GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 - #10

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TE, ME, BW and TM. From the link:

Friday’s broadcast also features interviews with Heather’s sister, Morgan, and her friend, B**** W*******. Additionally, Tammy Moorer sits down for her first interview since being convicted. Dateline first reported Heather’s story on the broadcast’s Missing in America digital series, shortly after she disappeared in December 2013.

She did that interview prior to her conviction - their headline is misleading.
This is really in response to @brandalous and her great post! I too believe that TM was using her mother's car to follow or stalk Heather. I wonder if the "Got he ad" was really TM letting someone know that she had Heather's address that night?

Thanks! It looks like I still said a no-no, though I swear I re-read the first post in the thread before I posted to make sure I was in the clear! I thought I was OK, so maybe I need to PM someone in charge for clarification. I'm usually a very good rule-follower, so it's bugging me to fall askew here. :oops:

Also, I agree with what you said about the "ad" text.
bolded by me

What I can't make sense of is if they had a flip phone and used a payphone then why incriminate themselves by using Heather's phone for her last phone calls to Sidney ( a 4 minute call from her apartment parking lot and several calls from PTL? Those calls drew attention on Sidney and that is why detectives showed up at his home the next day.

I haven’t posted in years but this conviction gives me hope again... The testimony from defense witnesses gives the prosecution even more to work with for future cases , plural, IMO.
RE phones : Why ? Bottom line is, TM REALLY wanted this to happen & convinced herself she could explain the calls away . Here’s how,IMO:
HE was not expected at work the next day, her room mate would be out of town for weeks & she had JUST been dropped off by a guy she went on a first date with. That’s when the payphone call was made . IMO they expected HE to agree to meet w/SM right away . She didn’t & it blew up their original plan.
Somehow,again IMO, they knew about these events & thought it would take longer for HE to be reported missing.
When HE started returning calls,I think TM convinced herself incoming calls could be explained away as HE trying to get SM back, so they finally answered . Maybe they even convinced themselves that it would work to their advantage >>she must have been depressed because SM wouldn’t agree to see her & she 1) left town 2.)committed suicide 3)the new guy got angry she was calling SM & he hurt her.

The call HE made to BW changed everything & exposed SM . TM WAS NOT COUNTING ON THAT!

After that it was connect the dots for LE. TM is genuinely angry that people don’t believe her lies over the truth from HE’s friend .

IIRC , there were no hits by a cadaver dog at the landing or in the truck (???) & the time period is so short to kill & clean up a site, that I think HE was alive when she left the landing. I think more people /vehicles were involved in whatever happened after that.
I’m not allowed to point fingers , but I don’t think I need to . From the trial , it’s kind of obvious who TM shared her affinity for acts of humiliation & revenge with .
**All just my own opinion & pure speculation .**

The Elvis’ life will never be the same , they will always hurt . The VERY LEAST that needs to happen is for those involved be brought to full justice .
If they kidnapped and killed her at PTL as LE theorizes, the car causes the same problem for them, so why would they be dumb enough to commit the entire crime that close to their house?

I think they got her at LB's, but no matter how or why the car was at PTL, it posed the same problem for TM/SM.
I think they lured HE to PTL and kidnapped her there--she got into their truck. At that point, they had to commit a murder & conceal a body--I think the car at PTL was forgotten in the chaos of what was happening.
In the first picture, you can see the trash bags still fully packed with Heather's belongings. You can also see a beach/pool towel and some bedding next to the suitcase. In the 2nd photo, you can really tell how high things are piled on top of the suitcase. I don't believe she would've thought she could shove all that down in there and get the suitcase to close. When I was 20 and living with roommates, my clothes were strewn all over my bedroom floor, unless we straightened up for a party. And if we went on a road trip, who knows how long my stuff would sit in my bag when I got back. And I had a dresser and a closet! I don't mean to project; I'm just using my own time machine to try and put myself in the mindset of a 20-year old. Anything is possible, but I believe she was just living like a 20-year old. JMO.
Where do you find evidence pictures like this.
Where do you find evidence pictures like this.

We got them from SM 1st trial (or 2nd) but a group of us watched the live streams and saved them from there. I had an entire photo album on the old thread but have no idea how to access it here. We also have the deleted texts and pictures of the inside of Heather's car.
We got them from SM 1st trial (or 2nd) but a group of us watched the live streams and saved them from there. I had an entire photo album on the old thread but have no idea how to access it here. We also have the deleted texts and pictures of the inside of Heather's car.
HA! I was just tagging you saying I used your post. :D
I think they lured HE to PTL and kidnapped her there--she got into their truck. At that point, they had to commit a murder & conceal a body--I think the car at PTL was forgotten in the chaos of what was happening.
Thats what I think as well. I think Sidney pulled up in his truck, lured her in and Tammy was in the backseat. Similar to what David Graham and and Diane Zamora did to Adrienne Jones.
I haven’t posted in years but this conviction gives me hope again... The testimony from defense witnesses gives the prosecution even more to work with for future cases , plural, IMO.
RE phones : Why ? Bottom line is, TM REALLY wanted this to happen & convinced herself she could explain the calls away . Here’s how,IMO:
HE was not expected at work the next day, her room mate would be out of town for weeks & she had JUST been dropped off by a guy she went on a first date with. That’s when the payphone call was made . IMO they expected HE to agree to meet w/SM right away . She didn’t & it blew up their original plan.
Somehow,again IMO, they knew about these events & thought it would take longer for HE to be reported missing.
When HE started returning calls,I think TM convinced herself incoming calls could be explained away as HE trying to get SM back, so they finally answered . Maybe they even convinced themselves that it would work to their advantage >>she must have been depressed because SM wouldn’t agree to see her & she 1) left town 2.)committed suicide 3)the new guy got angry she was calling SM & he hurt her.

The call HE made to BW changed everything & exposed SM . TM WAS NOT COUNTING ON THAT!

After that it was connect the dots for LE. TM is genuinely angry that people don’t believe her lies over the truth from HE’s friend .

IIRC , there were no hits by a cadaver dog at the landing or in the truck (???) & the time period is so short to kill & clean up a site, that I think HE was alive when she left the landing. I think more people /vehicles were involved in whatever happened after that.
I’m not allowed to point fingers , but I don’t think I need to . From the trial , it’s kind of obvious who TM shared her affinity for acts of humiliation & revenge with .
**All just my own opinion & pure speculation .**

The Elvis’ life will never be the same , they will always hurt . The VERY LEAST that needs to happen is for those involved be brought to full justice .

Welcome back to posting MissJames.:):)
Your entire post seems very possible.
It is what was used by LE in many of these points, and finally NL put her case together.
Surely, as you state, there will be more with future cases.
That's why I think someone took TM's & SM's phones back to the compound, so they would ping there. I feel like the plan was to leave Heather's car at her apartment, but something went awry with that plan. Maybe the person driving it panicked if their ride wasn't there to pick them up right away? Maybe that panic caused them to call from the only phone in their possession (Heather's) to SM's phone? Maybe that's why nobody answered the first call to SM's phone from Heather's? Maybe that's why the truck drove so fast to and from PTL to pick that person up, because it wasn't part of the plan? JMO.

I think that is why so many of us (at least me) think that it wasn't Heather using her phone for those calls. IIRC in this trial, after that call or during (?) NL states the car and truck are both in motion towards PTL so either that was one M calling the other M or they left when Heather called saying she was at PTL. It just makes the rest of her activity in between the payphone call and PTL odd. She left her apt & went to LBs then towards home then back to LBs then all the way back home briefly then to PTL. I just think if it were Heather alone she would have called or text or posted on SM if she was just "killing time" waiting for a call back. IDK though. That part of the timeline is what gut punches me b/c I can't imagine how terrified and shocked she was whenever she realized she was not in a safe situation that lead to her disappearance. :(


For years I have thought she was gone before the car got back to her apartment, and there's more to the story, and I think perhaps it's coming together. I think the above 3 posts are onto something.

I've just always had this feeling that she was posting and waiting for somebody to come by her house. And somebody did come by her house. And those phone calls were not all from Heather. So these put together start making sense in some way

ETA I tried to do a multi post with three posts together to make sense of what I was saying. It only captured two so I failed at doing a multi post to make sense of it all. Oh well.
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I think they lured HE to PTL and kidnapped her there--she got into their truck. At that point, they had to commit a murder & conceal a body--I think the car at PTL was forgotten in the chaos of what was happening.

I also agree that she was lured to PTL. I think she was taken from there. I think she parked her car and then got in the truck. From there I could only guess. On that note, I think since her phone last pinging at the landing, I think that is the only narrative the state could have gone with. There are many things that could have happened if we ponder, but the reality is that her vehicle and phone were traveling there at the same time that truck was. I can't imagine the state laying out a narrative that surmised that someone was using her phone at this place or that someone drove her car and phone to the landing. I am not saying it isn't a possibility, but it would have been hard to throw out these possibilities at the trial. I have to go with what was presented at the trial as the most believable set of circumstance with the evidence that had to put together this case.
I also agree that she was lured to PTL. I think she was taken from there. I think she parked her car and then got in the truck. From there I could only guess. On that note, I think since her phone last pinging at the landing, I think that is the only narrative the state could have gone with. There are many things that could have happened if we ponder, but the reality is that her vehicle and phone were traveling there at the same time that truck was. I can't imagine the state laying out a narrative that surmised that someone was using her phone at this place or that someone drove her car and phone to the landing. I am not saying it isn't a possibility, but it would have been hard to throw out these possibilities at the trial. I have to go with what was presented at the trial as the most believable set of circumstance with the evidence that had to put together this case.

I agree but open to other options. I think Heather got the PG test from SM at LB's, then took the test back to her apartment, then called with the results. Tammy could not bear the possibility of having to pay support to Heather. Tammy enjoyed harassing and stalking Heather but paying child support was not an option she would even consider.
I've just always had this feeling that she was posting and waiting for somebody to come by her house.
RSBM: Do you think it was SM? Sidney called Heather from the payphone at 1:35 am (4.83 minutes). Heather called Bri at 1:44 am (2.2 minutes). Heather posted to Tumblr from 1:53 am to 2:09 am (10 posts). Heather tried calling the payphone at 2:29 am (9 attempts). Heather's phone first pings at LB's from 2:42 am to 2:56 am.

Are you thinking she agreed to let SM come to the apartment or maybe meet him at LB's during the 1:35 am payphone call? If so, based on BW's account of hers and Heather's conversation, BW was discouraging Heather from being in touch with SM again. So I could see Heather not telling BW if she and SM had decided they would meet or he would stop by. I hadn't considered this possibility before.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013:
1:12 am SM seen on surveillance parking his truck in a handicap space at the Seaboard Street WalMart
1:19 am surveillance footage of SM buying pregnancy test and a cigar at the Walmart. Paid with cash.
~1:15 -1:30 am – SS dropped HE off at her apartment were he stayed for 5 minutes, said HE didn't answer any calls during their date, she was in a good mood but tired, not crying or upset.
1:35 am – HE receives a call from SM; call was placed from a payphone & lasts 4.83 minutes (payphone at Kangaroo gas station on Seaboard Street and Mr. Joe White Avenue)
1:44 am – From her apartment, Heather called her roommate BW, who was in Florida, and spoke for 2.2 minutes; was crying and upset after the call from SM because she was trying to get her life back together after her affair with him and harassment by TM.
1:53 – 2:09 am – 10 posts are made to HE’s Tumblr account
2:29am: Heather tried to call SM back at the pay phone number 9 times, but no one answered. She never had another conversation with anyone.
~2:42 - 2:56 am - HE's phone was pinged at Longbeard's Restaurant, in the Carolina Forest area (according to GPS records). Four additional calls were placed to the pay phone during this time (not sure if that includes the 9 above)
~2:57 - 3:01 am - HE's phone pinged from Longbeard's Restaurant to Augusta Plantation Drive and back (according to GSP records)
~3:02 - 3:15 am - Fifteen GPS records indicated HE's phone was back in the area of Longbeard's. Two more calls were placed to the pay phone.
~3:16 - 3:19 am - HE's phone went from Longbeard's back to her residence. Two calls were placed to the SM's phone.
3:16am: Heather tried to call SM's cell phone, no answer
3:17am: Heather called SM's cell phone and spoke with someone for 4.15 minutes; (Phone pings place HE’s phone at her house & SM’s phone at his house)
~3:20 - 3:24 am - HE's phone remained at her residence.
~3:25 - 3:35 am - HE's phone moved from her residence on White River Drive to the Peachtree Boat Landing.
3:36am: A security camera at a private residence 1.7 miles from the M home recorded a distinctive late-model Ford F150 coming from that direction and heading toward Peachtree Landing
3:37 am - HE's phone was at Peachtree Boat Landing. Four outgoing calls were placed from that phone to SM, but there was no answer
3:39am: A security camera at a business D&S Siteworks 1.2 miles from Peachtree Landing recorded the Ford F150 heading toward the landing
3:41am: All data and GPS signals ended on Heather's phone
3:45am: The security camera at D&S Siteworks recorded the Ford F150 returning from the direction of Peachtree Landing
3:46am: The security camera at the same private residence recorded the Ford F150 returning from the direction of Peachtree Landing toward the M home
3:47 am – Suspicious activity/car report is made @ Atalaya Place, Myrtle Beach SC
~4:00 am - HCPO patrolling the area of Peachtree Boat Landing discovered HE’s car locked and abandoned with all its windows intact. No signs of Heather.
Good job - but 2:29 you say that was the last phone call and she never had another conversation with anyone and that’s not so. She did speak to someone on Sydney Moorer’s phone later.
Also the very last notification her phone sent out was in the wildlife refuge.
Atalaya Place activity has always been disconcerting to me and then the way they posed with those guns & grins & all of the smirking that went out afterwards.
Has it been brought up HOW SM knew where/when HE was and got home? Do you think she was followed all night? Had she talked to SM before and told him she was going out on a date? Did TM and SM just happen upon her that night accidently? The timing was just too tight, too perfect for everything. What if SS had stayed longer than 5 min? I know.. lots of what ifs.
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