Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

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Well, this is even more rediculous than what I had just posted!!:banghead:
George, Cindy Anthony attend event where group reveals plans for Caylee Anthony memorial

The planned memorial, if built, would center on a reflecting pond with a glass ring — intended to provide the effect of a floating halo — hanging above it.

Leading to the pond would be a walkway, walled with cubby holes for visitors to leave stuffed animals, flowers and other mementos. Those would be collected, Jefrë said, and given to children's charities.

The memorial also would be lined with hundreds of glass disks, each containing the name of a missing child and a QR code linking visitors to information about the children.

"These discs are illuminated at night as a symbol for when neighborhood porch lights are left on as a beacon for children to come home," Jefrë said. "When a child returns home, their light will turn off.",0,2265952.story
We're in a residential neighborhood with children on a street leading to an elementary school!! I wouldn't want my child having to pass that every day on their way to school walking or by bus!! Caylee definetely deserves a memorial-but it doesn't have to be where she decomposed!!:twocents:

Is anyone else getting the impression that the more interviews this "group" gives, the more it sounds like a 6 year old child who feels the need to embelish the story more each time in order to keep his audience' attention??? :floorlaugh:
Hey NewsJunkie, it said on the trademark site that the Justice For Caylee tm was for....stickers.

I remember those days,(I even took a couple of rides:crazy:) but I wasn't contacted about donating, that's interesting.

I don't think he contacted chatters. He contacted me as I was admin/head mod and about the 'business deal' for murt. He (?) didn't check out then to my satisfaction by a long shot.
You inadvertently brought up a very good question! :rocker:

Eddie Delvalle is a Doctor of what? :waitasec:

So I googled....

He is a Certified Neurogistics Practioner...but what is that???

So then I found this....

Here’s how the program works:

Start with the Practitioner Certification Tele-Seminar from the comfort of your home or office.

Course fee includes:

•Brain Wellness Program (including lab test/report) for yourself

•2½-hour Tele-seminar, includes Q/A with Pam Machemehl Helmly

•Complete course materials

•MP3 download of the Tele-Seminar

•Immediate certification as a Neurogistics Practitioner (frame-ready certificate)
So he got his "degree" online, in the comfort of his own home, after sitting through a 2 1/2 hour tele-seminar...

But won the prize of calling himself Dr......and even better, RECEIVED A FRAME READY CERTIFICATE IN THE MAIL!!!!! :rocker:


Oh dear. He does Well Body Care following surgery or illness. So what are the legal ramifications if he presents himself to the public as a doctor and he is not? Are there certain standard requirements for counselors in Florida? In some states they have to report to a clinical psychologist. Not looking too promising. jmo
Well, this is even more rediculous than what I had just posted!!:banghead:
George, Cindy Anthony attend event where group reveals plans for Caylee Anthony memorial

The planned memorial, if built, would center on a reflecting pond with a glass ring — intended to provide the effect of a floating halo — hanging above it.

Leading to the pond would be a walkway, walled with cubby holes for visitors to leave stuffed animals, flowers and other mementos. Those would be collected, Jefrë said, and given to children's charities.

The memorial also would be lined with hundreds of glass disks, each containing the name of a missing child and a QR code linking visitors to information about the children.

"These discs are illuminated at night as a symbol for when neighborhood porch lights are left on as a beacon for children to come home," Jefrë said. "When a child returns home, their light will turn off.",0,2265952.story
We're in a residential neighborhood with children on a street leading to an elementary school!! I wouldn't want my child having to pass that every day on their way to school walking or by bus!! Caylee definetely deserves a memorial-but it doesn't have to be where she decomposed!!:twocents:

NOT TO MENTION LITTLE CAYLEE WAS FOUND UNDER WATER RIGHT THERE. SO if the child comes home deceased, does that child light go out?????????????? SORRY, but a CHILD'S LIGHT NEVER GOES OUT and I am losing it so love you all and see ya tomorrow if I can hold it together.
Well, this is even more rediculous than what I had just posted!!:banghead:
George, Cindy Anthony attend event where group reveals plans for Caylee Anthony memorial

The planned memorial, if built, would center on a reflecting pond with a glass ring — intended to provide the effect of a floating halo — hanging above it.

Leading to the pond would be a walkway, walled with cubby holes for visitors to leave stuffed animals, flowers and other mementos. Those would be collected, Jefrë said, and given to children's charities.

The memorial also would be lined with hundreds of glass disks, each containing the name of a missing child and a QR code linking visitors to information about the children.

"These discs are illuminated at night as a symbol for when neighborhood porch lights are left on as a beacon for children to come home," Jefrë said. "When a child returns home, their light will turn off.",0,2265952.story
We're in a residential neighborhood with children on a street leading to an elementary school!! I wouldn't want my child having to pass that every day on their way to school walking or by bus!! Caylee definetely deserves a memorial-but it doesn't have to be where she decomposed!!:twocents:

What are they aiming for - another theme park with neon lights? It sounds hideous.
Come and walk where Caylee was dumped and decomposed... sanitize it up a bit and sell admission tickets. UGH
Darn, this is shrouded in mystery.
I was reading the FAQ on their site. Did anybody read them. Rather bizarre, especially about the " no Christian name" "founder" of this outfit.

Started in 2006. tax exempt in 2009.
And this really kills me , started by a professional boxer, identified only as "The Champ".
No real name, nothing, but apparently not of this world anymore since it has "in memory of " on his picture. All rather very bizarre. Wonder whose pic of "the founder" that really is. Bet it is ancient since it is black and white. Am not a man but is that jacket not kind of short for today's fashion, more like the fifties?. Ditto for the spectacles?

Also the reg. of their by proxy, domain name, is not that the same outfit as for by proxy domain name? Just a coincidence?

One of their goals is to prevent Child Abductions. I'm very curious as to how that would work because from my perspective all the money in the world cannot stop someone from abducting a child if that is their intention. jmo
Darn, this is shrouded in mystery.
I was reading the FAQ on their site. Did anybody read them. Rather bizarre, especially about the " no Christian name" "founder" of this outfit.

Started in 2006. tax exempt in 2009.
And this really kills me , started by a professional boxer, identified only as "The Champ".
No real name, nothing, but apparently not of this world anymore since it has "in memory of " on his picture. All rather very bizarre. Wonder whose pic of "the founder" that really is. Bet it is ancient since it is black and white. Am not a man but is that jacket not kind of short for today's fashion, more like the fifties?. Ditto for the spectacles?

Also the reg. of their by proxy, domain name, is not that the same outfit as for by proxy domain name? Just a coincidence?

I'll bet WE can figure out who this "professional boxer" is...

Here...I will start....

On your link to the BringKidsHome site you posted...

A Writing From His Personal Notebook

A teacher was walking around the class to see what the children were drawing.

She stopped where a little girl was drawing, and said "What are you drawing?"

The little girl said "I am drawing a picture of God."

The teacher said, "Nobody knows what God looks like."

The little girl said, "They will in a minute!"

But look what I found in about 60 seconds....

What is the picture you have in your head of God? I am reminded of the story of the little girl in Sunday school who was drawing a picture during craft time. The Sunday School teacher asked the little girl what she was drawing. The little girl replied “I am drawing a picture of God”. The Sunday school teacher said, “but no one knows what God looks like”, to which the little girl replied, “well, they will after they see my picture”.

And of course, this one.... 2 1-21.pdf

In one if his sermons, Peter Gomes tells the story of a little girl in Sunday School. “She was busily drawing with all her crayons and all her might, when the teacher asked her what she was drawing. ‘I am drawing a picture of God,’ she said. Her teacher replied, ‘But, my dear, nobody knows what God looks like,’ to which the little girl replied, without stopping, ‘They will when I am finished.’”

I'm thinkin' that wasn't a "writing from his personal notebook".....
Oh dear. He does Well Body Care following surgery or illness. So what are the legal ramifications if he presents himself to the public as a doctor and he is not? Are there certain standard requirements for counselors in Florida? In some states they have to report to a clinical psychologist. Not looking too promising. jmo

I can't find him licensed here in FL. But perhaps there are no requirements for what he does.

He did receive (or his tbc productions received) a $62,000 grant from Seminole county. I posted about that a couple pages back. So, he must be legit.
I can't find him licensed here in FL. But perhaps there are no requirements for what he does.

He did receive (or his tbc productions received) a $62,000 grant from Seminole county. I posted about that a couple pages back. So, he must be legit.

Did he actually receive it, or just apply for it? And wasn't that in 2004? jmo
I agree that a memorial at this site is a terrible idea. There are many suggestions upstream that would better honor Caylee.

Caylee was murdered and thrown away in that spot. Why would anyone want to go and take a walk on a brick walkway to where Caylee's mom threw her away like garbage and eventually her bones were discovered?

Right now, everyone's emotions are still on a roller coaster because no guilty verdict was rendered to give justice for Caylee in this case. People are not there to view and remember her death bed. They are gathering there to remember Caylee and to find a logical conclusion where there is none. Healing for all will take time.

This Bring Kids Home organization is preying on the emotions of caring individuals still reeling from the death and injustice of Caylee. It is just a money hungry group trying to grab a buck while they can. Instead, they would be better served by helping to find kids who are truly missing and could still be brought home - as their name implies.

I heard GA say on HLN that it was hard for them to visit the site, but alluded to being there before. I don't recall them being there before to visit and pray over the site unless it was when they were caught tearing down the cross and other items.

I wonder if anyone asked the A's today if they had taken their pool down yet?
I'll bet WE can figure out who this "professional boxer" is...

Here...I will start....

On your link to the BringKidsHome site you posted...

A Writing From His Personal Notebook

A teacher was walking around the class to see what the children were drawing.

She stopped where a little girl was drawing, and said "What are you drawing?"

The little girl said "I am drawing a picture of God."

The teacher said, "Nobody knows what God looks like."

The little girl said, "They will in a minute!"

But look what I found in about 60 seconds....

What is the picture you have in your head of God? I am reminded of the story of the little girl in Sunday school who was drawing a picture during craft time. The Sunday School teacher asked the little girl what she was drawing. The little girl replied “I am drawing a picture of God”. The Sunday school teacher said, “but no one knows what God looks like”, to which the little girl replied, “well, they will after they see my picture”.

And of course, this one.... 2 1-21.pdf

In one if his sermons, Peter Gomes tells the story of a little girl in Sunday School. “She was busily drawing with all her crayons and all her might, when the teacher asked her what she was drawing. ‘I am drawing a picture of God,’ she said. Her teacher replied, ‘But, my dear, nobody knows what God looks like,’ to which the little girl replied, without stopping, ‘They will when I am finished.’”

I'm thinkin' that wasn't a "writing from his personal notebook".....

Oh, I am having flashbacks about a group calling themselves The Beacon Project. They were ultimately linked to candy jars with a flyer of Trenton Duckett. When we finally found their website and tracked down the people involved, we found links to some of the usual suspects. That website which collected $$ "for missing children" had only one missing poster for months on end. IIRC, it was later connected to another link selling plastic jars, at bulk rates, to put the "missing' fliers on. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll bet WE can figure out who this "professional boxer" is...

Here...I will start....

On your link to the BringKidsHome site you posted...

A Writing From His Personal Notebook

A teacher was walking around the class to see what the children were drawing.

She stopped where a little girl was drawing, and said "What are you drawing?"

The little girl said "I am drawing a picture of God."

The teacher said, "Nobody knows what God looks like."

The little girl said, "They will in a minute!"

But look what I found in about 60 seconds....

What is the picture you have in your head of God? I am reminded of the story of the little girl in Sunday school who was drawing a picture during craft time. The Sunday School teacher asked the little girl what she was drawing. The little girl replied “I am drawing a picture of God”. The Sunday school teacher said, “but no one knows what God looks like”, to which the little girl replied, “well, they will after they see my picture”.

And of course, this one.... 2 1-21.pdf

In one if his sermons, Peter Gomes tells the story of a little girl in Sunday School. “She was busily drawing with all her crayons and all her might, when the teacher asked her what she was drawing. ‘I am drawing a picture of God,’ she said. Her teacher replied, ‘But, my dear, nobody knows what God looks like,’ to which the little girl replied, without stopping, ‘They will when I am finished.’”

I'm thinkin' that wasn't a "writing from his personal notebook".....

And I guess Peter Gomes is not a professional boxer.
Always thought that "The Champ" was Cassius Clay/Mohammed Ali anyway.
That web site is so phony.
Well, according to their webpage-3 contributors have donated a total of $135.00 towards their $25,000.00 goal for the Caylee Marie Memorial. I wonder if they asked for donations today?:waitasec:
Interesting video they have on youtube! Isn't Justice for Caylee what Cindy wanted to trademark?
[ame=""]‪Caylee Anthony Memorial Walkway‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
This whole topic sickens me because after years of researching on many cases of missing children I don't know which non-profits can be trusted, anymore. I'll stick with the NCMEC...b/c they seem to really be doing something to find and return the live children and recover the lost little ones.
And I guess Peter Gomes is not a professional boxer.
Always thought that "The Champ" was Cassius Clay/Mohammed Ali anyway.
That web site is so phony.

You would think that an organization that is so closely tied to religious believes would have taken a clue from lightning striking the tallest tree at the remains site the day KC was sentenced as a sign that maybe this is not such a good idea. jmo
Personally, I think it's an overall BAD idea to have a memorial at the site where Caylee Marie was dumped. Anywhere else, and I would almost be in favour -- a park, or a peaceful spot. When I think of the dumpsite, all I can muster up is violence and utter sadness. A garden perhaps in a Children's hospital.

And after seeing G&C there today, the site is really contaminated (IMHO). Didn't Cindy used to drive by and take all the teddies and flowers? Now she's releasing balloons at the site with George? I'm utterly confused.

No -- this is not the spot for a memorial for Caylee Marie Anthony. IMHO it's like putting a memorial path and walkway where Jessica Lunsford was buried alive (Please Lord, I hope someone didn't do that).


You would think that an organization that is so closely tied to religious believes would have taken a clue from lightning striking the tallest tree at the remains site the day KC was sentenced as a sign that maybe this is not such a good idea. jmo

Seriously though, I wish somebody would stick the FBI on that Champ Legacy , since they apparently also operate across state boarders.
It must be a fraud. Why lie about your founder?
It would be funny though if they bamboozled the Anthonys out of dough, especially gullible George.:woohoo:
They also sell 100 bucks T shirts on that site. Like donate 100 bucks and get a complimentary T shirt.
You would think that an organization that is so closely tied to religious believes would have taken a clue from lightning striking the tallest tree at the remains site the day KC was sentenced as a sign that maybe this is not such a good idea. jmo

Actually, Lambchop-It looks like the lightening strike is exactly what inspired Eddie Delvalle to make that swamp a memorial!:waitasec:
Another pastor, Eddie DelValle, told a crowd of about 150 people that he had been moved to do something to honor Caylee Marie after he visited the woods where her body was found and saw that a tree there was struck by lightning the day after Casey Anthony was acquitted of the charge of killing Caylee.

"That was divine intervention, and it inspired me to do something for the little girl. We're not even going to mention C-A-S-E-Y," said DelValle, reflecting a recently sprouted movement to boycott any movies, books or other enterprises that would allow Casey Anthony to profit from her worldwide notoriety.

With an escort of Orange County sheriff's deputies, DelValle's group quietly walked about one-quarter mile from the woods to the home of Cindy and George Anthony, Caylee's grandparents. For a short time they stood in front of the house, which showed no sign of activity inside, just a faded pink flag with the word "Peace" barely visible on it.

"People seem to want some kind of closure," said Yolanda DelValle, as her husband urged people not to think of revenge for Caylee's death.

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