Handwriting Analysis//Casey

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Dear Members, I am sorry for my delay, the last several days it seemed like I would lose my sweet dog of 14 yrs. At this time he is stable.

First let me explain what cannot be found in HWA. The gender, age and which hand the writer uses.

As I mentioned, the first thing I do is to look at the page as
a picture. The page is the world and the writing is how the
writer lives and reacts in his/her world. Casey's writing
seems to form a "blur" on the page. If it were a window
it would be very hard to seen through it. Other than the
spacing around her captital letter I that is self protective
move, she lives by her own set of rules. The lack of margins on the top, bottom and left( not straight) then
even crowding of the right margin, points to one who
sees her/him self as the center of everything and very little or no room for others.

With the exception of a postcard, most everyone forms
some margin on the left, top, and bottom. The right margin in most writing vary and that is considered normal.
Casey's top, left and bottom are maxed out. The left margin has to do with her past. Though it is clinging to the
left ( even so, there is a lack of a straight line). This is rare
for most of the population have a straight left margin. It is
a strong indication Chasey operates outside of societies
rules and likely has all of her life. She literally crowdes
people in her world, but it has been that way so long
it becomes a way of life for family/friends.

When you find inceased spacing between words...not just the cap.I, it is an indicator that the person is not telling the truth.

Spacing within the words is tight(but not compressed).
Each letter except cap.I is given the same importance.
This tells us that everything thing in her life looms large to her, thereby constantly living in some sort of crisis mode.

Spacing between the lines shows tangling. The lower parts of some letters, especially with loops/or straight lines fall into the
middle zone of the next line. There are also some letters
that reach up and cross into the line above. This points to
confusion in thought process. Emotions clouding her

Though printing is becoming the chosen style of handwriting, it still can be analysed . What is missing
are the connecting strokes.

In Casey's script though it not a connecting stroke, there are many arcades in to top of her letter formations. These
are indicators of protection, secretiveness, difficulty in revealing true self.

The slant of her writing is not a pure vertical slant, that would indicate head over heart, thinking process. There
are letters within words that are leftward and some rightward. Her T stems are most often leftward. Then
you will see that many of the ovals are rightward. This points to the unpredictability in her nature...from minute to minute. (In viewing the family as a whole, living and loving someone who behaves in this fashion, is much like
living in a minefield.)

I must stop for now....more to come.

Thank you for being interested, I hope we all learn and grow as caring people through this process.

Good thoughts to all,
Mind Student
If I did this correctly, you should be able to follow this link to Casey's unlined handwritten note to Sheriff Berry and be able to download it to your computer.


Link to the family's handwritten documents. Click on download and it'll begin the process in about 30 seconds (be patient).


Once it's downloaded to your computer, you'll be able to skim down a few pages until you see the handwritten statements.

About this cursive thing, graphologists may have to rethink their analysis of handwriting that doesn't contain cursive/script for the up-and-coming generations. It's becoming a thing of the past because schools are concentrating their efforts on computer science. Do a Google search for "cursive in schools" or anything like that and you'll find lots of discussions regarding the lack of teaching cursive.

Like others, I was also struck by Casey's lack of mature handwriting. Her lower case d and b are especially ill-proportioned with large lower portions and extremely short sticks.

Cindy's handwriting isn't much like Casey's that I can tell. Cindy uses mostly cursive and has scribbles at times.

Interesting how Cindy states she hasn't seen Caylee since June 8th, both Casey and George claim they last saw her June 9th. I know they claim there was a mix up with the dates and later found out it was June 15 & 16th, but why would all three have given those erroneous dates? Collaboration, perhaps?

George prints all his statement, too, but that could stem from years as a policeman where he had to print everything so "everyone could read it". Interesting how he calls Cindy "my spouse". Also years of LE conditioning, maybe? Lee Anthony is also a "printer". hmmmm

My ex-husband and all three of my sons are "printers" rather than writers. (And all their printing resembles one another's.) What (if anything) does this mean?
My ex-husband and all three of my sons are "printers" rather than writers. (And all their printing resembles one another's.) What (if anything) does this mean?

People with artistic abilities often print-write and, in and of itself, it means nothing negative. Examples of print-writers include artists, engineers, architects, graphic design specialists. As an interesting side note, many LE personnel also exhibit print-writing.

I'd also like to remind everyone, let's keep our discussions on this thread focused exclusively on the handwriting of the players (KC, Cindy, George, etc.) provided in the handwritten statements to LE. This is not the place to discuss anyone else's handwriting.

Dear Members, I am sorry for my delay, the last several days it seemed like I would lose my sweet dog of 14 yrs. At this time he is stable.

First let me explain what cannot be found in HWA. The gender, age and which hand the writer uses.

As I mentioned, the first thing I do is to look at the page as
a picture. The page is the world and the writing is how the
writer lives and reacts in his/her world. Casey's writing
seems to form a "blur" on the page. If it were a window
it would be very hard to seen through it. Other than the
spacing around her captital letter I that is self protective
move, she lives by her own set of rules. The lack of margins on the top, bottom and left( not straight) then
even crowding of the right margin, points to one who
sees her/him self as the center of everything and very little or no room for others.

With the exception of a postcard, most everyone forms
some margin on the left, top, and bottom. The right margin in most writing vary and that is considered normal.
Casey's top, left and bottom are maxed out. The left margin has to do with her past. Though it is clinging to the
left ( even so, there is a lack of a straight line). This is rare
for most of the population have a straight left margin. It is
a strong indication Chasey operates outside of societies
rules and likely has all of her life. She literally crowdes
people in her world, but it has been that way so long
it becomes a way of life for family/friends.

When you find inceased spacing between words...not just the cap.I, it is an indicator that the person is not telling the truth.

Spacing within the words is tight(but not compressed).
Each letter except cap.I is given the same importance.
This tells us that everything thing in her life looms large to her, thereby constantly living in some sort of crisis mode.

Spacing between the lines shows tangling. The lower parts of some letters, especially with loops/or straight lines fall into the
middle zone of the next line. There are also some letters
that reach up and cross into the line above. This points to
confusion in thought process. Emotions clouding her

Though printing is becoming the chosen style of handwriting, it still can be analysed . What is missing
are the connecting strokes.

In Casey's script though it not a connecting stroke, there are many arcades in to top of her letter formations. These
are indicators of protection, secretiveness, difficulty in revealing true self.

The slant of her writing is not a pure vertical slant, that would indicate head over heart, thinking process. There
are letters within words that are leftward and some rightward. Her T stems are most often leftward. Then
you will see that many of the ovals are rightward. This points to the unpredictability in her nature...from minute to minute. (In viewing the family as a whole, living and loving someone who behaves in this fashion, is much like
living in a minefield.)

I must stop for now....more to come.

Thank you for being interested, I hope we all learn and grow as caring people through this process.

Good thoughts to all,
Mind Student

Hello Mind Student,

You have provided a most careful, thought-provoking analysis. Thank you for your excellent contribution in helping us understand KC's psychology.

I could have bolded almost every sentence you wrote, but for now, I wonder if you may be able to expand on the concepts I have bolded above in your quote, specifically:

-- connecting strokes and/or lack thereof
-- use of arcades
-- slants gone wild

Thanks again and I hope all goes well with your beloved dog...

Dear Soulcape and Kaelieanne,
Your comments are much appreciated. My computer skills are not the best, sometimes I cannot download something
sent to me. I do have copies of the families writing and will address them later. I thank you for trying to send me
the note on unlined paper, I would love to see it.
Thank you so much for your help.
Mind Student


I believe most all graphologist know that printing has
replaced cursive. However, we believe that writing is
a unique individual brain/mind print of the writer and can
be analysed as well.

Connecting strokes: are garlands (generally curved shape
like the cupped hand---but there are straight garlands,
droppy garlands and sham garlands) each has a different meaning. Generally garlands indicate a caring giving nature but varies if it is a different kind. Angles are much like a check mark that connects one letter to another. Some
angles are very sharp may look like sharks teeth, or they
might be soft to some degree. Angle writers are restless
and need to keep busy. Work is their main focus. It is difficult for them to express emotions or let go and have fun. They will argue their point and never give up. Acades is a connecting stoke that goes up and over.
( in Casey's m's, n's h's etc. the acades are seen) but they are not connectors. Aloof, cool, hiding or covering up all for
self-protection. Threads connecting stokes can be seen
in the writing of someone lying or trying to cover the truth.
However, threads are also seen in the script of very intelligent scientist If the writing is for their own records
they know what the threads mean. When threads are
used to cover up, it is more like the movement of a snake.
Most threads are seen at the end of a word, but they
are also found on occasion in the middle of a word. Legibility is a key factory in writing, if it is intended for another to read. Otherwise it is a complete waste of time
of the writer and inconsiderent of the reader.

Pressure is the mental energy that the writer is expressing
at that time. ( It is far better to have the original copy
and know exactly what writing tool was used.) Since this cannot be, I must base my analysis on what I see. It appears to be a ballpoint pen. What I find interesting is
that the whole picture of the page, presents so much up and down movement, I get the feeling of walking through
very thick tall weeds. So I have to get a very close
magnified look at each letter. There are "many" letters throughout that indicate the pressure is not steady. It is as if she is reluctant to write and her brain keeps making her hand lift ever so slightly from the paper. (If you compare this to her Father's, you will see that he has very
heavy pressure.)
This writing does not have three well defined zones.
Her middle zone dominates what little upper and lower are present. This is why most everyone sees her writing as inmature. She does live in the moment and constantly
creating her reality. (Though what she writes about is
not part of her analysis) When she starts talking about
time frames, her work, the nanny...the space between the words generally increases. This is because she is making it up as she goes. Her hand wants to move forward but her mind will not let her. ( Another thing I noticed, Casey
will used words ( I proceeded to my place of employment.)
Generally no one would elaborate in that manner. Then with time frames she always gave about a 4hr frame. That also does not seem to be what a prudent person would do.)
With the dominate middle zone, she remains the center of her world and does not understand why others do not
understand her. It is my opinion that she has always
been demanding "I want it now!". Everything else can take a back seat. It is clear that her family has tried their best to support and help her, but it is not enough.
One last thing for tonight. Her ovals: o,a,e,d, this is where
we can see the emotional control/or lack of in a writing.
There are some a's with a stab and more e's that are
closed. She can speak her mind without great trouble
it is only now and then that she will store something up
and then explode. The stabs in the O's shows sarcastic and the ability to lie.

More tomorrow I hope,

Mind Student
The speed of Casey's writing is slow. It is interesting that she uses many commas, that are not required, but rarely
dots her small i. The baseline drops below with individual
letters, does not form a line. This all points to a calculating
mind, that rarely takes a break. In fact, when reading
the text, she will attempt to say the same thing twice, with a slight change. She tries to cover every step she makes, but she frequently runs into a brick wall of her own
making. ( It appears as if she is writing about another person.)

The capital I and Signature are both important to her
view of herself. The captital I looks the same in her script
as small i's and l's. Her capital I stands alone and often
leans leftward. This indicates it is her Mother she seeks out
when things go wrong. However, Casey cannot show honest true affection to anyone. With her signature, only the Ca are
clear and legible. This is how she wishes the world to see her....basically she wants to have a hidden identity. The
obliteration of the name Anthony, points to deep anger
toward the power of that name in her life. I would say
toward her Father. However, I believe both of her parents
though needed in her life, she resents their imput. Casey
wants to live her way with noone voicing their opinion.
There is no difference from her capital letters and smaller
case ones. She sees everything in her life large and important, and cannot understand why others do not feel the same.
Last is another comment about the "felon's claw" seen in the name Anthony. Because of the termoil that runs through the family, Casey knows just how to set up her parents
so that they will feel guilty or responsible, when it is really
all Casey's behavior or problem. Her parents have had
a very difficult time seeing Casey as a mature woman. Casey never has been able to live up to living her life

In time I will write on Cindy and George Anthony.

Any comments or sharing your thoughts will be appreciated.

Mind Student
Thank you so much for this thoughtful and insightful work, Mind Student.
Thank you for your analysis, very interesting! I look forward to more of it!
Dear Sweetwater, dsd07 and aksleuth,

Thank you so much for your comments. I do welcome all kind.

Mind Student
Dear Sweetwater, dsd07 and aksleuth,

Thank you so much for your comments. I do welcome all kind.

Mind Student

I am also just eating up this thread Mind Student! I find it very fascinating! Hoping to hear more from you soon.

Upon reviewing what I covered on Casey Anthony's writing,
I missed the horizonal movement. Any line in the writing
that moves across the page indicates the
the energy the writer gives to achieving their goals. In
the bars that cross Casey's t's, they are short and move upward.
There is no increased pressure and the length is basically the same throughout. Because the whole of the writing must be taken into consideration, I am of the opinion that
this points to her repetitive behavior of confusion that keeps all in her world on the edge. The childlike nature
of her printing and signature, shows that even though
she is an adult, she is able to get others to feel sorry for her as if she were a child. This is expecially true of her family. The web is so confusing they end up trying to
help their little girl. This is not saying a negative judgement of the parents. We as human beings fall into patterens of behavior. In some cases the dependency never moves to the next level.

Just a brief comment on her parent's script. Cindy has never been able to understand and connect with Casey. However, she is given her all, to do so. Cindy is more orderly in her thinking. George is man with a strong and somewhat driven personalty. Never the less, they see Casey as their child and
have always given her the benefit of the doubt. Even when
true facts say otherwise, Casey knows how to manipulate
them. The parents come from a point of love.

Mind Student
Thank you, Mind Student.

Your observations are most appreciated. As AKSleuth mentioned, there is much concurrence between the graphology and the astrology.

Thank you again for sharing your valuable time and knowledge on this Thread. I look forward to reading anything you may have to share regarding Cindy and George A.'s handwriting.

mindstudent: thanks or all of your input---! I find this fascinating---there truly is alot you tell of others just by being.....

thanks again--do hope your little pupster is doing better...they do have a way with endearing themselves to us....mine have quirks but love them just the same....

To all concerned with Caylee,

Though I did complete the handwriting analysis of George and Cindy, the recent news is so heart breaking, I question it's importance.

In general, there were three very strong personalities in one home. Cindy based in a strong belief system of what is right and wrong. George is more to the point, get it done now personality. Both parents intelligent people
and wanting to do what is right. However, Casey was able
to keep them in termoil all the time. It became a way of life and the norm. Cindy always wanted a solid strong family. Though she talks of good times earlier in Casey's life, it is more what she needs to believe, rather than what
was the truth. Belief systems can be so strong that it colors ones whole perception of the world. If you recall
I mentioned Casey's writing looked like tall thick weeds?
No matter how hard one tires a clear picture is never seen.
If flashes of the truth surfaced, as it did when Cindy found
Casey has stolen money from her Grandmother, it sent Cindy over the edge. However, in time ( as I believe it has always been), She and George rallied behind Casey and
got bogged down in the thick tall weeds of lies again.

When you love someone so deeply, it is so hard to accept the unbelievable. Casey has been the one in control of
that home, likely from childhood. One thing I noticed
when listening to Casey, that support the thick weeds, is how many words she uses when talking about anything.
She leaves very little room for imput. What strikes me as sad, it that it sounds as if she is making sense, if you did not know otherwise.

I have to believe that there is a safe place for little angels.

With a caring heart,
Mind Student

The speed of Casey's writing is slow. It is interesting that she uses many commas, that are not required, but rarely
dots her small i. The baseline drops below with individual
letters, does not form a line. This all points to a calculating
mind, that rarely takes a break. In fact, when reading
the text, she will attempt to say the same thing twice, with a slight change. She tries to cover every step she makes, but she frequently runs into a brick wall of her own
making. ( It appears as if she is writing about another person.)

The capital I and Signature are both important to her
view of herself. The captital I looks the same in her script
as small i's and l's. Her capital I stands alone and often
leans leftward. This indicates it is her Mother she seeks out
when things go wrong. However, Casey cannot show honest true affection to anyone. With her signature, only the Ca are
clear and legible. This is how she wishes the world to see her....basically she wants to have a hidden identity. The
obliteration of the name Anthony, points to deep anger
toward the power of that name in her life. I would say
toward her Father. However, I believe both of her parents
though needed in her life, she resents their imput. Casey
wants to live her way with noone voicing their opinion.
There is no difference from her capital letters and smaller
case ones. She sees everything in her life large and important, and cannot understand why others do not feel the same.
Last is another comment about the "felon's claw" seen in the name Anthony. Because of the termoil that runs through the family, Casey knows just how to set up her parents
so that they will feel guilty or responsible, when it is really
all Casey's behavior or problem. Her parents have had
a very difficult time seeing Casey as a mature woman. Casey never has been able to live up to living her life

In time I will write on Cindy and George Anthony.

Any comments or sharing your thoughts will be appreciated.

Mind Student

Mind Student: This is absolutely fascinating to me. I noticed the comma thing straight away (grammar background) but the felon's claw is very interesting. I have a Y in my name and don't use it like that. Also, I notice I lean toward the right when writing, and when you are describing handwriting analyses I am basing it off what I do rather than the norm as I'm not the expert. So, keep this information coming. I find it most interesting and thank you for your input!!!:clap:
People with artistic abilities often print-write and, in and of itself, it means nothing negative. Examples of print-writers include artists, engineers, architects, graphic design specialists. As an interesting side note, many LE personnel also exhibit print-writing.

I'd also like to remind everyone, let's keep our discussions on this thread focused exclusively on the handwriting of the players (KC, Cindy, George, etc.) provided in the handwritten statements to LE. This is not the place to discuss anyone else's handwriting.


I didn't know that!!! I have been a print-writer for along time and thought my writing was sloppy. Now I can say I'm artistic...LOL~ (Singing count? Comedy/acting count? I can't draw a stick figure without offending a stick...)
This is fascinating. Is there more?

I consciously altered my signature after my dad made the comment that an illegible signature was more difficult to forge than a neat one, not that it was ever that neat.
To all concerned with Caylee,

Though I did complete the handwriting analysis of George and Cindy, the recent news is so heart breaking, I question it's importance.
In general, there were three very strong personalities in one home. Cindy based in a strong belief system of what is right and wrong. George is more to the point, get it done now personality. Both parents intelligent people
and wanting to do what is right. However, Casey was able
to keep them in termoil all the time. It became a way of life and the norm. Cindy always wanted a solid strong family. Though she talks of good times earlier in Casey's life, it is more what she needs to believe, rather than what
was the truth. Belief systems can be so strong that it colors ones whole perception of the world. If you recall
I mentioned Casey's writing looked like tall thick weeds?
No matter how hard one tires a clear picture is never seen.
If flashes of the truth surfaced, as it did when Cindy found
Casey has stolen money from her Grandmother, it sent Cindy over the edge. However, in time ( as I believe it has always been), She and George rallied behind Casey and
got bogged down in the thick tall weeds of lies again.

When you love someone so deeply, it is so hard to accept the unbelievable. Casey has been the one in control of
that home, likely from childhood. One thing I noticed
when listening to Casey, that support the thick weeds, is how many words she uses when talking about anything.
She leaves very little room for imput. What strikes me as sad, it that it sounds as if she is making sense, if you did not know otherwise.

I have to believe that there is a safe place for little angels.

With a caring heart,
Mind Student


Bolding mine... yes, I agree MS that in the light of all that's happened, t his is a menial topic, but its still interesting. I thank you so much for your insight. I have learned a LOT from your posts, and I hope you will continue.

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