Greta - August 7, 2008

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INTERESTING! Greta announced that she's going to have a special hour-long program on Saturday night at 9:00 eastern time!

I've never seen her do this before......wondering why???

She's done it a few times in the past.

I suspect this time it's b/c she's got all this tape to use from her time in the house.

Plus, they rotate that Sat and Sunday spot. I think last week was the one about honor killings in families in the US (or maybe that was two weeks ago)etc.
Did everyohne see the cat sitting right up on the table?
(Remember Jesse hearing Casey (on 6/24 IIRC) yelling for supposedly Caylee to get off the table?) :rolleyes: again!

Interesting observation! :)
Yeah I have heard of that, just out of curiosity how long can they float? I know it is hard to give a time but an estimate?

Typically they will cry which will draw attention.. but they are taught to float until they can grab the wall or someone comes to help them.
Hi all! Is it just my TV or did anyone else think that ZG's hair looked blonde in that interview? Granted, her face was shadowed but you could see the outline of her hair in the light and I think she may have been blonde. If so, it doesnt really fit with the hispanic discription that the employees at Sawgrass gave.
I was wondering if anyone would get the reference! You guys - I think Cindy is heavily medicated. Think aboout it - woudln't you be? Sigh.....I just want some justice - and I feel like I HATE Casey.

I don't know if about heavily but I had noticed Cindy yesterday, IIRC, speaking to the media and her mouth appeared to me that it was so dry and parched looking, I wanted to hand her my water. She even kept rolling her tongue around her mouth and placing her tongue in her cheek.

I googled what meds could cause dry mouth and two that struck me were sedatives and anti-anxiety meds.

Yes, I'd say she was medicated. But honestly, I think I would be too, under similar circumstances. I pray none of us here ever finds ourself to be in that horrendous position.
Fuhrman said that the tests are taking a long time to come back, because they're doing very complicated testing. He said they do preliminary tests before they spend the big bucks on the complicated, expensive tests.

That seems to point to Caylee's DNA being found in preliminary tests.
I tend to believe the grandparents too. I think Cindy had the initial reaction- OMG Casey did something! Which is where we all are now but Cindy took a detour.

I think she so badly needed to believe that Caylee would come home and Casey so vehemently reassured her w/- "she would NEVER put us through this" that Cindy and George have had some blinders on and tried to put a spin on things. I think that lately LE may have dropped some powerful hints and that rationality might be creeping up on the comfort of self-delusion. Its just so sad!
Cindy says she has been shootin' straight from the hip since day #1. How many of you believe that?

And I quote "On August 4th, Corporal Eric Edwards and... While discussing the recovery of Casey's white car it was discovered that Cynthia removed items prior to law enforcement being contacted." (search warrant, pg 7)

Absolutely has NOT been shooting straight from any part of her body at any time in this investigation...
I tend to believe the grandparents too. I think Cindy had the initial reaction- OMG Casey did something! Which is where we all are now but Cindy took a detour.

I think she so badly needed to believe that Caylee would come home and Casey so vehemently reassured her w/- "she would NEVER put us through this" that Cindy and George have had some blinders on and tried to put a spin on things. I think that lately LE may have dropped some powerful hints and that rationality might be creeping up on the comfort of self-delusion. Its just so sad!

Cindy offered the police this stuff of Casey's ages ago, I remember the video of her bitching that they never came and got it!
Some of you know that I am into body language and study it. Having said that I noticed excessive fidgeting from Cindy during the interview with Greta this evening. She fidgeted with something square in shape on the table by turning it over and over. She then fidgeted with the cap of her water bottle. I also noticed that the table was cluttered. No big deal for me at anytime, but I have noticed that her rooms are usually spotless. It could be there is a simple reason for the clutter. She is busy, stressed, ect. and probably can't concentrate.
The bigger clue was the fidgeting. She tries to look cool as a cucumber and she says all the things that seem right. Today I have seen two different signs that she is not as strong on the inside as she is portraying outwardly.
I noticed her fidgeting some, too. But overall, she seemed calmer. It could be a combination of meds and her trust of Greta. I think most people respect for Greta's journalistic integrity, which is probably why they allowed her in their home in the first place.

I pay a lot of attention to body language, too, as well as to surroundings. The clutter on the table, not to mention the cat, just reinforces that Cindy isn't completely obsessive about her house. That's a good thing. She seemed like she was having a normal conversation with a friend over coffee. I'm not surprised she hasn't really broken down in public because I'm sure she is trying desperately to hold it together, telling herself that there will be plenty of time later to grieve. George, on the other hand, looked almost despondent in the tape of the previous interview.

They are more sympathetic these past few days. It seems they are going through the stages of grief and now they are no longer denying that something horribly wrong has taken place. I'm not saying that they haven't obstructed justice - that's not for me to judge - but I don't think their involvement is sinister either.

I'd like to point out that the most interesting segment of the show is when Bernie pointed out that the coincidence, if that's what it is, involving ZG and the apartments as well as the address they found in the car is really eerie. There is more to this story for sure.
While watching Nancy Grace's show, when they would discuss the latest developments about Zenaida Gonzalez and her interview, I kept saying to the TV, but isn't that just too big a coincidence? There must be something more to the story. I was so glad when Greta Van Susteren's show came on to see Mark Fuhrman on first talking about exactly that. He said it could be a coincidence, or possibly she was known by a third party, or maybe there's more to the story we don't know, or something to that effect. What could it be, how and why would she pull that name of all names out of a hat?
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