Haleigh's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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On a more serious note, this is one of many cases that bothers me. I'm glad the perps are where they belong :jail: but nobody has answered for what was done to Haleigh. They likely won't find a body now, and if none of the perps will "sing" then her death will never be acknowledged, and those responsible will never pay. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but these are low-life, trailer park mentality losers who should never have reproduced. Thank the heavens that Misty Croslin will, hopefully, be too old to procreate by the time she gets out of prison. Same goes for her useless "ex husband".

Bad news...rc will be out before he is 40. :banghead:
Just checking in, hoping for some news.

mommy posted above that Lindsay & Hank got back together. I would love to find out where she got this information. I can't believe, after crawling out of that he// of a life she had, because of the husband she had, she would go back with him.

If anyone has any information on this, please link.

Prayers for Little Haleigh! :heartbeat::tears: :heartbeat::tears::heartbeat::tears:[
I have always felt that Ronald may have liked having Misty around to sleep with, but more than that, he was looking for someone to watch those kids and that was the main reason he kept her around. Man did he ever make a bad decision. I don't know what Misty's involvement was in Haleigh's disappearance, but so many single parents push their kids on a boyfriend/girlfriend way too soon without really knowing what kind of a person they are dealing with, then tragedy happens.
I wish Cobra could have stayed on this case; I beieve it would be solved by now. Why won't he come forth with more information!
We all loved and have been concerned with this little girl from day one. Won't anyone come forth with what they know. If you are hidding something, and you don't step forward, perhaps your life on earth will be okay, but, PLEASE, think of the Hereafter. Whatever you have done, if you admit it, God will forgive you.

Please, tell LE where Haleigh is and what happened to her. You can cleanse your soul, and you will be forgiven.

Think if this happened to you, wouldn't you want you family to know, so they could bury you in a proper place?

You don't even (as far as I am concerened) to establish who did what, just where she is.

Please consider the above, you will be taken seriously, and get a lighter sentence.

Remember you were her age once. Please find it in your hearts and souls to come forward.

Thank you!
I wish Cobra could have stayed on this case; I beieve it would be solved by now. Why won't he come forth with more information!

Do you think he would if we asked him? Does anyone think it would be a good idea? And where are Art Harris and Geraldo????:waitasec:

Oh, and let's not forget our old friend Nancy Grace????
But WHY would the Cummings family defend Misty/the marriage if this theory is correct?
Like so many other things, this does not fit. Defend Ronald, yes, but Misty? IDK

Misty was an extension of Ronald. Defending her equaled defending his being in a relationship with and handing over the task of mothering his children to a 17 year old drug addict. :moo:

Also, defend Misty because she knew far too much about Ronald's illicit dealings. To defend Misty IMO WAS to defend Ronald in this twisted group.
Misty was an extension of Ronald. Defending her equaled defending his being in a relationship with and handing over the task of mothering his children to a 17 year old drug addict. :moo:

Also, defend Misty because she knew far too much about Ronald's illicit dealings. To defend Misty IMO WAS to defend Ronald in this twisted group.

Exactly tl. She knew too much about RC's involvement in the death of his daughter, his drug dealings, and God only knows what else. They didn't want her to talk. Remember in one of the jailhouse videos/tapes, TN asked RC, "Do you think she'll talk?" RC quickly changed the subject to steer the conversation to something else because he know they could be monitored...
Just here to check up on you. We are all still praying for you, Sweet Haleigh. :heartbeat:
it's been a while .... Still thinking of you Haleigh!!! Hope one day you will be able to go home :blowkiss:
I check here every day to see if there is any news. Thinking about you, HaLeigh.......
Exactly tl. She knew too much about RC's involvement in the death of his daughter, his drug dealings, and God only knows what else. They didn't want her to talk. Remember in one of the jailhouse videos/tapes, TN asked RC, "Do you think she'll talk?" RC quickly changed the subject to steer the conversation to something else because he know they could be monitored...

I would really like to be linked to the jailhouse videos/tapes where TN asked RC, "Do you think she'll talk"!

I do not remember that one and would really be interested to see/hear it!

Haleigh you are loved!!!!!!
I think TN was hoping Misty would break, not that she, or Ron, feared her doing so. MOO
Couldn't sleep, and thought I'd check in again on Haleigh. Sure do wish she would be found. :(
I just read about this case and must say I am truly sick. I don't think I can read many more of these cases, if I do I will need a huge break from reading about them.

Something that really bothers me is the crazy sentencing. The sentencing in these drug cases seem so crazy 15 - 25 years. Why don't they sentence molesters/rapist 15 - 25 years. I actually knew someone that later killed his wife, chopped her up, and buried her body parts (I know extremely disturbing and it scares me that I knew this person 10 years before he did this - he a client at a law office that I worked for). He was given 15 years. How it it that he was only given 15 years (in NY) and someone who deals prescription drugs is given 25 years?
I just read about this case and must say I am truly sick. I don't think I can read many more of these cases, if I do I will need a huge break from reading about them.

Something that really bothers me is the crazy sentencing. The sentencing in these drug cases seem so crazy 15 - 25 years. Why don't they sentence molesters/rapist 15 - 25 years. I actually knew someone that later killed his wife, chopped her up, and buried her body parts (I know extremely disturbing and it scares me that I knew this person 10 years before he did this - he a client at a law office that I worked for). He was given 15 years. How it it that he was only given 15 years (in NY) and someone who deals prescription drugs is given 25 years?

I understand your horror and frustration, however, these people were not sent to prison for that length of time for drugs. Just hope they have everyone in there that should be, but I don't think so.
Actually they were sent there for that amount of time 'for drugs'.

The fact LE started watching them much more closely probably had something to do with HaLeigh going missing though.

It was the weight and amount that fell under the state statutes concerning sentencing.
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