe we can not find anything after that update of two years ago.
There must be an update about that picture. At the bare minium I would hope that forensics analaysied the picture with a known picture of Ben by this time. Where is the update!!! I too have looked and looked, not a thing!!! I have also thought of emailing the investigator who's website it is but to be perfectly honest something about this investigator 's presentation on the webpage seems kind of creepy to me so have elected not to make contact

I can't find Ikalise on any map of Kos. If it's a coastal town, is it possible he wandered away and drowned in the ocean?
Ben's website has expired. I heard that the P.I. that founded it was a fraud. It is too bad, because it was an excellent website. Ben's case is very compelling. I think in his case he is most likely alive somewhere. I hope so, anyway.
Last Updated: Tuesday, 8 May 2007, 10:02 GMT 11:02 UK
Mother relives fear 16 years on

As the hunt for three-year-old Madeleine McCann continues in the Algarve, the mother of toddler Ben Needham who disappeared in July 1991 tells the BBC she understands how the girl's parents are feeling.
Kerry Grist's son Ben, from Sheffield, vanished from outside a farmhouse on the Greek island of Kos nearly 16 years ago, when he was just 21 months old.
She says watching television footage of Mrs McCann in Portugal has brought back memories of that day.
"It was like a mirror image, the look on her face, the fear, the worry, everything," she said. "It was like seeing myself 15 years ago."

Kerry Grist

She said Madeleine's mother would be finding life after her daughter's apparent abduction "very, very difficult".
"She is going to have a lot of different emotions. She is going to be really frightened of not knowing what has really happened to Madeleine - very confused and just feeling like her heart has been ripped out.
"The only thing I can try and advise her on is to stay strong, stay in control of everything - the police investigation, the media side of it - just stay focused and stay strong."
The way to get through each day was to "get as much love and support" from family and friends as possible, she said.
Abduction theories
Mrs Grist, who has remarried since her son's disappearance, believes the frustrations of working with a foreign police force, such as dealing with language barriers and different legal processes, adds to the distress.

"It is really, really difficult to put all your trust and faith into somebody that is foreign - that doesn't understand our culture, doesn't understand our ways," she said.
Mrs Grist's son Ben, who would be 17 now, has not been seen since his disappearance from the house her parents and brother were renovating, despite appeals by his family and the British authorities over the years.
Theories have included that Ben was killed, abducted or sold on to a family who could not have a child, but police have never closed the file.
Mrs Grist said that in the beginning it did not enter their heads that Ben might have been abducted.
"You live every day just thinking someone is going to walk back through the door with him," she said.
But his family have never given up hope of finding him. They believe he was "taken to order", passing through the hands of child smuggling gangs and could be "anywhere in the world".

"There is no evidence at all in the past nearly 16 years to say that Ben is dead," Mrs Grist said.
"There was never anything at the time, no traces were found, no clues were found to insinuate that.
"And in my heart I feel that if I thought for even one minute that Ben was no longer alive, I would have given up by now - and I can't. "There is something that drives me on to keep looking, keep looking and keep fighting for him."

Age progression at this link

New picture of missing boy released

Wed Oct 10, 2007

Police released an updated digital picture of missing boy Ben Needham on Wednesday, 16 years after he vanished on a Greek island, prompting a huge international search.

The child was only 21 months old when he disappeared as he played outside a farmhouse that his family were renovating in Kos in July 1991.
Despite repeated appeals and hundreds of possible sightings, he has never been found and few firm clues have emerged.

more at link

pic at link (but I can't seem to copy it here)

New picture of missing boy released

Wed Oct 10, 2007

Police released an updated digital picture of missing boy Ben Needham on Wednesday, 16 years after he vanished on a Greek island, prompting a huge international search.

The child was only 21 months old when he disappeared as he played outside a farmhouse that his family were renovating in Kos in July 1991.
Despite repeated appeals and hundreds of possible sightings, he has never been found and few firm clues have emerged.

more at link


THE mother of Ben Needham – snatched on a holiday isle 16 years ago – claimed yesterday her family were too working class to get the same support as Madeleine McCann’s parents.
Kerry Grist spoke out as police released a computer picture showing how blond Ben might look now, turning 18.
Kerry, 35, said Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry, both doctors, were fortunate to have “friends in high places”.

She added: “They are middle class people with important jobs and had a publicity machine behind them straight away. When Ben vanished there was just me, my mum and my dad.

“I was 19. Just an ordinary girl from a council estate and people thought, ‘She will just go away after a few months, have another child and forget about it.’
I did have another child but I haven’t forgotten and I won’t go away.

“I don’t begrudge any of the support Madeleine’s family have had – they deserve it all – but it’s time we got that backing too.”

More opinions and pics from Bens mother here
Mother of Ben Needham begs British holidaymakers for help in finding son snatched from Greece in 1991 as she prepares for his 21st birthday

He disappeared on the holiday isle of Kos aged just 21 months, sparking a huge but ultimately unsuccessful police hunt.

Now the mother of missing Ben Needham is preparing to mark his 21st birthday and has hit out at Greek police for abandoning the search for her son.

Kerry Needham, 38, called on British holidaymakers not to give up on Ben, who disappeared without trace in 1991.

She said: 'They’re my only hope now because the Greek police simply don’t care about the case, and aren’t bothered about my son any more.'

Read more:
This devoted Mother is still searching for her child on what would have been Bens 21st Birthday


THE mum of missing Ben Needham urged British holidaymakers to continue searching for her son yesterday as she makes plans to mark his 21st birthday in 16 days.

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