Harley in the Hangar: Chop Shop?

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"I can confirm that the motorcycle written about was recovered in the hangar by the Hamilton police. There were a number of vehicles and/or parts found in the hangar and this remains under investigation," Constable Debbie McGreal-Dinning said in an email.

Police say they're still trying to track down owners of the discovered vehicles, putting the number found at fewer than 10.

I read this as, they won't know if the other vehicles are stolen until they track down the owners.
It doesn't matter really. I think DM and his boys moved all the vehicles (more than 10 vehicles) that were likely chopped since 2010 or even earlier and the 10 represents what LE was able to take as evidence from the hangar after they got a warrant. IMO I think 10 means no. of vehicles.

So, are you saying that MillardAir has been principally involved in thieving and reselling vehicles since at least 2010, then? Interesting, imo. What role did WM probably play then, IYO? I only ask because, given that all activity at the hangar appears to have stopped since his father's death, maybe it was DM that was fed up with the chop-shop "business". Hey, it's another theory. And it's 100 percent IMHO.
There will be a great deal of information not released to the public... LE is busy preparing for disclosure, which must be done within 21 days. They're certainly not going to release all of their information and evidence to the public. That's what trials are for. Things are very different in Canada than in the US. We may never hear all of the details.

It wont matter if disclosure isnt ready in 21days. Its very usual for the crown to put off providing disclosure until they have accumulated enough fodder to make a charge seem at least plausible. They just keep putting dates back until a clued in judge (rarity these days) IMO, decides that they may be encroaching on someones right to a fair and speedy trial, hence charter violation and so on.

LE/Crown often dont have as much evidence as we are led to believe. They actually push ahead with mere guesswork. They will suggest that something is true oftentimes. I will say JMO in order to allow for the possibility that my witnessing of such lack lustre evidence and lack of prompt disclosures was just my take on things.... JMO
DM's lawyer expects first disclosure to take longer than that:

Initially he said 3-4 months to first disclosure:

Paradkar: “The earliest I could anticipate is when we get the first round of disclosure, which I expect based on my experience would be probably three to four months. [That] would actually be the first time we would be able to see how strong the Crown’s case is.” http://www.cbc.ca/hamilton/news/story/2013/05/16/hamilton-millard-vigils.html

He's since amended that to 6 months:

Paradkar said he expects it will take at least six months just to obtain disclosure of the Crown’s case against his client. http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2013/05/15/tim_bosma_dellen_millard_formally_charged_with_firstdegree_murder.html

IMO even six months is a longshot lol.... I've seen it take a year. And good luck on getting a warrant disclosure in record time. Those babies are kept till last. They know they can be thrown out on a warrant discrepancy so they keep those and no doubt will keep adding to them until it looks good. JMO/IMO/MOO

Looks like a reason for certain people to want to seize DM's assets as payback for him cancelling the project. Of course he has the right to cancel the project but certain people may not have liked it....and want to seize his property. JMHO..... never doubt that 'dark forces are at work'..... Even Her Majesty QE2 said that after the death of Diana...and she should know ;-) MOO/JMO
Looks like a reason for certain people to want to seize DM's assets as payback for him cancelling the project. Of course he has the right to cancel the project but certain people may not have liked it....and want to seize his property. JMHO..... never doubt that 'dark forces are at work'..... Even Her Majesty QE2 said that after the death of Diana...and she should know ;-) MOO/JMO
Question>> Can a security guard go into the premises at any time for security purposes? If he can then what more might he have seen over the past few months than just planes in the hangar? Hmmm
Question>> Can a security guard go into the premises at any time for security purposes? If he can then what more might he have seen over the past few months than just planes in the hangar? Hmmm

I do not think so.
There will be a great deal of information not released to the public... LE is busy preparing for disclosure, which must be done within 21 days. They're certainly not going to release all of their information and evidence to the public. That's what trials are for. Things are very different in Canada than in the US. We may never hear all of the details.

Currently there is publication ban going on in the court, if a cross border paper picks up this story and attends the court, all information is up for publication as long as it is not a Canadian newspaper.

If a Buffalo newspaper were to report, they can write anything.
Currently there is publication ban going on in the court, if a cross border paper picks up this story and attends the court, all information is up for publication as long as it is not a Canadian newspaper.

If a Buffalo newspaper were to report, they can write anything.

The purpose of the ban is to preserve the rights of the defendant to a fair trial, and the presumption of innocence. The ban prevents public dissemination of information or evidence so that jurors make their decisions based only on admissible evidence presented during the trial. It is also intended to maintain the integrity of the evidence of any potential witness who may be called to testify in the case. I'm not sure what reporter would put themselves in hot water to spoil a court case, regardless of where they live.

Just like there is a ban in Canada for no pictures or video to be taken in the court of law. Therefore, a USA reporter cannot take pics/video in Canadian courts either.
Thats assuming DM is a sociopath which of course we do not know. Thanks for your opinion..:) .. IMO I do not see this , because IF WM was murdered which IMO I doubt, by anyone it would make more sense for him to be murdered by someone whose 'business' or whose 'plans' had been thwarted, this usually would revolve around a situation IMO that would mean that someone who wanted to make money (DM doesn't need money) was involved.

For instance, WM finds cars in hangar, asks DM about it and says that they need to be gone in order to proceed with new venture... DM informs the mastermind behind the chop shop venture and said mastermind eliminates WM making it look like a suicide. Mastermind now has his business back on track and only has to deal with younger guy who could possibly be oblivious to the criminality of the venture or may have been warned how easily his life could be snuffed out if he doesn't go with the program ..... If we are dealing with OC from any source they can be quite thorough and quite ruthless... and ....sociopathic/psychopathic. IMO... and MOO
Doesn't speak well for Mr. "Mastermind" to put his ace out on the front line.
Question>> Can a security guard go into the premises at any time for security purposes? If he can then what more might he have seen over the past few months than just planes in the hangar? Hmmm

Given the strategic location of this hangar on land leased from the federal government it would surprise me if airport security did not have the authority to inspect the hangar - inside and out - at any time.

Remember that the hangar was inside the secure "airside" section of the airport (the section that we as passengers must go through rigorous searches to enter).

It is surprising that airport security did not detect suspicious activity occurring on airport property.
I believe it was said somewhere that millrdair stopped 'taking orders' the day after tb disappeared..? What kind of orders would they have been?
I agree, a lot of the FB pics of "car projects" were in the old hanger (from 2010-the early part of 2012) When they moved to the new hanger there were pics of the new hanger in the fall of 2012 that had just airplanes in the background. Makes me wonder where else they have stored these vehicles or where they shipped them off to?

Well, suspect #3's property might be one good location to consider.
I believe it was said somewhere that millardair stopped 'taking orders' the day after tb disappeared..? What kind of orders would they have been?
car parts..automotive paint..Im guessing they sold parts but kept frames and body, restored them and then would sell the car..seems like alot of work for a millionaire, still have this gut feeling its a bunch of his friends like Smich and buddies who are not so well off and he got caught up in it. You would not be making Millions IMO
Given the strategic location of this hangar on land leased from the federal government it would surprise me if airport security did not have the authority to inspect the hangar - inside and out - at any time.

Remember that the hangar was inside the secure "airside" section of the airport (the section that we as passengers must go through rigorous searches to enter).

It is surprising that airport security did not detect suspicious activity occurring on airport property.
and the fact that Airport manager Chris Woods met with Dellen at the Hanger weeks ago to discuss future plans and saw all non aviation vehicles is bazaar, so either there was much fewer than 10 for him to just sluff it off or if there were alot more why not just tell airport security or RCMP at the airport to just check it out.

Wood says he last met with Dellen Millard in March, three months after he had taken over the company following the death of his father, Wayne Millard.
They talked about Millard’s plans for the future of the company, which Wood recalls as potentially including a new tenant or different commercial business within the confines of the 50-year lease.
so what was the other commercial company? Automotive? was he leasing to someone?

Would make sense for LE to look at all the vehicles the suspects use on a daily basis. Maybe DM's Yukon is hot or his p/u truck? The evidence is really mounting on the chop shop side of this case. And that is only the info that LE has released. DM may not be the "mastermind" behind the chop shop side but he would have to know what was going on in his hanger. imo
Would make sense for LE to look at all the vehicles the suspects use on a daily basis. Maybe DM's Yukon is hot or his p/u truck?

I agree. I wonder where DM acquired the blue Nova? No mention of MS working anywhere. But didn't we see a pearl white Cadillac Escalade in the picture of DM & MS with the Nova in MS's driveway? Wonder who the owner is? is it MS's vehicle?
I believe LE has the Yukon. I wonder if they have looked at serial #'s or noticed if it has been repainted.

I attend classic and hotrod car shows in Ontario & Michigan. I could swear I've seen the pink Mohawk before. Many young men looked at my car and wrote down the phone # from our for sale sign at car shows. Odd, we rarely got calls on it by the for sale sign method, but we did get calls from the GTA area when we advertised by Kijiji. Our show cars are locked up in an alarmed garage and guarded by a Doberman.
I remember 1 car was stolen less than a half block from where mine was parked. The thieves just drove it away in between thousands of cars and a half million spectators @ the Back to the Bricks Car Show in Flint Michigan. The announcement that one car was stolen sent car owners stampeding back to wherever they parked that day to check their cars. Those older cars do not have the anti theft technology of today's cars.
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