Has a Lawyer been hired? Yup** Joe Tacopina and unknown local female counsel

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Back in the day, if there was an important case you had to turn to Larry King. Joe was a guest many times giving the defense point of view. It could get loud and out of control but was interesting to watch. Many times, Nancy was also on and there were many heated discussions. When you feel the person is guilty, he sure could make you mad. I never saw him defend anyone I thought innocent.
Is this guy supposed to be representing mom or dad? He shouldn't represent them both as they could have comflicting interests. I'm sure he knows that.

Oh, I think Jeremy and Debbie's interests are the same.
Who on earth would quote Don Imus's opinion on anything these days lol? And I say that as someone who came away with a good impression of JT!

Not directed at you, BeanE, I do appreciate the tweets - were all those from Yael A.?
“These are two parents who are grieving every day over the loss of their daughter,” he said. “Hopefully she will come back to them.”(he quickly added, realizing his mistake). :innocent:

Freudian slip there, Joe?
I haven't read the previous posts on here b/c with all the Benadryl I'm not sure I'd make it very far...

But I did have a thought: for someone to hire such an expensive, high-profile defense attorney when they have not even been arrested or charged with anything yet makes me think something big is coming. The GJ meets tomorrow and I think they needed some legal advice in advance.

Last week, I didn't think 10/18 would ever arrive - but now it's just a day away.
Finally Megyn got to the bottom of when daddy left for work: 5:20 p.m.

Oh and Joe Tacopina, it's officially a circus now, imo.

So, probably right as she and her brother got back with the boxed wine.

The addition of JT, defense lawyer, suggests that they do have things to hide. His comments about the court of public opinion and seeing them as guilty before there is any evidence, humph.

People base their opinion on the behaviors and statements as well as the inconsistencies within the statements of the main characters. When there is "absolulety" no evidence that points outside of the home or a family member and no scents to track that go anywhere but to where one would expect any of the family members' scents to be/or to go then that, in itself, suggest that a family member is involved.

It is highly likely that JT suggested that the family blitz all four major networks...minus CNN...say that mom was drunk when there is NO PROOF that she was and remind media that LE keeps coming back to only the family.

LE has from day one followed any and all outside (the family) leads. To say they haven't is simply a LIE. When all the evidence points in one direction then that is the most likely direction to find a resolution. None of the neighborhood dogs barked! That says something right there.

IMO, Debbie was not drunk, she did not accidentally leave the window and door unlocked, she did not sleep through an abduction/burglary (phones) and either she planned a fake abduction in order to garner attention and money or she neglected to supervise her 10 month old baby and something happened.

If it is truly a fake abduction for attention and money then Baby Lisa will turn up or be dropped off in a safe place.

If there was an accident, then DB, JI, or both found her too late to resuscitate baby Lisa and decided to hide the death and fake an abduction. If Lisa died, it is highly likely that everything that was out of order in the home was done by one or both of the parents, with or without the help of a close friend or family member, and then evidence was set on fire at the dumpster, the baby was taken away from the home in a family vehicle and buried somewhere...perhaps even with a makeshift ceremony. Chances of finding her will be next to nothing...unless someone breaks. The boys know more than DB & JI want to admit. (Little pictures have big ears.)

And until someone outside this family says that they absolutely saw Little Lisa on Monday, one cannot assume that all of the preparation wasn't done long before 4:00 AM. It is still possible that JI lost it when he couldn't sleep during the day before he left for work at 5:20 PM. If that is the case then perhaps DB bought the box of wine knowing that this would be her excuse for not hearing anything.

Oh, and about that cell phone call...perhaps it was a text message to the home.
I've been reading the forum about baby Lisa since her disappearance. I have to say; even if I did absolutely nothing wrong I would still feel inclined to hire an attorney to hold our hands through it.

Now a defense attorney? I think not, but who else would have experience (attorney wise) in a missing child case? I'm not surprised they hired an attorney. It's something I would likely do to ensure I was doing everything possible and right to get my child back.
And this tweet, from above:

Just gotta know the savvy New York investigator and smooth-talking lawyer think they're dealing with KC bumpkins.

Who is this from? How can you "just gotta know" that? He certainly didn't say anything remotely like that. Any defense lawyer is going to call into question police tactics ANYwhere, not just those in the Midwest or KC or "country bumpkin" places. This sounds like a lot of reverse-spin to me, and pretty unfair.
Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to legal representation, but this is just another black eye in this case.

When DB and JI started avoiding the media, I was really concerned. It seemed so out of character. Perhaps they were avoiding the media because there were so many inconsistencies and they were already looking bad, but regardless how can you avoid the media and the best way to reach out to the community that has wrapped their arms around this baby girl in an extended effort to help find your child?

I was very involved in the Sam and Lindsey Porter case ( http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8706&highlight=sam+lindsey ) and any time there was an opportunity to reach out to the media, the childrens mother Tina Porter would welcome the media. I spoke with Tina last night about Lisa, and her disbelief about the parents avoiding the media really touched a nerve. She said, "remember all of the searches? I was close by if they would let me be. I would be on my front porch waiting for my children to come home, and waiting to talk to the media."

Then in my opinion, BS comes to town and just deals another black eye to this family making this look (IMO) suspicious. He really doesn't have the credibility like an organization such as Texas Equusearch who can search for a missing person, he wasn't licensed as a PI in Missouri, and acting as a consultant? I've seen his past consultations, and it was mainly prevention tactics which in this case was too late so his "consulting the family" was really nothing more than his few days in the spotlight?

Now hiring an attorney has me puzzled. JT stated the family will no longer be addressing the media. I feel any family member of a missing child or person should be addressing the media pleading for the return of their loved one any time they are requested to do so within reason.

If I were in their shoes, the moment KCPD stated "the family is no longer cooperating", I would have grabbed the first reporter and their camera man and said, "Hey. Come with me to the police station. This is wrong and I need my baby girl back no matter what it takes." Instead, we see exchanges from KCPD and JI's family LI (reading statements) on their behalf.

The families whole character and credibility (IMO) has really gone down the hill due to all of the events that have transpired.

I often wonder if people take advantage of a national spotlight. GMA has done so by doing these interviews, BS has done so by coming to town, and now a New York attorney. What's next?
With all due respect to everyones opinion, I think the parents are just taking whats been offered. They are working class trying to make ends meet and having trouble paying their bills just like a majority of us in this country are right now. Ofcourse they feel they need a lawyer because LE and public opinion is not on their side right now. So it's only understandable they would not turn down the gifthorse of a high profile lawyer, PI, and a 100,000 dollar reward. They were in no position to hire those people or offer that reward themselves, they are broke.
Which leads to the question, who is behind the money and why? I see why the parents accepted these offers but, IMO, it just might hurt more than help. I hope this unknown benefactor has honest intentions and truly wants Lisa found and innocent parents cleared, but why that particular PI, this particular lawyer? All the major network interveiws this AM, I'm sure the parents didn't arrainge and set all that up, and no local interveiws, some one else is calling the shots and parents are going along with it because that someone has the money and power and they are very confused and vulnerable right now. The benefactor doesn't want this to be a local case, but a big time national media circus which it has become through their manipulation. Only means they (the benefactors) expect the investment to pay off big time.
Truly sad, Lisa is forgotten, and parents that may be innocent are sacraficed for sensationalism.
I don't see how Lisa has been forgotten. Both spokesmen made sure to mention her first thing, and throughout the pressers. The parents interviews were about the night she disappeared. Searches are still going on. Who has forgotten her?

IMO, the only people who don't have Lisa as their focus are the press, especially the local, who try flying stories about moms "chequered past", the wine buying video, and the people making cracks about the attorney and the PI.
JT is a pretty good attorney, both here and in Italy..he helped the knox parents during the original trial as well iirc. He has a really high profile with LE as the go to attorney if they are charged with crimes and does a lot of pro bono for them as well imo
I don't see how Lisa has been forgotten. Both spokesmen made sure to mention her first thing, and throughout the pressers. The parents interviews were about the night she disappeared. Searches are still going on. Who has forgotten her?

IMO, the only people who don't have Lisa as their focus are the press, especially the local, who try flying stories about moms "chequered past", the wine buying video, and the people making cracks about the attorney and the PI.

I agree. There is absolutely nothing wrong with hiring a good attorney. In fact considering the position they are in its the smart move.
The notion that one is, somehow, not entitled to the attorney of his or her choice, is an odious notion indeed.
I don't see how Lisa has been forgotten. Both spokesmen made sure to mention her first thing, and throughout the pressers. The parents interviews were about the night she disappeared. Searches are still going on. Who has forgotten her?

IMO, the only people who don't have Lisa as their focus are the press, especially the local, who try flying stories about moms "chequered past", the wine buying video, and the people making cracks about the attorney and the PI.

I mean Lisa being forgotten in the long run if the press is all sensationalism and vilifying the parents. I don't think it matters if anyone likes their attorney and PI or not. It's not like they had a choice as far as I can tell on who was or wasn't hired. They're most likely scared, heartbroken, broke, confused, and are not going to turn down who ever it is that is behind the money. I'm just saying I hope they are not the pawns behind someone playing games and intentionally turning this into a circus.
I don't see how Lisa has been forgotten. Both spokesmen made sure to mention her first thing, and throughout the pressers. The parents interviews were about the night she disappeared. Searches are still going on. Who has forgotten her?

IMO, the only people who don't have Lisa as their focus are the press, especially the local, who try flying stories about moms "chequered past", the wine buying video, and the people making cracks about the attorney and the PI.

With all due respect, with the exception of one or two local stations, most local networks have been seeking to keep LISA front and center. One station ran Lisa's picture across the screen non-stop for at least three days after she was found to be missing--long after the Amber Alert was pulled.

It's simply my opinion, but this family is doing themselves a disservice by not begging for Lisa's safe return when given the opportunity--which the local media has offered since hour one of her disappearance.

As it's been repeated by many in the local media here: They will still be around long after the Today Show, GMA, Fox, etc. pack up and go home. They will be the ones to keep Lisa's picture front and center. :twocents:

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