GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #1

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Alright, I’ve GOT to get some work done so won’t be able to transcribe after recess. (Who needs me anyway when you’ve got twitter LOL)

All updates appreciated.

Hugs everyone. Glad to see all of you, especially those that are popping out especially for HE’s case. I can’t believe it’s been 6 years.

I feel optimistic we’re going to get a guilty verdict this time. Knock on wood!!!!

Where is Heather?!?!!!

(ETA: Seems my dog has been trying to get my attention for the last hour. There are a pile of toys at my feet lol)
Thanks for transcribing for the time you were able to. Good job. I am watching but I dont hear well and I miss half of what they say.
This morning's opening from the prosecution:

“It’s been 2,093 days since Heather Elvis could wrap her arms around her father, Terry, and kiss her mother, Debbi, and tell her little sister, Morgan, that loves her,” assistant solicitor Chris Helms said.

“Sidney Moorer and his wife, Tammy Moorer, conspired, planned … and executed that plan to kidnap Heather Elvis,” Helms said.

Helms described to the jury the state’s theory of the crime. It started with Elvis and Sidney Moorer working together and then engaging in a romantic affair. When Tammy Moorer learned of the relationship, she restricted Sidney’s movements and actions, Helms said. That included handcuffing Sidney Moorer to their bed.

“He is handcuffed to the bed. She does not trust him enough to get up and pee in the middle of the night,” Helms said.

On December 17, 2013, Sidney and Tammy Moorer went to Walmart and bought a pregnancy test. They then went to Seaboard Street where Sidney Moorer called Elvis from a pay phone. It was their first contact in months, Helms said.

Elvis was tracked via her cellphone to Peachtree Landing outside of Myrtle Beach, where a truck believed to belong to the Moorers was also spotted.

The next day, Helms said, Sidney Moorer was no longer under Tammy’s rule. He was allowed to use a cellphone that Tammy Moorer took away, and Sidney Moorer returned to work.

“It’s amazing, it’s a circumstance,” Helms said, “and you can’t ignore it. It’s logic and common sense.”
From this morning's opening statements by the defense:

One of Sidney Moorer’s attorneys, Jarrett Bouchette, said his client had no reason to kidnap Elvis. Sidney Moorer had no way to make sure there was no physical evidence left behind, such as Elvis’ blood in the Moorer’s truck, he said.

“He had no motive to wish any harms on Ms. Elvis,” Bouchette said.

Horry County police were pressured by constant media coverage to make an arrest in the case and rushed in their investigation, Bouchette said.

“They want to make the community feel safe, they want to say they got someone,” he said.

Bouchette implored the jury to listen to the evidence and remember that Sidney Moorer is presumed innocent. He said if they do that, they won’t have to wonder in the future if they put an innocent man in prison.

“We can’t give justice to Heather Elvis by giving injustice to another citizen like Sidney Moorer,” Bouchette said.
Jumping in to say hi to all that has been here invested in Heather all this time. 2093 days. Wow. This day sure has been a long time coming.

I do believe in miracles and am praying that the miracle to our question finally occurs. Where is Heather?!
As we are on lunch break there is one thing that I've always wondered about and wanted to share the thoughts.

Even before SM's first conviction of Obstruction, I have always wondered why he didnt just throw TM under the bus in an attempt to get a more lenient sentence (and because most likely she was the ring leader anyways). And now with this new trial proceeding for more serious potential prison time for him, I asked myself again why he doesn't just throw her under the bus in an attempt to get some kind of good deal this time around.

Well in an attempt to answer my own question I believe he is caught between a rock and a hard place because there are no current active murder charges which would be much more time than the 30 years TM already got and which he could be facing during this trial.

So if he was to engage in some kind of plea deal and giving up the truth about his and TM's involvement , then the problem he has is new murder charges would likely come down on TM and him.

So if I assumed things correctly he is more or less caught between a rock and hard place. And that is a good thing to at least get him convicted of serious kidnapping charges this time around.

Anyway just some musings I had this morning. Carry on. :)
Sidney Moorer’s children were not present for the start of the trial.
I was wondering. I kept looking and didn't see them. I almost DM'd Nick Papantonis. Ha!

Also, from that article, SM's attorney is Jarrett Bouchette, who is part of the Johnny Gardner Law Group.

The South Carolina Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

The firm's website (Account Suspended) reads, "this account has been suspended." Gardner became Horry County Council Chair last fall. He was immediately under investigation by SLED for extortion. Solicitor Jimmy Richardson's report cited no credible evidence of extortion.
'It's time to move forward:' Horry County Council chairman reacts to investigation
Dennis Hart testifies he was the kitchen manager at TK when Heather worked there. He was told SM and Heather had been having sex on the patio after hours. Hart confronted SM, saying he didn't hire him to have sex with the staff. He asked why SM did that. SM's response, "because it was there."
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