Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

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Am I crazy, or did I see a close up pic of the creek behind the house somewhere??
I believe from the above article that I found about the searcher who discovered the body that he believes that it is - Hannah. I do not think a searchers who found remains would allude to such without feeling quite confident via consistant physical evidence. Just my opinion, however

yes, and the man isn't just a random man... he's a sargeant and interviewed in another video about the search
Yes. :) I live here. I've been wearing a long-sleeved shirt and jeans for the past two to three weeks. There really has been a remarkable difference in temperature and humidity since late September.

However, if this is Hannah, I suspect animals had more to do with her being skeletonized than weather anyway.

Agreed, just pointing that out to those who dont know about the climate here.

I live in Texas for 13 years and the first question I get asked by Virginians is how did you stand the heat.

They assumed it was muggy there too and it wasnt.

Id take 120 degrees of dry heat with a breeze blowing and no trees to speak of to block the wind, over 90 degrees and humid any day of the week. :)
Does anyone know how far out vultures would fly and swarm an area to go back? Do they only stay in that area or do they spread out and hover further areas and then return?

They will circle in 10 mile areas, they can be off from wind direct by three miles. Once they settle on there food source ,they are not leaving until it is gone and often will come back to check the same location. They have trouble removing shoes.
I'm worried about the lack of DNA evidence since her body was just bones. I found it odd that there was no hair. Does anyone with experience in any of these areas have an opinion?

I wonder if they were ever in the house before she ended up there?
Property usually is never land when defining legally abandoned property , land is usually not abandonble but undeveloped .
Let's remember that this is all that the SAR team believes was at the site. I would imagine it's possible the forensics team might have uncovered quite a bit more that this Chesterfield officer would not be aware of.

The body farm site says that soil beneath the body holds a good deal of info that as do any nearby bugs. Yes. They can extract the contents of the bugs stomachs to get a better time of death. Crazy! But that's what this Dr. Bass says. So I am hopeful that the officer did as he was told and did not get too close, thus he didn't see some of the things that the forensic guys saw and collected.
I've been wearing shorts and a long sleeve shirt these past two weeks here. Maybe I feel humidity differently. Before and after big rain definite humidity.
On Google Earth the historical image button is on the top bar-looks like a clock face. A slider should show up in the top left corner.

GE historic.PNG
i am having a hard time envisioning this little rent house as an assisted living residence?? what is that all about?
Didnt someone say that they saw a dump truck that shared the name of JLMs grandmother and that it was an excavating or landscaping company?

If the last is true he would have had easy access to lye.
I keep asking myself this same question. Not saying he should have been raping women AT ALL, but why didn't he rape them, and leave them somewhere - ALIVE???? What makes a person so incredibly devoid of a soul that they can want to destroy another human, and in such a brutal way? It is unimaginable.

Matthews was a big and strong guy. Big and strong enough that he could easily overpower a girl and catch them if they tried to escape. I think most women would see he was was too strong to fight/outrun, and just choose to cooperate instead of fight.

Hannah and Morgan, however, may have taken their chances and fought back. So, he killed them. There are a few possible reasons:

1. They injured him and he got enraged
2. He became irate because he felt they were disrespecting him (''You're a woman, how dare you not give me what I want/deserve as a man?'')
3. He just got annoyed because they were being too loud, wouldn't stop talking, wouldn't cooperate
4. He felt that letting them go would be too risky for whatever reason. Maybe they got a really good scratch in and had his DNA on them, maybe they somehow found out his name and/or had other identifying information
5. In Morgan's case: Maybe he's used to passive/cooperative victims and freaked out when he realized she was absolutely not going to allow him to rape her. So, he killed her in a panic. Then, in Hannah's case, he was like ''I've already killed one girl, I might as well do away with this one too''

It's really sick.

I'm a girl, I'm the same age Morgan was when she died, and I'm starting college very soon. This case really scares me and I don't know what I would do if I were in a situation like that. It makes me realize how vulnerable and weak I am at 5'4 and 140-some pounds and not being very fast. I'm seriously considering buying pepper spray now.
right next to the presumed location the remains have been found at/near
rather clear, but I believe I spy some cedars to the SE outside the fence

the cemetery near Anchorage was out in a field , not trees, if you recall

What is the significance of cedar trees? I saw that mentioned earlier in the thread but don't understand how that relates.
yeah, but hannah's black pants were found either around or on the bones... that would be quite a coincidence. also, the searcher said that the skeleton indicated the person was tall. someone else mentioned that bonnie was 5'4. and then there's the fact that JM went to that area quite frequently in the past

I dont believe any article says black pants, They say dark colored pants.
There are several or even many assisted living houses in this area that don't have markings that say so.
They will circle in 10 mile areas, they can be off from wind direct by three miles. Once they settle on there food source ,they are not leaving until it is gone and often will come back to check the same location. They have trouble removing shoes.

Shoes! They didn't mention finding shoes!
As for her pants, I doubt they were on the body. He could have buried them to hide them as evidence. Shirts/undergarments/jewelry could be trophies for him.

Sorry if this has already been asked, but are there ways of finding evidence of sexual assault on skeletonized remains?
Matthews was a big and strong guy. Big and strong enough that he could easily overpower a girl and catch them if they tried to escape. I think most women would see he was was too strong to fight/outrun, and just choose to cooperate instead of fight.

Hannah and Morgan, however, may have taken their chances and fought back. So, he killed them. There are a few possible reasons:

1. They injured him and he got enraged
2. He became irate because he felt they were disrespecting him (''You're a woman, how dare you not give me what I want/deserve as a man?'')
3. He just got annoyed because they were being too loud, wouldn't stop talking, wouldn't cooperate
4. He felt that letting them go would be too risky for whatever reason. Maybe they got a really good scratch in and had his DNA on them, maybe they somehow found out his name and/or had other identifying information
5. In Morgan's case: Maybe he's used to passive/cooperative victims and freaked out when he realized she was absolutely not going to allow him to rape her. So, he killed her in a panic. Then, in Hannah's case, he was like ''I've already killed one girl, I might as well do away with this one too''

It's really sick.

I'm a girl, I'm the same age Morgan was when she died, and I'm starting college very soon. This case really scares me and I don't know what I would do if I were in a situation like that. It makes me realize how vulnerable and weak I am at 5'4 and 140-some pounds and not being very fast. I'm seriously considering buying pepper spray now.

If you get pepper spray, get the good stuff with 3 million scoville heat units....anything less is apt to enrage someone even further.
Does anyone know how far out vultures would fly and swarm an area to go back? Do they only stay in that area or do they spread out and hover further areas and then return?

They will stay and feed, feed,feed until they get their fill. They are bottomless pits.
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