GZ's 2005 MySpace Postings

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:waitasec: Not sure why we're debating whether or not he could have changed the name on his site or if he even wanted to since it was his chosen handle. Unless he felt for some reason the name was incriminating.

Nonetheless, 'someone' did access that account in early April after he shot Trayvon. That was my point.
:waitasec: Not sure why we're debating whether or not he could have changed the name on his site or if he even wanted to since it was his chosen handle. Unless he felt for some reason the name was incriminating.

Nonetheless, 'someone' did access that account in early April after he shot Trayvon. That was my point.

Because the myspace was named years before this tragic incident. And yet people want to say he named it for TM. Which is false and defamatory, imo.
http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/geor ... s-16262382
Old George Zimmerman MySpace Page Surfaces

Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump said Wednesday that prosecutors could use Zimmerman's MySpace comments against him.

"It's not just speculation and innuendo. He has a history and a habit of profiling people," Crump said. "He thinks certain things about certain racial groups."

A statement posted on a Zimmerman defense site run by O'Mara concedes that the comments "will cast Mr. Zimmerman in a less-than-favorable light" and that they could become evidence in the case. The statement says there will be no comment on the MySpace statements for that reason, but it does confirm that the posts were by Zimmerman.
Because of a crazy little thing called free speech?

People of color do not need permission to reinvent and recover words that were/are used against them. TM didn't need anyone's permission and GZ doesn't either. IMO, I hate the n-word. But, as a dark-complected white person who's had it thrown my way, I have a great deal of empathy with POC who are trying to reclaim it.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

I am so sorry that a racial epithet was used against you in such a hateful manner. I have a heritage of many races including african american ancestors. We don't use that word. That's just how we roll here. We don't want to reclaim anything that has to do with demeaning another human.
:waitasec: Not sure why we're debating whether or not he could have changed the name on his site or if he even wanted to since it was his chosen handle. Unless he felt for some reason the name was incriminating.

Nonetheless, 'someone' did access that account in early April after he shot Trayvon. That was my point.

Is there a date on that early april access or is it just April?

What are we actually debating here, that he's a racist? The state is not charging this as a hate crime.
It was about 5 years old. When do you think it was named?

I don't know.........nor does anyone else. If I could post hubby's old myspace, without his personal info showing up, I could show you how easy it is to change a display name. It could have been changed at any point in those 5 years.
In the Orlando Sentinal article it says:

"Ironically, Tonetta Foster, the sister of Sherman Ware, the man punched by Collison, took part in a Trayvon rally March 19 at the Seminole Criminal courthouse at which protesters called for Zimmerman's arrest.

"I stand for justice for Trayvon, for Sherman Ware," she said.

A lawyer for Trayvon's family, Natalie Jackson, represented Ware. She said she did not believe Zimmerman handed out any fliers. She called the family's account "race baiting"."

If one actually reads the article, it can be understood that Natalie Jackson was referring to the incident portrayed in the first sentence in the article:

Zimmerman handed out fliers at black Sanford churches a year ago
, outraged that a white police lieutenant's son, captured on video sucker-punching a homeless black man, was not arrested on the spot, family members said.

The fliers urged people to attend a Sanford City Commission meeting and demand that the police chief be held accountable."

In fact, if one researches further, they will find that no black leaders in the City of Sanford recall seeing or previously hearing about any 'flyers' in support of Sherman Ware.

The copy of the 'flyer' that was included with a letter sent by the “A Concerned Zimmerman Family Member” was not what I would call a flyer in the traditional sense since it was multiple pages.

The 'flyer' "lays out a lengthy case, not about the attack upon Mr Ware, but about the conduct of then chief of Police Brian Tooley, accusing him of an “illegal cover up” in the Collison case. The undated, multi-page document, which includes the transcript of a local news report about the case, never mentions Mr. Ware, except in a nameless reference to an “innocent, homeless and peacekeeping bystander.”"

The 'flyer' asks the reader to attend “a workshop and open forum” to be convened by then commission chairman-elect Mark McCarty on January 8, 2011, with what the letter calls “the three continuing members of the commission,” including the mayor-elect, Jeff Triplet.

January 8, 2011 was a Saturday. There is no record that such a workshop or open forum was ever held. No one, including Mark McCarty recalls such a meeting, ever! The City of Sanford which posts minutes of all its official meetings has no record of such a meeting.

I concur with Natalie Jackson in her assessment of the letter, which is what this really is about, imo.

Joy-Ann Reid of The Grio, wrote all about it and discussed it with Martin Bashir of MSNBC.

A PDF copy of the letter that was sent to Sherman Ware's sister can be found here
What I find most interesting is that it was not taken down. Are MySpaces pages permanent? Can they not be deleted?

Kinda OT but has anyone seen the Onion Report "Every Potential 2040 President Already Unelectable Due to Facebook"? It's pretty funny but it's got some trash talk and slurs and it may be offensive to some so I won't include a link.
Of course Crump had to get his :twocents: in, considering the fact he's not part of the prosecution and in no way has any say in what the prosecution uses and doesn't use.
Crump has every right to speak on behalf of the victim's family. He is neither the prosecution, nor the defense, he represents the family of the victim. The victim and the family deserve a voice in this case. JMO
George Zimmerman Mocked Mexicans on MySpace Page


George Zimmerman maintained a MySpace profile where he made hostile comments about Mexicans, crude remarks about his ex-wife and alluded to past run-ins with the law.
The discovery of the 7 year-old page, first reported Tuesday by The Miami Herald, casts a new light on Zimmerman’s views on race and ethnicity, as he prepares to face trial for a killing in which some say racism played a role.
The page shows a younger Zimmerman mixing with an ethnically diverse group of friends, including blacks. It also showed, however, some sloppily crafted comments by Zimmerman indicating hostility toward Mexicans.
To be honest, I don't see this myspace page as especially incriminating. His persona doesn't impress me, in any positive sense. He doesn't come across as noble or particularly upstanding. But it's nothing that suggests to me that he is a murderer, or even anti-black. JMO
To be honest, I don't see this myspace page as especially incriminating. His persona doesn't impress me, in any positive sense. He doesn't come across as noble or particularly upstanding. But it's nothing that suggests to me that he is a murderer, or even anti-black. JMO

To me it looks as if making an impression was right up there on his to do list. jmo
According to my 19 yr old, who used to be a big MySpace fanatic, once you put the TITLE on your MySpace, it cannot be changed without starting a new MySpace. You can change anything on the page but your HANDLE. That is what she said anyway when I asked if he could have changed his title later on. [And she is a huge Trayvon supporter btw]

Well apparently your 19 yr old does not know everything about MySpace, just a quick google away are instructions on how to change your MySpace name:


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