GUILTY - Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #4

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However, my thoughts are just that TB likely had life insurance <modsnip>


Bosmas were tight with money. Plus, usually the payouts for life insurance are pretty meaningless, well under the $100k+ income replacement value. To get insurance for a $1mln+ payout they test your blood, etc. Not sure if they would even cover murder.
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Threads are case specific, so this isn't a general discussion thread for all 3 cases. When discussing information from TB's case and LB's, then please make it clear how it relates to the Wayne Millard murder trial thread, or post it in the appropriate thread.

If WM’s health was improving I don’t understand why it seemed he had very much distanced himself from business operations. Why didn’t he notice DMs toys all over the hangar? IIRC he took JS there the prior weekend.

It must’ve been quite toxic company dynamics - a company employee attempting to manage a part owner, a son, on behalf of the other part owner, the father.

It seems to me like WM chose to turn a blind eye to everything DM was doing - both at work and at home. He (it would seem) allowed DM to treat his house like a party house (even turning the basement into a "club"), to have various friends live there at different times, and to do all kinds of sketchy things there (MM testified that they could do drugs freely in the house). I feel like, had he wanted to, WM could have kicked DM out as there were certainly other places he could have stayed (condo being renovated, his mom's house, etc.). So it would seem that either WM willingly let DM do whatever he wanted, or maybe he was just avoiding any sort of confrontation/conflict with his son and "status quo" was easiest way forward, or he was in denial, or maybe he did try to get him to change his ways and DM was manipulative...or maybe he was afraid of his son?
If WM’s health was improving I don’t understand why it seemed he had very much distanced himself from business operations. Why didn’t he notice DMs toys all over the hanger? IIRC he took JS there the prior weekend.

It must’ve been quite toxic company dynamics - a company employee attempting to manage a part owner, a son, on behalf of the other part owner, the father.

A lot longer drive than it was to the Toronto hangar. One reason.
The MRO would not have been dependant on a runway expansion. They have a 8399 ft runway which is plenty for a Boeing 757 which is the largest aircraft the hangar is able to accommodate

I have in mind a problem with width, not length.
It seems to me like WM chose to turn a blind eye to everything DM was doing - both at work and at home. He (it would seem) allowed DM to treat his house like a party house (even turning the basement into a "club"), to have various friends live there at different times, and to do all kinds of sketchy things there (MM testified that they could do drugs freely in the house). I feel like, had he wanted to, WM could have kicked DM out as there were certainly other places he could have stayed (condo being renovated, his mom's house, etc.). So it would seem that either WM willingly let DM do whatever he wanted, or maybe he was just avoiding any sort of confrontation/conflict with his son and "status quo" was easiest way forward, or he was in denial, or maybe he did try to get him to change his ways and DM was manipulative...or maybe he was afraid of his son?

Yes, any of those scenarios are possible. Unfortunately the Crown wasn’t able to present any evidence of friction between him and his son that could suggest a motive for murder. Instead WM was portrayed as “happy” but that can’t be totally realistic either if, at the same time, he was fully competent and astute in directing his new multimillion dollar business venture. There remains a lot of unknowns that I thought would become clearer during the trial.

“.........Millard's lawyer, Ravin Pillay, completely discounted the Crown's motive in his own closing submissions.

"Not a single witness came before this court and suggested there was any discord between Mr. Millard and his father," Pillay said. "There is nothing in the record before you that supports this one way or another."......

........Cameron zeroed in on that fact in her closing submissions, and said "everything was coming up Wayne."

"He was happy," she said......”
Millard shot father to escape future he didn't want, prosecutor tells murder trial | CBC News
A lot longer drive than it was to the Toronto hangar. One reason.

Millardair was not an active business at Pearson airport in Toronto for a number of years prior to CM passing on in 2006. One building was used for storage of old Millardair aircraft and another was rented out iirc.
My pensioner life started in front of my first owned laptop in 2012 with cases AGleave, Ancaster, and TBosma, if I remember right.
AGleave murder is still unsolved today.
TBosma murder turned out to be just one of three crimes, committed by DM. Back then, I saw a lot of attractive pics of DM and heard of his wealth. I diiid nooot waaant to believe he could have anything to do with the murder, let alone 2 more murders!
2018 I'm smarter now re the crime/s, but still deeply disappointed.
May be many others didn't receive anything. Doesn't mean that Bosma's daughter shouldn't.
Agreed, it shouldn't mean she shouldn't.. however, it also shouldn't be that people don't mind that WM's murderer gets off on the charges so that another of the same murderer's victims can receive WM's estate monies.
Agreed, it shouldn't mean she shouldn't.. however, it also shouldn't be that people don't mind that WM's murderer gets off on the charges so that another of the same murderer's victims can receive WM's estate monies.
The fact that DM or his mother have not shown one tiny bit of remorse for the horrific things he was involved with, it proves more that DM was quite capable to murder his father.
He does not care about anyone even his father who wanted to help him.
He repays a father who only had DM 's best interest by murdering him.
Someone said he was a coward and he is. I also think he was quite capable of snuffing out the life of three adults the night he went to the Bosma house and even doing harm to the child.
If you don't care about your own father and can kill him in the most horrific way he did, that is a dangerous person.
We need a timeline of DM's girlfriends! :D

No we don't. I believe he has so many it would jam up the internet. IMO Too many to count most likely. Girlfriends at different levels.

Her question as I understood it was why WM wasn't annoyed at all the toys DM had there and why did it seem he distanced himself in light of feeling better?

My answer was it takes a lot more thought and energy to drive an hour from Etobicoke to Waterloo. That alone may have been reason to not be on site esp. during construction.
I have in mind a problem with width, not length.

I feel the problem which may have been stated in MSM is Waterloo is too close to Toronto airport. Would have to have a fleet plan to land there specifically for maintenance and Waterloo would have needed to be passed for such size first. Perhaps it was a chicken or egg scenario. If they'd gotten interest, the airport perhaps would have moved on it. I don't really know.

Westjet have had the largest planes there, if I'm not mistaken, and even they had trouble filling the flights so some of theirs ceased only flying from Toronto. Cancelling an out of the country destination made them or almost made the airport lose its "international" status.
Would be interesting for DM to have a brain scan to see what it shows IMO.
They did some testing on the serial killer that murdered all the gay men. It was done before he got caught many years ago when he was charged with assault. Nothing showed up, no psychopathy. It was not a brain scan but probably tests by a psychiatrist.
I guess there is no foolproof way to know if a person is capable of being a serial killer.
It seems to me like WM chose to turn a blind eye to everything DM was doing - both at work and at home. He (it would seem) allowed DM to treat his house like a party house (even turning the basement into a "club"), to have various friends live there at different times, and to do all kinds of sketchy things there (MM testified that they could do drugs freely in the house). I feel like, had he wanted to, WM could have kicked DM out as there were certainly other places he could have stayed (condo being renovated, his mom's house, etc.). So it would seem that either WM willingly let DM do whatever he wanted, or maybe he was just avoiding any sort of confrontation/conflict with his son and "status quo" was easiest way forward, or he was in denial, or maybe he did try to get him to change his ways and DM was manipulative...or maybe he was afraid of his son?

Or maybe, in a weird way, WM felt comfort having his son nearby, and like a doting parent, he was completely unable to see his son’s faults. “DM, you young whipper snapper, you record-breaking pilot of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft, now get on there, you scamp...”
DM could do no wrong in WM’s eyes. WM would let young DM get away with murder, so doting was he.
And DM just might...
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