Haleigh's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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What makes me the angriest above all throughout this whole case is the lack of attention we have seen from the mother of this child. The silence from her is deafening! There is no way in heck that I would sit back and allow this to become a cold case if this were my child. Yet, this is being done. Why?

Bolded by me. I'm pretty sure that's because the mother had/has a drug problem....making drugs the most important thing in her life...even more important than her children. I'm not saying she doesn't love them but she is an addict. And I don't think she was even always or often exercising her visitation before HaLeigh went missing.

The mother also has limited resources- I don't think she has had steady, decent employment. She's used to being used by people (her relationship with Ron sure sounds like she was abused and used) and let down by her own parents (who allowed her to move into Ron's place when she was 14 or something ridiculous and allowed her to quit school.) I don't think she has higher than a 9th grade education. She doesn't have the resources and knowledge of how to properly keep HaLeigh out there like say, Mickey Shunick's family did when she went missing. When you take little resources, low education levels, and add a drug problem, I'm not surprised....

It became pretty clear to me when everything went down with the HaLeigh Bug foundation (or whatever it was called) and when Kim Picazzio dropped her that HaLeigh's mother had been living a very tough life for a very long time and that she was dealing with some very serious addiction issues. I hope for her sake and for Junior's that she has been able to sort this out. I also hope she gets her GED and learns some sort of trade or something to make herself independent.

I also think that in many ways, she is still that scared young teenaged dropout without proper parenting that Ronald got pregnant in many ways. I think she may be scared of him (even in jail) or his family and be too scared to continue to speak out. Now I agree, if I was the mother of a missing child, I'd speak out no matter what.

The thing that sucks is that when you look at both sides of HaLeigh's family as well as the Croslins, it's hard to find one person who seems like someone you'd want around your child at all, let alone be responsible for the child. I feel like Hailey had no chance at all. I hope Crystal Sheffield and her family are doing everything to give Junior a chance. Somehow, though, I doubt it...
Part III

JO is crazy, imo. He wouldn't take lightly to this threat...and that's a given. It could have happened just like we heard. He grabbed Haleigh, put her in the van, and drove to Shell Harbor and killed her. I am sure many tempers were flying that monday...all day, Feb 9, 2009. Misty is covering for what ever happened that night. She has no reason to do so except:

1. if she is the killer
2. or if she knows who killed haleigh and didn't stop it from happening, thus being told she is an accomplice.

She has insisted that she was there. So she had to know what happened unless she was so far under the influence, she can't be clear. She put herself there. If she was druggin, then she is responsible anyway.

She is a Borderline and will play one person against the other to get what she wants. I can't think of any other scenario that would prevent her from singing to LE. So she will spend 25 years in jail. The tough part for her will be when the others are released.d..and she will sit by herself in that prison. All her friends and family will move on. This is when she may complain land say something.

Just wondering - any reason why you don't include Tommy as part of a Part IV (and of course this would still fall under the "Misty knows" deal).

I keep wanting to think that Misty must have been so very high that night that she honestly cannot remember or that she was not at the motor home.

But I also wanted to believe Zanny took Caylee and she was alive at Disney or the beach with the nanny and nanny's nieces or nephews, even though it was obviously a lie.
You know....you could be onto something. That was NOT Misty's voice...and to me it's so obvious WHY it wasn't.

I never believed completely that TN had knowledge of what happened but this changes it for me. If Crystal C was there....and it sounds like she was, she knows something, as does TN...and makes more sense now why she showed up so quickly with picture in hand and SO jacket....

Maybe they are so quick to defend Misty as a payoff...."you say she disappeard while you slept and we will back you because....," fill in the blank...why? OR Misty WAS asleep and others feel that is the safest story to stick with because it would work best for them. So they go for it....and try to SELL it at every turn because the alternative would be worse. Someone or all of them could otherwise be in a LOT of trouble.

But what? What was it that would cause so much more trouble for them than a little girl stolen in the night? It makes me shudder to think about it.

I can hear similarities between Crystals C.'s voice and Hope's voice. Hope is one of the Fab Four sitting in prison. I do believe that the voice I'm hearing on the 911 call is definitely not Misty's.
From the first day I heard this story, my theory was that Haleigh died at the hands of misty. Misty called her brother to help her out. He called JO for help. JO swore he would kill him or his family if tommy ever told anyone he helped him dispose of Haliegh.
From the first day I heard this story, my theory was that Haleigh died at the hands of misty. Misty called her brother to help her out. He called JO for help. JO swore he would kill him or his family if tommy ever told anyone he helped him dispose of Haliegh.

Amen..Good post!!
But WHY would the Cummings family defend Misty/the marriage if this theory is correct?
Like so many other things, this does not fit. Defend Ronald, yes, but Misty? IDK
But WHY would the Cummings family defend Misty/the marriage if this theory is correct?
Like so many other things, this does not fit. Defend Ronald, yes, but Misty? IDK

Everyone else had to be a suspect so that Ronald could keep Jr.
Where is Haleigh? Time to talk people, this has gone on long enough...do something RIGHT with your life. Let this little girl rest in peace.
Responding to my own post here....

If they did talk, who would believe them? They have lied so much....the only person that was pointed at by them was JO. Why? And did LE really investigate him thoroughly? It just doesnt make sense. Poor Haleigh may very well have gone into that water....but nothing is left in way of evidence. Heartbreaking. Will we EVER know?
Responding to my own post here....

If they did talk, who would believe them? They have lied so much....the only person that was pointed at by them was JO. Why? And did LE really investigate him thoroughly? It just doesnt make sense. Poor Haleigh may very well have gone into that water....but nothing is left in way of evidence. Heartbreaking. Will we EVER know?

What about Nay Nay's statement that they were partying at the pond and Haleigh OD'd on drugs. Why would she say that? Did she ever take a LD?
What about Nay Nay's statement that they were partying at the pond and Haleigh OD'd on drugs. Why would she say that? Did she ever take a LD?

I think about that a great deal too. I do not know if she ever took a LD...I would like to know. It seems to us outsiders that there are things that LE is just dismissing. But, we are not privvy to all they know, unfortunately. They may have good reason for not charging JO or believing Nay Nay.

I think that whatever happened, Haleigh may have ended up in the water, so Nay Nay's story may be true. Is the pond near the river? Are there Alligators near or in the pond? What if they were all high, and Haleigh was too near the water...at night, with alligators around. No one would want to admit negligence in that case or worse, and if Ronald had supplied much of the drugs, he wouldnt want to lose JR, which he would if this was the case. Hence all the butt covering of each other going on. I dont know.....I do feel that short of a drug overdose, nothing happened IN the trailer. Nothing with any blood or any other hard to conceal evidence.

There's no evidence. None that can tell us what happened to Haleigh. So something capable of concealing all physical evidence...theres not a whole lot that fits into that category, except an alligator. Cant very well open the stomachs of every alligator in the waters of Florida....the evidence was literally consumed, I am afraid. What else could hide ALL evidence if something of a violent nature were to happen? Nothing that I can think of. It is true that if it was an overdose, there would be little evidence in the trailer then....but there was an awful lot of talk of water and gators early on.

Possible that an OD did occur (via accidental ingestion or someone giving her something) and THEN she was placed in the water. Crud...I just hate talking about this, poor Haleigh.
But WHY would the Cummings family defend Misty/the marriage if this theory is correct?
Like so many other things, this does not fit. Defend Ronald, yes, but Misty? IDK

To make RC and his judgement about childcare remain at a decent level, it was necessary to embrace misty. Misty, in one swoop, could bring down rc with sex charges. He would fact upwards of 20 years.

Therefore, the family faked their way into the media with nothing but high regards for misty and what a wonderful care-giver she was. I doubted that she was ever that. In fact, she was pretty much done with baby-sitting when rc went on night shift.

Haleigh was dead, rc knew it, and he wanted to keep jr. Keeping misty appeased was the priority. If he didn't, he was going to pay. Misty was down that road before and knew exactly what she could do if he didn't keep her happy. So he married her.
To make RC and his judgement about childcare remain at a decent level, it was necessary to embrace misty. Misty, in one swoop, could bring down rc with sex charges. He would fact upwards of 20 years.

Therefore, the family faked their way into the media with nothing but high regards for misty and what a wonderful care-giver she was. I doubted that she was ever that. In fact, she was pretty much done with baby-sitting when rc went on night shift.

Haleigh was dead, rc knew it, and he wanted to keep jr. Keeping misty appeased was the priority. If he didn't, he was going to pay. Misty was down that road before and knew exactly what she could do if he didn't keep her happy. So he married her.

Sorry O/T, but I have to say I love your avatar. I also LMAO at your signature. Cindy Anthony cleans them......LoLoLoLoL.

On a more serious note, this is one of many cases that bothers me. I'm glad the perps are where they belong :jail: but nobody has answered for what was done to Haleigh. They likely won't find a body now, and if none of the perps will "sing" then her death will never be acknowledged, and those responsible will never pay. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but these are low-life, trailer park mentality losers who should never have reproduced. Thank the heavens that Misty Croslin will, hopefully, be too old to procreate by the time she gets out of prison. Same goes for her useless "ex husband".
On a more serious note, this is one of many cases that bothers me. I'm glad the perps are where they belong :jail: but nobody has answered for what was done to Haleigh. They likely won't find a body now, and if none of the perps will "sing" then her death will never be acknowledged, and those responsible will never pay. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but these are low-life, trailer park mentality losers who should never have reproduced. Thank the heavens that Misty Croslin will, hopefully, be too old to procreate by the time she gets out of prison. Same goes for her useless "ex husband".

Welcome PrincessSezMe, to Haleigh's Thread. I couldn't have said it better...:welcome4:
Another "staged" crime scene and no body. Very little, and conflicting, information forthcoming from the people present when the crime occurred. Very little information to go on other than the story that was given by Misty, and the "questionable" information given by Flora Hollers to the talk shows (and I believe that one....NOT). What Flora Hollers said about Haleigh being tossed into the river though is likely true IMO. LE dragged Misty out of jail to that bridge for a reason. They wouldn't do that on a whim.

I study statement analysis and it is said in every lie there is a bit of truth. That's the only thing we really have to go on in this case. Work records show Ronald Cummings was not present when it happened, so he can be eliminated as a DIRECT suspect in Haleigh's death. But he was definitely complicit in the cover up, so he must have something to hide. Misty Croslin, however, WAS there. She is the key......the truth will only be known if and when she ever talks. Or, if her brother Tommy, who also knows more than he's telling, talks. What they have said so far is mostly BS.

I really believe this all revolves around drugs. Either Haleigh got into it and took it on her own, or Misty drugged her to keep her quiet (because of her weekend binge that she wanted to sleep off, which I think is more likely) and overdosed her. Anything that happened after that was a coverup. Ronald Cummings participated in the cover up because it was likely his drugs that killed her.

Just my opinion for what it's worth :twocents:
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