Has Misty told her parents the truth?

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Has Misty told her parents the truth?

  • Yes, she told both of them and they are covering it up

    Votes: 7 4.1%
  • Yes, she told her dad

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Yes, she told her mom

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • No, she didn't tell them or I'm not sure if she did or not?

    Votes: 156 91.2%

  • Total voters
The mother seems to appear guilt-ridden, enabling, parasitic. Dad appears to want out of this mess, wanting to take care of himself. (can't blame the guy)

Sad to say, MC appears to be a practice liar. Sad in one so young. Duplicitous: one minute professing she is changed forever, the next wanting to be out in the population, hungry to get in on the action, like a kid whose found out something enticing about it. No real patience with self-study or introspection, when there is a chance to escape.

Also, shows clear signs to me of still having tranquilizers in her head.

Also, I have to ask myself why loving parents have let a child grow up unable to read. Afraid she would outshine them? :twocents:
I doubt Misty has confided in her parents, but as parents we know our kids and often have a sixth sense about their "truthfullness". Even parents like LC and HC (which have probably been not there for their children) must be able to put two and two together. I know how mine act/talk when they are not being truthful, I'd bet Misty's parents do too. She may not have told them, but I imagine they know.
I feel so alone. I voted she told her Dad because of his comment in their first jail visit. 'You should have come forward'. I don't believe Misty laid a hand on HaLeigh. I do believe she knows who took the child and why however, and I believe her father knows part if not all of that story.

Also the parents agreed to the shotgun wedding. That's always been strange to me.

I voted no, that I don't think she told her parents; however, after reading your post I think you have a good point. Maybe they have been able to put pieces of the puzzle together, or rather have more pieces to the puzzle than LE and we have. I don't think there has been a "confession" by Misty to her parents.
If the truth is that she had something to do with Haleigh's disappearance, then no, I can't see her telling them. But I do think they're both suspicious of her involvement. MOO
I think Misty knows more then what she is saying, but I don't think she has told anyone yet.
Mom knows. At least that's been my feeling from early on for reasons that I'm not ready to explain. We do know that Lisa stuck close to Misty's side in the beginning. I seem to recall reading that Misty wanted her mother the night Haleigh went missing, and that Misty was in seclusion, resting at her parents' home for a couple of days. If Misty were going to tell anyone anything, it would have been in the first twelve hours or so before she had a chance to sleep and clear her head. After that, she gained new resolve and buttoned up tight. Whatever Lisa knows, she'll take to her grave because, IMO, she and her daughter share the same devious nature. Hank, on the other hand, is a poor schmuck. He's suspicious, but in the dark. I'll wager mom and kids have kept quite a few secrets from him over the years. (Or, wait...am I getting them mixed up with Anthony's? :waitasec: :D )
I don't believe she told them any more than we know. If anyone knows the truth it would be Tommy IMO, and maybe the other brother.
No, I do not believe she told her parents. I think RC, Misty TN and possibly GGS were probabky involved in a cover-up. I include GGS because she was the one who said she saw Haleigh and Jr on the porch eating dinner that evening.
No, I don't think she told anyone, anything. She is starting to remind me of Casey. She hasn't before I saw today's video's

I do wonder what was said, when Hank said in one of the video's, when he said why didn't you say something before now? I think a part of that video was redacted.
Mom knows. At least that's been my feeling from early on for reasons that I'm not ready to explain. We do know that Lisa stuck close to Misty's side in the beginning. I seem to recall reading that Misty wanted her mother the night Haleigh went missing, and that Misty was in seclusion, resting at her parents' home for a couple of days. If Misty were going to tell anyone anything, it would have been in the first twelve hours or so before she had a chance to sleep and clear her head. After that, she gained new resolve and buttoned up tight. Whatever Lisa knows, she'll take to her grave because, IMO, she and her daughter share the same devious nature. Hank, on the other hand, is a poor schmuck. He's suspicious, but in the dark. I'll wager mom and kids have kept quite a few secrets from him over the years. (Or, wait...am I getting them mixed up with Anthony's? :waitasec: :D )

I think your post warrants a bigger thanks, than just a click. Spot on about the family dynamics you've pointed out here!

Bravo! :twocents:
NO.... she hasn't told them anything.

And... LE needs the evidence to back it up even if she did tell them anything. They can't charge anyone with a crime until they have the evidence to prove there was a crime. Just her word won't be enough.
There hasn't been any evidence I've seen that she has told them the truth. I think back on the news interview with Lisa where she even says that Misty knows something she isn't telling.

What do you all think?


What I was was on option on the poll was
---She may have told them some things but not others--

I think misty may have talked a little bit, especially to her mom.
I voted No as well.

Interestingly, I don't think her folks are accustomed to her lying to them-- they don't have enough boundaries in that family dynamic to necessitate it, imo. Hank and Lisa have been right there with her, as close as they're allowed anyway, and constantly implore her to tell the truth. They know there's more than they've been told.

I'm beginning to get the vibe that Hank is going to cut his losses soon... especially after Mama got stung so bad today. They seem to blame Misty for their own misdeeds and downfalls which makes me suspicious of their motives: they want Misty to tell what she knows so LE will leave them (Hank, Lisa, Tommy, Timmy) alone, not in order to bring Haleigh back.

I voted No as well.

Interestingly, I don't think her folks are accustomed to her lying to them-- they don't have enough boundaries in that family dynamic to necessitate it, imo. Hank and Lisa have been right there with her, as close as they're allowed anyway, and constantly implore her to tell the truth. They know there's more than they've been told.

I'm beginning to get the vibe that Hank is going to cut his losses soon... especially after Mama got stung so bad today. They seem to blame Misty for their own misdeeds and downfalls which makes me suspicious of their motives: they want Misty to tell what she knows so LE will leave them (Hank, Lisa, Tommy, Timmy) alone, not in order to bring Haleigh back.


I voted no too. I think the Croslins have a pretty good idea about what may have happened but I just don't see Misty confessing, and I think her parents would have a hard time keeping mum about it when badgered by LE. They might have let something slip; they couldn't even keep Misty from confessing to drug dealing on tape. In one of the Tim Miller tapes Misty said that anybody in her family would sell each other out in a split second, that's just the way her family is, or something to that effect, and the way they've turned on each other occasionally she might be right. Anyway, it doesn't sound like someone who knows she can always count on her family.

Quiche, I think you're right that Misty probably didn't have to lie to her parents about the same things that most youngsters would have to. If she skipped school or left her homework undone or took drugs or stole something it might not have been such a big deal in her family and she might not have taken much of a beating for it. It's simply their way, or so it appears.

At the same time, I think her family is well accustomed to lying together, lying to themselves, making excuses for their own dysfunction. Everybody does drugs, we don't have a problem about it, we're not the stealing kind, etc.
I voted NO.

Had she told them, they would have given it up to the police. Might have even used it as leverage for their own charges to disappear..:furious:

No. she didn't tell anyone, JMHO!
Mom knows. At least that's been my feeling from early on for reasons that I'm not ready to explain. We do know that Lisa stuck close to Misty's side in the beginning. I seem to recall reading that Misty wanted her mother the night Haleigh went missing, and that Misty was in seclusion, resting at her parents' home for a couple of days. If Misty were going to tell anyone anything, it would have been in the first twelve hours or so before she had a chance to sleep and clear her head. After that, she gained new resolve and buttoned up tight. Whatever Lisa knows, she'll take to her grave because, IMO, she and her daughter share the same devious nature. Hank, on the other hand, is a poor schmuck. He's suspicious, but in the dark. I'll wager mom and kids have kept quite a few secrets from him over the years. (Or, wait...am I getting them mixed up with Anthony's? :waitasec: :D )

I think it was reported that she was resting, but I think she was actually being interviewed by LE, because even at the very beginning she couldn't keep her story straight, and they wanted to know why. Every time she opened her mouth, the story changed a bit.

I think the story that she was resting was PR image lie, but I don't remember who put it out there. I don't think it was LE who put it out there though. Imo, LE has been watching these people lie to the media from the get go, and learned quickly the "tells" in their characters. moo
I voted yes, she told them. I think some of the comments from the parents when talking to her are for the benefit of the camara. I saw the look on Hanks face when she said God will bring her home, and Hank said "God will bring her home?". Like what are you saying Misty, you know that ain't true..... he can't speak for 17 seconds and then at the end, he say, "I don't want to know more". CYA..... He knows. They all know. I think if Timmy helped her that night, they don't want the only Croslin that helps them to go to jail.
I voted no. I feel like her Dad is urging her to tell the truth about what happened when he visits with her, but her mother seems to just agree with whatever Misty says. I don't think Misty will ever knowingly tell the truth but I'm hopeful that she will get to talking to someone in the jail and let something accidently slip out.
It's hard to read Misty, isn't it?

No, her own parents do not know about what happened to Haleigh. I don't know what lies she told them about that night. I can understand why they wouldn't want to know because the truth may involve two of their children. Better to not know the truth than to have to turn in your family member(s) perhaps. Both her Mom and Dad do not seem like the type that would press her for whole story, but just advise CYA.

However, it appears Misty's parents must believe she only knows "something" about what happened to Haleigh, but don't believe Misty actually was involved in Haleigh being harmed. Misty's parents seem to believe what she knows would clear her. They probably think she's covering for Ron and family. Are they just in denial?

IMO, what Misty knows must be everything because she sure has hung on to the secret. Was she somehow the one responsible for Haleigh's disappearance? If not, then talk, Girl!

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