Has a Lawyer been hired? Yup** Joe Tacopina and unknown local female counsel

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Do you know what the meds are? I did not hear about that.

Just jumping off your post. One is not supposed to drink while taking any kind of psychiatric medications. I wonder if DB needing medication is a new development since Lisa disappeared or if she has been taking them over the years.

My understanding is that it's extremely dangerous to mix alcohol with psychiatric medication. :maddening:
I think Kansas Citians prioritize their information and have a Midwestern sensibility that may not be available in the "rest of America." I doubt my parents and family are an exception in that regard. I know my parents' focus is on Lisa and not on the resume of the guy in a fancy suit trying to persuade them that a drunk changing her story is a reflection of her "honesty."


I really don't think the Midwest has a monopoly on common sense - and I say this as someone from the Midwest. There are rich lawyers in fancy suits in every single city of America. JT is doing his job. I think trying to bring perceived regional differences into it is a bit of a stretch.
I think Kansas Citians prioritize their information and have a Midwestern sensibility that may not be available in the "rest of America." I doubt my parents and family are an exception in that regard. I know my parents' focus is on Lisa and not on the resume of the guy in a fancy suit trying to persuade them that a drunk changing her story is a reflection of her "honesty."

Please define "Midwestern sensibility." I've been one for over fifty years and the term strikes me as being a defense mechanism and not much more.
With all due respect to everyones opinion, I think the parents are just taking whats been offered. They are working class trying to make ends meet and having trouble paying their bills just like a majority of us in this country are right now. Ofcourse they feel they need a lawyer because LE and public opinion is not on their side right now. So it's only understandable they would not turn down the gifthorse of a high profile lawyer, PI, and a 100,000 dollar reward. They were in no position to hire those people or offer that reward themselves, they are broke.
Which leads to the question, who is behind the money and why? I see why the parents accepted these offers but, IMO, it just might hurt more than help. I hope this unknown benefactor has honest intentions and truly wants Lisa found and innocent parents cleared, but why that particular PI, this particular lawyer? All the major network interveiws this AM, I'm sure the parents didn't arrainge and set all that up, and no local interveiws, some one else is calling the shots and parents are going along with it because that someone has the money and power and they are very confused and vulnerable right now. The benefactor doesn't want this to be a local case, but a big time national media circus which it has become through their manipulation. Only means they (the benefactors) expect the investment to pay off big time.
Truly sad, Lisa is forgotten, and parents that may be innocent are sacraficed for sensationalism.

Clearly someone is calling the shots; it may be a reverse reaction to the Anthony case. It can be a group who saw that Caylee didn't get justice, believes that Debbie didn't do anything to Lisa and were concerred about statements made about the 'parents not cooperating' from LE. There are too many missing children /people in this country; it has become de rigeur to cast blame from the get go. Perhaps the good guys will win this time.

The moment of the announcement that the parents weren't cooperating the Irwins moved into a new territory. They are not sophisticated, diabolical people. IMHO They became a part of the population that has to defend itself; they are fighting for their lives, their family's life and apparently Lisa's life. A primary factor in hiring JT is 'Rush to Judgement', it happened in the Louima case. I believe it is the factor here.

I still want to believe that there was an abduction, my second guess is neglect. I don't see the Irwins as people who can pull off a perfect crime. Someone saw the weakness and took advantage of it. Someone came into the house or was a third party brought into the house while Debbie was out.

My hope is that Lisa will be brought back/found alive; if that is not to be then that she is brought home to be laid to rest. I do feel sorry for the two boys; they will have difficulty in the future.
My point MyBelle, was to explain to Disguiseduser0308 that hiring a defense attorney was a good logistical choice if you had a missing child. There are advantages that a defense attorney would have that other attorneys in other areas of practice that would not, such as a better understanding of criminal law and a network with regards to prosecutors and LE, as they work with them every day.

Broadly, this will apply for Tacopina's co-counsel, if she's been practicing for a while. LE and most defense attorneys do not have an adversarial relationship - most are quite friendly with each other, from what I have observed at my job. Having that connecting with LE through a lawyer who can also protect your rights is a very good thing in a missing child case.

I'm aware of how the legal system works. I have no issue with hiring a defense attorney when you know LE considers you to be a <mod snip> and responsible for the whereabouts of your child. In fact, I thought they had done so last week.

I don't view hiring a defense attorney from out of state to be necessary or an advantage at this point. The public is now aware the mother lied and was drunk.

this post lands at random: please be sure to not call anyone in this case names/bash/extrapolate on their names..; to include the family members and anyone who is assisting them
Please define "Midwestern sensibility." I've been one for over fifty years and the term strikes me as being a defense mechanism and not much more.

It means taking responsibility for one's actions and not blaming everyone else. Tacopina likes to blame everyone else.

If we have to start closing threads to get everyone's blood pressure down we will. Posting responsibly means not bashing the parents and not calling names. Sooooooo choice is yours.
Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to legal representation, but this is just another black eye in this case.

When DB and JI started avoiding the media, I was really concerned. It seemed so out of character. Perhaps they were avoiding the media because there were so many inconsistencies and they were already looking bad, but regardless how can you avoid the media and the best way to reach out to the community that has wrapped their arms around this baby girl in an extended effort to help find your child?

I was very involved in the Sam and Lindsey Porter case ( http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8706&highlight=sam+lindsey ) and any time there was an opportunity to reach out to the media, the childrens mother Tina Porter would welcome the media. I spoke with Tina last night about Lisa, and her disbelief about the parents avoiding the media really touched a nerve. She said, "remember all of the searches? I was close by if they would let me be. I would be on my front porch waiting for my children to come home, and waiting to talk to the media."

Then in my opinion, BS comes to town and just deals another black eye to this family making this look (IMO) suspicious. He really doesn't have the credibility like an organization such as Texas Equusearch who can search for a missing person, he wasn't licensed as a PI in Missouri, and acting as a consultant? I've seen his past consultations, and it was mainly prevention tactics which in this case was too late so his "consulting the family" was really nothing more than his few days in the spotlight?

Now hiring an attorney has me puzzled. JT stated the family will no longer be addressing the media. I feel any family member of a missing child or person should be addressing the media pleading for the return of their loved one any time they are requested to do so within reason.

If I were in their shoes, the moment KCPD stated "the family is no longer cooperating", I would have grabbed the first reporter and their camera man and said, "Hey. Come with me to the police station. This is wrong and I need my baby girl back no matter what it takes." Instead, we see exchanges from KCPD and JI's family LI (reading statements) on their behalf.

The families whole character and credibility (IMO) has really gone down the hill due to all of the events that have transpired.

I often wonder if people take advantage of a national spotlight. GMA has done so by doing these interviews, BS has done so by coming to town, and now a New York attorney. What's next?


I hope Tina Porter is well; she was dealt such a bad hand. There were those who tried to paint her in a bad light. I worked through a temp agency in KC and one of the jobs they sent me on a good friend of Dan's worked there. For the week I was at that job all I heard from this woman was how bad Tina was and that Dan had no part in his children's missing status. My last day there I responded to her by saying 'If Dan gave the kids away, he knows where they are and can bring them home'. The only response I got was that Tina did not deserve the children and that if I didn't shut up I was going to be sorry. Well we know who the guilty party is. When Tina went on Dr. Phil and there was a woman who was friends with Dan on the show with her I couldn't get away from the set. No matter how demeaning this woman was to Tina she held her ground. I will always admire her for the way she carried herself. Please tell her that poeple who never met her admired her strength and now wish her well.

As for Lisa's case; whatever the circumstance she needs to be found. Not 3 years later like Sam and Lindsay but yesterday. I still think about those two and the horror they must have gone through. They are safe now but they should be here with Tina.

I do think bringing JT in will bring a resolution
It means taking responsibility for one's actions and not blaming everyone else. Tacopina likes to blame everyone else.


Isn't it a bit insulting to suggest that the Midwest has some sort of monopoly on taking responsibility? This is the same sort of reverse snobbery seen in the tweet a few pages back that suggested that JT views KC LE as "country bumpkins". I can assure you that most folks in other parts of the country also place importance on taking responsibility.

You are painting the Midwest as having a giant chip on its shoulder towards anyone from anywhere else. I don't for a minute think that's true, but you seem to be pushing that here. :confused:
The only stereotype I have about the Midwest is that they 'tawk funny' (don't shoot me--I have the South in my mouth, my accent is ridiculous!) and say 'with' a lot, as in "I'm going to the store, do you want to go with?" :floorlaugh:
I simply don't understand the logic of the family in their selection of JT. I'm not very worldly, granted, but the only name recognition he has for me is his representation of JVS, which comes with very dark overtones. IIRC, DB's cousin made a short statement revealing the fact that the family had done some research about who to choose to represent them and JT was their choice. Personally, I would have been much more impressed if they had selected someone that I had never heard of rather than an attorney who had been a principal in the release and subsequent tragic reoffense by JVS.

I'm just not feeling this was a very wise choice in any sense. But what do I know ~ Maybe Jose Baez was unavailable? :D

ETA: I know their selection was not made to impress me and possibly not the public in general. Maybe they thought, "If he could get that guilty JVS out of hot water, and we're innocent, then he can really, really help us." I dunno? It just still doesn't settle well with me though.

I hope Tina Porter is well; she was dealt such a bad hand. There were those who tried to paint her in a bad light. I worked through a temp agency in KC and one of the jobs they sent me on a good friend of Dan's worked there. For the week I was at that job all I heard from this woman was how bad Tina was and that Dan had no part in his children's missing status. My last day there I responded to her by saying 'If Dan gave the kids away, he knows where they are and can bring them home'. The only response I got was that Tina did not deserve the children and that if I didn't shut up I was going to be sorry. Well we know who the guilty party is. When Tina went on Dr. Phil and there was a woman who was friends with Dan on the show with her I couldn't get away from the set. No matter how demeaning this woman was to Tina she held her ground. I will always admire her for the way she carried herself. Please tell her that poeple who never met her admired her strength and now wish her well.

As for Lisa's case; whatever the circumstance she needs to be found. Not 3 years later like Sam and Lindsay but yesterday. I still think about those two and the horror they must have gone through. They are safe now but they should be here with Tina.

I do think bringing JT in will bring a resolution


Dr. Phil I think was a bad move for Tina, just like what JI and DB are experiencing. Someone else mentioned this earlier. People are vulnerable at this stage, and I don't think they are thinking very clearly.

I've seen several cases where families take poor advice. This isn't something any of us deal with or experience every day.

I was able to listen to all of the jail audio tapes and could hear how controlling he was, how he had to be in control while the kids were missing, and he took great pride in knowing she was suffering. I've kind of thought out similar circumstances in this case but I've saved that conversation for another thread.

One thing is right though, she needs to be found and quick. I hate to see anyone without a recovery or closure, and you can see plenty of these cases right here on WS.

I agree also. Bringing in JT is not the solution here. Additional search teams of trained professionals, people to search a couple of square miles, and water searches of the area need to happen to erase the big green question mark, and replace it with a big big red X.

Dr. Phil I think was a bad move for Tina, just like what JI and DB are experiencing. Someone else mentioned this earlier. People are vulnerable at this stage, and I don't think they are thinking very clearly.

I've seen several cases where families take poor advice. This isn't something any of us deal with or experience every day.

I was able to listen to all of the jail audio tapes and could hear how controlling he was, how he had to be in control while the kids were missing, and he took great pride in knowing she was suffering. I've kind of thought out similar circumstances in this case but I've saved that conversation for another thread.

One thing is right though, she needs to be found and quick. I hate to see anyone without a recovery or closure, and you can see plenty of these cases right here on WS.

I agree also. Bringing in JT is not the solution here. Additional search teams of trained professionals, people to search a couple of square miles, and water searches of the area need to happen to erase the big green question mark, and replace it with a big big red X.


I can tell you his friend that I worked with was no prize either.
Maybe the family didnt select Joe..Maybe he selected them. Being a lawyer is a business and maybe JT wants a bigger piece of the fame that JB thinks he has.
On the other hand, it is everyone's right to have legal counsel. If they can make some sort of deal to afford JT.....have at it.
I agree with Peepers - how would this family even know who this man is? I think his has Baez Eyes . . .
I agree with Peepers - how would this family even know who this man is? I think his has Baez Eyes . . .

She follows missing children cases. She could very well follow other cases.
Isn't it a bit insulting to suggest that the Midwest has some sort of monopoly on taking responsibility? This is the same sort of reverse snobbery seen in the tweet a few pages back that suggested that JT views KC LE as "country bumpkins". I can assure you that most folks in other parts of the country also place importance on taking responsibility.

You are painting the Midwest as having a giant chip on its shoulder towards anyone from anywhere else. I don't for a minute think that's true, but you seem to be pushing that here. :confused:

I think it is insulting for JT to use the term 'honesty' in describing his client, who changed her timeline two weeks after her child goes missing. She also didn't come forth with her admission of drinking until after a security video showing the wine purchase surfaced in the media. If she truly cared more about Lisa, she'd have been honest from the beginning. Now, it's impossible to believe anything she says.

If JT views KC as "country bumpkins" I think what matters most is how those country bumpkins and the taxpayers who employ them view JT and his clients.

I don't see why it matters if a lawyer has name recognition or not. You would not recognize the names of the most powerful lawyers in the country. The Ramseys' had a whole team of extremely powerful and politically connected lawyers (and never even went to trial) and they barely spoke in the media.

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