*GUILTY*Randy Allen Taylor on Trial for the murder of Alexis Murphy 1 May 2014

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I don't have a link but one is in this thread in the start around the the 1st couple of pages about how her hair was found pull/ or cut in strange way with blood on it in ball in or under a sofa.

Btw I think the son is the key, everything revolves around his son or goes to his son. The best place to hide secret is with your kids. I learned that over time with abuse cases. What do you think??..
It is my opinion that most of the hair found was hair extensions, with some of Alexis' real hair attached to them. If RAT grabbed Alexis' hair thinking he could control her not knowing she had extensions, he might have had his hands full (no pun intended) when the extensions (and some hair) came loose and Alexis' was free of his grip at that time. I also have a feeling her nose ring and/or lip stud were ripped out, causing much of the blood.
Ghostwheel ,

Honestly for some reason it seemed the FBI agents Pittman and Mays thought RAT was going to confess. It seemed RAT wanted to make sure his son got some items. A 4 wheeler, a lawn mower and something I couldnt hear.

I guess playing good cop, to poor misunderstood RAT, He played liked he was going to tell them what happen but RAT sidestepped them anyway it was during this period they allowed RAT ex to bring the boy and get the 4 wheeler.
I thought it was odd that RAT is pretty sure he is going to jail now as he knows they know he has lied and he knows they found he body jewely and hair ,yet the most important thing to him is to get that 4 wheeler picked up.

Yes I think it is important somehow.
That is very interesting. RAT wanting to get rid of things is a red flag to me. Who gives a lawn mower to their son? It's like it was included to make giving the ATV just part of the package, as it were. But maybe I am focusing too much on the ATV. It's something that came to my mind before I even knew there was an ATV involved with RAT at all, though, so I can't seem to let it go.

BTW, thank you for your observations. It is appreciated.
He enjoys toying with everyone.
I read one quote where his attorney implied that Rat's, 14 year old son spent a lot of time in the old run down house where "the scrapbook" was found. Now, we hear he gave what was most likely the stolen ATV to his son. He picked up his son the day after he dumped Alexis or even the day he dumped her. Then, we hear he said that his son went to the HS with Alexis. If he didn't know who Alexis was and had never seen her, how or why would he know where she went to school. His son was 13 and turned 14 after Alexis disappeared. I read an article back in late August or early September talking about him going into 9th Grade.

He mentions all these little hints just to toy with people. He is a sick and evil creature.

Pops: if RAT does suffer from some performance issue, which sounds right, then maybe he wonders about whether he actually is a father.
I have seen the "His son could have been the one who..." defenses before. Danielle Van Damm always comes to mind, as David Westerfield's attorney tried to claim that Westerfield's son was the one who had the *advertiser censored* on Westerfield's computer. Who tries to throw their kid under the bus like that? I could not allow my attorney to do such a thing, were I in this situation.
The last person to testify Tuesday was an agent with the Virginia State Police.
He is the man who took photos of Taylor after he was taken into custody. He testified there were scratches on Taylor's lower back leg as well as insect bites over his entire body.
Hallahan asked if those scratches could have come from 4-wheeling, but the witness could not answer the question.

im sorry but I dis agree 100%. You know why because the examiner said they found her blood in his bed and his pillow.. if the fight happen in front areas, then why is anything on his bed. maybe it went that far back.

hitting some one in the head is not a automatic death. Everyone skull is different in density and everyone toughness is differ .I feel she was tougher than the average teen female . Because she ran track. and played volley ball her stamina would be great. which mean she was real tough in a way..

I don't know if she was tough enough to take a punch from a grown man.. Im not saying that ok, but I think if he hit from behind then she wouldn't have died on contact or been out cold. She would went down yes. this would lead to hair pulling. but she would have been able to grab him some where. His legs or waist I think. her regain would come round much quicker to. Again she an athlete she use to pressure circumstances, her leg balance was strong too I assume.

Not to say your wrong. but I think a rape did happen . Why is her blood on his bed?. We cant rule it out.. again its not a great distance away from the woods

This. Alexis was not a weak little thing. This was a 5'7, 155-pound 17-year-old who ran track and played volleyball and was stronger than the average teenaged girl. This was not someone who could be easily overpowered. I think the sheer amount of violence at the scene proves that, and I think that Taylor himself may have underestimated how strong she was.

I think the thought that Alexis wasn't sexually assaulted is just wishful thinking. Everyone wants to believe that she fought so hard that Taylor gave up on raping her, that she gave him a good kick in the balls, etc. Nobody wants to accept that she was most likely overpowered after a violent struggle, sexually assaulted and then murdered. But, sadly, this was probably the case.

The lack of semen at the scene also doesn't rule out a sexual assault. Sorry for getting graphic but, if Taylor was planning on killing Alexis the whole time (which he probably was) AND he was confident the body wouldn't be found, I can't really see him using a condom or ''pulling out''. There would be no point in it. Or, if he DID use a condom, he could have easily thrown it away somewhere.

Once again, sorry for the graphic description (it grosses me out too). But I totally agree with you.

Blood was found on Taylor's bed sheet, but it did not contain Murphy’s DNA.


eta; I wish they would say whose dna was found in the blood; RT's or unknown or ?


^^theses article says different. it saying the diamond stud blood on it under the bed it was found and contained AM blood, her hair had blood on it which some was AM blood. Im confused. It saying they cant rule out who blood it was. but it mixture of Am and RAt if not mistaken is they are trying to say? her is 99% certainty. which is about as high it goes in dna.

^^theses article says different. it saying the diamond stud blood on it under the bed it was found and contained AM blood, her hair had blood on it which some was AM blood. Im confused. It saying they cant rule out who blood it was. but it mixture of Am and RAt if not mistaken is they are trying to say? her is 99% certainty. which is about as high it goes in dna.

IIRC there was a mixture of blood, with Alexis being the major contributor and Taylor the minor contributor.
I'm a bit worried. I guess today the prosecution is going to have to show something that Alexis isn't alive. I mean, yes, I do believe RAT is guilty, however, I'm not sure the state has shown it. Of course we haven't gotten to hear the entire trial, so maybe more has come out that we don't know that would sway me more. But at this point, I could find him guilty of abduction because she wasn't allowed to leave the property of her own will. That I believe has been proven. BUT, I'm not seeing where they've proved death yet. I hope today pulls it all together, and some proof of death bands on hair, or amount of blood or something more substantial is shown.

Another problem I personally have an issue with is CRD. I don't think the jury knows as much about him as we do, and that's good. My issue is him stating he didn't know Alexis, hadn't been a vehicle with her, hadn't been in a room with her. BUT, he DID work at that McDonalds (which is probably how RAT knew of him) and in the very beginning of Alexis's disappearance we heard that Alexis liked going to that McDonalds to get a certain coffee drink DAILY! This is a small area we're talking about. Most people know someone who knows someone, type place. If you're working there, and someone is coming in daily ordering the same drink, I'm not so sure he didn't know her, or at least know that she was a regular customer. I'm not sure why he appears to be distancing himself from even knowing Alexis at all. I don't think he was her dealer, because if he was dealing he probably wouldn't have needed to work at McDonalds. And he moved to AL, which I don't find suspicious at all, and is still working for McDs.

It's possible he truly didn't know her at all, but to be fb friends, and working there where Alexis was a frequent customer...I'm just not sure. I don't think he had anything to do with Alexis's disappearance. RAT was too willing to roll on this guy, but refused to release the name of who he bought the other pot from?!?! That tells me he did NOT buy the pot from CRD.
Alexis may have been subdued at the camper, taken somewhere else and raped, and killed. Just don't know, and that bothers me. Was the ATV used? If so, would you be able to have an unwillingly passenger on the ATV, alive? I don't think so, but I don't know. She was however removed someway. What vehicle was used? Her own? His? a vehicle we don't know about? Or is she still on that property somewhere? Crawl space under that house? Attic of that house? Was everything taken out of that house? If no evidence of her leaving that property, then where the heck is she???

That’s when Taylor claimed that he left to buy a six pack, leaving Alexis and the man alone in the camper. When he returned he said the two were still there, and they all talked and smoked marijuana.< Please note RAt said in one statement him a crd smoked and drank but Am didn't smoke or drink.

The key words here a re "he left to buy beer". and they "all " smoked ."both was there when he came back" , This is very odd.. hallahan let the young man go. After his dna and phone records checked out he was not there. Most likely. what store did RAt go to purchase beer?

>Taylor's attorney, Michael Hallahan, was supposed to call Bradley as a witness in a few days, but he released him so he could go home<... This shows me he is reading online here or somewhere to get the jump .. Because he was at one point trying to pin trafficking/murder/kidnapping on the kid at one point, why change of direction so fast. why let him go??

Hallahan is a dirty guy in my opinion.

>He told investigators that she asked him if he still smoked, because she had apparently seen him do it sometime in the past. He responded saying he could use some weed<

I think 4guys hit the nail in the coffin he set her up with a CRd meet or I got pot lie. But one thing that get me is CRD dude said he barley knew her, how he get her twitter/fb or whatever it was. Why jump to meet him? She knew him from Mcdonalds, I think very well, he may have even tried to swoon her but she was too young and he asked could we be friend on social media, she was found of him so she gave him her twitter/fb. which is what I think/ Taylor played like he knew him as well.

Maybe using his phone to show her a fake message from him.. copy paste a picture on a false account.. This where the unknown person who going to meet would come in from a social media msg.< this can be solved if the parent of Am allow LE /FBI to hack into her personal social account on twitter/fb.< they can trace it back the isp and dns locations
I'm having the same feeling I had when the state rested in Casey Anthony's trial. I was actually crying because I didn't feel they proved the case. Even though I felt and still feel she's guilty. I still don't think the state proved it. Let too many lose ends. And I'm feeling that way tonight, and I don't like it.

Please state...bring it all together today! I know not all cases have a smoking gun, but I personally would like to see a bit more proof of death, even though I am not expecting to hear how she died, where she died, etc. Show the juries something other than she was injured. Something that says the injures would have reason to believe death.
I think the state wanted to stay away from the social media aspect as much as possible. They don't want to show the victim in a bad light, so to speak. They tried by having her Mom say the image Alexis protrayed on SM was not the true Alexis. I guess we'll see if defense brings any of it up.
And the suveilence cameras on RAT'S camper...why was that there? What was going on that he felt he needed a camera to protect? Was anything gotten from that camera to show anyone coming to the camper? Wonder when that camera was put up?? Wonder what the last recording of it showed?? Living in an old camper, but something there was worth him wanting it under camera! WHAT?!?!
Alexis may have been subdued at the camper, taken somewhere else and raped, and killed. Just don't know, and that bothers me. Was the ATV used? If so, would you be able to have an unwillingly passenger on the ATV, alive? I don't think so, but I don't know. She was however removed someway. What vehicle was used? Her own? His? a vehicle we don't know about? Or is she still on that property somewhere? Crawl space under that house? Attic of that house? Was everything taken out of that house? If no evidence of her leaving that property, then where the heck is she???

That is possible.. my distant cousin is a deer hunter he would put huge deers on front of crew cab atv/ I also looked deep into to this to see if 4 wheeler could do this carry things .. yes it possible with a rack

I saw a lot stuff you could use to move atv in deep territory as well. picture number 8 on the website

http://picsbox.biz/key/bulldog atv truck rack


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I think the state wanted to stay away from the social media aspect as much as possible. They don't want to show the victim in a bad light, so to speak. They tried by having her Mom say the image Alexis protrayed on SM was not the true Alexis. I guess we'll see if defense brings any of it up.

I agree at same time, I think you have show her immaturity and too kind people friendly skills to the court. I think in that aspect folks will come to understand her better. Its not building a I feel sorry for alexis thing.

But it showing Some folks take the alter ego to far.. This is what rat did not Am. He took it too far ( predator/stalking)and is using it versus her, because he is a thinker and just a doer. He know they wont take the avenue,. This is why he brought up the weed use. Guys like Rat and his lawyer hallahan use your dark un wanted unknowns on you.. ,
Local news... wsls 10 just said the state only has two witnesses to call today, and then the defense starts.
Martin has said Bradley was not in Nelson County that night and was ruled out as a suspect. Bradley, who graduated in 2007, testified he was dating Murphy's cousin when she disappeared. He and Murphy were Facebook friends, he added.
Bradley was surprised to learn of the allegations, he testified, adding he and his girlfriend were at a Madison Heights hotel the night Murphy vanished.
"Me and Alexis never drove in the same car together," he said. "I didn't drive a car."

Bradley was living in Shipman at the time and worked at the McDonald's in Lovingston, he testified. Taylor was working at the car dealership Bradley&#8217;s girlfriend bought a vehicle from, he said.
His hair was not braided in cornrows Tuesday; though he said he has worn the hairstyle in the past. He admitted to marijuana use but said he did not sell the drug to Taylor.

Mays said "at no point has this person come up" in extensive probing of parties related to the case and said it was "very odd" a supposed drug dealer would come to a place with which he isn't familiar.
"His DNA is nowhere in here," Mays said in the Aug. 11 recording, referring to the camper.
After Tuesday&#8217;s testimony, Trina Murphy, the teen&#8217;s great-aunt and a family spokesperson, said she hopes Bradley now can put the allegations behind him.
She called the accusations "the elephant in the room.&#8221;
"Clearly he wasn't there or involved," Trina Murphy said. "Hopefully he can move on with his life."

Alexis may have been subdued at the camper, taken somewhere else and raped, and killed. Just don't know, and that bothers me. Was the ATV used? If so, would you be able to have an unwillingly passenger on the ATV, alive? I don't think so, but I don't know. She was however removed someway. What vehicle was used? Her own? His? a vehicle we don't know about? Or is she still on that property somewhere? Crawl space under that house? Attic of that house? Was everything taken out of that house? If no evidence of her leaving that property, then where the heck is she???
I can't get the image of that large blue tarp, hanging right there in plain sight, on the swing set...in front of the run down house. It was just blowing in the wind. At first, LE didn't even take it. But it doesn't matter. RAT was accessible to all kinds of cleaning fluids and certainly cleaned away evidence. But it was almost as if that tarp was another taunting clue.
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