Guardian Angels watching the Anthony Home

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The Guardian Angels should be elsewhere in Orlando if they want to serve the community here. I don't care if it is one, two or ten of them standing at that house, they need to stand where there is actually crime happening on a daily basis, not pennies or rocks being thrown at a garage door and windows, give me a break. Let me name a few just in case they might have forgotten what the purpose of them coming to Orlando (even though they were not asked to come but came regardless) was in the first place.

South Orange Blossom Trail (OBT), you know where the hookers and drug addicts walk the streets and it's not even safe to get out of your car and pump gas.
Michigan ave, and all the 21st, 22nd, and numbered streets in between, do not even go to this area and pray if you do your car doesn't break down.
Parramore and Washington Streets, the part of the hood in downtown Orlando, only minutes away from T.D. Waterhouse (Amway arena) were thousands of good citizens go for basketball games and events.
Pine (Crime) Hills, where shooting, carjacking, strong arm robbery, murder happens on a regular basis.
Orla Vista, gang capital it seems of greater Orlando.

That is just to name a few, if they need any help pointing them in a better direction than standing in front of the Anthony home dodging pennies I would be glad to make them a map.
I agree she has a right to bond out, right to a fair trial etc. From my viewpoint, it's not about that. It's about the fact that no one in her family appears to care about Caylee enough to give KC an ultimatum...tell them where their granddaugher is or live somewhere else. Their granddaughter is missing, they don't seem to care enough to pressure their daughter to talk. I think that is what people find disgusting.

Keep in mind that Casey has been advised by her attorney to speak to no one and this includes Casey's parents. Casey has no other place to live as this is her home and the Anthony's home is the approved residence for Casey while she is out on bail. The only other alternative is to find another place for Casey to live, which has to be approved by the court, or if the bond is revoked.
The Guardian Angels should be elsewhere in Orlando if they want to serve the community here. I don't care if it is one, two or ten of them standing at that house, they need to stand where there is actually crime happening on a daily basis, not pennies or rocks being thrown at a garage door and windows, give me a break. Let me name a few just in case they might have forgotten what the purpose of them coming to Orlando (even though they were not asked to come but came regardless) was in the first place.

South Orange Blossom Trail (OBT), you know where the hookers and drug addicts walk the streets and it's not even safe to get out of your car and pump gas.
Michigan ave, and all the 21st, 22nd, and numbered streets in between, do not even go to this area and pray if you do your car doesn't break down.
Parramore and Washington Streets, the part of the hood in downtown Orlando, only minutes away from T.D. Waterhouse (Amway arena) were thousands of good citizens go for basketball games and events.
Pine (Crime) Hills, where shooting, carjacking, strong arm robbery, murder happens on a regular basis.
Orla Vista, gang capital it seems of greater Orlando.

That is just to name a few, if they need any help pointing them in a better direction than standing in front of the Anthony home dodging pennies I would be glad to make them a map.

I'm dead serious, and I'm not talking about KC - something I believe I made clear. IMHO she is in the scum of the earth category and once she's convicted of murder I'd like to see ol' Sparky pulled out of retirement just for her!!!

In NO way am I ignoring the fact that she hasn't cooperated with LE or anyone else from day one. It doesn't seem like there's anything that anyone can do to get her to tell what she did to Caylee so that at the very least the precious child can be properly put to rest.

My feelings toward her and what should happen to her are quite strong. But that has Nothing to do with what's going on in the streets in that neighborhood!! Protesting is acceptable, but I know what protesting is (been there done that) and the majority of these people are Not protesting. They are creating a dangerous situation and a public nuisance -- and it's not having any impact on KC at all!! If (or when) someone gets hurt it won't be that driveling sorry excuse for a mother or human being!! Mob mentality is counterproductive and dangerous -- That is what I'm seeing and that is what I'm calling out!

And the icing on the cake is that all this is taking even more of the focus OFF OF CAYLEE. KC herself is taking enough attention off of the facts (people and the media being caught up in her drama), and now it's the people in the streets who are pulling attention away from the case and Caylee. They're not helping anything or anyone, least of all Caylee.

As to if I'm a mother or not, I won't dignify that assumption with an answer, but I will suggest that you might want to think twice before you start calling people out on things you don't have clue one about. Or perhaps I misunderstood and saw belligerence where none was intended??

I agree with you on most points! I agree with lawful protests and am glad there are people that care enough to take time out of their own lives to let this family know we don't think their behaviour is acceptable....and I don't mean because they are living with a possible murderer, but because their granddaughter is mis.sing and they seem more concerned about helping the person who made her disappear than anything else.

I hope the protestors might help, insofar as G & C may finally say to Casey, give us truthful accurate info re where Caylee is or you can't live here. I don't believe she is going to talk whilst she is being coddled by her parents at home. I think that if the parents did the right thing by their granddaughter, this protesting stuff would finish. I believe it is their own behaviour that is provoking it, and I think it is good for Caylee, as the story continues to get press every day.

And sorry about the not being a mother comment. I regret making it.
I agree she has a right to bond out, right to a fair trial etc. From my viewpoint, it's not about that. It's about the fact that no one in her family appears to care about Caylee enough to give KC an ultimatum...tell them where their granddaugher is or live somewhere else. Their granddaughter is missing, they don't seem to care enough to pressure their daughter to talk. I think that is what people find disgusting.

Oh how right you are! And the A's should just stay indoors and quite confronting these protesters, which I think is what some of these people are wanting. Their PR attorney is not doing his job. IMO they are acting no better than the protesters. In fact the way GA and CA are reacting makes me wonder about their involvement.

I also agree with some of the others here, that the HOA should be the ones to hire security. Orange County LE has enough to do without babysitting the A's. This was brought on by the A's; Casey by refusing to cooperate and the parents by harbouring her. I believe local newcast said even before the last 2 nights LE has had 42 calls to respond to at the A's house, many times multiple units. The other criminals in Orange Cty must be having a field day with some many officers tied up at the A's.
Keep in mind that Casey has been advised by her attorney to speak to no one and this includes Casey's parents. Casey has no other place to live as this is her home and the Anthony's home is the approved residence for Casey while she is out on bail. The only other alternative is to find another place for Casey to live, which has to be approved by the court, or if the bond is revoked.
Heh, heh...... gotta wonder how much she's really enjoying her new-found freedom, eh? Can't speak to anyone except for her attorney. How quaint.
The Guardian Angels should be elsewhere in Orlando if they want to serve the community here. I don't care if it is one, two or ten of them standing at that house, they need to stand where there is actually crime happening on a daily basis, not pennies or rocks being thrown at a garage door and windows, give me a break. Let me name a few just in case they might have forgotten what the purpose of them coming to Orlando (even though they were not asked to come but came regardless) was in the first place.

South Orange Blossom Trail (OBT), you know where the hookers and drug addicts walk the streets and it's not even safe to get out of your car and pump gas.
Michigan ave, and all the 21st, 22nd, and numbered streets in between, do not even go to this area and pray if you do your car doesn't break down.
Parramore and Washington Streets, the part of the hood in downtown Orlando, only minutes away from T.D. Waterhouse (Amway arena) were thousands of good citizens go for basketball games and events.
Pine (Crime) Hills, where shooting, carjacking, strong arm robbery, murder happens on a regular basis.
Orla Vista, gang capital it seems of greater Orlando.

That is just to name a few, if they need any help pointing them in a better direction than standing in front of the Anthony home dodging pennies I would be glad to make them a map.

Was going to say the same thing TY for saving my fingers :clap:
Keep in mind that Casey has been advised by her attorney to speak to no one and this includes Casey's parents. Casey has no other place to live as this is her home and the Anthony's home is the approved residence for Casey while she is out on bail. The only other alternative is to find another place for Casey to live, which has to be approved by the court, or if the bond is revoked.

I am aware of all of that. Which is why I think the grandparents ought to give her an ultimatum. I find it incredible that they can even look at the woman who made their granddaughter disappear, let alone care for her like they are.

In my family, the grandchildren are adored! If any went missing, and it was a parent's fault, I can't imagine we'd be having that "parent" stay in our house if they weren't co-operating with police in finding the baby.

It seems more and more from reading these posts, that lots of people seem to think it's socially acceptable to lose babies, that it's ok not to tell where they were lost etc. The only people Caylee had in this world were her family, and IMO, they have seriously let her down.
Keep in mind that Casey has been advised by her attorney to speak to no one and this includes Casey's parents. Casey has no other place to live as this is her home and the Anthony's home is the approved residence for Casey while she is out on bail. The only other alternative is to find another place for Casey to live, which has to be approved by the court, or if the bond is revoked.

Great post Patty, a voice of reason. :blowkiss:
I'm dead serious, and I'm not talking about KC - something I believe I made clear. IMHO she is in the scum of the earth category and once she's convicted of murder I'd like to see ol' Sparky pulled out of retirement just for her!!!

In NO way am I ignoring the fact that she hasn't cooperated with LE or anyone else from day one. It doesn't seem like there's anything that anyone can do to get her to tell what she did to Caylee so that at the very least the precious child can be properly put to rest.

My feelings toward her and what should happen to her are quite strong. But that has Nothing to do with what's going on in the streets in that neighborhood!! Protesting is acceptable, but I know what protesting is (been there done that) and the majority of these people are Not protesting. They are creating a dangerous situation and a public nuisance -- and it's not having any impact on KC at all!! If (or when) someone gets hurt it won't be that driveling sorry excuse for a mother or human being!! Mob mentality is counterproductive and dangerous -- That is what I'm seeing and that is what I'm calling out!

And the icing on the cake is that all this is taking even more of the focus OFF OF CAYLEE. KC herself is taking enough attention off of the facts (people and the media being caught up in her drama), and now it's the people in the streets who are pulling attention away from the case and Caylee. They're not helping anything or anyone, least of all Caylee.

As to if I'm a mother or not, I won't dignify that assumption with an answer, but I will suggest that you might want to think twice before you start calling people out on things you don't have clue one about. Or perhaps I misunderstood and saw belligerence where none was intended??

Well, I think you summed that up in a nutshell.
I posted this on another thread but I thought it might fit into this one as well.

I think the protesting has now turned into harassment. Protesters have a right to be on public property, but the latest incidents have gotten completely out of control!

Here is a link about peaceful protesting and protestors' rights.

Do you think the protestors would be there if Caylee was home? How is this not Casey's fault? Don't you have better people to make excuses for than moms who "lose" 2 year olds and go out to party to seemingly celebrate it?? Do you believe parents should be allowed to make babies disappear and then expect to live a peaceful life after?

I was not making excuses. I was bringing attention to the fact that the protestors aren't entitled to having the excuse that it is all Casey's fault. Ever single person in this world, over the age of accountability is responsible for what they do. Casey has been found guilty of nothing except in the court of public opinion. Do I think she is innocent? NO. But that doesn't change the fact that this whole thing is showing how dangerous the court of public opinion can become.
I posted this on another thread but I thought it might fit into this one as well.

I think the protesting has now turned into harassment. Protesters have a right to be on public property, but the latest incidents have gotten completely out of control!

Here is a link about peaceful protesting and protestors' rights.

Have you got any links to the "rights of children"?
Keep in mind that Casey has been advised by her attorney to speak to no one and this includes Casey's parents. Casey has no other place to live as this is her home and the Anthony's home is the approved residence for Casey while she is out on bail. The only other alternative is to find another place for Casey to live, which has to be approved by the court, or if the bond is revoked.

Can you really tell me that if this was your Grand-baby you would give a rat's behind what the lawyers said???????

Innocent people don't care what their lawyer said not to talk about. They just want their baby found.

I was not making excuses. I was bringing attention to the fact that the protestors aren't entitled to having the excuse that it is all Casey's fault. Ever single person in this world, over the age of accountability is responsible for what they do. Casey has been found guilty of nothing except in the court of public opinion. Do I think she is innocent? NO. But that doesn't change the fact that this whole thing is showing how dangerous the court of public opinion can become.

Caylee is missing....who's fault is that?????

If every person over the age of accountability is responsible for what they do, why are you not referring to Casey losing a child???? You think she's not responsible for that???

The only thing I have found her guilty of, is apparently losing her child (giving her the benefit of the doubt) and providing police with false information re the loss of same. I think we owe 2 year olds better than that.
Have you got any links to the "rights of children"?

I completely understand what you are saying! I didn't post that information in for the benefit of the protestors or for the benefit of the Anthony's. I was just posting it to show that there is a right and a wrong way to do things.

Please believe me when I say this. I think KC is guilty and I think her parents have been contributed to her a lot of her actions.
Keep in mind that Casey has been advised by her attorney to speak to no one and this includes Casey's parents. Casey has no other place to live as this is her home and the Anthony's home is the approved residence for Casey while she is out on bail. The only other alternative is to find another place for Casey to live, which has to be approved by the court, or if the bond is revoked.

Casey is 22 years old. Her parents are not responsible for providing her housing. It's legally Cindy's home. I don't see anything wrong with the alternatives you suggested. :) What would happen if Casey couldn't find court approved housing? I assume she'd have to go back to jail. Darn.
Are you comparing what you do in your own home to 2 year olds disappearing? In my family, making kids disappear would not have simply been considered "something is amiss".

You missed the point of my comment, which had nothing to do with missing children.

If we, as a country, are now going to start this outrageous fad of protesting a family , and being judge & jury with our demands of what goes on inside someone's home - then you'd better be just as worried if you aren't "up to par" with what someone else thinks that you should be doing.
"The Grandparents should be crying, I want to see them squeeze out a tear for Caylee" - and all the other assorted demands.

Here are the facts: The Grandparents are charged with nothing, they are victims of this horrid mess that they didn't ask to happen to them. There is absolutely no decent reason to be protesting them, just because Casey won't talk. Furthermore, we don't know what Casey is telling Baez, or how far Private Investigators are to locating Caylee.

Fact 2 - Casey made Bond, if you'd like to blame anyone for that, blame the judge! He allowed it, she made it. Case closed on that one.

Let LE and our Judicial System to actually work - you know, like it did in the old days a couple of short months ago and all the years previous to that?

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