GZ's 2005 MySpace Postings

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GZ's manner and way with words seems to have changed from the bravado personality of Joe G.

HOWEVER, although he and his attorney would have us believe that this account has been dormant since 2005, that does not appear to be the case.

The photo of him & a woman, where he is wearing the orange polo (as noted by the embedded image info) was last updated in January 2010.

So the bravado that we see in this "old" MS page was left as is even after the photo was either added or "MODIFIED" in January 2010.

What stands out to everyone who has either read the "About Me" or the "Blogs" is that he is quite comfortable eluding to getting assistance from his friends to get rid of legal nuisances that seemed to have plagued him.

A few thoughts about this page:

1) The play on his name, "Joe G". Makes me think he is trying to be hip, cool, street, whatever, by using "Joe G" in place of Georgy.

2) On his "Blurbs: About Me", he lists a friend who he refers to as "Frank the Tank". I'm sure it's not, but made me wonder if he could be referring to FT. Have we ever heard how long these two have known each other?

3) His movies list are all Gangster type movies. Scarface, Good Fellas, Casino, Empire. He adds "learn from them". Did he?

4) On his blog, under "Out Come Of First Case", he talks about his "ex hoe" and how he "broke her down". He follows this with "Stay tuned for the A.T.F. charges. A.T.F.? Have we heard about charges from them yet and the outcome?

Was the guy he pushed "ATF?"

Yes, the assault on the AFT officer where he pled down to that 'special' alcohol program with the anger managment...

Now, I said this earlier, MOM should NOT take the words of GZ without throughly scutinizing them. GZ appears to be a liar..MOM should do himself a favor and not take GZ's words as gospel truth, for it also appears this site was not abandoned as you mention above with the modifications...MOM is going to look like a fool if he continues down this path of taking GZ at face value...

So, is this the real George Zimmerman? I believe his true colors will come out..Once the Prosecutor gets him to take the stand, I await the rage to come forth...GZ is in a class all his own..misogynist pig...is my belief...
Wonder if George can still balance a bottle of beer on his head since his life threatening head injury? (photo #2)


Jayne Navarre, a South Florida consultant who devises social media strategies for lawyers, said O’Mara’s use of social media will “almost certainly” taint a jury pool and compromise Zimmerman’s shot at a fair trial. She said O’Mara also may be violating American Bar Association rules that prohibit a lawyer from helping third parties make prohibited extrajudicial comments.

While use of social media has risen exponentially in the legal field, “what we have not seen is a criminal-defense attorney host social media channels on behalf of their client,” Navarre said. “I would not be surprised to learn that members of the Bar are shocked and even disgusted.”

Under American Bar Association rules, a lawyer can speak publicly on a case as long as it does not prejudice a potential jury. The association is revamping its rules to address social media, she said.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/01/2778234_p2/myspace-page-is-latest-salvo-in.html#storylink=cpy

So, is the websites created by MOM being used for dual purposes? One for donations and the other for tainting the jury pool?

The Florida Bar is one I do not have faith in...After learning that other 'unethical' attorney, skated...I have no faith they will see this and be shocked or disgusted...If what the other attorney did, didn't disgust them, I truly doubt this will...:banghead:

I believe you all know who I'm speaking of...the one who represented the most hated woman in America...I believe GZ just one upped her...:banghead:
GREAT FIND Donjeta!!!

The inference I make from viewing his MS page is that you are prolly correct.



Yes it is probably correct...Great find, Donjeta!

so we have another who is plagerising others works...Ha. :maddening:
I don't understand the disparaging comments about Mexicans..because if I had to guess, I'd guess that GZ is Mexican. (Oh, I know his last name is Zimmerman, but he sure looks Mexican to me). In fact, until I read this, I thought his heritage (at least in part) was Hispanic.
Me too and I wonder why his playlist is dated 31 Dec 2010. But there are no songs....

It looks like he accessed his "abandoned" page at least up until January 16, 2010. So, the arguments that GZ can't be judged by his behaviors and opinions in 2005 (when he was 22 years old) are pretty much moot. He felt no need to polish his own record up by removing his own immature ramblings from MS.

Perhaps, O'M and the media specialist thought that this would prove that GZ was not and is not a racist. But, there are plenty of racists/bigots/prejudiced people who have been known to say, "How can I be a bigot, I have lots of (insert color, race, religion, sex etc. here) friends.
It looks like he accessed his "abandoned" page at least up until January 16, 2010. So, the arguments that GZ can't be judged by his behaviors and opinions in 2005 (when he was 22 years old) are pretty much moot. He felt no need to polish his own record up by removing his own immature ramblings from MS.

Perhaps, O'M and the media specialist thought that this would prove that GZ was not and is not a racist. But, there are plenty of racists/bigots/prejudiced people who have been known to say, "How can I be a bigot, I have lots of (insert color, race, religion, sex etc. here) friends.

Let's just go off of recent history then. If it's true that he handed out flyers in support of a homeless black man being beaten by a cop, well, I don't know too many folks who discriminate against black folks but yet take a stand against what he perceived as an injustice against a black person.

Accessing a page vs. actively updating a page is not really the same thing.
Let's just go off of recent history then. If it's true that he handed out flyers in support of a homeless black man being beaten by a cop, well, I don't know too many folks who discriminate against black folks but yet take a stand against what he perceived as an injustice against a black person.

Accessing a page vs. actively updating a page is not really the same thing.

Could be because it was the police chiefs son...and he didn't want 'special' treatment given to him but ironically, he wants that special consideration...Ha...karma kicks...don't it..and I just can't help feeling, what goes around comes around and now it's GZ who's in that same position...:maddening:
Let's just go off of recent history then. If it's true that he handed out flyers in support of a homeless black man being beaten by a cop, well, I don't know too many folks who discriminate against black folks but yet take a stand against what he perceived as an injustice against a black person.

Accessing a page vs. actively updating a page is not really the same thing.


A lawyer for Trayvon's family, Natalie Jackson, represented Ware. She said she did not believe Zimmerman handed out any fliers. She called the family's account "race baiting".

In another article, Jackson said she was at that same rally and she never saw Zimmerman there passing out fliers. I can't find the article now so I'll just say it's MOO.
His mom is Peruvian.Maybe in his eyes that's a "higher class" Hispanic.

I believe you are correct. There may be much racism, for lack of a better word, between the different Hispanic groups. I remember the first time I witnessed it, it surprised me and confused me. A woman who worked in a local grocery store was verrrrry mad one day and I asked her why she was so upset. Someone had called her Mexican and she was from Guatamala.

A lawyer for Trayvon's family, Natalie Jackson, represented Ware. She said she did not believe Zimmerman handed out any fliers. She called the family's account "race baiting".

In another article, Jackson said she was at that same rally and she never saw Zimmerman there passing out fliers. I can't find the article now so I'll just say it's MOO.

Right. She was at this huge rally, and she never saw Zimmerman, who she doesn't know, there passing out flyers, therefore, IT NEVER HAPPENED?

And for HER to call anyone else race baiters is a crime in itself, imo.
The point is, if GZ "ABANDONED" that account, it wasn't until after December of 2010. So, if he didn't want to be seen as a "" at age 26 or 27 then why did he let the page remain active and unedited?
Shades of Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing." It was relevant when it came out and it is still relevant in the 21st C (USA)
I don't think you will see any reference to this myspace page made in court.

Relevance, prejudice and all that.

And of course it brings TMs twitter name right to table as a counter point of commenting on your own race. And the jury is going to look at GZ as hispanic, not half peruvian and the difference in those two views.
I believe you are correct. There may be much racism, for lack of a better word, between the different Hispanic groups. I remember the first time I witnessed it, it surprised me and confused me. A woman who worked in a local grocery store was verrrrry mad one day and I asked her why she was so upset. Someone had called her Mexican and she was from Guatamala.

Yes, there is racism in hispanic as well as every other ethnic group. It is insidious, virulent and should never be tolerated. It is used in every area of media..including blogs and boards to shape public opinion. It is shameful.
I don't think you will see any reference to this myspace page made in court.

Relevance, prejudice and all that.

And of course it brings TMs twitter name right to table as a counter point of commenting on your own race. And the jury is going to look at GZ as hispanic, not half peruvian and the difference in those two views.

I'm not sure about the social media stuff and whether it will become an issue in court.

What was interesting to me was what I put in boldface. Unless GZ's pops shows up in trench coat, fedora and sunglasses, the jury is going to see GZ's dad is white.
Does GZ see himself as a "minority", or does he see himself as the "majority"? Personally, I think GZ views himself as someone who keeps a watchful eye on minorities, but is not one of them. Will the jury see him as white or hispanic? Could go either way.
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