Grocery shopping tips during Coronavirus quarantine

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Jan 17, 2004
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We almost need to start a poll to see how many people have stock-piled a month of food and other necessities just in case. It seems unnecessary when the problem is in some other part of the world, but it also seems quite likely that the problem will move to all parts of the world.

If that happens, there are those who will be prepared, and those who will panic in the last minute and the shelves will be bare. I wonder what the stats would look like amongst people here for prepared versus wait and see then panic.
We almost need to start a poll to see how many people have stock-piled a month of food and other necessities just in case. It seems unnecessary when the problem is in some other part of the world, but it also seems quite likely that the problem will move to all parts of the world.

If that happens, there are those who will be prepared, and those who will panic in the last minute and the shelves will be bare. I wonder what the stats would look like amongst people here for prepared versus wait and see then panic.

I was in the store a few days ago buying bleach, gloves, Clorox wipes, tums, Advil, etc. I didn’t see anyone who appeared to be on the same type of mission. I cracked a joke at the checkout line about my “coronavirus supplies” - people looked at me like I was nuts.
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I was in the store a few days ago buying bleach, gloves, Clorox, tums, Advil, etc. I didn’t see anyone who appeared to be on the same type of mission. I cracked a joke at the checkout line about my “coronavirus supplies” - people looked at me like I was nuts.

When I did a stealth dry/canned goods shopping trip a couple of weeks ago, I felt ridiculous. However, the hand sanitizer squirt bottle shelves were bare. I felt less ridiculous when I saw that.
I was in the store a few days ago buying bleach, gloves, Clorox wipes, tums, Advil, etc. I didn’t see anyone who appeared to be on the same type of mission. I cracked a joke at the checkout line about my “coronavirus supplies” - people looked at me like I was nuts.
I've finally got some of my family to pay attention.......I hope they act now.......those shelves will be empty if they wait.
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I've finally got some of my family to pay attention.......I hope they act not.......those shelves will be empty if they wait.

I’ve been told by my family that they “don’t want to hear about the Coronavirus anymore”... :rolleyes:
That was back in Thread 1 lol so I’m extra grateful for this discussion.:D

I have one family member that was receptive to my text this morning when I sent them the link to yesterday’s CDC telebriefing.
I’ve been told by my family that they “don’t want to hear about the Coronavirus anymore” (that was back in Thread 1 lol so I’m extra grateful for this discussion :D ).

I have one family member that was receptive to my text this morning when I sent them the link to yesterday’s CDC telebriefing.
Me too.....if it wasn't for you all, I wouldn't have anyone to talk about it....:);):cool:
Dr. Anthony Fauci: We are clearly at the brink of a pandemic with novel coronavirus - CNN Video
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, explains what a pandemic is and says we're nearly at the brink of one with the novel coronavirus outbreak.
Source: CNN


Coronavirus outbreak edges closer to pandemic
1 Day Ago

U.S. prepares for coronavirus pandemic, school and business closures: health officials
2 Days Ago


(At the store lol, thought I’d see if anyone was using the “P” word yet)


ETA: About damn time you got your arse back here @Bravo!

Just in time! Missed you!

When Dr. Anthony Faucci says we are on the Brink of a Pandemic, it's time to hit Costco for the basics!

My COSTCO report for today:

People are sure stocking up on TP. The Kirkland brand almost sold out. More expensive brands still there. Other popular items: Water, Kirkland wipes, bleach, spray cleaners, paper towels, packaged or canned meals like chili, soups, flavored drinks, some people w lots of wine or beer. Notice a lot of people seemed to be shopping for cold remedies, acetaminophen.

It seemed more busy than a normal non-holiday Sunday. Parking lot very full. Gas lanes full.

I went to Lowe's for my paper towels, tp, Mr Clean and came home with some planted daffodils in a yellow pot because they were so very cheery.

I honestly think things are going to hit the fan this week. If Dr. Faucci is at the brink of calling it a pandemic , it's only for Dr. Tedos to actually declare it.
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To add about my Costco shopping:

I don't usually take vitamins, but decided to add a good multivitamin, some additional Vitamin C (to help iron absorption) and also Probiotics.

If we have to quarantine and fresh fruit and veg that we have relied on are not available, it's a good idea to assure your gut microbia is well supported. I was pleased to see Costco now stocks Align, a probiotic my internist had recommended.

Also as the quarantine menu may have more starchy base and less fresh fruit, it's not a bad idea to make sure you have both laxatives and anti-diarrheals.
To add about my Costco shopping:

I don't usually take vitamins, but decided to add a good multivitamin, some additional Vitamin C (to help iron absorption) and also Probiotics.

If we have to quarantine and fresh fruit and veg that we have relied on are not available, it's a good idea to assure your gut microbia is well supported. I was pleased to see Costco now stocks Align, a probiotic my internist had recommended.
Also as the quarantine menu may have more starchy base and less fresh fruit, it's not a bad idea to make sure you have both laxatives and anti-diarrheals.

This reminds me. For the reason you mentioned above, I also stocked up on frozen veggies & fruit (mostly berries). That way I don't need to fight crowds at a store with possibly bare shelves to try to get those items fresh. Luckily I'm in CA. A great deal of our country's produce is grown here.
I appreciate the posts about what everyone is stocking up on. Has anyone made a list of suggestions for things to have on hand?

Any thoughts on which sanitizers are best?
I am guessing it is best to go with alcohol based hand sanitizers and bleach for home.

Usually i like tea tree oil and seventh generation multipurpose disinfecting cleaner but it is probably time to switch to bleach and alcohol.
To add about my Costco shopping:

I don't usually take vitamins, but decided to add a good multivitamin, some additional Vitamin C (to help iron absorption) and also Probiotics.

If we have to quarantine and fresh fruit and veg that we have relied on are not available, it's a good idea to assure your gut microbia is well supported. I was pleased to see Costco now stocks Align, a probiotic my internist had recommended.

Also as the quarantine menu may have more starchy base and less fresh fruit, it's not a bad idea to make sure you have both laxatives and anti-diarrheals.

That would cut down on the aerosol plumes as well....
Ok here’s where I’m at right now, at this moment, not to sound like an alarmist:

Imo there's a chance WHO and CDC will declare a Pandemic, perhaps as soon as tomorrow (maybe), if not in the coming days or weeks.

The minute the “P” word hits Facebook and Twitter it’s over. This is when we will really see the masses at the stores and the shortage of goods/bare shelves, when the “P word” hits social media and spreads like wildfire online.

Therefore, I’m going TODAY, right now, (which sucks because I have to get out of my comfie Sunday jammies), to go pick up a huge bag of dog food. It’s one of the last items on my list.

And after that I’m broke :D Too bad because I’d love some beer. Forgot about that!! Good thing I bought my supplies first or I’d have all beer and no supplies lol.

Anyway, regardless if a pandemic is ever declared or not, I have the peace of mind knowing I’ve got toilet paper and my other necessities and that I don’t have to leave the house this week or for the short term. I’m all about the “peace of mind”.

Of course if the situation escalates, what about the long term? Two weeks of “toilet paper” will only do so much.


Is today the “window of opportunity”?


I say call your pharmacies and see if you can get an extra month of meds. Last place you’ll want to be is a pharmacy if this breaks.

Everything is MOO as always.


ETA2: @Medstudies , I better stock up on weed too :eek:
I went to Costco today. I didn't buy too much because I already have some supplies, as I live in earthquake territory. But, boy have their prices gone up!
I do like their canned albacore tuna, so got one of those. Plus canned chili, corn, beans and such.
Things that ship in from China, will probably be scarce very soon. Imo
Did some online stocking up today, we live in hurricane area so it won’t go to waste. Hopefully everything will get here before it hits the fan (if it does).
100 pounds of dry dog food, my dogs normally are fed a balanced raw diet but that may not be possible. During Harvey I was good for the week that it happened but the following week when we were stuck at the house, things got difficult.

Found some N95 respirators at my small local building supply store. Bought half of what they had in stock, didn’t want to look like I was panicking, also a handful of their small hand sanitizers. Claimed flu season.

I should be good on OTC and don’t have any Rx drugs. Musinex, Benadryl, Imodium, Pepto, ibuprofen, NyQuil and Emergen-C.

I have diapers and baby wipes (and no small children), chlorox wipes, bleach pods, borax, washing soda, fels naphtha soap.

Water filtration system (Aqua Rain) that produces up to 3 gallons of water per day plus containers to store it in.

16 laying hens, 20 laying ducks and 2 laying geese should keep me in eggs as a fail safe for food. We will stock up on as much feed as I safely can. I don’t want the mice getting to it by storing it anywhere but my feed room. Again, lesson learned in Harvey, generally only keep a weeks worth of feed on hand.

going to make one more trip to the grocery for the basics. As long as we have electricity I can bake bread. Need to fill up all the gas cans and plan on keeping the cars full or no less than half for the generator.

2 weeks of non perishable rations for two people if we manage to eat the rest of the food in the house. I grew up very poor with very little food in the house. Keeping the pantry and freezers full is my thing. Fed 4 of us for two weeks during Harvey and it barely put a dent in it. Fresh fruit and veggies were an issue so I’ll stock up on some frozen. Again hopefully their is no issues with the power. There will always be eggs and if I have to I do have male birds I can harvest.

I have ~90 rolls of toilet paper in the house now
Poland Spring water
1 gallon $15.99
1 case (6- 1 gallon jugs)

That's crazy!
Watch what ya buy closely!!

I may just order a "Bob" for the tub and fill it up. It fits in the tub and holds 100 gallons.
Did some online stocking up today, we live in hurricane area so it won’t go to waste. Hopefully everything will get here before it hits the fan (if it does).
100 pounds of dry dog food, my dogs normally are fed a balanced raw diet but that may not be possible. During Harvey I was good for the week that it happened but the following week when we were stuck at the house, things got difficult.

Found some N95 respirators at my small local building supply store. Bought half of what they had in stock, didn’t want to look like I was panicking, also a handful of their small hand sanitizers. Claimed flu season.

I should be good on OTC and don’t have any Rx drugs. Musinex, Benadryl, Imodium, Pepto, ibuprofen, NyQuil and Emergen-C.

I have diapers and baby wipes (and no small children), chlorox wipes, bleach pods, borax, washing soda, fels naphtha soap.

Water filtration system (Aqua Rain) that produces up to 3 gallons of water per day plus containers to store it in.

16 laying hens, 20 laying ducks and 2 laying geese should keep me in eggs as a fail safe for food. We will stock up on as much feed as I safely can. I don’t want the mice getting to it by storing it anywhere but my feed room. Again, lesson learned in Harvey, generally only keep a weeks worth of feed on hand.

going to make one more trip to the grocery for the basics. As long as we have electricity I can bake bread. Need to fill up all the gas cans and plan on keeping the cars full or no less than half for the generator.

2 weeks of non perishable rations for two people if we manage to eat the rest of the food in the house. I grew up very poor with very little food in the house. Keeping the pantry and freezers full is my thing. Fed 4 of us for two weeks during Harvey and it barely put a dent in it. Fresh fruit and veggies were an issue so I’ll stock up on some frozen. Again hopefully their is no issues with the power. There will always be eggs and if I have to I do have male birds I can harvest.

I have ~90 rolls of toilet paper in the house now
I loved reading your post. You're so.... organic.

I'm planning a month-long, or more ( 4-5 week) quarantine, just to be safe.

I think I have 90 rolls of paper towels. But I did secure a stock of the toilet paper I like the best. Small odd comforts.

And yes to margarita25 - you really do want 70% alcohol for sterilization of things, not 50%.

I also ordered disposable face shields on Amazon. The kind I use at work are comfortable and I think if it comes to quarantine, a double-dose of protection can't hurt.


*Certainly not me in the photo*
I have a BOB and bought one for daughter. It is not reusable. Don't break it open until you're sure you'll need it. Great for piece of mind though.

Poland Spring water
1 gallon $15.99
1 case (6- 1 gallon jugs)

That's crazy!
Watch what ya buy closely!!

I may just order a "Bob" for the tub and fill it up. It fits in the tub and holds 100 gallons.
I loved reading your post. You're so.... organic.

I'm planning a month-long, or more ( 4-5 week) quarantine, just to be safe.

I think I have 90 rolls of paper towels. But I did secure a stock of the toilet paper I like the best. Small odd comforts.

And yes to margarita25 - you really do want 70% alcohol for sterilization of things, not 50%.

I also ordered disposable face shields on Amazon. The kind I use at work are comfortable and I think if it comes to quarantine, a double-dose of protection can't hurt.


*Certainly not me in the photo*

Ok, so let me get this straight: I need to order a bob for the tub, stock up on a couple bottles of Everclear and get some face shields and toilet paper. Check. I think I have the rest covered, maybe get some more canned goods stocked away. The freezer and pantry are already full and I've got my N98 masks and a few boxes of disposable gloves. Why diapers?

I remember some other situation several years ago when people were talking about buying Bobs for their drinking water. Anyone recall? Something weather related?
I loved reading your post. You're so.... organic.

I'm planning a month-long, or more ( 4-5 week) quarantine, just to be safe.

I think I have 90 rolls of paper towels. But I did secure a stock of the toilet paper I like the best. Small odd comforts.

And yes to margarita25 - you really do want 70% alcohol for sterilization of things, not 50%.

I also ordered disposable face shields on Amazon. The kind I use at work are comfortable and I think if it comes to quarantine, a double-dose of protection can't hurt.


*Certainly not me in the photo*
We considered ordering some full mask respirator (years of working in chemical plants and I know how to fit them). I got some new P100 cartridges for our half mask respirators we have in the barn. I also have some tyvek suits around but probably won’t be needed. (Poison ivy and skunks in the country). I do have standard safety glasses around and nitrile gloves.

reminds me we need to make a trip to the liquor store. I gave up alcohol for New Years as part of a weight loss challenge but if it’s hitting the fan I’m drinking margaritas and bloody Mary’s.
I loved reading your post. You're so.... organic.

I'm planning a month-long, or more ( 4-5 week) quarantine, just to be safe.

I think I have 90 rolls of paper towels. But I did secure a stock of the toilet paper I like the best. Small odd comforts.

And yes to margarita25 - you really do want 70% alcohol for sterilization of things, not 50%.

I also ordered disposable face shields on Amazon. The kind I use at work are comfortable and I think if it comes to quarantine, a double-dose of protection can't hurt.


*Certainly not me in the photo*
Can you please supply the link for the disposable face shields? TIA
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