Guardian Angels watching the Anthony Home

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I agree with you on most points! I agree with lawful protests and am glad there are people that care enough to take time out of their own lives to let this family know we don't think their behaviour is acceptable....and I don't mean because they are living with a possible murderer, but because their granddaughter is mis.sing and they seem more concerned about helping the person who made her disappear than anything else.

[snip]And sorry about the not being a mother comment. I regret making it.

Thank you and no problem. An emotional topic to say the least. :blowkiss:

The thing is I don't believe the A's can get KC to tell the truth no matter what they do - (and I do believe they've been trying). Even if they physically tortured her, I think she'd just keep on coming up with more/new lies. Everything so far indicates she'll be one of those who will swear with her last remaining breath that she's innocent. :bang:
NO! My understanding is that the Guardian Angels came into being to protect innocent residents who live in gang/drug infested neighborhoods. Those residents are poor impoverished souls who have no choice but to live in areas where there are shootings every day and they are afraid to leave their homes not because they are harboring a poi involved in misplacing her child and then lying to LE, but because they are trying to keep a roof over their heads and it's all they can afford. These people are guilty of nothing except they are poor - not the case with the Anthony's - they chose to bring her into the neighborhood when she could be either in a safe house or eating 3 squares a day off the Florida taxpayer dollar!
I can't believe the Guardian Angels would waste their time protecting Casey. Maybe next week they can go guard some child molesters??

<bolded part> Exactly! Why in the world are they protecting that female person?!:mad:
Maybe the Angels can better spend their time looking for little Caylee.

All these years and I thought the Angels were an org. that is here to help the "helpless" (for lack of better wording).:waitasec:
imo jmo moo
Oops....I put yes.....but only because they are not being paid by you or I. If they want to hang out in that circus atmosphere...then by all means.

They aren't paid by anyone, are they? If not..they can be whereever they want I guess. If protecting a lying murderer is what they want to protect...then they can have at it.
I heartily agree! When I first heard this news, I was surprised, tho't Guardian Angels protected the public from criminals. The criminal is being guarded in this case!

I don't think they're guarding Casey, rather looking out for the family and neighbors. The family is doing things we don't understand or agree with, but they're not considered criminals. Neither are the neighbors.

ETA: As the victim of a crime, I can tell you, I'm not offended by them being there.
There has to be some sanity in this situation. I watched the vigil Sunday night and there were too very clear groups: the ones there for the vigil and a possibly larger on of protestors plus a whole lot of cars of lookie-lous driving by on a constant basis.

The protestors moved over to what I believe is Casey's bedroom window and I became seriously concerned that they might rush the house and drag her out. It was incredibly tense situation. Some police were called and the protestors were forced to move across the street. But still it was only 2 police officers. Two police officers couldn't stop an angry mob if they were intent on taking the law into their own hands. I was also very worried about the cars driving by - how is anyone to know if these people are just lookie-lous or if they are armed and ready to fire on the Anthony house? It just takes a one vengeful person for the whole situation to turn even worse. I don't want to see this happen. I want Casey to be brought to justice by the American court system, not by a mob or individual taking the law into their own hands.

Regardless of what I think of Casey or her family, she is owed due process under the law. Right now, she has the legal right to be out on bail and she's on an ankle monitor, so she's not going anywhere. Since there is the possiblility that there may be a co-conspirator, perhaps after the fact, the police will need time to build a whole entire additional case and get that iron clad before making an additional arrest. So, I want the police to have all the time they need. That means making due with Casey's home confinement until such time as she can be brought to trial or arrested on more serious charges. Additional security is clearly needed, the Guardian Angels, a voluntary group, are not paid by our taxes, so I'm all for them being there.

I am for Caylee, the truth and justice.
Lots of hard working folks are now jobless, and losing their homes in Florida and everywhere.

I sure hope we aren't going to attach character generalizations to the protestors.

I remain neutral on WalMart.

I agree that it is pitiful how some are assuming they know something about the lives of these protesters...and managing to insult every unemployed person in the process. We haven't been introduced to all the protesters so it is nothing but narrow-mindedness to judge them all by the ones acting like idiots.
Do you think if the HOA and about 10 close neighbors go an talk to the A's civil, and explain how all this is interrupting there lives and Could the A's do all their outside work, water, fertilizing etc when Casey is at her attorney's then when she comes home just stay in the house or out in back and ignore all the chants, pointing out how they the A's are taunting them on with their hammers, tapes and signs..

What do you think..Would that help, I am sure these neighbors were friends before this all happened maybe someone might get thru.:woohoo:

Shotzie, the A's were in their house, sleeping or doing whatever when the prostesters came up the the house, throwing pennies at the windows, banging on the garage door. I don't see how they provoked that. What I did see from the videos was a bunch of young kids looking for trouble. Kids with nothing better to do that harrass a family after midnight. If someone did that to you, could you or would you stay inside? I mean that was totally out of control and unnecessary. If the Angels are there to keep down crowd control for either the A's or the neighbors, I say good for them.
I voted that I don't care either way. I don't thinks the A's deserve any special treatment or protection. However, I would hate to see some of these "protesterors" who are crossing the line by trespassing and getting physical turn the A's into the victims. So it doesn't bother me that they have decided to keep the peace. I hope the A's don't interpret the Guardian Angels involvement as support.
Guys??? Try to understand the protesters... many have no jobs, they sleep off the alcohol for part of the day then they have nothing meanigful to do with their lives...Maybe there is no 24 hour Walmart around where they live so they have no place else to go! Please understand. What is a jobless person to do without a walmart to go to....go to the Anthony's of course! Great place to mingle with people like you and come out on tv!!!! Bonus!!!! :rolleyes:

from your mouth to God's ears
It was shocking to hear that the Guardian Angels are protecting a woman who either will not or did not protect her young, innocent angel and the family who is shielding her from the stark but deserved consequences of her actions. My respect for the GAngels has just flushed down the tubes. If Team A wants their daughter at home while she's openly refusing to give verifiable, truthful information to locate her dauther, let them deal with the problems it creates. The guardian angels should be protecting the INNOCENT, not the guilty and their aiders and abetters! This is an awful decision on their part! Why isn't Nejame advising his clients to put Caylee's mom back in jail until she tells the truth? Doesn't this family want the truth? While the GAngels are protecting this lying thief and very probably baby- killing woman and those who are shielding her, innocent citizens could be harmed when they could have protected them!!! This is a travesty.
<bolded part> Exactly! Why in the world are they protecting that female person?!:mad:
Maybe the Angels can better spend their time looking for little Caylee.

All these years and I thought the Angels were an org. that is here to help the "helpless" (for lack of better wording).:waitasec:
imo jmo moo

Probably because they believe in the Justice system, and allowing it to work without vigilante justice.

Probably because they realize that Casey hasn't been charged with murder, is legally out on Bond, and is innocent until proven guilty.

And lastly, because there are 2 innocent Grandparents in that home as well who have a right to protection from mob mentality.

I'd say their reasons are more than valid.
they should be out at these wooded areas, at blanchard, at oviedo, and other places where evidence might get destroyed. they should be guarding the angel, not the devils.

they should also think carefully of the image they are now creating for themselves. theyve been known as the good guys protecting other good guys from the bad guys. they are very swiftly flushing their own organizations rep right in the toilet. sliwa really should very carefully reconsider their presence there. i have admired them greatly since i was a kid. in one fell swoop i no longer have respect for them. they have become "jerry springer" media ho's now in my eyes, lumped right in there with the anthony's, and that one younger male drunken smelly looking neo nazi neighbor who always parades around in front of news cameras every chance he gets, w/out a shirt on with tats, getting off on roughing up protestors for the anthonys. i HOPE the protestors are pressing charges against that smelly dirtbag too. if i can be made to feel this way about the guardian angels (and i never thought i could), anyone else who admired them will end up feeling the same. $upport for them will very quickly dry up.

they should guard the protestors FROM the drunken smelly dirtbag neo nazi skin head neighbor and from cindy a and geo a's hammers and baseball bats. IT IS FALSE IF THAT'S WHAT THEY CLAIM TO BE DOING, BECAUSE OTHERWISE, THEY WOULD BE STANDING WITH THE PROTESTORS, OFF THE PROPERTY, NOT ON THE PROPERTY WITH THE ANTHONYS. they could be just as effective keeping peace on BOTH sides by standing w the protestors. they are only making it worse coming off as if they are protecting the anthonys. the mobs are already screaming pretty loud for justice. why would they whip it up into a frenzy. thats just what they are doing.

what is the world coming to? when even the guardian angels have gone all "jerry springer."
excuse me, i just puked in my mouth....
No they should not be there. Casey and her family keep getting catered to. The family should put pressure on Casey to talk and throw her out. Ive never seen such a ridiculous circus in my life. Im fed up. Where IS Caylee???
So what was the deal last night?

A neighbor confronted someone in a car, who brandished a Taser and then drove away, hotly pursued by a Guardian Angel who caught up with them a street or two away and who then did what?

Yelled at them? Oh sure, that's a big help.

Some neighbors did confront one man, leading to a new criminal investigation.

"Some words were exchanged between people in the car and the neighbors. Subsequently, neighbors said a Taser was pulled out. It wasn't utilized, but it was activated. The car sped off," Lt. Larry Spahn said.

The Guardian Angels were able to follow the car and make contact with the occupants a few blocks away. Spahn said another confrontation took place, but no arrests were made.

ETA: Or was it the neighbor who pulled out the Taser, making the GA "chase" even more ludicrous?
I agree that it is pitiful how some are assuming they know something about the lives of these protesters...and managing to insult every unemployed person in the process. We haven't been introduced to all the protesters so it is nothing but narrow-mindedness to judge them all by the ones acting like idiots.

joooke...sorry! :bang: re-read what I said. I did not say that ALL JOBLESS people have issues. I only said that this SUBGROUP of the jobless population that also belongs to the group that likes to hang out LATE at Walmart has now found a NEW PLACE to go to make themselves useful. I also did not say ALL the protesters...only the ones acting like idiots that you identified. But it remains a joke. sorry if you didn't find it funny. :rolleyes:
Guys??? Try to understand the protesters... many have no jobs, they sleep off the alcohol for part of the day then they have nothing meanigful to do with their lives...Maybe there is no 24 hour Walmart around where they live so they have no place else to go! Please understand. What is a jobless person to do without a walmart to go to....go to the Anthony's of course! Great place to mingle with people like you and come out on tv!!!! Bonus!!!! :rolleyes:

Soooo this must include the Anthony Family as well because none of them seem to be working either .

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