Guilty of first degree murder/verdict watch #2

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JY, as I understand it, will now have to go through a psych eval as part of his Central Prison intake/processing adventure. The one he so carefully avoided, giving away his daughter to do so. It's come back round again.
I'm very impressed with these two jurors that were interviewed.

(Wow what a difference between these 2 and the 2 that spoke out from that jury in Florida...aye yi yi )
She was very articulate, well educated, and no doubt a great leader for the jury. Good job.
Foreperson: Leaves experienced with renewed faith in justice system. Judge did a wonderful job. Heavy heavy responsibility for her. So important. If you're not serious about jury don't do it. Wants to communicate people who aren't serious about jury duty DON'T DO IT AND DON'T TAKE IT LIGHTLY. And don't post on social networks about drinking through it... [reference to jurors dismissed for tweeting from jury selection IRRC]

Elected FP, we went into room & we had 4 people who volunteered and did a secret ballot.

Extra pressure? I volunteered, I was familiar & comfortable doing it - i was up to the task.

Delib process...

Day 1; took first vote realized we were split down the middle, we started getting our emotions up from having them all bottle up

halfway through the day we started getting structure, how we wanted to proceed, breaking things down

6/6 or 7/5 friday - 7 in favor of guilt end of day friday vs. 5 undecided - no one was in NG column friday afternoon. No one was firmly in the NG for very long, maybe 1 or 2 initially but they moved to undecided pretty quickly

Monday who is on the fence and really talk about their reservations so we could get them off the fence one way or the other - what are your questions, the things that are gnawing at you - lists all over walls, dry erase boards, we read through the law - what it meant, 1st degree, 2nd degree - working in concert -

9/3 10/2 11/1 finally got to unanimous 12/12 then after lunch asked JS for 20 minutes to pray over it and mull over it individually to make sure were all fine with our verdict - took a couple more votes after the break and everyone was sure in their verdict.

It was really good to finally talk to the 11 other jurors to get my questions asked, i was tipping to G by the end of the day friday - hc statement about the puzzle really stuck with me the analogy made sense you don't need all the pieces to see the big picture another juror said look at all these coincidences and the CE, you don't need every piece.

One piece of evidence stuck out to her - the baby, Cassidy, the fact that someone would take that much time to clean up the baby after committing a brutal crime like that just didn't point to that many people - if it was random who would come in there and do that. That was my feeling. Did not take into account what the DC worker said. The evidence said Cass was cleaned up PERIOD. It was based on the fact that child was clean and someone did it - in my mind the only person to have the compassion & fore thought to do that was Jason. JY cared more about that baby - i think he underestimated this was his plan, he didn't account for what could go wrong IMO. He didn't know what to do when that child got around her mother, he didn't know what to do - he didn't know what the outcome was going to be.

Speaking to LE - I can understand, there's a lot of feeling about LE about how they hone in on stuff - i very much agree with they probably honed in on him - if i had committed a crime, if i didn't like the person i committed the crime against, i'm going to make it that i'm not involve din any of this . if jy didn't kill his wife, he should have presented everything they asked for. he should have presented the shirt, the shoes - he didn't he couldn't. i understand theres no fps or dna from jy, but there isn't from anyone else either.

testify - well after seeing the pt evidence, im not sure him testifying would have helped him. he would have had to fill in a lot of holes from his first testimony - damned if you do - damned if you don't. Cassidy was cleaned up! he couldn't produce a shirt or shoes - even if the shoes were given away you couldn't produce the shirt - it just didn't make any sense!

People who aren't serious about JY get off of it! It's a serious responsibility. It's a very, very important part of our system and shouldn't be taken lightly.

sorry for any typos!
thank you to everyone posting these juror interviews! :cheer:
Tracey said 'being on a jury is serious business'. 'Don't be on a jury if you aren't going to take it seriously.' 'Get off the jury if you aren't prepared to take it seriously and deliberate.' Emphasized that numerous times at the end of her interview. "It's too important a decision to not take jury service seriously.'
The missing clothes were the 'smoking gun' in this case.

No shirt, no shoes, no pants, no service!

Sounds like they got the best jurors ever! Thanks Judge Stephens!
Not split down middle.

4 men guilty, 1 woman guilty, 1 woman NG, the other 6 undecided.

That was their first vote on Friday.

By end of the day on Friday, the vote was 7 guilty, 5 undecided.

Yes, thanks for clarifying that. I had a phone call about that time and did not correct that additional comment by her.
Foreperson says she knows no fingerprints or blood linking him to case but none pointing away from him either. She could talk for days about this case. After seeing him testify from first trail don't think it would have made a difference to her. CY being cleaned up was big to her. Not presenting shirt or shoes to LE was hugh for her. Didn't make sense.

Yep, said who else would have cleaned her up! Then she said he loved her.
This jury is an excellent example, they should talk to other juries on the way to deliberate!
Oh yay! When I checked vinelink early this a.m. he was still at Wake with the old frightening mugshot still up! Enjoy your new residence Jason!!!
I am grateful for the jurors who have spoken out on their verdicts, and the clear thought and dedication they devoted to executing their duties as citizens.

I am grateful for all of you posters who have kept me updated during this trial, and today, when I could not watch the testimony, or interviews myself.
Madeleine, he will make lots of friends there, showing them how talented he is.
Loved that nobody on the jury bought the 'cigar story'. And the first juror to speak noted that the jeans in JLY's luggage didn't match the jeans he was seen wearing the last time he was in a photo. No jeans, no shirt, no HP's, no rounded toe shoes to produce. "If he had those items, why didn't he produce them for LE?" Some believed gracie, some not so much, but her testimony fit exactly into the timeline. They believed JLY unplugged the camera, and then flipped it up upon returning to the hotel. The first juror to speak, had the timeline down pat. She rattled off those times from memory. And everyone believed no random intruder would clean up a baby.
Both of these jurors were extremely articulate; and provided us a little bit of insight into how they reached this just verdict. It seems they didn't rush to judgement and really made an honest, thoughtful effort to go through each little piece of the puzzle that they weren't sure about. I thank the both of them for sharing with us today, and also for their time spent the last month listening carefully to all the testimony and evidence that allowed them to come to a guilty verdict that is more than deserved. This goes for the other 10 and the alternates too! As well as the 4 G's that refused to budge last summer that allowed justice to be served yesterday. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!!
These jurors did exactly what was asked of them. They made sure they understood the law, the definitions, they spent ample time going through the evidence, they worked together as a team, discussed areas of disagreement, looked at more evidence and came to a unanimous conclusion.

This really is what our justice system asks of 12 people who have been selected to serve.
Did you hear that they gave them a 6 page handout on circumstantial evidence? So, maybe giving them some educational instruction works. If these two jurors are any indication of the others, then this was a very intelligent group.
What happened? I just typed out a reply, and it disappeared?
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