GUILTY - Sidney Moorer trial, Obstruction of Justice, Heather Elvis, 28 Aug 2017 #2 *Appeals Denied*

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I agree. But what hangs me up is this....when he called her from the payphone did he tell her that he heard she might be pregnant and ask her to meet him to take a test? And if so, why didn't she tell Bri that? And if he didn't say that on the phone, why not? Did he think she would not meet him if he said that?

Right .. my thinking was she got upset because he said something about leaving TM .. nothing about the pregnancy test .. but how he knew to get the test is where I am stuck .. like Madeline said, maybe he caught wind of it .. but what caused them to kidnap her at that time .. did she take the test and it was positive? was there even enough time for that? it's such a heartbreaking case .. and yes, only Heather can tell us what happened and unfortunately she has been silenced ...
Oh, there's no denying she found him attractive, based off of her social media posts as well as her coworkers' accounts. That doesn't answer the questions why or how, though!!! I guess I've always felt like people have a bit of self-awareness when it comes to knowing "their league." SM was not in HE's league.

I can't just let it go at "she just did, and that's that!" I want to know what it was about him, for her. He doesn't come across as intelligent, let alone intellectual. He worked as a maintenance man (although HE said he 'builds things' where she worked, whatever that meant), obviously didn't have a ton of all the typical reasons a 20 year old woman would be interested in a 38 year old man seem to just fly right out the window. I mean, he's not absolutely revolting, but he has the lifestyle, the look and the mannerisms of a lower-middle class white trash nobody. It blows my mind that she wouldn't take one look at him and think, "I'm better than that person."
With all due respect, I think you're projecting your own preferences here. Everybody has different tastes. There are certain actors that most women gush over, and I don't find them the least bit attractive. Putting aside what we now know about SM, I can see where Heather may have found him attractive. To project my own preferences here, I find scruffy men to be more attractive. I am turned off by hair gel and huge muscles. At no point in my life has money been an attraction to me, and most certainly not when I was 20. I was living for the moment, not looking for a future. A man who is capable of "building things" or fixing things or just knowing how to use his hands? Yep, I can certainly see why Heather may have been drawn to that.
A possible pregnancy is what caused their reactions all of a sudden. SM and TM got wind of this possibility and that was the nail in HE's coffin, so to speak. Are you guys forgetting that SM specifically drove to Walmart to purchase a pregnancy test 30 min before calling Heather from that payphone? It wasn't just a coincidence.


For me, I did forget that. I could see where that could be reason enough for SM to try to contact her again. And if TM had found out about a possible pregnancy then I could see where she may have been right in the middle of it too.

Its such a tragic and sad case.

HE did not deserve to die over this. Pregnant or not. It should not have been a death sentence for her. The M's now deserve whatever they have coming in the way of sentencing and future trial verdicts.
Of course just my opinion but throwing it out there... I think this was orchestrated by TM. She was already, obviously, angry and then could have heard about a possible pregnancy and that just set her off. She could have told him to take care of it and he was too much of a wimp to stand up to her. He probably went along with whatever she said which he obviously did based on past behavior. I don't really buy he was handcuffed to the bed but to even be the type of man that would tell other people he submitted to it shows his insecurity.
I want to add that I have renewed faith in this judge. He seemed very fair this time around and I am glad for that.

I suspect he learned a lot more about who he has been dealing with.
I want to add that I have renewed faith in this judge. He seemed very fair this time around and I am glad for that.

I suspect he learned a lot more about who he has been dealing with.

I think he was still too rude to NL He was awful to her several times.
I think he was still too rude to NL He was awful to her several times.

Yeah he may have been because i didnt get to watch the whole trial. I was just happy with the final verdict and I did get to hear his sentencing speech which I did like his reasonings.

One thing I didnt like was the last trial. My goodness. The way he chopped down the prosecution attorney during her closing argument was just not right at all. I know they are supposed to have some sort of time guidelines but that was ridiculous the way she was chopped off before she could even present her chart.

I just hope the next phases go smooth with fair to both sides.

And I pity anyone that has to go before this judge. Except for the Ms because they do deserve whatever they have coming to them as I feel they are guilty as charged.
This was always the part I never understood. What could HE have possibly found attractive about that man? I feel like that has shaken my world view nearly as much as her disappearance!

I totally understand where your coming from, derpderpy. We have to remember Heather was only 19/20 years old, so.....
When I was 24 I met a guy my age and I just thought he was the greatest thing ever, looks body, you name it, he was perfect. We had an on off relationship a few years and then he moved me in with him and I thought I died and went to heaven.

After almost a year living together I knew it wasn't going to work, but before I had any time to move on he did it for me while I was at work. I came home to an empty apartment. This happened in December 92 or 93, cannot remember. My world just crashed and I already had severe abandonment issues. I never saw him again, worked very hard to get over him and I did, even though I still have nightmares.

Move on 12 or 13 years to 2004. I had retired from my old job b/c of the physical pain and was getting back to working after a 6 year hiatus and I was selling high end jewelry and refereed to myself as a 'diamond thief' at a nice wholesale/warehouse chain.
I wasn't working there two months and who do I see staring at me? Yep, the boyfriend from hell!
I ignored him and it wasn't long before I was seeing him in there more often and then his sister comes in who lives in Hilton Head 2-1/2 hours away and she is asking me all kinds of questions about my personal life, am I married, boyfriend, blah, blah, blah. I told her I was in a long term relationship with marriage in the next couple years and then I told her to tell her brother to leave me alone and I wanted nothing to do with him.
He would come up to the jewelery counter, stare at me and creep me out. I had enough creepers following me around anyway and he just repulsed me.

I tell this story I rarely ever tell because at 23/24 I thought he was awesome and could do no wrong and now I don't even find him attractive and cannot for the life of me see what I saw in him years ago.
Too bad Heather cannot have the same luxury as I do now.
Of course just my opinion but throwing it out there... I think this was orchestrated by TM. She was already, obviously, angry and then could have heard about a possible pregnancy and that just set her off. She could have told him to take care of it and he was too much of a wimp to stand up to her. He probably went along with whatever she said which he obviously did based on past behavior. I don't really buy he was handcuffed to the bed but to even be the type of man that would tell other people he submitted to it shows his insecurity.

I agree 100%. I think there is a good chance HE's murder was planned in advance, right down to the disposal of her body. TM planned it and SM did what he was told. The pregnancy (whether real or not) was the motive.

Look at their actions that night. I think they knew where Heather was, were possibly even stalking her. The weird public sex, timing of SM's phone call after Heather was home from her date.

Maybe fours years away from TM will give SM time to let the gravity of their actions sink in. Is it too much to hope he cops a plea and tells the truth?
This deserves everything he gets.


So.... no movement on a "date" for the gag order violation for TM?

WOW! I'm glad he is where he belongs and deserves to be for at least nine years. Will he be eligible for early release? I've been busy with RL lately. Great seeing you all are still here for Heather!
With all due respect, I think you're projecting your own preferences here. Everybody has different tastes. There are certain actors that most women gush over, and I don't find them the least bit attractive. Putting aside what we now know about SM, I can see where Heather may have found him attractive. To project my own preferences here, I find scruffy men to be more attractive. I am turned off by hair gel and huge muscles. At no point in my life has money been an attraction to me, and most certainly not when I was 20. I was living for the moment, not looking for a future. A man who is capable of "building things" or fixing things or just knowing how to use his hands? Yep, I can certainly see why Heather may have been drawn to that.

Oh, without a doubt I'm projecting my own preferences. It's the lens through which I view life. It takes all kinds, and your post makes that even more apparent! I appreciate the response!
I totally understand where your coming from, derpderpy. We have to remember Heather was only 19/20 years old, so.....
When I was 24 I met a guy my age and I just thought he was the greatest thing ever, looks body, you name it, he was perfect. We had an on off relationship a few years and then he moved me in with him and I thought I died and went to heaven.

After almost a year living together I knew it wasn't going to work, but before I had any time to move on he did it for me while I was at work. I came home to an empty apartment. This happened in December 92 or 93, cannot remember. My world just crashed and I already had severe abandonment issues. I never saw him again, worked very hard to get over him and I did, even though I still have nightmares.

Move on 12 or 13 years to 2004. I had retired from my old job b/c of the physical pain and was getting back to working after a 6 year hiatus and I was selling high end jewelry and refereed to myself as a 'diamond thief' at a nice wholesale/warehouse chain.
I wasn't working there two months and who do I see staring at me? Yep, the boyfriend from hell!
I ignored him and it wasn't long before I was seeing him in there more often and then his sister comes in who lives in Hilton Head 2-1/2 hours away and she is asking me all kinds of questions about my personal life, am I married, boyfriend, blah, blah, blah. I told her I was in a long term relationship with marriage in the next couple years and then I told her to tell her brother to leave me alone and I wanted nothing to do with him.
He would come up to the jewelery counter, stare at me and creep me out. I had enough creepers following me around anyway and he just repulsed me.

I tell this story I rarely ever tell because at 23/24 I thought he was awesome and could do no wrong and now I don't even find him attractive and cannot for the life of me see what I saw in him years ago.
Too bad Heather cannot have the same luxury as I do now.

Thank you for sharing your story! The psychology aspect of this case has been very interesting to me, I think because it humanizes it that much more. Every one of the people involved in this case, in one way or another, is a character of some sort. They all have their own stories about how life brought them to this point, and that in each of their individual situations, justified their actions in their own minds.

I hope you never have to see that jerk again!
Thank you for sharing your story.

I hope you never have to see that jerk again!

<snipped for clarity>
Thank you, derpderpy.

The only place I want to see SM AND TM is on trial for Heathers murder & in shackles, period!!

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Will 'certainty of punishment' for Sidney Moorer help crack Heather Elvis' disappearance?

Truslow said Moorer planned to appeal because of the &#8220;lack of evidence&#8221; indicating his client had obstructed justice. &#8220;One problem is that the common-law obstruction charge is really so vague and overbroad that it is unconstitutional," Truslow said. "I also believe it is obvious that much more of the trial had to do with the underlying allegations."

Dennis, the presiding judge, is expected to set a date for the kidnapping retrial, likely putting Moorer's case before his wife's.

A former prosecutor said it&#8217;s common for solicitors to advance an obstruction case with the ultimate goal of cracking a larger one. But he wouldn't expect them to stop after a conviction, especially with 10 jurors opting for a guilty verdict in the previous kidnapping trial &#8212; only two shy of a unanimous decision. That close vote and the recent conviction leave prosecutors thinking that &#8220;they have the right guy for the right crime."

With a year already served in jail, Moorer is expected to be eligible for parole in another year and a half, Assistant Solicitor Josh Holford indicated during his sentencing proceeding. At most, Holford said, Moorer is likely to serve only 55 percent of his 10-year sentence on the nonviolent misdemeanor. That would give him a release date in about four years.


According to what I've read in the South Carolina DOC policies, Moorer is now going to now have to conform to their "grooming standards." No more growing a goatee!

All male inmates' hair must be neatly cut (not to exceed one [1"] inch in length) and must remain above the shirt collar and above the ear (not touching the ear).

Facial hair, full beards or mustaches only, of a 1/2 inch maximum length are permitted for all inmates. Each inmate who grows facial hair will have their photograph taken pursuant to SCDC Policy OP-21.04, "Inmate Classification Plan," Section 66. These photographs will be taken of the inmate without facial hair and with facial hair. Inmates must continually trim and maintain their facial hair to not exceed 1/2 inch in length.

Inmates are only permitted to have full beards or mustaches. Goatees and other partial beard styles are not permitted. Inmates whose beard is patchy or thin will be allowed, but must be in compliance with the 1/2 inch length.
Oh, so THAT's why he looks so sad :tantrum::jail:
Where was he "lodged" when he spent that month or two in jail for the gag order? Obviously not here, because they didn't shave his head that time.

I'm hoping it came as a complete shock to him, he probably thought he could spent the next 9 years with his hair and goatee.
So.... no court date for TM yet??


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