Hailey Dunn General Discussion #1

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The only person to specifically have "cleared" him was the sheriff many months later after doing a polygraph.

The problem is that early on in the case CD was on TV bragging that he was willing to take a polygraph test, but that no one asked him to. Then, much later, the sheriff makes a public statement that he was just been given one and "passed", hence wasn't a suspect. This is very unusual because generally LE don't comment about who is given a poly or if they passed or not. They certainly don't do press releases about it.

Just how the sheriff reached this conclusion is not clear, since know one has any idea what happened to HD, so it is impossible to "clear" anyone. Certainly, there is evidence from multiple angles suggesting that HD went to CD's house that day, plus, according to the grandmothers account of that day CD would have been alone at home when HD dissappeared, allegedly on the way to his house. That doesn't mean that CD had anything to do with what happened, but it also means that he can't be eliminated. So how could the sheriff conclude that he was?

We also have early on in the case the Sheriff making claims about child *advertiser censored*/bestiality being found at HD's residence, and pursuing SA on that basis, even though this later turned out to be false.

IMO the sheriff early on decided that the guilty party was SA and subsequently developed tunnel vision in the investigation focussed on that theory. That would explain why they had largely ignored what was going on in CD's side of the divide and why they didn't give him a poly.

Then, later on the sheriff would have come under pressure from other agencies, such as the Texas Rangers and the FBI, asking why the investigation was not exploring other alternatives. In response to that, months later, he about-faced and tested CD, then pronounced him cleared. In that scenario the sheriff would have been acting petulantly to internal criticism from his peers, not necessarily because he had a real basis for his conclusion.

As for HD being dead, the only person to have suggested that IIRC was the former city manager of CC, and he promptly about faced on that when challenged. I doubt that any LE would seriously have told CD that HD was dead without compelling evidence for that, and as far as we know there is none. It is just not the sort of thing any responsible LE would do. So, if CD is saying that now, he is either making it up, or he is extrapolating from what Kaempfer originally claimed.

Like I said Clint has been cleared. Neither Billie or Shawn has been. Its that simple really. You also state that you doubt that LE would tell Clint that Hailey was dead with out compelling evidence and as far as we know there is none. Not being funny but LE doesnt have to tell us what evidence they have. They have said previously some evidence will be kept back until after they have found Hailey and I have a feeling they have a lot more than you might think.
It has been a week since the remains were found. An experienced person could tell the sex of the skeleton from the skull alone in 2 minutes. A rush on the dna analysis could be also done in this time. Thus the sex and if the remains are Hailey Dunn is known by the authorities.

From what you state, sounds to me like this person is female, and they are doing DNA, hopefully, the law will arrest both of them BEFORE they come out to the public who this person is,,, if this is Hailey.
I was rereading a very old article in which MBs mom was interviewed about the sleepover. I am sure we have all read it, but in a nutshell, she said that, at her house, they do not do "spur of the moment" sleepovers (and on a weeknight?) and that Hailey had NEVER EVER spent a night at their home.
It raised a question in my mind.
If Hailey did not have advance plans to sleep over at MB's, and the only communication between them (based on cell phone records) was a text FROM Hailey asking "what are you doing?" to which MB did not reply, there was no phone call (there's no landline so it would have had to been a call to or from Billie's cell) to arrange this. SOMEBODY forgot to make a provision for this in their story. Nobody has claimed MB came over to invite Hailey, or that Hailey went to MB's, was invited, then went home to pack absolutely nothing before returning. There was no 2-way communication AT ALL between them. So exactly when did Hailey and MB arrange the sleepover? The only answer I can come up with is that they didn't. I think we all KNEW that, but this substantiates that feeling.
It is not uncommon to read of cases here where some minor has taken off with an older boyfriend taking nothing with her, just walking out the house and not coming back. It happens.

She would have had stuff at home and at least at her fathers house since she appears to have stayed at both locations on occassion. Possibly at other places as well. If she was doing sleepovers, and not at the place her mother though she was, then who knows what she might have had stored there. She didn't take much from BD's house, but if she did leave she probably had whatever she would have needed elsewhere.

If the point was not to attract undue attention for as long as possible, then you wouldnt take anything with you, you would travel light.

If she ran away, it would not be on her own anyway, it would allmost certainly be with someone else, probably an adult, a boyfriend, a family friend or some other family member.

She didn't take much from BD's? Hailey took NOTHING.

There have been NO reports that Hailey took one thing from her Dad's house.
If Hailey had gone back to one of these hypothetical sleepovers you write of to obtain personal belongings, don't you think that at least one adult would come forward with that information, that Hailey retrieved some belongings from their home?
One may travel light while on the run but one does not travel without basic neccessities and money. Boyfriend? Not one report has stated Hailey had a boyfriend and no boys are reported missing. Besides, what boy this age could support the both of them? Gas money? Hotels? Food? Clothing? Medicine?

If Hailey were with another person, be it an adult, family member or family friend, no one has reported anyone else from this area as missing, so by and large most people are in contact with one another. If this hypothetical unknown friend is keeping, now 15 year old Hailey hidden from that person's friends and family, then that is kidnapping.

Someone would have come forward by now if there was any possibility of some young girl, that should be in school, in the company of an older person, all the time. Obviously Hailey wouldn't be enrolled in school anywhere, so wouldn't the neighbors/hotel clerk be suspicious that a school age girl is not in school?
Furthermore if you then look at Billie's most recent interview and her recollection of memory from last seeing her daughter its regarding that Sunday afternoon when Hailey returned from Spending Christmas at dad's.. Billie speaks about the dinner they had that afternoon(Billie, Shawn, DD, Hailey).. then she jumps to making mention of the sneak peek she says she took into Hailey's bedroom that Monday morning while waiting on her coworker to pick her up to take her to work.. where she says she could see by the light from Hailey's TV that Hailey was asleep in her bed...

Noticeably omitted is the entire evening/night of Sunday, 12/26(which happens to be the exact block of time that IMO Hailey died, after DD had left to go spend the night with a friend)..

IMO the omission of that specific block of time IMO is for specific reason in that there is something that transpired, escalated, and ended in Hailey's life having been extinguished, all during that omitted block of time..

jmo regarding the pieces of the puzzle that are known and looking at possibilities that could be the key pieces that are needed to complete the puzzle..jmo, tho.

What do "we" think David knows or thinks about what happened to Hailey that night?
Link? I wanna see... Or is that the one where she has her leg hiked/wrapped around someone - and has on a tiny denim miniskirt?

I see the peter hyatt/prostitute story has been fleshed out below but want to chime in. I believe this is something Peter Hyatt began talking about when he joined the hosts of Bring Them Home Now to interview Billie, that she had supposedly told one of the hosts privately before a show. There was a big kerfuffle with Billie and the hosts because Billie had sworn she was no longer seeing Shawn and yet she was. Because of how Peter Hyatt "rounds up" in his analysis, often citing his analysis as fact, I have trouble believing if this is what was actually said to the host. I would love to hear her version. And if it is accurate, apologies to Peter. I have no doubt Billie could easily tell this story, lie or truth, to garner sympathy from this particular person not expecting it to become public.

I see merit in what Peter Hyatt does but he always takes it too bloody far. For one, he damaged the host's reputation when he shares freely something she has been told in confidence. Secondly, even firmly believing Billie is responsible or knows what happened to Hailey, this is unnecessary information to repeat about her. Her status as a victim of childhood sexual assault doesn't make her more likely to be guilty. I can't believe I am coming out to bat for Billie Jean Dunn - but this "tidbit" is way out of line IMO and is one of the first things that put me right off Peter Hyatt.

PH may take things too far but I will say that witnessing much violence as a child you tend to grow up thinking, "violence is an effective way to resolve conflicts and problems. They may replicate the violence they witnessed as children in their teen and adult relationships and parenting experiences. Boys who witness their mothers’ abuse are more likely to batter their female partners as adults than boys raised in nonviolent homes. For girls, adolescence may result in the belief that threats and violence are the norm in relationships.

Children from violent homes have higher risks of alcohol/drug abuse, post traumatic stress disorder, and juvenile delinquency. Witnessing domestic violence is the single best predictor of juvenile delinquency and adult criminality. It is also the number one reason children run away.

I totally agree with all you said Truth. It's absolutely ludicrous to think Hailey ran away two years ago, and has not contacted anyone in her family.
I totally agree with all you said Truth. It's absolutely ludicrous to think Hailey ran away two years ago, and has not contacted anyone in her family.

Especially her paternal Grandmother, who, according to reports and statements, Hailey adored, trusted and loved.
Just a morning thought....The first thing I do is grab a cup of coffee, log onto WS and search the new posts for Hailey's name. My heart always skips a beat when it is bolded in black. It doesn't matter really what the post contains, it's just reassuring to know that we are all here, patiently waiting.......Have a Wonderful Good Friday and a beautiful Easter Ya'll!:spring::spring::spring:
Just a morning thought....The first thing I do is grab a cup of coffee, log onto WS and search the new posts for Hailey's name. My heart always skips a beat when it is bolded in black. It doesn't matter really what the post contains, it's just reassuring to know that we are all here, patiently waiting.......Have a Wonderful Good Friday and a beautiful Easter Ya'll!:spring::spring::spring:

I know exactly what you mean. Days would go by without a post before the remains were found. Happy Easter to you too. Wonderful weather in west Texas this weekend.
The reporter asked Billie Jean Dunn if she knew Callahan, who is serving five years in a federal prison in Fort Worth on drug charges, and she replied she did not.

“I was really upset with the way KTAB (presented the information) and even assuming that I might have met that Sonja lady,” she said. “I don’t associate with those types of people.”


Seriously? :facepalm: :floorlaugh:
I thought it rather odd that the author chose to single out only one name "of several area missing people" to name and wondered why that person was chosen.

No disguised opinion here ~ just "can kicking" since I thought there may have been some reason Jennifer Wilkerson seemed to have been most interesting to the writer.


I'll agree with the others EU, I think it's a matter of the writer's interest in Jennifer's case vs. Hailey's.

Happy Resurrection Day/Easter! I'm grateful for all your company while we wait for news. Hailey's case is one of the primary reasons I'm here.
You are right about that FTK, it's just that I'm still a bit miffed that, other than male and practically mummified, there has been no other info given about that person. It's so hot and dry here that mummification could happen in a relatively short time. There was supposition that he had died many years ago but never any published autopsy results. As far as I can tell, they realized he wasn't Hailey and halted the process right there. We waited for something more to ID that guy and unless I missed it, we are still waiting. Poor guy, he belonged to someone!

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With the discussion about Hailey's appearance ... I recently saw this photo http://s296.photobucket.com/user/cr... Dunn -TX-/ClintHailey.jpg.html?sort=6&o=108 which I hadn't before. And in this one http://s296.photobucket.com/user/cr...Dunn -TX-/Hailey-creek.jpg.html?sort=6&o=106 . I can't get an accurate date from the exif data on these photos, it's saying 2011. I am thinking if they were taken well before the video from the school, we could out that theory to rest, it's just her body shape.

She photographs so differently ... like those photos in the blue formal dress, she looks a lot older than the christmas couch photos.
Story Date: January 27, 2011

Family members of 13-year-old Hailey Dunn say they are not losing hope, but as each day passes by they say its taking a toll on everyone, including her newborn half sister, XXXXX.

XXXXX was born to Clint Dunn and Naomi Stewart just months before Hailey disappeared on Dec. 27.

"When I was pregnant with XXXXXX we thought she was a boy, and Hailey prayed and prayed for a little girl," Stewart said.

As a baby, Hailey looked almost identical to her little sister, Stewart said, and Hailey called her "Mini-Me."

The photo's in the blue dress would be the most recent (December 2010). The one of she and Clint looks to be older, IMO.

Sad, she called the baby ... her little mini-me
I've forgotten ... What year was it that Hailey was a cheerleader?
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