Has Misty told her parents the truth?

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Has Misty told her parents the truth?

  • Yes, she told both of them and they are covering it up

    Votes: 7 4.1%
  • Yes, she told her dad

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Yes, she told her mom

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • No, she didn't tell them or I'm not sure if she did or not?

    Votes: 156 91.2%

  • Total voters


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Sep 11, 2008
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There hasn't been any evidence I've seen that she has told them the truth. I think back on the news interview with Lisa where she even says that Misty knows something she isn't telling.

What do you all think?
I vote no. I don't know how much truth she actually knows, but no, she's not told all to them, IMHO.
I don't think Misty would know the truth if it bit her in the azz. Seriously, she's a compulsive liar, but I have hope that someone can work it out of her. I do think her parents have been kept in the dark. Maybe they're scared of the answers, so they just don't go there. But with Padilla involved, Misty has a monetary incentive to open up. & that family sure could use the money...so, my fingers are crossed.
I bounce back and fourth on whether or not i think Misty has told anyone the truth.

I think LC knows that IF Misty is somewhat invovled with HaLeigh disappearing, then she didn't act alone. She doesn't think that Misty is capable of doing this by herself. IMO.
I voted no. Everyone has suspicions and theories but I think the only one who really know anything are Misty and Ron, with TN covering but maybe not knowing all.
I don't think she's told her parents. I think Misty is quite adept at the "poor little me" routine. But I do think her parents know that she knows much more than she has told them.
I voted no. I think if she would have told her parents they would have talked by now. LE is making their lives a living H**L !!!!
I don't think she told them anything. They may have overheard tidbits here and there and think she knows more than she's telling.
I feel that only Ron and Misty know the real truth. Misty is so good at lying that she believes her own lies. JMO
She's probably alluded to the truth, but I am pretty sure there has been no confession.
I voted no, Her daddy wants the truth, I believe he would have told LE if she had, I really do
Nopee, I don't think she told them anything. I don't think she even knows where Haleigh is but I think she knows Haleigh is no longer with us.....and who took her away.
I voted no, Her daddy wants the truth, I believe he would have told LE if she had, I really do

I agree. IMO Hank is the one out of all of the Croslin/Cummings clan that has the best chance of turning his life around. In spite of his problems, I think that he is a basically honest person.
I feel so alone. I voted she told her Dad because of his comment in their first jail visit. 'You should have come forward'. I don't believe Misty laid a hand on HaLeigh. I do believe she knows who took the child and why however, and I believe her father knows part if not all of that story.

Also the parents agreed to the shotgun wedding. That's always been strange to me.
What does she gain by telling the truth?

Nothing tangible to her at the tender age of 18 but I predict after she's spent a decade or two in prison, getting the truth off her chest might be really important.

She has no incentive now. :furious:
I don't think she has told them anything. Still feel that she may have been in such a state the night Haleigh disappeared that she doesn't really know.

What strikes me as really odd about these interactions with her parents is...Don't they know their daughter? Don't they know whether she is lying or not? Why do they keep after her unless they feel (from past experiences) that she's hiding something? Wouldn't/shouldn't they know the right things to say and buttons to push to get to the bottom of what she knows?

Our kids can fool most of us for a time - but...we generally have figured them out and know how to push them to fess up.

The family dynamics here are just strange. MOO
but most kids aren'e trying to hide a possible murder...so it may be difficult...they probably are used to her lying, as i doubt she was always truthful about her whereabouts, her drug usage, etc...and they must think she knows more (as do I) so they figure if anyone can get it from her, they can...i do think they are trying...
i also go back and forth as to whether misty knows the whole story...but do think she knows enough of it, and has enough culpability, to keep on lying...
I think if Misty had told her parents, they would have lawyered up by now. I do not think she spilled anything to them.

She is a follower not a leader. She could not mastermind any kind of plan and get away with it - especially if she was under the influence of drugs of any kind.

There is a possibility that the crime scene if NOT the Mhome and that is why there was confusion about looking under the beds. The MH had no evidence - not even the brightest could erase all evidence if it was a crime scene.

I still wonder if Ron popped back home and found Misty gone. Possibly took it out on Haleigh or found Haleigh had od'd or got hurt while home alone and took her body to punish Misty then played dumb. Who knows?
I voted.....No, she didn't tell them or I'm not sure if she did or not?

There is a possiblity she told them what initially happened, but they don't know any of the details as to who and where Haleigh was taken after the fact. I don't even think Misty really knows where Haleigh was taken...
One question and I realize it may not even belong here... Suppose Misty has told them exactly what happened to Haleigh and that she died due to something Ron C did that day, but she really doesn't know where they took Haleigh or what they did with her. Can LE charge him with whatever it is IF they don't have and can't find Haleigh's body.. As I see it, it would be Misty's word against Ron C and his family's word...JMO

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