Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves report includes short interview with Eddie Delvalle from July 14 2011
Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

'Bring Kids Home' Plans Walkway

"Each school day, hundreds of children pass by this location," representatives say in the release.
Bring Kids Home plans to build the walkway by selling engraved bricks available for public purchase.
"Caylee's Walkway will preserve her memory and become a positive step in highlighting the serious challenges and complexities of dealing with child abuse, neglect, and exploitation within our society," the group claims in the release.

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Ya, I can see how a walkway could help with that ... NOT
ITA, how about working towards awareness of family oriented abuse or violence or unwanted children ... or working towards changing laws that are supposed to protect the most vulnerable of the population ? You know working towards any number of issues ... but child abduction ? Then I guess their org shouldn't be called "Bring Kids Home" ... I mean if you're going to prevent the abductions in the first place

This org is bogus and hopefully most people will see right through them ... that fact that the Anthonys have more or less endorsed them should say it all ... JMO

Let us rename this org to Bringbuckshome. :great:
Actually, Lambchop-It looks like the lightening strike is exactly what inspired Eddie Delvalle to make that swamp a memorial!:waitasec:
Another pastor, Eddie DelValle, told a crowd of about 150 people that he had been moved to do something to honor Caylee Marie after he visited the woods where her body was found and saw that a tree there was struck by lightning the day after Casey Anthony was acquitted of the charge of killing Caylee.

"That was divine intervention, and it inspired me to do something for the little girl. We're not even going to mention C-A-S-E-Y," said DelValle, reflecting a recently sprouted movement to boycott any movies, books or other enterprises that would allow Casey Anthony to profit from her worldwide notoriety.

With an escort of Orange County sheriff's deputies, DelValle's group quietly walked about one-quarter mile from the woods to the home of Cindy and George Anthony, Caylee's grandparents. For a short time they stood in front of the house, which showed no sign of activity inside, just a faded pink flag with the word "Peace" barely visible on it.

"People seem to want some kind of closure," said Yolanda DelValle, as her husband urged people not to think of revenge for Caylee's death.

I've posted several times about this suspicious org since the first reports of them wanting to build a memorial. It started well before the lightning strike. The story has changed many times. The price of the bricks has changed. They have backtracted on the time line. First it was made to sound as if it was a definite go, then they admitted when I e-mailed and asked that they don't have any permits. The have been saying since the beginning that they have an option on the land, but it doesn't seem like they have any money to buy it.
It seems they might be trying to get people to donate by saying they need the money to buy the land.
One report says they have taken in less that $50, 000 a year in donations. I recall from looking at their website, it has been far less. They don't seem to have helped with any cases in the past.
The original press release has been removed from the website.
their FB page has been revised and older posts removed.
They have a line on the website saying that CA has a standing invitation to get free counseling from them ( who does the counseling?) to help her deal with "what happened to Caylee". :banghead:
Last time I looked at the site there was no phone numbers - only e-mail.

very hinky


Dear g#$! I can't take anymoe:banghead: They're asking for donations on a piece of land that they don't even own and may never own. HOWEVER, they will refund a partial ( no % given) of the money back and in some cases none. They are looking for Corporate donations...

Are their people out there still functioning with brain cells that would give them a penny?:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Oh, I am having flashbacks about a group calling themselves The Beacon Project. They were ultimately linked to candy jars with a flyer of Trenton Duckett. When we finally found their website and tracked down the people involved, we found links to some of the usual suspects. That website which collected $$ "for missing children" had only one missing poster for months on end. IIRC, it was later connected to another link selling plastic jars, at bulk rates, to put the "missing' fliers on. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was enlightened to this little scam several years ago when a kid showed up in one of my businesses with a plastic tub full of those bite sized Snickers.3Musketeer candy bars with a small plastic box attached. Tub had a label (and as he explained), proceeds for purchasing a piece on the honor system was to benefit Preventing Child Abuse.

Shortly thereafter, a client lambasted me for allowing that jar to sit there and calmly explained how the "scam" works...

"Unusual persons" purchase these containers for minimal cost and then "drop" them in as many businesses as possible. Periodically, they come by to check to remove money and refill. They are NOT required to make any kind of donation to ANY organization....funds are theirs to do with what they choose.

Young lass showed up a few weeks later, and I tersely explained that he was to remove container, do an about face, but to please turn his ballcap around to face forward and show me the respect to hold up the damn waistband of his pants as he exited my business.

Bet he is still wondering where all that chocolate went to.....:floorlaugh:
As it should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


See baby girl, viewers are looking for you - not anyone else!
Dear g#$! I can't take anymoe:banghead: They're asking for donations on a piece of land that they don't even own and may never own. HOWEVER, they will refund a partial ( no % given) of the money back and in some cases none. They are looking for Corporate donations...

Are their people out there still functioning with brain cells that would give them a penny?:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

I wonder what kind of sales pitch, then explanation they would give to a "potential corporate sponsor" should one wish to inquire about the possibility of sponsorship in exchange for the answer to some toughly worded questions.....hmmm.....:waitasec:
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
Now I am even MORE suspicious of this group, especially after seeing their adulation of George and Cindy today!!

The photo of the organizer of the memorial brick walk on Suburban, hugging George tells me all I ever need to know about his project. If he is going to put George and Cindy on a pedestal and openly associate them with the memorial project for Caylee .... I would NEVER EVER donate one penny to a project that honors George and Cindy after their support of the felon and lying in court.

For the project organizer to embrace the Anthonys in such a public way, would mean that anyone donating money to his group, would also be embracing the Anthonys and be in support of what the Anthonys are doing.

It literally made me sick to see the photos of Cindy and George turning the memorial today for CAYLEE into an event for Cindy and George to be front and center and to be the focus of today's event. They did NOT support Caylee during the murder trial, when they lied, under oath, to help their felon daughter. Nothing they are doing now is for Caylee.

Thank you ThinkTank. I agree.
I'm so sick of GA & CA putting their mitts all over everything.
Futher more I think it's creepy to put a memorial site where Caylee's remains were found. I think it's nothing but a scam personally, and wouldn't surprise me one bit to learn that GA & CA are the organizers of this BringKidsHome thingy.

Please people GIVE to KlassKids or TES at least you know your money will do good.
Of course the Anthonys want a floating pond w/glass and inscribed names and beams of lights going into the sky!!!!

I expect nothing less from these grandiose people. Perpetual Drama Queens. Was Caylee bigger than John Kennedy, Elvis, The World Trade Center. A beam of light shining into the skies???

This family has got worse since the verdict. I didn't think that was possible but started to sense it when I heard there were two patrol cars parked outside their house. OMG! FGS! Beam me up Scotty, I'm ready!!!
why does the memorial need to be so over the top? Why not just a beautiful marker (think gravestone) in the woods?
I wonder what kind of sales pitch, then explanation they would give to a "potential corporate sponsor" should one wish to inquire about the possibility of sponsorship in exchange for the answer to some toughly worded questions.....hmmm.....:waitasec:

don't know...but betcha they have one sucker. They took his limo, private plane and Atlantis Vacation. Come think of it, they could have asked for money at the time and donated it....awww..I am being ridiculous. Keep trying to think like a person with morals, ethics and souls.
Funny that you guys reacted so strongly to CA and GA...watching the video and hearing GA's talk reminded me again that there's no way this man had anything to do with it. Did you see the It was touching to me :( And CA was quiet !!
I wonder what kind of sales pitch, then explanation they would give to a "potential corporate sponsor" should one wish to inquire about the possibility of sponsorship in exchange for the answer to some toughly worded questions.....hmmm.....:waitasec:

Ah, that is a common ploy. Folks read that fast and half*ssed and makes them trust the bringbuckshome . In their mind even corporate folks are willing to sponsor them, therefor they must be trustworthy.
why does the memorial need to be so over the top? Why not just a beautiful marker (think gravestone) in the woods?

Because these people are over the top and have a ridiculous sense of entitlement. They are narcissists. The public has helped perpetuate this. When a local company gives them all the gifts we've seen and they now fly first class, I say they ar getting out of control. They consider themselves very special people...and some kind people are treating them as such.

I have family that never followed the case, never spoke to me about it, yet can see through the Anthonys. I was told that they thought cindy was faking the first time she took the stand....WoW! I didn't see that coming...but normal people can see it.

The wealthy and religious have a different mindset. They are reaching deep in their hearts and wallets to give what they can. The Anthonys steal their hearts and pick their pockets. They are so transparent, yet some refuse to see it.
I agree that a memorial at this site is a terrible idea. There are many suggestions upstream that would better honor Caylee.

Caylee was murdered and thrown away in that spot. Why would anyone want to go and take a walk on a brick walkway to where Caylee's mom threw her away like garbage and eventually her bones were discovered?

Right now, everyone's emotions are still on a roller coaster because no guilty verdict was rendered to give justice for Caylee in this case. People are not there to view and remember her death bed. They are gathering there to remember Caylee and to find a logical conclusion where there is none. Healing for all will take time.

This Bring Kids Home organization is preying on the emotions of caring individuals still reeling from the death and injustice of Caylee. It is just a money hungry group trying to grab a buck while they can. Instead, they would be better served by helping to find kids who are truly missing and could still be brought home - as their name implies.

I heard GA say on HLN that it was hard for them to visit the site, but alluded to being there before. I don't recall them being there before to visit and pray over the site unless it was when they were caught tearing down the cross and other items.

I wonder if anyone asked the A's today if they had taken their pool down yet?

And speaking of which, can I remind the public that DC was looking for PAVERS to mark the spot and now this group wants to do just that.
(bet DC wished they had SPELLED IT OUT on the Pavers for him) I am obviously still angry so off I go before I get a TO.
FL has very strict laws for nonprofits which are overseen by the Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services (I have NO clue how these 2 groups came together, but it is what it is).

Nonprofits have to have a charitable solicitation license. Whenever I send out a donation request letter for my nonprofit, I have to include a blurb (below) about the FL statute about charitable solicitation licenses, according to my org.'s attorney

--is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture under the Solicitation of Contributions Act, CH4154. 100% of your contribution will go directly to support --. No professional solicitor has been contracted by --.

Here's a link to the FL statues about this:

If they don't have a FL Charitable Solicitation License, then they cannot legally solicit donations in FL.
Of course the Anthonys want a floating pond w/glass and inscribed names and beams of lights going into the sky!!!!

I expect nothing less from these grandiose people. Perpetual Drama Queens. Was Caylee bigger than John Kennedy, Elvis, The World Trade Center. A beam of light shining into the skies???

This family has got worse since the verdict. I didn't think that was possible but started to sense it when I heard there were two patrol cars parked outside their house. OMG! FGS! Beam me up Scotty, I'm ready!!!

I didn't read anywhere that the Anthonys requested this type of memorial. Can you give me a reputable link saying this?
why does the memorial need to be so over the top? Why not just a beautiful marker (think gravestone) in the woods?

How much money do you think you can ask for in donations( never to be seen again) for such a small beautiful marker. That does not fit into the scam scheme of much grander bucks.

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