Grocery shopping tips during Coronavirus quarantine

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Good news from Publix - and I spoke to more than one Publix employee about it today as they were all within earshot:

The store is refusing refunds to people who hoard certain items (we all know what they are; toilet paper, hand sanitizer, bleach) and attempt to return them. Publix is also limiting just ONE package of toilet paper when the item is restocked.

The bad news:

Some people found a new item to hoard:

Dish detergent.

Sick, and I don't mean COVID-19, either.

Strawberries are 2 for 1, and hubby and I are enjoying homemade strawberry smoothies. Yummy.
Good news from Publix - and I spoke to more than one Publix employee about it today as they were all within earshot:

The store is refusing refunds to people who hoard certain items (we all know what they are; toilet paper, hand sanitizer, bleach) and attempt to return them. Publix is also limiting just ONE package of toilet paper when the item is restocked.

The bad news:

Some people found a new item to hoard:

Dish detergent.

Sick, and I don't mean COVID-19, either.

Strawberries are 2 for 1, and hubby and I are enjoying homemade strawberry smoothies. Yummy.
I bought two large liquid dish detergents my last trip out. The shelf was full! I love it. Will limits work or will people bring more family members & each one purchase the max limited items, or after checking out, return & buy another?
Our gov’ mentioned “further steps will be taken”, so I fully expect some type of restriction on dates we can shop. Jmo.

I bought two large liquid dish detergents my last trip out. The shelf was full! I love it. Will limits work or will people bring more family members & each one purchase the max limited items, or after checking out, return & buy another?
Our gov’ mentioned “further steps will be taken”, so I fully expect some type of restriction on dates we can shop. Jmo.

We get the 28 FL OZ Ajax (we live in an apartment; no dishwashing machine and with the number of dirty dishes we both generate, really don't need one) which lasts about a month.

Thank you to the mod who moved my post to this handy thread. :)
If we are staying home, the need for alcohol lessens, imo. obviously I am referring to rubbing alcohol, lol

I have always kept my food supply fairly stocked. Not so much on paper goods.
Hubby made a run to Kroger for our Breyers Carbsmart ice cream. It's on sale for half price when you buy 5 so he HAD to buy 5 :p. Shelves were pretty well stocked and people keeping 6 feet apart.

We've got this you all! We are strong. We will get through this together.
Good for you!!

I'm was lucky to snag a ShopRite delivery slot a week ago for tomorrow, which was the last slot available a week in advance. I was able to adjust my order and finalized it today. Whatever doesn't come I may send my husband to Acme during senior hours on Monday.

A week ago, after I put the ShopRite order in, I went to PeaPod (Stop&Shop) which offer deliveries up to 2 weeks in advance, so that order is coming March 28th and I can adjust it all next week, depending on what comes in from ShopRite.

It's a struggle, I don't know what will come with my orders. My last order was missing $150 in items (no meat, pasta, canned anything, rice, cleaning products, etc).

I refuse to go to a supermarket, Walmart or any large store. I'll stop in RiteAid or CVS where I don't have to be in an aisle with anyone else. I carry a small hand sanitizer and use it after I walk out.
Acme is actually enforcing those hours too, turning people away who don't fit the genre.
I have become a food hoarder. I don't throw away the leftovers as I used to do...even after a few days. I have some weird food paranoias that I'm having to get over real fast. I only eat 2 breakfast biscuits instead of the pack of 4. I have already lost 2 pounds more after the 8 I lost from having the flu in January.
My eyes are tired, I thought you lost 81#.
Levity aside, this is a good time for everyone to eat healthy & maybe lose weight, if they need to. Jmo
Where am I ? Where are otto, margarita, Henry, Pommy Mommy, Jersey Girl, and Greg Richards ?..... Did the virus get them all ?...........Are we all that's left ?.........Helloooooooooooo ???.......moo
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The few times I have been in a store I have worn a mask, and carried in some wipes to clean the cart handle. Then I use “shop & scan” which allows scanning the UPC on items as you shop so you can avoid the checkout line.

But I am amazed to see other shoppers crowding together in the checkout lines. They aren’t allowing any distance in front or behind them. I know they are aware of the pandemic because their carts are piled hig with toilet paper, etc.

They are choosing to ignore social distancing recommendations.
I'm here, sitting on my couch, waiting for my ShopRite delivery. I just watched Govenor Cuomo's address and waiting on the president at 12:30.
Hooray !.......I feel like I have wandered into the "Virus Twilight Zone". How many different Virus threads are there now ?....... I am afraid I may never see otto, Henry, margarita, or Greg Richards again.........moo
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Hooray !.......I feel like I have wandered into the "Virus Twilight Zone". How many different Virus threads are there now ?....... I am afraid I may never see otto, Henry, margarita, or Greg Richards again.........moo
Nooo...we can't let this separate us...we must move freely across the board even if we can't move outside of our counties or countries lol

On a nice note, I am happy to see people outdoors with pets, and their children, walking and biking (at a safe distance). I hope this crisis prompts a cultural shift away from the almighty dollar and more towards quality of life.

On a sad note, my school district has had its first confirmed case. This was right after I emailed the union rep to ask about things teachers can be doing to help with food distribution and whatnot (they've been unusually quiet) ...hopefully there will still be opportunities. But no matter what, we will be there for our kids, giving them the best education possible in these times. I just wish I knew if any of them needed help.
I found a box of Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Cake Mix, in a kitchen cabinet. The cake mix went out of date October 17, 2019. I have sweet talked Mrs.22 into baking it later.........I figure if we have survived the virus so far, maybe this cake mix won't kill us......Survival food for dinner tonight -Big pot of red(pinto)beans( with ham scraps in them) and homemade cornbread followed by possibly poisonous Survival Chocolate cake for dessert.....Yall come........moo
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I found a box of Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Cake Mix, in a kitchen cabinet. The cake mix went out of date October 17, 2019. I have sweet talked Mrs.22 into baking it later.........I figure if we have survived the virus so far, maybe this cake mix won't kill us......Survival food for dinner tonight -Big pot of red(pinto)beans and homemade cornbread followed by possibly poisonous Survival Chocolate cake for dessert.....Yall come........moo

Sounds amazing, and I'm sure it will be delicious and safe!
Belk a department store mainly in the SE has drastically cut their hours - 11 to 6 each day - used to be 10 to 10. I would be scared to buy an item off the rack right now. I generally buy online because people are so disrespectful when trying on clothes - they are dirty, get make-up on them, get perfume on them, drop the item on the floor - no thank you.

All the malls in the county where I live closed too.

My usual weekend pastime of "leisure shopping" is on hold for awhile.

But we will go to a local preserve later on for a picnic and hike, now that daylight hours are getting longer.

I am making time to catalog my collection of film stills though...and enjoying a few hours of Chopin.
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