Has a Lawyer been hired? Yup** Joe Tacopina and unknown local female counsel

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I don't see why it matters if a lawyer has name recognition or not. You would not recognize the names of the most powerful lawyers in the country. The Ramseys' had a whole team of extremely powerful and politically connected lawyers (and never even went to trial) and they barely spoke in the media.

But Ramseys traveled in those circles where people would know politically connected lawyers.
But Ramseys traveled in those circles where people would know politically connected lawyers.

The Ramseys also had the money to afford these lawyers. The Irwins cannot afford an expensive lawyer, so that means JT is either working pro-bono for the publicity, or the Irwins are using the money they are making from TV appearances to pay him. They look to be in the same situation as the Anthonys, so I wouldn't expect their lawyers to be any more powerful than Casey's lawyers. And I have no idea what Mason or Baez's resume looked like prior to that trial.
Am I allowed to say who put up the reward if the information came from a reputable source? Or would that be a rumor?
Am I allowed to say who put up the reward if the information came from a reputable source? Or would that be a rumor?

I think you have to be verified as an "insider" first.
Am I allowed to say who put up the reward if the information came from a reputable source? Or would that be a rumor?

I think it has to be from MSM and have a link. I don't know if they allow things to be posted as rumor even if it is labeled as such.
Finally Megyn got to the bottom of when daddy left for work: 5:20 p.m.

Oh and Joe Tacopina, it's officially a circus now, imo.

Interesting, indeed...About Daddy...What sort of "construction work" was he doing, anyway? I hope he wasn't laying concrete. We know mama was passed out already by (who knows) what time..... and Daddy ??? First time working the night job? Something smells fishy here with these two...Just my opinion of course.
I think it has to be from MSM and have a link. I don't know if they allow things to be posted as rumor even if it is labeled as such.

That's what I thought. Ugh. I don't want to be a bad poster and get reprimanded. lol
Am I allowed to say who put up the reward if the information came from a reputable source? Or would that be a rumor?

To be safe partyuv5, maybe you could send one of our mods a pm and ask. Don't want you to get into trouble.
Interesting, indeed...About Daddy...What sort of "construction work" was he doing, anyway? I hope he wasn't laying concrete. We know mama was passed out already by (who knows) what time..... and Daddy ??? First time working the night job? Something smells fishy here with these two...Just my opinion of course.

IIRC dad is an electrician and was said to be doing work at an up and coming or revamped Star Bucks.


Dr. Phil I think was a bad move for Tina, just like what JI and DB are experiencing. Someone else mentioned this earlier. People are vulnerable at this stage, and I don't think they are thinking very clearly.

I've seen several cases where families take poor advice. This isn't something any of us deal with or experience every day.

I was able to listen to all of the jail audio tapes and could hear how controlling he was, how he had to be in control while the kids were missing, and he took great pride in knowing she was suffering. I've kind of thought out similar circumstances in this case but I've saved that conversation for another thread.

One thing is right though, she needs to be found and quick. I hate to see anyone without a recovery or closure, and you can see plenty of these cases right here on WS.

I agree also. Bringing in JT is not the solution here. Additional search teams of trained professionals, people to search a couple of square miles, and water searches of the area need to happen to erase the big green question mark, and replace it with a big big red X.


Only if your goal is actually locating your child. JMHO
I simply don't understand the logic of the family in their selection of JT. I'm not very worldly, granted, but the only name recognition he has for me is his representation of JVS, which comes with very dark overtones. IIRC, DB's cousin made a short statement revealing the fact that the family had done some research about who to choose to represent them and JT was their choice. Personally, I would have been much more impressed if they had selected someone that I had never heard of rather than an attorney who had been a principal in the release and subsequent tragic reoffense by JVS.

I'm just not feeling this was a very wise choice in any sense. But what do I know ~ Maybe Jose Baez was unavailable? :D

ETA: I know their selection was not made to impress me and possibly not the public in general. Maybe they thought, "If he could get that guilty JVS out of hot water, and we're innocent, then he can really, really help us." I dunno? It just still doesn't settle well with me though.

I don't think the general public follow cases as closely as we do. If this case ever goes to trial, I'm not sure the jurors would connect JT to the NH case or MM case or AK case. If they did, I believe they have to reveal it as was done in the CA case but I'm not sure if the same applies in MO.

Personally, as much as I like JT, it would've wiser for her to get a female attorney, imo.
This is pretty brutal commentary (but I kinda agree):


Lawyer for Baby Lisa’s family makes a weak case for himself
The Kansas City Star

This isn’t how Baby Lisa’s story will be resolved.

Tacopina insisted that he came on board after deep analysis and many questions for Baby Lisa’s family. Only when he was convinced of the parent’s innocence, he said, did he begin traveling.

I think it’s the exact opposite.

So who was the brainiac who encouraged the mother to appear on the national morning news shows, admitting she was drunk the night her baby disappeared? She also spilled that police had shown her burned clothing and evidence of cellphone pings.

In his lengthy remarks (45 minutes), Tacopina mentioned that he is a father of five, a nod to the empathy he brings.

I believe he believes himself when he says he is only in Kansas City to help.

But it’s not these parents he is assisting. And it most certainly isn’t Baby Lisa.

Is this lawyer affiliated with Bill Stanton somehow?

If he's not even licenced to practice law in this state it raises many questions why exactly he is there.

When do you think he'll start doing the morning shows?
How do we know he isn't allowed to practice law in the State of Missouri? I didn't see that in the article. Was it said in some other MSM? TIA

ETA: Whether we believe the parents are involved or not, I think some of us will agree they need legal counselling. Bill S is a PI and he couldn't really do much because he wasn't licensed for the State. I wish they would hire a local PI to work with LE
How do we know he isn't allowed to practice law in the State of Missouri? I didn't see that in the article. Was it said in some other MSM? TIA

ETA: Whether we believe the parents are involved or not, I think some of us will agree they need legal counselling. Bill S is a PI and he couldn't really do much because he wasn't licensed for the State. I wish they would hire a local PI to work with LE

I think I read it in yesterday's presser thread, I'm not sure. Sorry.

I can't find him here:

The Missouri Bar The Official Missouri Directory of Lawyers
If you would like to check whether a lawyer is in good standing search below. Every lawyer in Missouri who is in good standing with the Supreme Court of Missouri is included in the Official Missouri Directory of Lawyers. You will find the lawyer’s name, city, and bar number. Inactive lawyers are also listed. Inactive lawyers are in good standing with the Supreme Court of Missouri but are not eligible to practice law in Missouri
How do we know he isn't allowed to practice law in the State of Missouri? I didn't see that in the article. Was it said in some other MSM? TIA

ETA: Whether we believe the parents are involved or not, I think some of us will agree they need legal counselling. Bill S is a PI and he couldn't really do much because he wasn't licensed for the State. I wish they would hire a local PI to work with LE

I think it was assumed because JT stated he had enlisted the aid of local counsel (in his presser). I am unable to locate JT's name on the Missouri Bar's website, fwiw.
Thanks for the replies! Am I the only one dying to know who this mystery person is who is paying for all of this? I can't stand not knowing. :floorlaugh:
If JT is going to actually represent either of the parents, most likely it would be DB. He can file a simple Motion with the Court to practice in that state for that case only. So that is not relevant.

I don't understand what his purpose is as of yet, is he just giving them PR advice or is he going to represent one of them if criminal charges come along?

As far as who is paying, I have my suspicions, O do I have an idea, but nothing but an idea. I don't think it is just a person, I think it is media related.
Thanks for the replies! Am I the only one dying to know who this mystery person is who is paying for all of this? I can't stand not knowing. :floorlaugh:

Absolutely! :crazy:

When I've earned my first million and am going to be able to afford his services I am still not sure if my first priority will be to defend mothers of missing children who do not remember if they drank themselves to the black-out state or not.
If JT is going to actually represent either of the parents, most likely it would be DB. He can file a simple Motion with the Court to practice in that state for that case only. So that is not relevant.

I don't understand what his purpose is as of yet, is he just giving them PR advice or is he going to represent one of them if criminal charges come along?

As far as who is paying, I have my suspicions, O do I have an idea, but nothing but an idea. I don't think it is just a person, I think it is media related.

Is there a conflict of interests if he's representing both parents for now and if it comes to a situation where DB is charged for doing something to Lisa and and JT's defending her, and JI is the next of kin of the victim?

I think I sense a defense strategy building up. His participation was obviously in the works last week when it was announced that they were going to have two high-powered attorneys join the tea. Now he says he's been talking to the family for some time before this. But they announced his participation after the morning show blitz, so he can say he had nothing to do with it if it goes wrong... But I think he was in it, he is going to use it, and has already done so, to suggest that if a mother tells the truth about being wasted she wouldn't lie about killing her child, would she? (I think she would... drinking wine is not a crime that can get you life in prison...)
Is there a conflict of interests if he's representing both parents for now and if it comes to a situation where DB is charged for doing something to Lisa and and JT's defending her, and JI is the next of kin of the victim?

I think I sense a defense strategy building up. His participation was obviously in the works last week when it was announced that they were going to have two high-powered attorneys join the tea. Now he says he's been talking to the family for some time before this. But they announced his participation after the morning show blitz, so he can say he had nothing to do with it if it goes wrong... But I think he was in it, he is going to use it, and has already done so, to suggest that if a mother tells the truth about being wasted she wouldn't lie about killing her child, would she? (I think she would... drinking wine is not a crime that can get you life in prison...)

Right, he cannot represent both parents on criminal charges, each needs a separate attorney for criminal charges. I put emphasis on DB as I think if anyone is charged it will be her first, just they way all the news is playing it, so Tapocina would be on for her. JI could be charged too, but I think that would be later, if involved. I'm sure if the parents were involved they would roll on each other's involvement. Not that they are, all that is jmo, other than both cannot have the same attorney.

Right now JT can say he is attorney for both as far as PR counseling goes, but if criminal charges come he cannot represent both. Conflict of interest and right to fair counsel. Hope this is making sense, need more coffee.....

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