Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

DNA Solves
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One thing I've always wondered: When the police matched up the DNA from the 2005 Fairfax victim with Morgan Harrington back in 2010, wouldn't they have already found any other DNA matches for crimes that occurred before 2010? I would assume that any rapes or murders with DNA evidence left behind would've automatically matched up in CODIS just like Morgan's did. That is why I don't expect a slew of other cases suddenly matching up to JM via DNA. (Not that he isn't responsible for other missing girls, but maybe they don't have perp DNA to compare for some of the other cases.) If there was a DNA match for any other unsolved cases before 2010, they would already know, right?

Yes - that is correct. When the DNA from the Fairfax case was entered back in 2005, there were no profiles that matched (as far as we know) until the profile from MH's case was entered in 2010 and, again as far as we know, there have been no other matches to that profile since. So if both those profiles belong to JM - those are the ONLY two cases in CODIS now that he matches.

Keep in mind, not all DNA profiles developed from evidence are suitable or appropriate for CODIS - these include mixtures and partial profiles. So a case MAY have a DNA profile from a possible perpetrator but that profile is not able to go into CODIS. It can, however, be manually compared to a suspect profile by a forensic scientist.
I'm heartbroken but I knew this would be the result :(

I've felt close to this case since we were visiting Virginia and North Carolina right after she went missing, with our last stop in Charlottesville a week after Hannah disappeared. While I was there I thought of Hannah. So very sad. Rest in peace, Hannah.

Yeah.... :( Erin found, Hannah found... Heather Elvis :praying:

Then it says in the article abandoned property. I still think it's a structure of some sort.

The find was made around an abandoned property on a rural road - the area where suspect Jesse Matthew, who has been charged with Hannah's abduction, grew up.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...property-south-disappeared.html#ixzz3GXwP7fzF
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Saturday, September 13, 2014 Wisdom Oak Winery Olympic & Sprint Triathlon
North Garden, Virginia Walnut Creek Park

Charlottesville Olympic Triathlon :
Triathlon : Swim 1500 Meters, Bike 24.9 Miles, Run 6.2 Miles
Charlottesville Sprint Triathlon :
Triathlon : Swim 750 Meters, Bike 16.5 Miles, Run 3.1 Miles

I wonder if there are any early morning photos of the events .
I've always felt like he wanted the body to be found, but he wanted it to take some time. If he was responsible for Cassandra Morton, then he wanted the body found. MH was concealed but not impossible to find. JM is a big, strong guy. He could have buried the bodies. But he seems to want them to be discovered eventually. I thought that HG would be found eventually because I just got this feeling that JM wants them found-- not obviously and out in the open, but he likes the searches and all the attention on the case. JMO

I think it's also his lack of respect for them as humans. Once he's finished with them they're irrelevant so he just leaves them like garbage.
Curious, then his "prowling" of MH seems different. She interacted with quite a few people up to her last sighting. No one reports her interacting with a black male. Only bringing it up because he is now considered MH's killer; it seems like a completely different predatory style. He goes from no witnesses and no cameras on a dark road, to video surveillance in bars and lively mall around closing time.

Given that both girls were intoxicated, and witnesses say had trouble walking, I cannot see much resistance going on, just my take on it. Sometimes in a crisis, people get that adrenaline rush, so who knows? If those remains prove to be Hannah, hopefully it will reveal what happened.

Serial Killers morph. He didn't have a Cab anymore. When compromised and vulnerable women appear, bad things are going to happen when they cross paths with JM.


HaikuMommy's, there is so many missing from a very small geographical area and many have never been located.. As sexual predators/serial killers escalate and gain experience/hone their skills, many become investigative and forensically aware. They will attempt to destroy forensics utilizing various methods to accomplish this...

Of course, I agree. Just saying if they had any cases with perp DNA they would already have him in CODIS to match with. Not saying he didn't commit other crimes, just that I would assume his DNA wasn't found at other crime scenes or CODIS would have linked those cases to Morgan and the Fairfax victim already.

For example, when hearing the Alexis Murphy lawyer saying he wants them to test JM's DNA against DNA from her case -- wouldn't both samples already be in CODIS (and therefore not a match)? Are we seriously having to test every single case against every other case or doesn't CODIS work like I expect?
Here are the links that can give us the location:

Reporter's pic of barricade where police told him the body was located just beyond this point:


Another pic of today's barricades- looks like cemetery on left:


Google street view of 2505 Old Lynchburg Rd with cemetery and blue sign:


Overhead/earth view of 2505 Old Lynchburg Rd. Church across st from cemetery, road block about there


I think this is very near where her body was found today

I know some don't find DM reputable but in the last few years I find myself looking for articles they put out on cases I am interested in. I not only find them to be factual about cases over here but they are much more detailed in their reporting than our own reporters.

Although on this case I have thoroughly enjoyed keeping up with Coy Barefoot and think he has done an outstanding job. It is for certain he has inside contacts with LE on this case.

I haven't followed this case as closely as many Websleuthers, but I am saddened by the news that Hannah's remains may have been located. My thoughts and prayers for Hannah's family, friends, and colleagues. I hope that the person who took this young woman away from those who loved her is arrested and prosecuted and that justice is served for Hannah Graham.
Unusual coincidence that Hannah has been found one day and 5 years after Morgan first disappeared. imo

I don't put any stock in numbers as such, but five keeps coming up - She was found 5 weeks after going missing, 5 years after Morgan's disappearance, approx. 5 miles between the properties where the girls were found. Prayers for all who are hurting tonight.
Hi everyone,

they also said that the public search for tomorrow has been canceled. But, since they wanted to search that park (such a specific place) and she was found today near that park, it is possible maybe that LJ said something? I hope so, it will make things easier (especially if he killed other girls that haven't been found yet). Also, do we know who is the owner of that property? They said many times to owners to search their empty properties. It appears that somebody didn't do it, unless nobody owned it.

Kinda OT, perhaps not. My mind has gone back to the FCA case, of when it was announced that they found Caylee they had Casey under observation when the news came out about a body found. It became part of the trial her reaction when viewing that report on the television breaking news. Wonder if they did the same here in the last few days to see his rxn of saying that 200 would be searching in an area near where the body was found. Just sayin'

Of course, I agree. Just saying if they had any cases with perp DNA they would already have him in CODIS to match with. Not saying he didn't commit other crimes, just that I would assume his DNA wasn't found at other crime scenes or CODIS would have linked those cases to Morgan and the Fairfax victim already.

For example, when hearing the Alexis Murphy lawyer saying he wants them to test JM's DNA against DNA from her case -- wouldn't both samples already be in CODIS (and therefore not a match)? Are we seriously having to test every single case against every other case or doesn't CODIS work like I expect?

They may be matched and LE isn't telling us.
Amen to that...if that garbage is responsible (and it sure seems he is) he needs to really feel this for all he took from this family and this poor girl..for nothing..makes me so sick I can't stand it

I hope he is terrified tonight. Terrified and panicked. His "game" is over and the mask is off.
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