Halyna Hutchins Shot With Prop Gun - Alec Baldwin indicted & Hannah Gutierrez-Reed charged, 2021 #6

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It seems pretty clear that the person who loaded the live bullet into that gun, was HGR. And it seems to me that since she was the armorer, she should've known more than anyone, that the bullet she loaded, was in fact live. How we keep tip toeing around this and looking to blame everything else possible, astounds me. imo.

In the late morning on October 21, Gutierrez Reed and the other prop workers began prepping the guns, including Baldwin’s Colt .45. The actor needed it for a rehearsal set to begin before lunch. “Approximately 11 a.m., Hannah has loaded five dummies. They were clearly dummies,” says Bowles, Gutierrez Reed’s lawyer, adding that his client had shaken every one of them to check. “The sixth round would not go in, so she left it with five. She handed that over to Baldwin. They did a brief thing, and then they broke for lunch.”

At that point, Bowles says the gun went back to Gutierrez Reed, who locked it in the prop truck’s safe. After lunch, around 1 p.m., she went to retrieve it—and fix that empty sixth slot. Dummies are necessary because the ends of the revolver’s cylinder are exposed, and viewers would be able to tell if the chambers were empty. “So she cleans the cylinder and she pulls another round, a different round, out of that box and puts that round into the chamber,” Bowles says. At the same time, he says she was being urgently summoned to set over her radio.

Did she shake that last round to make sure it was a dummy? “Yes,” her attorney says. “She thought it had rattled, but at the same time, people are screaming in her earpiece, ‘Get the gun, get the gun.’ But she thought it had rattled.”

At some point, a real bullet made its way into that gun. So was that last round the one that killed Halyna Hutchins? “We don’t know for sure, because that gun was out of her eyesight and custody for 15 minutes,”
Bowles says, referring to when Gutierrez Reed handed the gun over for the rehearsal moments later and left the church.
“But if indeed nobody else had access to it, then yes, that would’ve been the round, the live round.”

It seems pretty clear that the person who loaded the live bullet into that gun, was HGR. And it seems to me that since she was the armorer, she should've known more than anyone, that the bullet she loaded, was in fact live. How we keep tip toeing around this and looking to blame everything else possible, astounds me. imo.

In the late morning on October 21, Gutierrez Reed and the other prop workers began prepping the guns, including Baldwin’s Colt .45. The actor needed it for a rehearsal set to begin before lunch. “Approximately 11 a.m., Hannah has loaded five dummies. They were clearly dummies,” says Bowles, Gutierrez Reed’s lawyer, adding that his client had shaken every one of them to check. “The sixth round would not go in, so she left it with five. She handed that over to Baldwin. They did a brief thing, and then they broke for lunch.”

At that point, Bowles says the gun went back to Gutierrez Reed, who locked it in the prop truck’s safe. After lunch, around 1 p.m., she went to retrieve it—and fix that empty sixth slot. Dummies are necessary because the ends of the revolver’s cylinder are exposed, and viewers would be able to tell if the chambers were empty. “So she cleans the cylinder and she pulls another round, a different round, out of that box and puts that round into the chamber,” Bowles says. At the same time, he says she was being urgently summoned to set over her radio.

Did she shake that last round to make sure it was a dummy? “Yes,” her attorney says. “She thought it had rattled, but at the same time, people are screaming in her earpiece, ‘Get the gun, get the gun.’ But she thought it had rattled.”

At some point, a real bullet made its way into that gun. So was that last round the one that killed Halyna Hutchins? “We don’t know for sure, because that gun was out of her eyesight and custody for 15 minutes,”
Bowles says, referring to when Gutierrez Reed handed the gun over for the rehearsal moments later and left the church.
“But if indeed nobody else had access to it, then yes, that would’ve been the round, the live round.”


.......“She thought it had rattled, but at the same time, people are screaming in her earpiece, ‘Get the gun, get the gun.’ But she thought it had rattled.”

Right here, Reed admits she made the mistake. She "thought" she was loading a fake bullet but because of noise in her earpiece she could have actually loaded a real bullet.

She makes it clear she is not totally sure she heard what she needed to hear to know for certain that it wasn't a real bullet.

Any jury would see this and hold her liable I think. Plus, she left the gun out in the open for 15 minutes.

She needs to make a plea deal and find another line of work. I believe if she goes to trial it will be a gamble she will lose.
It's maybe not a total defence for HG-R but how can it possibly be justifiable for any of the cast and crew to be messing with firearms when the armourer isn't present? They know, AB more than others, that the armourer is there as a safety supervisor. She may well have left the guns "lying around" (or she may not, the facts will out in the trial) but everyone should have known not to be messing with them without her being present.

On the subject of "cold gun" that article states that it has the meaning it attaches to it but I'm not sure that that is actually true.

No movie set would use a phrase to refer to a gun as not being loaded with "live" ammunition as live ammunition is essentially never used on movies these days (not in probably 7 decades, in any event). Why would you have a phrase to refer to a situation that would never occur anyway?

As far as I can tell, it refers to a gun which had no blank ammunition in it. That makes total sense as blank ammo can also be deadly as seen in the death is John Hexum in the 1980s. Several actors, Jeffrey Wright I think was one, have said that "cold gun" is not a phrase they've ever heard on a movie set so there is obviously more than one system in use.

In any event, Halls had no authority to attest to the state of the firearm and AB would have obviously known that he didn't. That puts it squarely on him and even more so if the statement does indeed refer to a gun without live ammo as it obviously implies that the presence of live ammo is is a foreseeable risk!

The Firearms expert, the bald guy who's been on a few of the video links in here, put it very well, and I think it was also mentioned on here months back, that if the scene they were rehersing was a suicide scene involving ABs character then would he have taken the word of anyone that it was safe or would he have checked the gun and ammo himself? No one can say for certain but I'm damn sure which option my money would be on! I'm also damn sure what option I'd be taking if I were him and it would involve a gun with a non-functioning cylinder!

All my opinion, obvs!

Extremely good point that would, in my opinion, influence a jury to convict Baldwin.

The point that it is unlikely that Baldwin would have shot himself if the scene had called for Baldwin to shoot himself. I believe the jury would believe that he would have double-checked the gun himself, or had Reed come into the scene to double-check it before pointing the gun at himself.

Or he would not have pointed the gun directly at himself and certainly not cocked it at himself. He wouldn't take a chance at killing himself in my opinion.

He should seek a plea deal.

I think Reed and Balwin will both lose if they go to trial in front of a jury, even if they have a bench trial just in front of the judge.

All the jury has to believe is that it is beyond a reasonable doubt that Reed LOADED THE REAL BULLET into the gun and beyond a reasonable doubt that Baldwin PULLED THE TRIGGER and he did not have Reed
CHECK THE GUN IN FRONT OF HIM as is required by basic safety standards.
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.......“She thought it had rattled, but at the same time, people are screaming in her earpiece, ‘Get the gun, get the gun.’ But she thought it had rattled.”

Right here, Reed admits she made the mistake. She "thought" she was loading a fake bullet but because of noise in her earpiece she could have actually loaded a real bullet.

She makes it clear she is not totally sure she heard what she needed to hear to know for certain that it wasn't a real bullet.

Any jury would see this and hold her liable I think. Plus, she left the gun out in the open for 15 minutes.

She needs to make a plea deal and find another line of work. I believe if she goes to trial it will be a gamble she will lose.
And this is her own lawyer stating the above. If her own lawyer can't say with confidence and conviction that HGR for SURE checked the round AND heard it rattle, how is there much hope for her to not be responsible? And of course, since her own lawyer wasn't actually there him/herself, they are getting all info from the words of HGR. Which could then mean anything. Like maybe she didn't even check at all? Or maybe that last round she tried so hard to put in place, did not come from the box at all, but rather, from her own pocket...... etc. I also notice that it seems HGR has held out a few possibilities for how it could've been someone ELSE's responsibility, such as.. just from memory, IIRC... well, this one - she THOUGHT, but because things were loud, she can't be sure (wouldn't it be a priority to MAKE sure you could hear it, if that's what it took to actually KNOW?).. then, the old 'must have been sabotage' - done by someone else.. and also that it had to have come from a box marked incorrectly by someone ELSE.. and also that it could've come from her friend, the supplier, since he'd supplied them.. and also, what was the guy calling it a 'cold gun' doing, if he didn't even take them out to look for himself (but jeez, how'd it get IN there??).. and also, it's the actor's fault since she felt he needed more training and he didn't respond and not to mention that he didn't unload the bullets to make sure for himself.. and those awful actors, always leaving guns hanging around (but meanwhile, did she not do just that herself, by reportedly (by her own lawyer) leaving the gun there for 15 minutes?)?. So really sick of all the lame attempts at excuses. jmo.

In my head.. I'm thinking... it seemed, from reports, that it was SO difficult for her to put in that last, sixth, round... so she first gives it over with only 5 rounds... then.. she gets it back.. and does whatever she does, cleans it, whatever, gets the sixth round in it.... and then doesn't bother to show the AD the rounds again, even though something CHANGED... to ME, it almost seemed like it was an omen.. like... 'pay special attention here, because SOMETHING is WRONG, it's not going in.. maybe there is a reason.. maybe I should check MORE CLOSELY??!!'.. it was said (by HGR's lawyer, so in effect, by HGR) in the article I quoted above, that she used a different bullet, but who knows?? Would she even remember which round she'd tried previously, or from where it originated??)

“So she cleans the cylinder and she pulls another round, a different round, out of that box and puts that round into the chamber,” Bowles says.

"After cleaning the cylinder to make the sixth round fit, Gutierrez Reed hurried the Colt .45 to the weathered wooden church set, her attorney says, and presented it to assistant director Dave Halls: “She then spins the cylinder for him, showing him it’s got six rounds in it, and hands it to him. He said, ‘Okay.’ She then leaves the church. She did not take them out and shake them again for Halls,” Bowles adds. “But she had done that before lunch.”

Of course, that was before she added the final round."

same link: “This Cannot Be Right”: How the Gun in Alec Baldwin’s Hands Turned the ‘Rust’ Set Deadly
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And this is her own lawyer stating the above. If her own lawyer can't say with confidence and conviction that HGR for SURE checked the round AND heard it rattle, how is there much hope for her to not be responsible? And of course, since her own lawyer wasn't actually there him/herself, they are getting all info from the words of HGR. Which could then mean anything. Like maybe she didn't even check at all? Or maybe that last round she tried so hard to put in place, did not come from the box at all, but rather, from her own pocket...... etc. I also notice that it seems HGR has held out a few possibilities for how it could've been someone ELSE's responsibility, such as.. just from memory, IIRC... well, this one - she THOUGHT, but because things were loud, she can't be sure (wouldn't it be a priority to MAKE sure you could hear it, if that's what it took to actually KNOW?).. then, the old 'must have been sabotage' - done by someone else.. and also that it had to have come from a box marked incorrectly by someone ELSE.. and also that it could've come from her friend, the supplier, since he'd supplied them.. and also, what was the guy calling it a 'cold gun' doing, if he didn't even take them out to look for himself (but jeez, how'd it get IN there??).. and also, it's the actor's fault since she felt he needed more training and he didn't respond and not to mention that he didn't unload the bullets to make sure for himself.. and those awful actors, always leaving guns hanging around (but meanwhile, did she not do just that herself, by reportedly (by her own lawyer) leaving the gun there for 15 minutes?)?. So really sick of all the lame attempts at excuses. jmo.

In my head.. I'm thinking... it seemed, from reports, that it was SO difficult for her to put in that last, sixth, round... so she first gives it over with only 5 rounds... then.. she gets it back.. and does whatever she does, cleans it, whatever, gets the sixth round in it.... and then doesn't bother to show the AD the rounds again, even though something CHANGED... to ME, it almost seemed like it was an omen.. like... 'pay special attention here, because SOMETHING is WRONG, it's not going in.. maybe there is a reason.. maybe I should check MORE CLOSELY??!!'.. it was said (by HGR's lawyer, so in effect, by HGR) in the article I quoted above, that she used a different bullet, but who knows?? Would she even remember which round she'd tried previously, or from where it originated??)

“So she cleans the cylinder and she pulls another round, a different round, out of that box and puts that round into the chamber,” Bowles says.

You should work for the prosecution... LOL

It doesn't even matter if it was all of the above because she was suppose to check the gun and fire it and do this right before she herself was supposed to hand the gun to the actor.

So sabotage or the supplier or box marked incorrectly or the guy calling it a 'cold gun' etc.....

doesn't matter because this is WHY the armorer checks the gun and fires it right before the armorer herself hands the gun to the actor.

@deugirtni (and anyone else)
What do you think about Alec being guilty?

He was not just an actor but also a producer. He would know that the armorer is suppose to show the actor that the gun is safe and that the armorer is the one who hands the actor the gun.

Also Alec says he did not pull the trigger and was told by Halyna Hutchins to point and shoot the gun at her. In other words - not his fault.

Alec would know that you don't shoot at a person without the armorer present.

Is Alec just an innocent actor?

Or ......

Is Alec guilty because as producer (and as a very gun experienced actor) he would know the gun protocol on set. He would know or should have known or should have looked into the gun safety on the set.
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I never understood the need or pressure to load the sixth round. Having 5 rounds in the cylinder is historically accurate, and if the empty chamber is under the hammer (also historically accurate) the fact that it is empty is not visible from outside the weapon. Whose idea was it to load the sixth round?
I never understood the need or pressure to load the sixth round. Having 5 rounds in the cylinder is historically accurate, and if the empty chamber is under the hammer (also historically accurate) the fact that it is empty is not visible from outside the weapon. Whose idea was it to load the sixth round?
Nothing has been said at all about having to load that sixth round... except by HGR herself (via her lawyer). The article says they used it with five rounds before lunch - nothing was said about it being a problem for anyone? One can only assume it was an issue for HGR, otherwise, I feel she would be also blaming whomever for pressuring her to load that sixth round into the gun. imo.
You should work for the prosecution... LOL

It doesn't even matter if it was all of the above because she was suppose to check the gun and fire it and do this right before she herself was supposed to hand the gun to the actor.

So sabotage or the supplier or box marked incorrectly or the guy calling it a 'cold gun' etc.....

doesn't matter because this is WHY the armorer checks the gun and fires it right before the armorer herself hands the gun to the actor.

@deugirtni (and anyone else)
What do you think about Alec being guilty?

He was not just an actor but also a producer. He would know that the armorer is suppose to show the actor that the gun is safe and that the armorer is the one who hands the actor the gun.

Also Alec says he did not pull the trigger and was told by Halyna Hutchins to point and shoot the gun at her. In other words - not his fault.

Alec would know that you don't shoot at a person without the armorer present.

Is Alec just an innocent actor?

Or ......

Is Alec guilty because as producer (and as a very gun experienced actor) he would know the gun protocol on set. He would know or should have known or should have looked into the gun safety on the set.
I have to admit that it really bugs me when something happens involving a celebrity/star.. it seems to ME (imo) that the public ruminates for blood to get that 'famous', perhaps also 'wealthy' person. Not sure why it seems that way, not sure why it would be that way.. it's just how it seems to me. I don't even LIKE Mr. Baldwin in a personal sense, and I have sometimes wondered if he was getting a dose of some kind of 'karma'. But at the end of the day, fair is fair, and I see this as HGR's responsibility. She hasn't seemed to take ownership of this, nor have I even heard her expressly apologize... maybe I missed it. I'm sure it was a horrible horrible accident, but still, one can apologize and admit error. It seems HGR was more disturbed about the end of her career, and finding every possible thing to blame it on, other than herself. imo. So many employers are a bit lax on safety protocols, and things get better in that regard as time goes on. I think it was a long time since there was a horrible accident like that, and people generally became a bit complacent, perhaps even assuming there are no live bullets!

I personally don't see AB being prosecuted because he was a producer - otherwise, why not charge ALL of the producers, especially the ones who had hiring authority and actually hired an incompetent armorer? Or the ones who were responsible to supervise the armorer? But that isn't happening. It wasn't just solely AB's production.

If in fact Altweis really said this, as she is quoted to have said, it leads me to believe that AB is being prosecuted 'as an actor', for 'pulling the trigger' (even though, from what I have read, something about cocking the gun can make the same thing happen (I know I'm not saying that correctly, but hopefully y'all understand what I'm talking about)):

Mary Carmack-Altwies, the Santa Fe prosecutor, tore into him Baldwin while announcing the charges, saying 'an actor doesn't get free pass' as she insisted he did pull the trigger on the gun that killed Hutchins.

And for all of HGR's rumblings about AB not responding to her about training.... it seems like she herself was unwilling to accept guidance and direction from what I perceive to be her superior. HGR says she's so busy with her armorer's job, she checks all the time to show the guns are empty, so when guns are left by 'others', they at least know they are a 'clear gun' - but yet she HERSELF loads a LIVE ROUND into the gun actually going to be used for SOMETHING, doesn't show anyone that something changed with it, and leaves it. It boggles my mind.:

Pickle described two incidents in which a shotgun was found unattended and requested that a check-in procedure be put in place immediately that would keep firearms locked away when not in use. Gutierrez Reed wrote back that a check-in system would slow the production and said she had repeatedly warned actors in safety meetings not to abandon weapons. “An actor will set them somewhere and forget them and that’s just a thing that happens same as every other prop,” Gutierrez Reed told the line producer. “Even days when we aren’t doing gunfire I’m still doing the Armorer job checking the guns in for every single scene and showing they’re empty, so when guns are left by an actor we at least know that they are a clear gun.”

“This Cannot Be Right”: How the Gun in Alec Baldwin’s Hands Turned the ‘Rust’ Set Deadly
Also Alec says he did not pull the trigger and was told by Halyna Hutchins to point and shoot the gun at her. In other words - not his fault.
I feel that when AB said this, it wasn't to show that it was HH's own fault that she got shot and wasn't HIS fault. Rather, it was to say how much everyone on the set felt at ease with what they were doing at that moment. ie if there had been any question, HH surely wouldn't have prompted him to do that, ie it wasn't like he just grabbed the gun and pointed it at her chest and pulled the trigger for the fun of it. They were working together to get the best (photog) shot possible. jmo.
You should work for the prosecution... LOL

It doesn't even matter if it was all of the above because she was suppose to check the gun and fire it and do this right before she herself was supposed to hand the gun to the actor.

So sabotage or the supplier or box marked incorrectly or the guy calling it a 'cold gun' etc.....

doesn't matter because this is WHY the armorer checks the gun and fires it right before the armorer herself hands the gun to the actor.

@deugirtni (and anyone else)
What do you think about Alec being guilty?

He was not just an actor but also a producer. He would know that the armorer is suppose to show the actor that the gun is safe and that the armorer is the one who hands the actor the gun.

Also Alec says he did not pull the trigger and was told by Halyna Hutchins to point and shoot the gun at her. In other words - not his fault.

Alec would know that you don't shoot at a person without the armorer present.

Is Alec just an innocent actor?

Or ......

Is Alec guilty because as producer (and as a very gun experienced actor) he would know the gun protocol on set. He would know or should have known or should have looked into the gun safety on the set.
This is strange.
How then did the gun 'fire' ?
Some triggers are harder to pull than others.
Is Alec thinking it went off accidentally without his pulling the trigger ?

I've read of guns going off accidentally when dropped.

Here's another thought : With the advance in special effects, can't all of the guns be empty on the set, and the noise (or smoke if it's that type of gun) added later ?
This is strange.
How then did the gun 'fire' ?
Some triggers are harder to pull than others.
Is Alec thinking it went off accidentally without his pulling the trigger ?

I've read of guns going off accidentally when dropped.

Here's another thought : With the advance in special effects, can't all of the guns be empty on the set, and the noise (or smoke if it's that type of gun) added later ?
Alec says that he cocked the gun and that just by cocking it, it fired. FBI says the trigger must be pulled for it to go off.

Gun needs to be cocked and then you pull the trigger. If that gun was going off without pulling the trigger, then Reed should have known and then not allowed that gun to even be used. Throw it out.

They should use completely empty guns for rehearsals and yes they could add noise and smoke, whatever they want, later. That should be easy to do, they add and subtract stuff all the time when they edit films.

The show "The Rookie" is one of the heaviest users of guns in prime time today yet they announced, after the Rust shooting, that from now on they will only use fake guns. You cannot tell the difference and if they can do it so can everyone else.
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I know AB did not intend to shoot HH. But I just don’t understand how a real gun-a real gun-can be pointed at anyone, on a set or otherwise. I have read about how the angle can be “cheated” during filming. I also read about protections put in place on sets where guns are to be fired, to prevent any possible accidents with dummy or blank rounds. It’s not just about the live rounds. As the prosecutor said, if just one of these people did their job, HH would be alive. If HGR checked before the gun ended up in the church. If she checked all ammo on the set. If she was the one who handed AB the gun. If AB did not point it at HH. If he followed the safety protocol he was well aware of. If he did not pull the trigger.
I have to admit that it really bugs me when something happens involving a celebrity/star.. it seems to ME (imo) that the public ruminates for blood to get that 'famous', perhaps also 'wealthy' person. Not sure why it seems that way, not sure why it would be that way.. it's just how it seems to me. I don't even LIKE Mr. Baldwin in a personal sense, and I have sometimes wondered if he was getting a dose of some kind of 'karma'. But at the end of the day, fair is fair, and I see this as HGR's responsibility. She hasn't seemed to take ownership of this, nor have I even heard her expressly apologize... maybe I missed it. I'm sure it was a horrible horrible accident, but still, one can apologize and admit error. It seems HGR was more disturbed about the end of her career, and finding every possible thing to blame it on, other than herself. imo. So many employers are a bit lax on safety protocols, and things get better in that regard as time goes on. I think it was a long time since there was a horrible accident like that, and people generally became a bit complacent, perhaps even assuming there are no live bullets!

I personally don't see AB being prosecuted because he was a producer - otherwise, why not charge ALL of the producers, especially the ones who had hiring authority and actually hired an incompetent armorer? Or the ones who were responsible to supervise the armorer? But that isn't happening. It wasn't just solely AB's production.

If in fact Altweis really said this, as she is quoted to have said, it leads me to believe that AB is being prosecuted 'as an actor', for 'pulling the trigger' (even though, from what I have read, something about cocking the gun can make the same thing happen (I know I'm not saying that correctly, but hopefully y'all understand what I'm talking about)):

Mary Carmack-Altwies, the Santa Fe prosecutor, tore into him Baldwin while announcing the charges, saying 'an actor doesn't get free pass' as she insisted he did pull the trigger on the gun that killed Hutchins.

And for all of HGR's rumblings about AB not responding to her about training.... it seems like she herself was unwilling to accept guidance and direction from what I perceive to be her superior. HGR says she's so busy with her armorer's job, she checks all the time to show the guns are empty, so when guns are left by 'others', they at least know they are a 'clear gun' - but yet she HERSELF loads a LIVE ROUND into the gun actually going to be used for SOMETHING, doesn't show anyone that something changed with it, and leaves it. It boggles my mind.:

Pickle described two incidents in which a shotgun was found unattended and requested that a check-in procedure be put in place immediately that would keep firearms locked away when not in use. Gutierrez Reed wrote back that a check-in system would slow the production and said she had repeatedly warned actors in safety meetings not to abandon weapons. “An actor will set them somewhere and forget them and that’s just a thing that happens same as every other prop,” Gutierrez Reed told the line producer. “Even days when we aren’t doing gunfire I’m still doing the Armorer job checking the guns in for every single scene and showing they’re empty, so when guns are left by an actor we at least know that they are a clear gun.”

“This Cannot Be Right”: How the Gun in Alec Baldwin’s Hands Turned the ‘Rust’ Set Deadly
They are not "out for blood to get that famous person."

The DA did a long investigation and the investigation showed enough probable cause for arrest warrants for 3 people.

Hall, who cut a deal, Baldwin and Reed.

Celebrity or no celebrity, Alec is a producer on Rust and a very gun experienced actor.

He knew or should have known that there were complaints about gun safety on the set and that you do not point and fire a gun at anyone on a set WITHOUT THE ARMORER checking the gun In front of you, this Includes firing the gun.

And he knew or should have known that during any shooting scenes, rehearsal or not, the armorer needs to be on the scene not off doing props. COVID protocols are just an excuse, gun safety trumps it.

Baldwin said:

"I would never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger at them. Never. Never. That was the training that I had."

5 key takeaways from Alec Baldwin's exclusive interview with George Stephanopoulos​

The star reflected on a fatal shooting on the set of "Rust."
Lucien Bruggeman
December 3, 2021, 8:21 AM ET
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I never understood the need or pressure to load the sixth round. Having 5 rounds in the cylinder is historically accurate, and if the empty chamber is under the hammer (also historically accurate) the fact that it is empty is not visible from outside the weapon. Whose idea was it to load the sixth round?
I can see why they might want all six chambers loaded as if the scene involve cocking the gun then the cylinder rotates until the next chamber is aligned with barrel and hammer. The viewer would notice the empty chamber as the gun was cocked before it disappeared out of sight behind the barrel.

Regardless, this was a rehearsal and had little requirement for a real firearm to be used, a far as I can tell.
This is strange.
How then did the gun 'fire' ?
Some triggers are harder to pull than others.
Is Alec thinking it went off accidentally without his pulling the trigger ?

I've read of guns going off accidentally when dropped.

Here's another thought : With the advance in special effects, can't all of the guns be empty on the set, and the noise (or smoke if it's that type of gun) added later ?
The trigger on a Colt SAA isn't particularly heavy. It's a single-action revolver which have generally light trigger pulls.

We don't know what Alec was actually thinking but one thing is sure - as the FBI report proves (and anyone who knows these revolvers knew from the outset) - is that he definitely either pulled the trigger after cocking the hammer or had it pulled when the drew back the hammer. It is impossible for that gun to have fired without the trigger being pressed. Again, that's the FBI report on that actual gun concluding that, not just me.
They are not "out for blood to get that famous person."

The DA did a long investigation and the investigation showed enough probable cause for arrest warrants for 3 people.

But how long ago did this happen? October 2021? And after the long investigation, apparently the investigation showed enough probable cause to charge 3 people - in.... January 2023? That is 15 months before their long investigation was completed and I'm not sure if arrest warrants have been issued even yet? The day the charges were announced, it was noted it had not yet actually happened. In any case.. that is 15 months that the public has been saying AB deserves jail time and etc. That's what I'm talking about when I say the public, in my opinion, seems to be out for blood when it comes to celebrities. It isn't just AB that I'm basing that opinion on.
I can see why they might want all six chambers loaded as if the scene involve cocking the gun then the cylinder rotates until the next chamber is aligned with barrel and hammer. The viewer would notice the empty chamber as the gun was cocked before it disappeared out of sight behind the barrel.

Regardless, this was a rehearsal and had little requirement for a real firearm to be used, a far as I can tell.
Even if it might show an empty chamber..... do people never fire a gun with one round already spent/gone? Must a gun be fully loaded at all times or it's not authentic? Nothing to do with this case specifically, just wondering out of interest, why it would need to be fully loaded at all?
The show "The Rookie" is one of the heaviest users of guns in prime time today yet they announced, after the Rust shooting, that from now on they will only use fake guns. You cannot tell the difference and if they can do it so can everyone else.
And even if the audience can tell if the gun is fake.... It's a movie! It is all pretend and we the audience know this. Camera angles, CGI, realistic props etc produce a good enough result IMO, that ensures everyone's safety.
I would suggest caution when asserting anything is 100% certain when dealing with a weapon of unknown age and condition.
We do know, though. It is a modern reproduction of a Colt Single Action Army revolver made by Pietta in Italy. The condition is not noted to be anything other than of it operating normally according to the FBI report on this particular gun.

The report states quite clearly that it could not be made to discharge without depressing the trigger, the excpetion being if the hammer were fully at rest against the cartridge and was struck with something. This is not consistent with anything AB claims to have taken place. He said he retracted the hammer and it went off. The FBI states that this could not have happened with that particular gun.

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