***GUILTY MURDER 2nd Degree*** Jimmy Rodgers Trial Thread #2 (livestream) 2019.10.23

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This is the thing about Wayne's testimony, and I have listened to his direct 3 times now. The jury is not aware that he is a prime suspect in at least 2 other murders in MO. Many of us here know that. He can be charged in those cases any time. It is my understanding that MO LE is holding back doing anything until after these cases are resolved.

Keep that in mind when listening to his testimony. His main objective was to paint himself as a man who made a stupid choice and made stupid decisions along the way. Like this was his first rodeo and he was not a seasoned criminal. He said all kind of things where I just rolled my eyes and wanted to gag. "No, I wouldn't have a gun because I'm a felon and not allowed to have a firearm." "I don't understand affairs when you're married." etc, etc, etc... There are not enough :rolleyes: or :eek: to express my feelings about that stuff. Wayne is all about self-preservation. He doesn't want to say anything that paints him as evil, cold and heartless as he really is. That's why I don't accept his entire story of how things went down inside the house when the murder was committed.

BUT, enough of his story corroborates the physical evidence. Jimmy's hair on Teresa's leg is huge for me. For me it is really all about the physical evidence.
These Florida juries are killing me. I suppose it’s like others here have said. Many of us have followed this case since the beginning (Teresa is the reason I joined WS four years ago) and we know so much more than what was presented at trial. UGH. I was hoping for a quick GUILTY.
@beach... your thoughts re this jury?
Idk. I'm okay with everything right now. Not worried about anything too much.....yet. I think they have probably already agreed on some of the charges - maybe conspiracy, because that one is as close to a slam dunk as you're going to find. There is a lot to discuss. I know that for the rest of us, especially Teresa's family, waiting is the hardest part. Seems like an eternity.
This is the thing about Wayne's testimony, and I have listened to his direct 3 times now. The jury is not aware that he is a prime suspect in at least 2 other murders in MO. Many of us here know that. He can be charged in those cases any time. It is my understanding that MO LE is holding back doing anything until after these cases are resolved.

Keep that in mind when listening to his testimony. His main objective was to paint himself as a man who made a stupid choice and made stupid decisions along the way. Like this was his first rodeo and he was not a seasoned criminal. He said all kind of things where I just rolled my eyes and wanted to gag. "No, I wouldn't have a gun because I'm a felon and not allowed to have a firearm." "I don't understand affairs when you're married." etc, etc, etc... There are not enough :rolleyes: or :eek: to express my feelings about that stuff. Wayne is all about self-preservation. He doesn't want to say anything that paints him as evil, cold and heartless as he really is. That's why I don't accept his entire story of how things went down inside the house when the murder was committed.

BUT, enough of his story corroborates the physical evidence. Jimmy's hair on Teresa's leg is huge for me. For me it is really all about the physical evidence.

True on the corroboration. I think CWW is a monster. The story doesn't make sense but he admitted swinging the hammer and there is JRR's physical evidence. I just don't like that the state let him be evasive on the stand and let the appearance be that this was 100% what happened.

Here is to hoping for a swift verdict and both of these monsters put away for life (or, at least, 25 years+). Then on to the big fish who didn't have the guts to walk away from his lifestyle.... MS.
I agree with you. For 22 hours in the car, they never talked about it? For 18+ hours in FL, they never talked about it? You are about to commit a murder with no plan but you are lusting after your best friend's motorcycle. They can't be this stupid. But, why not come clean if you are implicating JRR in this? I am not sure that the prosecutors got the whole story and I don't understand why they did not insist on it. It makes no sense to me to be in that home with no plan and not know where your partner is.

But, if I were a juror and had the ability to convict on capital murder, I would want to know or I would only be able to convict on a lesser charge where the death penalty is off the table. That is just me.
IMO, their preliminary am visit to prepare for the more important visit, later, suggests they had a plan.
While I thought it was a great rebuttal at the time to 2hours of Curtis Wayne Wright is a liar, I think Hunter saying, "ok, discount his testimony, then" might be the greatest faux pas of it all so far. Not even so much for this trial, but the next.

I'm sure he was trying to say that JRR is so CLEARLY guilty that we don't need CWW's testimony to confirm our proof of GUILT. Hunter knows that some jurors may blow CWW off completely, because he's wearing a convict's uniform. He wants to hold on to those jurors, and keep emphasizing the facts. I know what you mean, though. It's a potpourri of psyches out there, of varied ages and belief systems. You want to make sure you don't lose, not a one! Or prevent a piece of the puzzle from being put on the table. It can make you hold your breath, for sure!
If CWW went to FL after the disappearance of his friend, it makes sense that MS would seek him out as a man who might kill for him.

Further, I have an inkling that CWW was setting up JRR by letting him use the Garmin connected to his email acct. Either as an insurance policy--you talk, I share all evidence-- or, to say he was going to rob the house but JRR killed her. When it all fell apart CWW knew the story had to change.
Well, it makes a little sense if it's true the time she'd be getting home was miscommunicated and she got home a lot earlier than they anticipated.

But that would be a detail that you confirm. It is easy to call the airline to see what time the flight gets in, use flight tracker on the burner phone or call your buddy. You would want to know for sure, right? Something is missing in the story.
IMO, their preliminary am visit to prepare for the more important visit, later, suggests they had a plan.
Yes, true. But, they still had no definitive plan according to CWW. I think there was something like a plan but it was not testified to and CWW made it all seem like it was happenstance. The question for me is why.
If CWW went to FL after the disappearance of his friend, it makes sense that MS would seek him out as a man who might kill for him.

Further, I have an inkling that CWW was setting up JRR by letting him use the Garmin connected to his email acct. Either as an insurance policy--you talk, I share all evidence-- or, to say he was going to rob the house but JRR killed her. When it all fell apart CWW knew the story had to change.

BOOM! This is where I felt the defense missed their biggest opportunity. I have always - even as far back as 4 years ago - felt that Wayne was setting up JRR to be the fall guy should anything go awry. My defense strategy would have been to be driving that point home every chance I got. To pound it into the heads of the jury. It's a lie that Wayne told JRR to leave his phone at home. Never happened. There's a reason JRR didn't have a burner phone and it has nothing to do with Mark. Wayne wanted all data to be on JRR's phone. There is a ton of reason to believe Wayne was setting up JRR. Lots more than I cited here. They skimmed and touched on that, but barely. Not nearly hard enough. There is also a plenty of evidence to convict JRR of Murder 1, but the defense could've made JRR seem more like a victim of Wayne's manipulation. Would have made the 28 yr old a far more sympathetic defendant. Big missed opportunity, IMO.
BOOM! This is where I felt the defense missed their biggest opportunity. I have always - even as far back as 4 years ago - felt that Wayne was setting up JRR to be the fall guy should anything go awry. My defense strategy would have been to be driving that point home every chance I got. To pound it into the heads of the jury. It's a lie that Wayne told JRR to leave his phone at home. Never happened. There's a reason JRR didn't have a burner phone and it has nothing to do with Mark. Wayne wanted all data to be on JRR's phone. There is a ton of reason to believe Wayne was setting up JRR. Lots more than I cited here. They skimmed and touched on that, but barely. Not nearly hard enough. There is also a plenty of evidence to convict JRR of Murder 1, but the defense could've made JRR seem more like a victim of Wayne's manipulation. Would have made the 28 yr old a far more sympathetic defendant. Big missed opportunity, IMO.

I agree totally with this! But I think part of the problem is they are counting on the jury to believe that there’s no proof JR was in the house. So they can’t admit to him going along with a premeditated murder under CWW’s manipulation, but then still claim he wasn’t there.
I wish these streaming entities would put the camera on the audience, when the jury is out, so we can feel like we're there, and be able to hear the conversations in the background. It's a public place and there are signs everywhere saying that you may be recorded, as I recall. Plus, we can't tell if our screens froze, or what?!! Glad I got THAT out of my system!
I agree totally with this! But I think part of the problem is they are counting on the jury to believe that there’s no proof JR was in the house. So they can’t admit to him going along with a premeditated murder under CWW’s manipulation, but then still claim he wasn’t there.
Agree. If I had been defense attorney, I would've conceded he was there. I don't think there is a chance the jury is ever going to believe he wasn't there. I would've just accepted the fact that he will be convicted on the conspiracy charge and tried to save him on the Murder charges.

Actually, the defense conceded that he was in FL during opening statements. He lied to his boss about going to see his brother's graduation. Wasn't there. GPS never indicates they drove to the other side of the state. Never happened. He is seen on video all over the country, particularly in Walmart. They were never, ever going to win that argument.
I agree totally with this! But I think part of the problem is they are counting on the jury to believe that there’s no proof JR was in the house. So they can’t admit to him going along with a premeditated murder under CWW’s manipulation, but then still claim he wasn’t there.
Oh, I misread. "In the house..."

<edited to remove misinformation so as not to add to confusion>
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Oh, I misread. "In the house..."

Jimmy's hair found on Teresa's leg. HUGE

Wayne didn't pluck it and leave it there.

YES. I caught that the other day—WHEW! Had been thinking it was just a fiber at first due to all stated about the jump suit. Not to be insensitive but I clearly remember one of Teresa’s feet in one of the crime scene shots.
Question... currently, where is the ball-peen hammer that was in the cooler. I can’t remember over the yrs, after reading thru so much via doc dumps, interviews, tech data & what all LE confiscated at JRR’s & CWW’s trailer homes. I only remember seeing the basic household hammer in crime scene photos. I don’t remember anything about the ball-peen hammer being thrown from the car AND no mention of LE looking for it on the side of the road either.
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