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As far as I know Ron has not seen Junior in years. Annette and Teresa also have not seen him.
I wonder if he’s curious about Ron at all & will want to see him or talk to him. I think both families have so much history of drugs, violence but I can see Crystal‘s family not wanting him to see paternal family because who knows what they would’ve said about Crystal & her family. I also hope Crystal has changed her life and has a safe, loving, stable home for her kids live in
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so many questions still. Is Jr 18 yet? I put in one of the threads here one of my cousins is in prison. Small town in FL too. He was arrested for stealing from his employers & got 15 yrs. He has about 5 years left. Then he has pay restitution over $250,000. That will never happen. He will be in his mid 60s. His son wanted see him so badly & was really mad at his mom she wouldn’t let him see him. So on his 18th bday he went to the prison and keeps going back. Just wondering if Jr wants see his dad. doesn’t Crystal’s dad have custody of Jr? I know it’s hard but I hope they have not constantly pointed out all Ron’s behavior & call him names. That could backfire especially with Ron getting out next month if he wants see his dad. Does Crystal still have custody of her little girl?
I am almost positive that Junior will be 18 next February. I am sure Ron will try to see him as soon as he gets out. I think Crystal is still with Chad and still has her other daughter and Junior. For a few years Crystal let Junior visit Annette and Teresa and I think they may have taken him to see Ron. Not entirely sure though but then something happened and she won't let him visit Ron's family anymore. I have a feeling Ron might cause some media attention when he gets out. Which is all good, in my opinion, if it leads to finding HaLeigh in any way. I can't believe she would be 19 now - 2 years older than Misty was when all this happened.
I am almost positive that Junior will be 18 next February. I am sure Ron will try to see him as soon as he gets out. I think Crystal is still with Chad and still has her other daughter and Junior. For a few years Crystal let Junior visit Annette and Teresa and I think they may have taken him to see Ron. Not entirely sure though but then something happened and she won't let him visit Ron's family anymore. I have a feeling Ron might cause some media attention when he gets out. Which is all good, in my opinion, if it leads to finding HaLeigh in any way. I can't believe she would be 19 now - 2 years older than Misty was when all this happened.
It is crazy to think Haleigh would be older now than when Misty was living with them. They all (ones who are in prison) and those that are not must all have something to do with Haleigh. I wouldve thought someone would grow a conscience and tell what they know but unfortunately that won’t happen. Wonder if when Ron gets out he will start “searching for Haleigh” it will be interesting if he speaks out. For his sake & Jr’s when he is old enough I hope Ron has cleaned up
His act & comes out a better person & doesn’t use or sell drugs so he’ll go back to prison. I really really hope Jr hasn’t been exposed to anymore drugs & violence.
Does anyone know if Ron will be on parole when he’s released? I know his sentence was 15 yrs but he’s out next month. I wonder if his other son knows anything about him. Didn’t he have sign away parental rights? Pretty sure he did for Jr but he’s no longer a 4 yr old boy so if he wants see Ron he will
I don't know if he will be on parole or not. I think he had fines also though? He never signed away any rights to Junior besides giving Crystal custody. I think he will be determined to see Junior when he gets out and I don't think he will have any problems doing so. He signed away rights to that other girl who had a son by him (who was mentally delayed I believe) but not for Junior. I think Ron will speak out and will speak out LOUD. Just my opinion!
Tommy does not get out until 03/2023 so he must not have as good of a behavior record as the other two. I know Donna was towing the line and following all rules which is why she was moved a few months ago to more of a half-way house.
Hope gets out November 22nd of this year. Misty's is 06/27/2031.
Oh ok. I thought for some reason he had to give up rights to Jr. It will be a difficult situation. My cousin (also in small FL town) was arrested stealing money from his employer. I know ppl say this all time but he was really one of the last people I’d ever thought could do this. He got 15 yrs took a deal so they wouldn’t prosecute his wife. I’m on fence whether she knew or not it went on for couple years. First couple years he was in there his youngest son talked about being so mad his mom wouldn’t let him see his dad & he was going to see him the day he turned 18. He’s had problems with alcohol/drugs but has been clean for a year. It will be different for Jr because he was very little & might not have memories of him.

Thank you for the information. I know it’s been a long time but Haleigh has always stayed with me
Will RC and AB will get back together upon his release? She is, afterall, the mother of his 3rd child. AB recent arrest March 2022. She has one of the longest rap sheets of all players; drugs and traffic violations. She was also a friend of MC.
I have no idea where Ron will end up. Hopefully he’s changed & learned something in prison otherwise it won’t be long before he goes back. I at least hope his release will get Haleigh’s name back out there. I still cannot believe this case has not been solved. I wonder if him & Crystal have been in touch at all. She had a few set backs herself
Both Croslin and Ronald Cummings are currently in state prison on drug charges. Currently, Cummings is set to be released from Lake Correctional Institute in Clermont on Oct. 17, 2022, and Croslin is set to be released from Lowell Correctional Institute in Gainesville on Jan. 1, 2032.

I still can’t believe Ronald will be released in 5 days. The above came from an article from Action News Jax. It blows my mind that NO ONE has spoken truthfully about what happened to beautiful Haleigh. I would’ve thought by now one of them would’ve come clean. Wonder how Misty feels about Ron being free & she has another 10 years. This case just breaks my heart
Holy crap my mind is blown right now that he's gonna be released soon. I am equally mind blown that misty still has another decade plus to get out! How is she not screaming from her cell? Its crazy how much i hate this whole case. The injustice for poor Haleigh! All these useless drug addicts. Id love nothing more than one of them to grow a conscious and be truly clean but i dont hold out hope. They get drugs in prison, they will come out and be around their drugged up family and friends. Sad but true.
I was just reading about another poor child being disappeared by his drug addict family and thought of Haleigh...
Holy crap my mind is blown right now that he's gonna be released soon. I am equally mind blown that misty still has another decade plus to get out! How is she not screaming from her cell? Its crazy how much i hate this whole case. The injustice for poor Haleigh! All these useless drug addicts. Id love nothing more than one of them to grow a conscious and be truly clean but i dont hold out hope. They get drugs in prison, they will come out and be around their drugged up family and friends. Sad but true.
I was just reading about another poor child being disappeared by his drug addict family and thought of Haleigh...
I’m pretty sure I know which child you mean. Quinton. Same horrible family dynamics and, yes, the drugs. Thought of Haleigh right away. I hope they at least find that child’s remains.
I believe there are multiple people who know what happened to Haleigh either with direct knowledge when it happened or after the fact. If Misty is “the key” as LE has said, why didn’t she say anything when she was trying to get out of the 25 yr sentence? Could they not give her a deal or she’d rather spend 25 yrs in prison for drugs rather than anything having to do with Haleigh?

If one good thing happens when RC is released I hope to God it leads to more publicity about Haleigh & people start opening their mouths. I hope Jr is doing well. One of my brothers died when I was 4 (he was 7) of heart problems. Had open heart surgery when he was 2. It’s hard to remember if things I do remember are real or just because I’ve seen pics or old home movies (for you youngsters we used to have video recorders without sound) what I’d give to have that now to hear his voice. My poor Momma was 8 mo pregnant with my sister when he died. I asked her how hell she got through it - total unimaginable grief one month & joy next month with my sister’s birth. She said she shoved her feelings down for years because they had my sister, me & 3 brothers to raise. Now she says she cries over everything. We were incredibly lucky that my parents gave us a wonderful childhood & have been happily married for 56 years - been together since she was 15 & him 17.(just to be clear they didn’t marry until she was 19 & he was 21) Sorry for the long story. I just think a lot about Jr & what his life has been like. I ended up naming my son after my brother. Never considered another name.
The whole timeline just haunts me. The 911 call, rons mother coming by. The marriage, the getting rid of plants. The coslin people involved. All of it! This poor girl didnt have a chance. Junior was lucky i guess that Hailey came before him. Otherwise it would've been him. She was just old enough to start needing more from her parental figures to care for her well being. To care if she was getting sleep. To care if she was alive. I hate all of them. Sorry just cant believe her father is getting out w no consequences for how he did his kids. My son has had sole custody of his son for years now and never ever pulled the crap ron did, to have a misty taking care of his kids. Im still appalled misty thinks so highley of ron that she would spend an extra decade in prison to save his sorry self. And yes she is doing it for him. Some jaded belief she has to him or to snitching. Wrong on all levels.
Sorry venting for Haliegh.
Let's see if Ron declares he will be looking for HaLeigh's killer when he is let out tomorrow.
I am also curious if RC will be looking for Haleigh and whoever is responsible for her disappearance. According to the Florida DOC website RC will be released 10/19/22.


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I am also curious if RC will be looking for Haleigh and whoever is responsible for her disappearance. According to the Florida DOC website RC will be released 10/19/22.
I’m sorry when I checked his jail records awhile ago it said the 17th. Something tells me RC didn’t learn his lesson in prison. I hope for Jr sake he has. I just don’t understand how NO ONE who should be talking doesn’t but imo you‘d have to have a conscience for that.

Is GGMS still alive? I know she wasn’t in good health.
Please if there is a God in Heaven I pray RC never gets another girl pregnant. If any locals are still around I hope you will share with us the news of RC out of prison & how he’s going find Haleigh. I hate the thought of parents hurting their children but unfortunately we know that happens.
We can only hope that RC messes up and LE is watching him .....he knows everything to what happened that night...I still believe Misty either attacked the child or drugged her up seeing she had been forced to come home that day by Ronald so he could go to work she had been out the whole weekend before the child went missing at a drug party....and was quite upset Ronald dragged her home from it that day.....time will tell.

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