GZ's 2005 MySpace Postings

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Thank you so much LambChop. I so agree with the above I've bolded. How dare the defense attorneys and their team try and degrade a 17 year old boy.

This defense team is a horrible example of what is wrong with our country.

God bless Trayvon and his family and loved ones.

The defense did this? Got a source handy?
That has nothing to do with why GZ shot TM. Nor does anything on his Myspace. Why would defense want to make TM look as if he were up to no good when it was clear he was just on his way home? If anything SA could make an argument that it was TM who was, in fact, in fear for his life first. I would think that might be a dangerous path to go down. I would also think they would stick to what was happening right before GZ got out of his car and go from there. What will be problematic for GZ is from the moment he left his car until he shot TM and how he related that event to investigators.

Trying to assassinate the character of a young man who had high hopes of going to college to be a pilot or to go even further in the aerospace industry will not be accepted well. Seems like the wrong road to travel to me. And wasn't there a lot of information on his page about getting ready for college. Defense can't just pick and choose, it will all come out. I would think they would want to stay as far away from TM's future plans as they could possibly get. jmo
The defense has never made one single disparaging remark against Trayvon or his family, ever. In fact, on the FB page he will not allow anyone else to. He simply said if social media is brought into the case, so be it, but all social media will be brought in. Fair, IMO.

No, there was noting about flying planes or going to college on his twitter account. For some reason a radical group hacked his boring gmail and found spam messages from colleges.
I don't think it could be used. Because there is no way to tell if it were the truth of a mistake on the cousin's part. Plus he had a screw driver not a burglary tool. I had a refrigerator delivered today and the man had a tools in his pocket, one item was a screw driver would that make him a criminal because he had one one him. Making something out of nothing will not get defense very far, plus where is the relevance??? TM had no screw driver on him that night. jmo
You're right, not judging from a twitter page. They could always interview the bus driver. Put the cousin under oath.
The defense has never made one single disparaging remark against Trayvon or his family, ever. In fact, on the FB page he will not allow anyone else to. He simply said if social media is brought into the case, so be it, but all social media will be brought in. Fair, IMO.

No, there was noting about flying planes or going to college on his twitter account. For some reason a radical group hacked his boring gmail and found spam messages from colleges.

On the facebook specifically, they won't allow you to post disparaging remarks against the prosecution either :)
I can't disagree with the first one NWP, however, the second one, how do you know he violated CWP protocol?

Sorry again, but "NWP" translates to ???

I think I figured out the CWP/Concealed Weapon Permit acronym.

Thx much.
Kids say stupid things on Myspace, it's not a "bombshell". So do immature adults. I think little weight would be used against GZ for what he wrote. He was just being immature and at that age, what's new.

As far as TM's school records. If the reports involve any other student, IMO you will not see it in court because it involves minors. If there were no arrests I doubt we will see anything at the trial, myspace included. jmo

I think M'OM knows the myspace page would never show up in court, but he wanted to give fair warning GZ's was not the only social media page out there. I think Crump was ready to fly all over it, and did for about five minutes, and then backed off. JMO.
I think M'OM knows the myspace page would never show up in court, but he wanted to give fair warning GZ's was not the only social media page out there. I think Crump was ready to fly all over it, and did for about five minutes, and then backed off. JMO.

I think it should show up in court.
You're right, not judging from a twitter page. They could always interview the bus driver. Put the cousin under oath.

If I was MOM I would have an investigator talk to the police who were sent the jewelry or a fax of it and also any bus drivers involved with TM.Any info from twitter IMO should be looked into because both may be very relevant in this case.If a bus driver was attacked it shows aggression and a prior attack would show possible intent.JMO
If I was MOM I would have an investigator talk to the police who were sent the jewelry or a fax of it and also any bus drivers involved with TM.Any info from twitter IMO should be looked into because both may be very relevant in this case.If a bus driver was attacked it shows aggression and a prior attack would show possible intent.JMO

Yes, also the state should talk with people in Manassas Virginia to find out about the boys doing a year and not ratting Zimmerman out. Zimmerman's getting out? Lots of interesting stuff there for the state to check out.
If I was MOM I would have an investigator talk to the police who were sent the jewelry or a fax of it and also any bus drivers involved with TM.Any info from twitter IMO should be looked into because both may be very relevant in this case.If a bus driver was attacked it shows aggression and a prior attack would show possible intent.JMO

Trayvon is dead. He is unable to defend himself if they were to go, and ask anyone about this event/non-event. He was not charged with a crime.

Twitter is a very "unusual" world.
If I was MOM I would have an investigator talk to the police who were sent the jewelry or a fax of it and also any bus drivers involved with TM.Any info from twitter IMO should be looked into because both may be very relevant in this case.If a bus driver was attacked it shows aggression and a prior attack would show possible intent.JMO

I agree, and I'll bet he's all over it. I always wonder if the jewelry could be traced back to Twin Lakes.
I agree, and I'll bet he's all over it. I always wonder if the jewelry could be traced back to Twin Lakes.

Are you seriously suggesting TM stole the jewelry from residents at Twin Lakes? Seriously? That's quite the stretch and bordering on violation of TOS. We are not sleuthing minors here.
If I was MOM I would have an investigator talk to the police who were sent the jewelry or a fax of it and also any bus drivers involved with TM. Any info from twitter IMO should be looked into because both may be very relevant in this case.If a bus driver was attacked it shows aggression and a prior attack would show possible intent.JMO

How would it ever be relevant???? TM was staying in a condo and was walking on his way back from the store. I would think any defense attorney would know there is no way GZ could have known what TM did in school. Not even sure the judge would allow it. GZ made his decision to follow based on TM's appearance not from any personal knowledge he had about TM, such as he had a long list of arrests for B&E. Plus a lot of doors will be shut down to defense as far as TM is concerned. It's already started to happen.

And wouldn't going after people on twitter seem like an act of desperation by defense to a jury. jmo
The defense has never made one single disparaging remark against Trayvon or his family, ever. In fact, on the FB page he will not allow anyone else to. He simply said if social media is brought into the case, so be it, but all social media will be brought in. Fair, IMO.

No, there was noting about flying planes or going to college on his twitter account. For some reason a radical group hacked his boring gmail and found spam messages from colleges.

Wow that kind of makes it's own point right there. Why would a jury want to read boring messages? I don't think it would be permitted because it has nothing to do with why GZ followed TM. There's nothing of any value. jmo
Still on this nonsense?


The jewelry had been checked into and nothing found to be suspicious...it could be something quite innocent as holding some jewelry for a friend who's mother might not know a boy gave to her...why is this so threatening??

What does this have to do with what GZ did? GZ knew nothing about his teen but was suspicious due to his walking between the townhomes rather than in the walkway...did GZ ever think, this kid must live here for he's taking a shortcut?

Why is something that could be so innocent being turned into something sinister???

I believe being a mother/father, one should have more empathy for a child taken for no reason other than the mentality of a paronoid crime watch self appointed captain who was NOT to be carrying a concealed weapon if on his crime watch patrol!

I don't understand why some want so desperately for TM to be doing something that has nothing to do with WHY GZ felt the need to take a life of an innocent teen?

What about GZ's prior arrests for violence? His propensity for violence, his unwillingness to take resposibilty for his actions for it's always someone elses fault he got into some form of altercations...

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..it a phucking duck...all this nonsense in an attempt to make TM the bad guy is sooooo off the mark..all he did was try to get to his home and was stopped dead in his tracks by GZ...he should own it, take responsibility for his actions for he made a grave error in judgment..

His myspace posting show a man who has no respect for woman, the law, people in general..He's a frustrated, wanna be cop who probably couldn't pass the psycological, is my belief..He has a hidden agenda that is being umasked in those postings...he undermines LE even as he wanted to be a magistrate..I wonder what it was that his people didn't 'snitch' on him about, they did time but not GZ....thankful he never did become a cop, attorny or magistrate...I believe he'd be one corrupt official...:maddening:

Gee you think at 28 he'd have his profession down pat already?

He appears to be a ne'er do well, never being successful at his attempts at running or owning a company...That tells me, he's got a problem...and is not a contributing positive member of society..
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