Guest Speaker - Woman Who Spotted Caylee in Atlanta, GA

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What should be kept in mind here, I think, is that on July 2nd no one knew Caylee was missing. If someone managed to get her a seat on a plane, saying she was their daughter, why wouldn't they let her chat with someone? There would be no reason for TTT to take her picture. The people who took her would want to act as 'normally' as possible so NOT to arouse anyones' suspicions. While I firmly believe LE did investigate this claim and did not find it creditable - TTT believes she saw and spoke to Caylee. Question and debate, yes, but let us do it in a calm and respectful manner. TTT believes one thing, a lot of us believe another - that is what this board is all about, right?
A baby can fly on the lap up to 24 months old... and the ticket of the person's lap they are flying in, has to have that marked on their ticket. A 2 year old on the cusp of turning 3 would need their own ticket.
See I don't understand this--Because LE looked for an alive Caylee as late as Aug 15th

So if they were into looking for an Alive Caylee on Aug 15th why would they not look for an Alive Caylee on whenever TTT said they took her info

OCSO had just adjourned from the Bond Hearing where it was first announced that Caylee was thought to be deceased.

TTT had the unfortunate timing of coming closely on the heels in the aftermath of that Hearing with the sighting of a very much ALIVE Caylee, and it would seem that OCSO does not want the egg on their faces of having to backtrack their predetermined theory.
Welcome...and I am not sure what this thread is about either, but will continue to read. Just a note....I fly with my 3 year old grandson all over the U.S. on a regular basis, and have never been asked to produce a birth certificate or ID for the child (nor do I have custody of him). Tricia, is this a guest speaker? Maybe I missed something. Thanks

Me neither. My children have a different last name from me but it has never been questioned.
Ok folks Patty and I are getting tired of having to delete rude/snide post. Anyone who violates WS TOS Rules will have their posting privileges suspended.That also mean's having to waist to much of our time on one member it's all right there in our TOS rules. No one is making anyone come onto this thread and believe what TTT is saying. But we are NOT going to permit you to come on this thread and be rude to this member. IN OTHER WORDS MOVE ON IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE WHAT THIS MEMBER HAS TO SAY.
Then call OCSD and tell the Missing Person's Unit and Det. Melich to please hand the case over to the Homicide Squad.

With all due respect the fact that OCSD has not yet charged Casey with homicide does not at all mean that they are not going to or that Caylee is alive.

An investigation especially into murder is a sprint and NOT a marathon. They are compiling the facts in this case (which is under intense media scrutiny) and will file the charges when they have all of their ducks in a row and not one minute before that.

LE has my full support as I believe that when they do charge her it will stick to her like glue. Its a chess game and LE is simply playing chess. imho.
Didn't LE pay a visit to MH in California?? Couldn't the whole extended family be put under surveillance?? Why would a family want to be connected with a kidnapping?? Unless Casey cast a tale of child abuse to his family and they thought they were rescuing her? I do not put anything past Ms Casey with her tales. But at some point why not just own up to handing your child over.

What did Caylee and her "aunt" do from the 16th of June until July 2nd?? Why wouldn't they leave Orlando immediately??

However, it is a huge risk to take to keep quiet while the so many search for any sign of Caylee.

I have and open mind and would love for them to find her in a loving (sane) home, these are just ???
Don't you think that the adoptive parents (alleged) would have come forward by now to clear this up? They could very quietly contact LE, and LE would release the info that Caylee is (allegedly) alive. That's why I give no credence to the adoption story. What kind of people would let a person go to trial for murder when they could clear it up with just a mouth swab DNA?

No I don't think they would necessarily come forward, especially with the 9 months and 1 year to contest or challenge the adoption. They must know they would surely risk losing the child because C & G would challenge for sure. Also, as hard as it is to believe, there are still people out there who have never heard of Caylee or Casey Anthony.
Welcome TTT, I hope you feel able to freely state your experience here and that you will understand that the questions many posters have for you are not meant to be unkind or combative.

Hopefully we can all conduct ourselves civily even in if we find ourselves in disagreement.

I was just curious, since you mentioned Caylee was wearing her blue crocs when you saw her, was Cindy able to verify that they were missing or that she was wearing them when she left on the 16th with Casey? I was wondering because I had recall hearing about the pink t-shirt and shorts, but not what shoes she was wearing. Does anyone else have an idea about this?
When you hear G.A. saying that she says her name like "Antini" and not "Anthony"...he is speaking of our sighting. (Until had not been released.) I have not spoke with G.A. ever...but....I did speak to his wife the night before when I first realized who she was.

I do agree with jbar about Terminals A and might want to check the aiport about gate C5....I cannot explain that...but I do know that was the gate.

Is it possible that Gate C5 was your arrival gate in Atlanta, I seem to recall that Airtran arrives there in the C terminal?
As for the ID needed for children on planes. We have thought possibly that the lady had her on as a "lapchild". They do not require tickets as far as I was told, but do need ID.
Ask yourself....IF Caylee was kidnapped, why wouldn't they drive her in a car?
Why fly her and take the chance of her being seen, which they did.
Unless you have permission in writing from that parent to have her.
My 1st husband passed away. Up until that time, everytime I flew with my son, because now I'm remarried and have a dif name than him, I had to have a note from my ex stating I had his permission to fly him out of state, and now, I have to travel with his death certificate.

I asked the lady detective I spoke with that taped our recorded interview about this....her reply was, "Look, everyone that flies a child anywhere, whether with a ticket or not, has to have the name given so that IF that plane went down...they would need to identify everyone."
So...I'm assuming this lady had Caseys permission to fly this baby in writing.

I am having a really hard time with this one cause I have personally flown with my kids no less than 20 times in the last 13 years alone all over the country and to hawaii and have not once needed identification, letter, or anything else, none of the airlines have ever even said anything to me other than to let me preboard. So...either I am extremely lucky, or would have an excellent career in kid napping lol
SInce I know she was alive on July 2nd and what appeared to be in good hands...I have not had the opportunity as 99% of the public to asess(sp?) through all the stories and B.S. that she was not alive.

I can also say that when I made my original call, and met with detectives, they had just finished a week or trying to prove to the state in the 1st bond hearing that the mother had done something horrible to Caylee.

As for remembering the child 2 weeks later...well, I asked her name 3 times..(it is that of my husbands cousin that lives in NY with a daughter named Kaylie.) As I told Caylee, it was only the 2nd time that I had heard that name.
This child is NOT scared of strangers. She has a beautiful blooming personality and it was very clear she was use to "people." When I heard the name on tv...I immediately knew it was her.
For clarification of what TTT is saying, you really need to read through the locked Alive thread number 4 from page 17 forward.

All of TTT posts are there regarding her difficulty with LE's *laziness* and MH. I don't want to tangle this any further but I interpret that she believe's MH's sister was flying off with Caylee.
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ok...I'm going to spill some beans here and I probably shouldn't...god please forgive me.
When I heard about Mark Hawkins....the Marine in 29 palms....last week...I thought again all weekend, it kept coming to me....So somehow I looked him up and got a photo of him....the lady I saw in the airport has the same face as him!

I'm confused. MH was in drag?

LMAO! that's what it sounds like to me!
TTT: One of my friends was murdered and the information put out about it made it look like her husband killed her - but it turned out that he was also an intended victim in the murder - so I know that what we are reading in the press could be entirely wrong. OK, so I'm supporting you here as an independent witness. (for those of you who want to read about my friend's murder and the disinformation about the case, Google Caren Koslow.)

I've seen enough information out there, that it is believable to me that something entirely different is going on in this case than what we are all being led to believe by the press.

Now, my question is this, what specific information made you tie the person you saw with Caylee to the Marine who is in California?

Bumping this - because I really am intrigued - you think she was with a relative of the marine from California and she was taking Caylee to maybe his father's house, right?
I just find it strange that two weeks after her flight TTT would remember such precice details about a child that she had a brief interaction with at the airport before boarding a flight. My girls are very social, love to strike up a conversation with a friendly face in the airport. We flew recently and had a long conversation with a very nice couple - despite talking for the better part of a half hour I could not even tell you what color the woman's shirt was at this point. While I do not doubt that you believe that you saw Caylee I am not sure that your memories have not been influenced by the extensive media coverage in recent weeks of this case.

And FWIW my daughters both have blue crocs - they are very popular shoes in the under 10 set!

Why wouldn't she remember? Caylee was by then all over the news, and the child she spoke to at the airport repeated her name three times. People aren't stupid. I would remember a child I met two weeks ago if she turned up all over the news.

However, what you don't realize is that she provided all this information to LE before ANY of the pictures were posted, before George made that statement, before WS had thousands of pages of comments etc. Her report was made very early in this case, and has remained consistent throughout, even with all of the continuing additions of pictures, statements, and documents released.

Thank you.

How do we know that? And why on earth would LE consider her not credible?

We don't know, but we do know LE did not even count TTT's own child as being on the flight. LE said there were only two children on that flight when TTT insists that there were quite a few more than that.
Welcome TTT, I hope you feel able to freely state your experience here and that you will understand that the questions many posters have for you are not meant to be unkind or combative.

Hopefully we can all conduct ourselves civily even in if we find ourselves in disagreement.

I was just curious, since you mentioned Caylee was wearing her blue crocs when you saw her, was Cindy able to verify that they were missing or that she was wearing them when she left on the 16th with Casey? I was wondering because I had recall hearing about the pink t-shirt and shorts, but not what shoes she was wearing. Does anyone else have an idea about this?

Caylee's blue crocs have still not been located.
Great you believe everything you hear?
WHO said that the "decomposing hair" belonged to Caylee? (besides NG)

Not just NG, there have been others.
I just read about your sighting in the 400 pgs of Docs and all the children were accounted for on your flight, A lap child(feamale 05/01/07) and a 7 year old male . No other children were on there.
Is the info incorrect in the docs.?
You did state Caylee was on your plane, am I right in saying that? You seen her on the plane?
OCSO had just adjourned from the Bond Hearing where it was first announced that Caylee was thought to be deceased.

TTT had the unfortunate timing of coming closely on the heels in the aftermath of that Hearing with the sighting of a very much ALIVE Caylee, and it would seem that OCSO does not want the egg on their faces of having to backtrack their predetermined theory.

They woke a family up asking for their daughter's birth certificate in the middle of the night looking for a LIVE Caylee on Aug. 15th.

I have every faith that they are following up any and all credible leads.
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