Has a Lawyer been hired? Yup** Joe Tacopina and unknown local female counsel

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Drunk "Mommy" needs a high powered defense attorney because Drunk "Mommy" ain't so innocent.

Now I'm wondering if this is a case of Murder or Child Negligance (sp)? or maybe Manslaughter?

If there were to be a trial, you've just named the offense and 2 of the lesser included offenses.
I've been reading the forum about baby Lisa since her disappearance. I have to say; even if I did absolutely nothing wrong I would still feel inclined to hire an attorney to hold our hands through it.

Now a defense attorney? I think not, but who else would have experience (attorney wise) in a missing child case? I'm not surprised they hired an attorney. It's something I would likely do to ensure I was doing everything possible and right to get my child back.

Unfortunately, if you were in such a situation, a defense attorney would be your best option, because LE would be looking at you to clear you (and rightfully so - that's their job). A defense attorney would best be able to help you navigate the system so that you can cooperate, but keep LE from infringing on your rights. A defense attorney isn't going to tell you not to cooperate at all if your child is legitimately missing. They aren't obstructionist by nature - they've already got ties with LE, and for most defense attorneys and LE, it's a congenial relationship since they work together so often. If you go with a defense attorney with a reputation as someone fair, who's well-established in the area, there's nothing better you could do, because that person would have an in with the LE for you.
A notable name in Kansas City? I highly doubt it.


How about Claire McCaskill? Is that notable enough? Of course she's gone on to bigger and better things......like being a senator. :great:
The "family" had been speaking with JT for a week, I think, so I'm sure that he was involved in orchestrating the media blitz this morning. I was :eek: that they were already looking to hire an attorney when Baby Lisa had been missing for only a week. It was obvious from the unfolding of today's events that this was a public relations strategy to promote sympathy for the grieving mom who is under a tremendous amount of daily stress in her life, taking meds for it, and drinking to excess at times by her own admission. I'm not feeling the least bit sorry for DB right now, and I'm aghast at the way that the disappearance of a child is being turned into yet another media circus. Missing children seems to have reached epidemic proportions, and too many people are cashing in on these sad situations. jmo


Do you know what the meds are? I did not hear about that.
How about Claire McCaskill? Is that notable enough? Of course she's gone on to bigger and better things......like being a senator. :great:

The attorney hired is Joe Tacopina. I'm pretty sure he isn't local.
With all due respect, with the exception of one or two local stations, most local networks have been seeking to keep LISA front and center. One station ran Lisa's picture across the screen non-stop for at least three days after she was found to be missing--long after the Amber Alert was pulled.

It's simply my opinion, but this family is doing themselves a disservice by not begging for Lisa's safe return when given the opportunity--which the local media has offered since hour one of her disappearance.

As it's been repeated by many in the local media here: They will still be around long after the Today Show, GMA, Fox, etc. pack up and go home. They will be the ones to keep Lisa's picture front and center. :twocents:

I tend to agree with you. KMBC and KCTV have been especially great, IMO. Anytime there is a press conference, both of these stations show Lisa's picture over and over again-- sometimes even having a split screen, one side with the presser and one side with pictures of Lisa. I believe it was KMBC that ran Lisa's picture non-stop for the first few days.

I still am not sure what to think of this case but I know that if my child were missing, I would make SURE that someone from my family was speaking regularly with the local media if I wasn't able to do it myself. However, Deborah and Jeremy really strike me as very simple, naive people who get caught up in trusting/believing someone who comes across as convincing. I think that someone (I'm not quite sure who yet) told them to quit speaking to the local media and so they did. Much like I think someone told them to hire JT, so they did. :twocents:
My fault for reading you wrong. I really should clean my glasses at least once a fortnight!

Quite all right, shows me I need to be more careful in how I word things because it might not convey to others what I'm actually thinking.
Unfortunately, if you were in such a situation, a defense attorney would be your best option, because LE would be looking at you to clear you (and rightfully so - that's their job). A defense attorney would best be able to help you navigate the system so that you can cooperate, but keep LE from infringing on your rights. A defense attorney isn't going to tell you not to cooperate at all if your child is legitimately missing. They aren't obstructionist by nature - they've already got ties with LE, and for most defense attorneys and LE, it's a congenial relationship since they work together so often. If you go with a defense attorney with a reputation as someone fair, who's well-established in the area, there's nothing better you could do, because that person would have an in with the LE for you.

Joe Tacopina has an "in" with KCPD? How so?
Joe Tacopina has an "in" with KCPD? How so?
As he's famous for defending up-against-it cops, he might well have.

And there's the matter of the local co-counsel, who will be familiar with the workings of LE in KC.
How about Claire McCaskill? Is that notable enough? Of course she's gone on to bigger and better things......like being a senator. :great:

The attorney hired is Joe Tacopina. I'm pretty sure he isn't local.

I'm sorry, MyBelle, I was misunderstanding you as saying that there weren't any notable attorneys in KC. Now I understand that you were referring to the fact that maybe they would be better off with good local attorney. Please forgive! :innocent:
So, probably right as she and her brother got back with the boxed wine.

The addition of JT, defense lawyer, suggests that they do have things to hide. His comments about the court of public opinion and seeing them as guilty before there is any evidence, humph.

People base their opinion on the behaviors and statements as well as the inconsistencies within the statements of the main characters. When there is "absolulety" no evidence that points outside of the home or a family member and no scents to track that go anywhere but to where one would expect any of the family members' scents to be/or to go then that, in itself, suggest that a family member is involved.

It is highly likely that JT suggested that the family blitz all four major networks...minus CNN...say that mom was drunk when there is NO PROOF that she was and remind media that LE keeps coming back to only the family.

LE has from day one followed any and all outside (the family) leads. To say they haven't is simply a LIE. When all the evidence points in one direction then that is the most likely direction to find a resolution. None of the neighborhood dogs barked! That says something right there.

IMO, Debbie was not drunk, she did not accidentally leave the window and door unlocked, she did not sleep through an abduction/burglary (phones) and either she planned a fake abduction in order to garner attention and money or she neglected to supervise her 10 month old baby and something happened.

If it is truly a fake abduction for attention and money then Baby Lisa will turn up or be dropped off in a safe place.

If there was an accident, then DB, JI, or both found her too late to resuscitate baby Lisa and decided to hide the death and fake an abduction. If Lisa died, it is highly likely that everything that was out of order in the home was done by one or both of the parents, with or without the help of a close friend or family member, and then evidence was set on fire at the dumpster, the baby was taken away from the home in a family vehicle and buried somewhere...perhaps even with a makeshift ceremony. Chances of finding her will be next to nothing...unless someone breaks. The boys know more than DB & JI want to admit. (Little pictures have big ears.)

And until someone outside this family says that they absolutely saw Little Lisa on Monday, one cannot assume that all of the preparation wasn't done long before 4:00 AM. It is still possible that JI lost it when he couldn't sleep during the day before he left for work at 5:20 PM. If that is the case then perhaps DB bought the box of wine knowing that this would be her excuse for not hearing anything.

Oh, and about that cell phone call...perhaps it was a text message to the home.

BBM If it is a burner phone then, with no minutes/time on it, the message would not go through. A text would bounce back as undeliverable.
As he's famous for defending up-against-it cops, he might well have.

And there's the matter of the local co-counsel, who will be familiar with the workings of LE in KC.

He's famous in KC for defending up-against-it-cops? I don't believe it so.

He's famous in KC for defending up-against-it-cops? I don't believe it so.

Again, your posts suggest that Kansas Citians somehow can't acquire information like the rest of America. The Louima case, the Bernard Klerk, even the lesser-known "Morgue Boys" trial - available to be read about, online. Even in Kansas City, by Kansas City cops. I wouldn't think for a minute that the rank and file are completely unfamiliar with the name Joe Tacopina.
I'm sorry, MyBelle, I was misunderstanding you as saying that there weren't any notable attorneys in KC. Now I understand that you were referring to the fact that maybe they would be better off with good local attorney. Please forgive! :innocent:

OK! I think Tacopina never met a microphone he didn't covet but will quickly get a dose of reality, KC style!!

Again, your posts suggest that Kansas Citians somehow can't acquire information like the rest of America. The Louima case, the Bernard Klerk, even the lesser-known "Morgue Boys" trial - available to be read about, online. Even in Kansas City, by Kansas City cops.

I think Kansas Citians prioritize their information and have a Midwestern sensibility that may not be available in the "rest of America." I doubt my parents and family are an exception in that regard. I know my parents' focus is on Lisa and not on the resume of the guy in a fancy suit trying to persuade them that a drunk changing her story is a reflection of her "honesty."

If I was worried about local public perception, I sure wouldn't hire an attorney from half-way across America. Kansas City has a number of excellent attorneys.


I agree somewhat with what you're saying. IMO they're in a bind because they need an excellent attorney who has lots of experience with handling the media frenzy. Not just anyone will do here. Where does one find an attorney with such skills?

That being said.. I'm completely on the fence about the entire case. Continued prayers that Lisa is brought home safe and sound.
Joe Tacopina has an "in" with KCPD? How so?

My point MyBelle, was to explain to Disguiseduser0308 that hiring a defense attorney was a good logistical choice if you had a missing child. There are advantages that a defense attorney would have that other attorneys in other areas of practice that would not, such as a better understanding of criminal law and a network with regards to prosecutors and LE, as they work with them every day.

Broadly, this will apply for Tacopina's co-counsel, if she's been practicing for a while. LE and most defense attorneys do not have an adversarial relationship - most are quite friendly with each other, from what I have observed at my job. Having that connecting with LE through a lawyer who can also protect your rights is a very good thing in a missing child case.

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