Has a Lawyer been hired? Yup** Joe Tacopina and unknown local female counsel

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I love how he shut down all media interviews right after he obviously coached the mother to "admit" to being drunk that night. What excellent timing! Alibi that can't really be checked unless it's in the police report from that night. Good luck tomorrow at the GJ, DB.
Bringing this over from the presser thread:

JMO,but we see the same attorneys popping up on tv in highly publicized cases. It's not about justice ,it's about publicity. That predictor seems to stay the same .

I think this is a cycle, to some extent. You have a highly successful attorney, so they have the capital to take a publicized case at a reduced fee or pro bono. The exposure they get from the case generates more revenue by additional clients. Therefore, they have even more capital, and thus can take the next case at a reduced fee or pro bono. It's a bit of an endless loop because most attorneys do not have the free-floating capital to take these types of cases.
The news of JT being hired by these parents has crushed my hopes that baby Lisa will be found alive. Unfortunately, I feel like the circus has only begun. Reminds me of another case of a little baby left out in the woods (literally and figuratively), the parent/grandparents put all the attention on themselves, causing the little baby to never, ever receive justice. :furious: :furious: :furious: Seems like a CYA movement....

JMO and a very sad one indeed.
Only thing I'll say for now is

Boy, this guy is very media saavy.
Does anyone know when he was hired? Yesterday? On the weekend?
Can I LMAO? I knew I knew his name from another case. I asked hubby.... guess who's representing the parents of Lisa Irwin? His immediate response: Geragos. Where's Baez when you don't need him? Oh, he's in Aruba.

Something still smells bad with this baby's disappearance.

Nope. Not in Aruba. He was busy last night having dinner with Barbara Wah-Wah and celebrating his birfday!

Seemed pretty obvious Barbara was trying to butter Jose up to score the first interview with Casey Anthony -- but Jose tells us, “Last night was not about [Casey], we were all discussing the play (Man and Boy). Frank Langella was captivating!”

Right Jose...we believe ya'll were having dinner to talk about some play. And I have a bridge for sale.

Carry on...


Ex-Van der Sloot attorney Joe Tacopina says parents of missing Kansas City baby have hired him
Missing baby's family hires Van der Sloot attorney

I thought baby Lisa was snatched out of her crib...as in kidnapped. Why does drunk mommy need such a high powered defense attorney?

More here: http://www.newser.com/article/d9qe8...-missing-kansas-city-baby-have-hired-him.html

Drunk "Mommy" needs a high powered defense attorney because Drunk "Mommy" ain't so innocent.

Now I'm wondering if this is a case of Murder or Child Negligance (sp)? or maybe Manslaughter?
Well that was quick. Ol' Wild Bill is gonna hit the road I guess. I wonder if he'll take his friends big reward with him.

As Tacopina steps in, celebrity private investigator ‘Wild’ Bill Stanton announced he will be stepping down.

“I have accomplished what I’ve come to do,” Stanton said, “but I’m not leaving this case completely.”

As for what he accomplished, Stanton did not elaborate

I, too, would like to know what he accomplished. He said he was there for the truth!
Bill Stanton: he came, he saw, he.......went away.
Joe Tacopina's bizarre baby Lisa Irwin appearance

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
My take on Joe Tacopina and his bizarre press conference in KC, including defiant words for KC cops. bit.ly/pag85k
40 minutes ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
Tacopina ends press conference with veiled threat to cops, bringing bizarre conclusion to it all.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
Thank goodness Tacopina gives out email at end.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
Can police talk to mom/dad? Tacopina basically says he'll decide that. So he has to believe police are acting in good faith.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
Bizarresville now: Joe Tacopina agrees a drunk mom might have not heard intruder take baby Lisa.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
It's hard to cooperate with police if they think you have involvement, Tacopina says of Lisa's parents.But that's real world in these cases.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
Someone came into house and took baby Lisa, Joe Tacopina says.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
Tacopina says mom couldn't have been lying on first day he saw her on TV crying about missing baby.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
"This is not an entertainment production," Tacopina says. Could have fooled me.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
NY Post says Tacopina charges $750 an hour. Worth it if he gets baby Lisa home. Hard to see how this press conf. helps that, tho.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
Will do! RT runitsatakeover Emily Abouhalkah @ @YaelTAbouhalkah by which I mean, keep it up
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
Where were "boots on the ground" Tacopina asks. Must have missed first few days of exhaustive search.
1 hour ago

YaelTAbouhalkah Yael T. Abouhalkah
Joe Tacopina now into criticism of KC cops' investigation in baby Lisa case.
1 hour ago

What a surprise: Joe Tacopina won't say who's paying him.
1 hour ago

Just gotta know the savvy New York investigator and smooth-talking lawyer think they're dealing with KC bumpkins.
1 hour ago

Joe Tacopina defends shutting out local media: National media get the story elsewhere. Nonsensical, I know.
1 hour ago

Joe Tacopina defends mom's changing story on time she last say baby Lisa.
1 hour ago

Third Tacopina brings up possibility of parents being arrested.
1 hour ago

Tacopino for 2nd time brings up possibility of mom being arrested.
1 hour ago

Joe Tacopina criticizes law enforcement for their conduct? Police?? Quickly backtracks and obfuscates.
1 hour ago

Joe Tacopina, of course, can't buy national media exposure like this.
1 hour ago

Tacopina, according to Don Imus: “Tacopina’s unbelievable. That guy works magic. He is the real deal. He’s not to be messed with."
1 hour ago

Who's paying for Tacopina, described this way by NY Times: “Mr. Tacopina is to the defense bar what Donald Trump is to real estate.”
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Tacopina confident baby Irwin's parents won't be charged.
1 hour ago

Who's Joe Tacopina in Baby Irwin case? Take a look: tacopinalaw.com
1 hour ago

The baby Lisa Irwin case is hurting KC Police image (unfairly). bit.ly/pOsVZA
2 hours ago
Coincidence they hire attorney day before GJ?

Was he in fact hired today? Or on the weekend or earlier? And no, I don't think it's a coincidence that he is appearing now. I don't think he's damage control for all of the media interviews this morning. I think he created that damage. JMO
After hearing JT's ignorant comments to (or about) LE, I'm hoping LE lets Joe know who really runs things in this town. I'm viewing this as JT makeing a big mistake.

Is this guy supposed to be representing mom or dad? He shouldn't represent them both as they could have comflicting interests. I'm sure he knows that.
Was he in fact hired today? Or on the weekend or earlier? And no, I don't think it's a coincidence that he is appearing now. I don't think he's damage control for all of the media interviews this morning. I think he created that damage. JMO

The "family" had been speaking with JT for a week, I think, so I'm sure that he was involved in orchestrating the media blitz this morning. I was :eek: that they were already looking to hire an attorney when Baby Lisa had been missing for only a week. It was obvious from the unfolding of today's events that this was a public relations strategy to promote sympathy for the grieving mom who is under a tremendous amount of daily stress in her life, taking meds for it, and drinking to excess at times by her own admission. I'm not feeling the least bit sorry for DB right now, and I'm aghast at the way that the disappearance of a child is being turned into yet another media circus. Missing children seems to have reached epidemic proportions, and too many people are cashing in on these sad situations. jmo

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