GUILTY - Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #4

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Gee I wonder why. Didn't cry for Tim or Laura. Could it be he is crying for the money/assets?? (rhetorical question)

I honestly think it was crocodile tears, tears for show while Justice Forestell was still in the courtroom ... the judge who, over the next few weeks, will be considering what his sentence should be.

IMO, his smile after the judge left was to say to those in the courtroom "see that, see what I can do".
Just heard the news and I'm thrilled that this judge was able to find enough evidence after that botched investigation to render a guilty verdict in this trial. Thanks to everyone who posted up the information this morning. Crying after the verdict? SMH
So that's a wrap - 3 for 3. I guess going with a Judge over a Jury didn't work out the way he thought it would. Wipe your tears and BE A MAN! Oops not gonna happen because he doesn't know what that is. Forgive my sarcasm but I can't resist today. The pain, the suffering, the destruction of lives and families that this piece of garbage has inflicted is atrocious. His smug self serving life came back to bite him in the (you know what)! Good riddance.

He's gonna die in prison and that's exactly how it should be. What an absolute monster he is. Anybody know if Rabbit was around to watch the proceedings this morning? Good Lord, what a family! I'm still annoyed that Rabbit and that other didn't get their comeuppance because they both deserved way more than they got. Rabbit got nothing at the end of the day, but she should've.

I am so glad that I don't have to think about this any longer.

My rant is over. See you all for sentencing. :)
That is my biggest regret with these cases. There are animals in this world and Millard and Smich are perfect examples. That is to be expected. What shocks me is the people that surrounded these two. Certainly by the time Tim Bosma went missing, SS, AM, MM, and CN should all have had at least an inkling of what Millard was up to. We heard evidence to the fact that MM knew when Smich confessed to her, and she said nothing. SS knew when his father in law told him, and he did nothing. CN knew everything and in fact aided Millard in covering up his deadly deeds. Now all these people have lied at one point or another, and it would not surprise me in the least if in fact some of these people knew what was going to happen prior to these murders. If in fact Millard was planning on killing the person he stole the truck from, why would he have included AM in the hunt for that vehicle? Why would MM have been privy to those conversations? It is quite possible they were aware of the plan from the beginning.

The second regret is that Smich was not implicated in the murder of WM. It is quite obvious that he was in on this plan as well. Knowing to use Millards CC and phone after he left, and then Millard texting him as soon as he walked out of the police interview. Lets not forget that Smich hooked Millard up with Isho in the purchase of the gun as well. My guess is that just too much time had passed and the phone records that would have implicated him were unrecoverable.

Great that Millard is getting what is coming to him, but every person in that crew got away with some pretty horrendous stuff.
Raising a glass to Justice today! To Wayne, Laura, Tim and all that loved them! To all my fellow websleuthers who have been here for the ride! To all the professionals who worked tirelessly on all 3 trials to ensure 3X GUILTY!! Bye Bye forever Dellen!
What kills me is that if Millard hadn't been so cheap, and had invested in a half dozen burner phones, he could still be out there. In this case he was obviously aware that police might check his phone records, thus he left his phone at Smich's house. But he takes an old phone, registered to himself, to commit the crime. If he had spent $25 on a pay & talk for that night and chucked it in the morning, they would never have been able to prove guilt in this case.
Those of us following Forestall's judgement as it was live-tweeted all seemed to think she was heading toward not guilty until the last few parts of the judgement. Does anyone else suspect she did this on purpose to torment DM and lull him into expecting he was going to get off?
The animals in this world say "Keep us out of it!" :p Very few animals kill for the thrill/fun of it. DM and MS are simply the worst kind of human beings.
I know that was a theory, but I still don't buy the whole "thrill kill" idea. TB was killed for the truck, LB was killed to appease his girlfriend and WM was killed for his inheritance. Each killing benefitted Millard in one way or another, it wasn't just killing for the sake of killing.
Those of us following Forestall's judgement as it was live-tweeted all seemed to think she was heading toward not guilty until the last few parts of the judgement. Does anyone else suspect she did this on purpose to torment DM and lull him into expecting he was going to get off?
I don't thinks so. She went through the evidence piece by piece. She just happened to start with the evidence she disregarded, then went through the evidence she considered. Don't think it would have made sense to write it the other way around.
So now who inherits whatever is left of Wayne's estate? The Bosma civil suit also named Burns, and DM had transferred a bunch of his assets to her - will be interesting to see how it turns out.
From what I understand, assets were frozen when Millard was arrested. So if there were no other heirs in WM's will, those who feel they have a right to it must petition the court for it. I'm sure Rabbit will be one of those people, possibly the girlfriend. But I assume any creditors would get paid off first, so not sure what will be left.

And Rabbit has got to be happy with Del right now, killing the goose that laid the golden egg and all.
How does sentencing work with a judge-only trial? Why was sentencing scheduled for 2 months away? Is that because the lawyers get to argue for what they want? In one of the tweets it said that the judge was looking for a consecutive sentence, wouldn't she be the one to decide that if she is the judge?
How does sentencing work with a judge-only trial? Why was sentencing scheduled for 2 months away? Is that because the lawyers get to argue for what they want? In one of the tweets it said that the judge was looking for a consecutive sentence, wouldn't she be the one to decide that if she is the judge?
The sentencing is always up to the judge, even in the other two trials. The sentence is already set, so the only thing she needs to consider is the concurrent/consecutive question. I'd guess she will fall in line with the previous judge on this one.
In one of the tweets it said that the judge was looking for a consecutive sentence, wouldn't she be the one to decide that if she is the judge?


I believe it was in reference to the Crown seeking a consecutive sentence, not the judge. (I thought I had read something similar within the tweets, too, and went back for a re-read.)
Now that the third trial is complete, is there any additional information that might come out?

Not that I haven't heard enough about this ogre to last a lifetime.

I'm also not anxious to hear it all again, but I'm aware that the time sequence of events has been jumbled in my mind due to the order of the trials. I think I'd get a better sense of what motivated it all, if the story were told (briefly) in chronogical order, including all the now known murders.

DM appears to have gotten to the age of 27 without doing anything that would signal he would ever kill anyone, he'd never been accused of even hurting anyone. Then, he killed 3 people in less than a year. I think there will be attempts to construct theories about what triggered it all.
Gee I wonder why. Didn't cry for Tim or Laura. Could it be he is crying for the money/assets?? (rhetorical question)
DM is only crying for himself, none of his victims. That's what narcissistic psychopaths do, it's all about themselves.

I felt pretty certain the judge was going to find DM guilty. Thank you Justice Forestell for giving WM the last bit of dignity you could. As for the who took three innocent peoples' lives from them, I hope you are absolutely miserable ever second of ever day, for the rest of your pathetic life. DM and MS are exactly where they belong. Once again our Canadian justice system didn't disappoint us. MOO.

RIP Wayne.
From what I understand, assets were frozen when Millard was arrested. So if there were no other heirs in WM's will, those who feel they have a right to it must petition the court for it. I'm sure Rabbit will be one of those people, possibly the girlfriend.
But I assume any creditors would get paid off first, so not sure what will be left.

I'm not sure if a girlfriend would have any legal standing, as she wasn't even engaged to him. However, if I recall correctly, Wayne's gf Janet was also his cousin (her adoptive father and Millard’s mother were siblings) so assuming there are no other relatives, perhaps she will inherit his assets, if DM is out of the picture.

I hope this is the case, as it would be another form of justice - DM kills his father for his inheritance, only to see it going to his fathers girlfriend, instead of him.
I'm not sure if a girlfriend would have any legal standing, as she wasn't even engaged to him. However, if I recall correctly, Wayne's gf Janet was also his cousin (her adoptive father and Millard’s mother were siblings) so assuming there are no other relatives, perhaps she will inherit his assets, if DM is out of the picture.

I hope this is the case, as it would be another form of justice - DM kills his father for his inheritance, only to see it going to his fathers girlfriend, instead of him.

When my father's cousin passed way without a will, he and his brothers were the beneficiary of his estate. They were the only living relatives in Canada.
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