Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

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Has the defense changed your mind about ICA's guilt?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 6.0%
  • No

    Votes: 408 56.6%
  • Waste. Huge waste.

    Votes: 270 37.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The defense has not changed my mind, however, my mom who doesn't know anything about this case listened to the defence and said I dont think she is guilty, I think the baby drowned. Because I have followed the case and know how JB is I dont buy it, but it concerns me that someone who hasn't followed it could beleive it, because the jury might buy it, all they need is one to buy it.

I have a lot of concerns when it comes to this jury, who like your mum hasn't read every piece of evidence 4 times. Maybe some of the lurkers who have joined in and know very little can chime in before they start reading more stuff :)

:seeya: Hi Lurkers :)
I will be one of the tiny minority that believes Jose Baez did a remarkable job in his opening statements. Indeed, the commentator for In Session could only say, "Oh my God" when it was finished, and then remarked that Baez had acted brilliantly, and turned the case on its head. I do believe that dysfunctional families of this type indeed have sexual molestation as a fact and produce Caseys. If Baez used crude imagery, it was to show the raw reality. I believe things are as he says they are.

ETA:And yes, I am one who has not read extensively on the case, so may be more of the perspective mind-set of a possible juror.
Question: Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

My response: No.
The defense didn't change my mind at all. Jose's story was so convoluted and full of holes, so completely uncorroborated by facts, so obviously self-serving that I just don't see the jury buying it. Even if the jury believes that George molested Casey, the story about Caylee's last day and what happened to her body do not jibe with Casey's behavior for the last three years or with common sense. I'm amazed that so many commentators are saying it was a brilliant story -- they must think juries are idiots and will just believe anything told to them.
I have to admit I was seriously thinking I was so wrong about KC. The abuse was feasible- a man in a house with a strong woman needs to be domineering to someone and the abuse begins. The story of KC being scared and in denial or just burying it deep down was also a realistic explanation. The comment about her being on the playground, shocking but also made me feel sorry and angry for KC. The DT almost had it. Until JB said GA was there and found Caylee I was for the 1st time thinking this could be what really happened. JB blew it big time imo. I despise KC and yet was really falling for it. If he had just quit while he was ahead. Also I think the fact that she only cries for herself and never Caylee will convince the jury.
The only think I've changed my mind about is the level of disgust I feel for ICA and JB and how wrong I was about how much ICA really hates her family.

I will be one of the tiny minority that believes Jose Baez did a remarkable job in his opening statements. Indeed, the commentator for In Session could only say, "Oh my God" when it was finished, and then remarked that Baez had acted brilliantly, and turned the case on its head. I do believe that dysfunctional families of this type indeed have sexual molestation as a fact and produce Caseys. If Baez used crude imagery, it was to show the raw reality. I believe things are as he says they are.

ETA:And yes, I am one who has not read extensively on the case, so may be more of the perspective mind-set of a possible juror.

I believe JB did an excellent job for the first 20 or 30 minutes but after that it started to break up into a crazy jumble sounding much as if it could have come straight from the pages of the illuminatus! trilogy.

he didnt change my mind at all. in fact if you read back, back, back through threads on this case you will find every single thing he mentioned on WS somewhere. he got his entire defense from us. only he didnt pay close enough attn - cf the smearing of the amazing dr vass - and also, apparently they are pretending caylee was never in the car.

had he kept it at "caylee drowned accidentally and casey flipped the heck out" he would have had a much better chance of success.
The prosecution masterfully laid a very long, sordid and elaborate list of lies told by Casey Anthony. The defense just laid out another long list of her lies. Her father sexually abused her, her brother felt her bewbies, Caylee drowned, Roy Kronk carted the body around for months before collecting on his payday. Blah blah blah. It's the same old, same old in KC land.
The defense actually further reinforced my opinion of Casey's guilt. Yesterday I actually held out a little hope that it could have been an accident that snowballed - NOT ANYMORE. I'm absolutely convinced now that Casey, premeditatedly with evil intent, set out and did in fact murder Caylee.
Nothing out of Baez mouth changed my mine..he is as big a liar as his client..Sexual abuse doe's not make murder's of their children..Baez started out a little more than I thought he wud but when he went into details about the sex..that was overkill then he dragged Kronk in...Wait Baez what about the kitchen Sink..??? lol sorry not buying it.
Casey is still a murderer...this does need a poll.
The prosecution masterfully laid a very long, sordid and elaborate list of lies told by Casey Anthony. The defense just laid out another long list of her lies. Her father sexually abused her, her brother felt her bewbies, Caylee drowned, Roy Kronk carted the body around for months before collecting on his payday. Blah blah blah. It's the same old, same old in KC land.

Yep. He pretty much confirmed that's she's nothing but a lying, deceiving, messed up woman. Good job, JB. What a waste, a huge waste.

George did amazing and I thought he was truthful, if not a bit nervous and embarrassed as anybody would be with the allegations JB slung at him.

OH, and no. NOTHING JB said convinced me of her innocence, in fact it made me despise her more and I didn't know it was possible. She's a terrible actress.
It does not change my mind about KC's guilt but the defense did an excellent job of CHANGING MY MIND ABOUT THE PUNISHMENT FOR KC. As everyone knows here I wanted more compassion for KC, but after today and the absolute unadulterated lying by Baez and and KC, I don't care what she gets. Life without parole is just fine with me. I really believe the worst thing you can say about someone is that they molested a child or their own child. This woman, KC, is the lowest form of you know what, imo. I watched with my son and he said (and he does not follow the case) there is no way this many molested her. No way. But George is not enough, she wants to destroy Lee also. Lee is going to get up there and also deny this. I have never ever seen a worse defense - seriously - Baez implicated Kronk - he somehow stole the body, he implicated le, he implicated George in the worst way and his description was disgusting. I really think KC needs to go away for a very long time and she can thank her defense for chnging my mind.
I always had questions about ICA's guilt at least to first degree murder (and I take comfort in the fact that Richard Hornsby thinks there is evidence there to provide reasonable doubt). To be clear I think she could have murdered Caylee in the first degree, however, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt no.

However, there is one thing that Baez has convinced me of after his cross examination: to drop my idea of starting to wear pocket squares.
To possess any effectiveness, the defense must construct an alternative narrative to the story presented by the prosecutor. Simply refuting other evidence or pointing out the absence of witnesses or forensics don't work.

In ways, Baez worked with what Casey gave him: the sexual abuse claim. From that unprovable assertion, he had to cobble together a crude patchwork, a little bit of this and a little bit of that to explain away Casey's very visible dysfunction during that month.

I think that commentators gave Baez high marks for doing what he can to save Casey from the death chamber.
I have not been following this case in detail as so many of you here have done for years.

My reaction today was actually twofold. I thought Baez was compelling, even brilliant in places...and I found the story very credible...I was moving right in the direction he wanted...

until...he had to double down on Kronk in order to absolve Casey of anything and everything. That's when he lost me.

And because he lost me...I started to review the first part of his opening statement...about George, about "the accident." You mean Casey never asked what her Dad did with her dead baby? Sat in jail all this time to protect the man who molested her? Kronk wanted money but let the remains lay around for months when someone else might have found his "lottery ticket" and then he'd have nothing?

And George, the ex-detective..puts his dead grandchild right down the street..when he had all the time in the world to put her in the ocean or anywhere in a day's drive?

One last opinion...Baez is a great story-teller but he can't cross-examine his way out of a paper bag. It's embarrassing to watch that he doesn't even know how to phrase the questions.
JB is confused between reasonable doubt and jurors confusion he created today, but they'll resent the defense for not making things clear.
This did not change my mind at all. Defense will have to explain Casey's actions from time allegedly missing and the time remains were found. All the partying and smiling????? What is all that about?? Doesn't like she was crying to me!
Not one bit.

Baez has nothing, and will prove nothing. It's all talk.

The prosectution will wipe the floor with Baez.
Oh, HLN raising the question of why didn't Casey get her daughter out of the house away from the supposed sexual abuser. She left Caylee alone with GA at times, after all.

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