Has a Lawyer been hired? Yup** Joe Tacopina and unknown local female counsel

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I always liked JT for some reason. I think he's a compassionate guy. Non arrogant. He has a soothing voice unlike some of the other annoying defense attornies. Unfortunately, he always represents the ones I think are guilty but hey someone's gotta do it.

Joe, how about being a prosecutor? That would make me very happy. lol
But how can we forget the local stations practically salivating over the "chequered past" of DB? Promising us salacious details at 11 (which never panned out, of course)? They may be there long after the nationals are gone, but with coverage like that - focusing on moms past, and not the baby - who would want to interview with them? They know the local news will report it - taking the national networks up on interviews guarantees a lot more coverage than just the local.

If my baby were kidnapped, that's exactly what's would do. Especially if I saw the local press coming after me and my family and our past like vultures.

Tell LE about my past and dealings? Sure. Tell the local media? No way. Public doesn't need to know any of it to help find my missing child.
I've been reading the forum about baby Lisa since her disappearance. I have to say; even if I did absolutely nothing wrong I would still feel inclined to hire an attorney to hold our hands through it.

Now a defense attorney? I think not, but who else would have experience (attorney wise) in a missing child case? I'm not surprised they hired an attorney. It's something I would likely do to ensure I was doing everything possible and right to get my child back.

If I was worried about local public perception, I sure wouldn't hire an attorney from half-way across America. Kansas City has a number of excellent attorneys.

But how can we forget the local stations practically salivating over the "chequered past" of DB? Promising us salacious details at 11 (which never panned out, of course)? They may be there long after the nationals are gone, but with coverage like that - focusing on moms past, and not the baby - who would want to interview with them? They know the local news will report it - taking the national networks up on interviews guarantees a lot more coverage than just the local.


I said with the exception of one or two stations, and that would include the station that routinely pulls that, which is why it's not one I watch on a regular basis. It's not news......it's hype.
I always liked JT for some reason. I think he's a compassionate guy. Non arrogant. He has a soothing voice unlike some of the other annoying defense attornies. Unfortunately, he always represents the ones I think are guilty but hey someone's gotta do it.

Joe, how about being a prosecutor? That would make me very happy. lol

He mentioned today that he is a former prosecutor.

I like him. And we may love their clients or hate them, but we need defense attorneys. They perform an invaluable service, keeping the prosecutors and government honest. We really would not like a system where the government was able to bring charges against, or convict someone too easily.

It's all to easy for them to do it now, IMO. Especially if you are a person of color or lower socio economic status.
I was thinking more like covering their behinds so that when this beautiful baby's body is found, they don't get sent up river.

Making a bit of $$$ is a bonus. DB and JI, by default for standing by a wife who claims she was neglectful yet not responsible for the disappearance, (drunk with a sick baby and two school=aged boys to supervise) are suggesting that her actions that night are not the direct cause of Lisa's disappearance. Where is the true remorse?
But how can we forget the local stations practically salivating over the "chequered past" of DB? Promising us salacious details at 11 (which never panned out, of course)? They may be there long after the nationals are gone, but with coverage like that - focusing on moms past, and not the baby - who would want to interview with them? They know the local news will report it - taking the national networks up on interviews guarantees a lot more coverage than just the local.

If my baby were kidnapped, that's exactly what's would do. Especially if I saw the local press coming after me and my family and our past like vultures.

Tell LE about my past and dealings? Sure. Tell the local media? No way. Public doesn't need to know any of it to help find my missing child.

Excuse me but the local media is tied to the national media. It isn't a contest. All of the national media have local affiliates.


I said with the exception of one or two stations, and that would include the station that routinely pulls that, which is why it's not one I watch on a regular basis. It's not news......it's hype.

Poor ol Channel 5 :great:
I've been reading the forum about baby Lisa since her disappearance. I have to say; even if I did absolutely nothing wrong I would still feel inclined to hire an attorney to hold our hands through it.

Now a defense attorney? I think not, but who else would have experience (attorney wise) in a missing child case? I'm not surprised they hired an attorney. It's something I would likely do to ensure I was doing everything possible and right to get my child back.


I sooo agree with you. I would definitely hire a lawyer if I was in their shoes.
The notion that one is, somehow, not entitled to the attorney of his or her choice, is an odious notion indeed.

Yes it is, but true for alot of people. If I were in their position sure there are plenty of good attorneys, maybe including Joe I might want to hire but I couldnt, because I don't have the money. I'd have to rely on the old public defender unless someone worked pro bono. These parents cant pay their phone bill, so they can't afford the lawyer of there choice whoever that may be, and it may be JT, but they are not the ones who hired him. IMO, the choice of JT was made by the person who paid the PI and put up the reward.
Excuse me but the local media is tied to the national media. It isn't a contest. All of the national media have local affiliates.


You're excused! But what did you do? ;)

I don't think it's a contest, and of course I realize that they have local affiliates. But the nationals get coverage that the locals can't. That's reason one to bypass them. Reason two is how some of them have chosen to cover it.
Yes it is, but true for alot of people. If I were in their position sure there are plenty of good attorneys, maybe including Joe I might want to hire but I couldnt, because I don't have the money. I'd have to rely on the old public defender unless someone worked pro bono. These parents cant pay their phone bill, so they can't afford the lawyer of there choice whoever that may be, and it may be JT, but they are not the ones who hired him. IMO, the choice of JT was made by the person who paid the PI and put up the reward.

Yes, me too on the public defender, but that does not cause me to begrudge a working class, paycheck-to-paycheck, family their good fortune at having acquired a notable name.
JMO...First interview I saw with mother, I told my daughter.."this mom knows what happened...might have been some accident, she seems full of guilt. She's starting to come clean. I think the lawyer is setting the scene for a trial. Little by little...the story is emerging. Now she was drunk and the last time she saw Lisa was around 6:00-6:30.
Mother lied on day one, there's a reason for that!
Seriously...all you parents out there. Think about what YOUR reaction would be if you left your child in the care of a babysitter, and this babysitter got wasted and your baby ended up missing. Would YOU react the way Jeremy Irwin seems to be reacting? Would this "draw you closer" to your babysitter?

Uh huh...not on the fence about JI. I'm NOT.
Yes, me too on the public defender, but that does not cause me to begrudge a working class, paycheck-to-paycheck, family their good fortune at having acquired a notable name.

A notable name in Kansas City? I highly doubt it.

A notable name in Kansas City? I highly doubt it.

Why? Implying that Kansas Citians are somehow shut off from the national conversation or are otherwise information-deprived?
Yes, me too on the public defender, but that does not cause me to begrudge a working class, paycheck-to-paycheck, family their good fortune at having acquired a notable name.

Oh goodness no, me either. I hope I didn't sound like that because I most certainly did not mean to. That's why I truly hope the benefactor has the best at heart for Lisa and her parents. I was speculating both sides, the other being what if the benefactor has something to gain by manipulating the parents and turning this into a national circus. Thats probably kind of out there thinking but possible. Personally I believe the parents and don't have a problem with the small inconsistencies, they are to be expected, memory is notorious and ever changing. They are going through the worse time of their lives, and what was bad got worse as I'm sure they knew when she admitted to drinking. She had to admit to it however cause it was sure to come out anyway and best it come from her. Actually that was very brave of her, public opinion has turned nasty, just look at these boards, for crying out loud. Something that could be as innocent as sitting on the porch and having a few to many with a friend with no idea something bad was going to happen has turned her into a murderer.
Oh goodness no, me either. I hope I didn't sound like that because I most certainly did not mean to. That's why I truly hope the benefactor has the best at heart for Lisa and her parents. I was speculating both sides, the other being what if the benefactor has something to gain by manipulating the parents and turning this into a national circus. Thats probably kind of out there thinking but possible. Personally I believe the parents and don't have a problem with the small inconsistencies, they are to be expected, memory is notorious and ever changing. They are going through the worse time of their lives, and what was bad got worse as I'm sure they knew when she admitted to drinking. She had to admit to it however cause it was sure to come out anyway and best it come from her. Actually that was very brave of her, public opinion has turned nasty, just look at these boards, for crying out loud. Something that could be as innocent as sitting on the porch and having a few to many with a friend with no idea something bad was going to happen has turned her into a murderer.
My fault for reading you wrong. I really should clean my glasses at least once a fortnight!

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