have your thoughts changed? **new poll**

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Who do you think is responsible for Baby Lisa being missing

  • mom

    Votes: 223 49.4%
  • dad

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • mom and dad

    Votes: 76 16.9%

    Votes: 31 6.9%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 119 26.4%

  • Total voters
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The black out theory really set in w me last night. I couldnt go to sleep thinking about if she did black out. How friggin scary. Still standing w the parents but starting to lean a bit. Im just not sure she cld cover her tracks so well in a black out. Im very thankful Ill never be in their shoes if this is indeed what happened. And if it did I cant imagine the guilt and shame and fear. I think DBs attitude is just that. Scared *****less as she does not recall anything. Can you imagine the ping pong ( wine pong) game in her head? I cannot. When DB said she cldnt fill in the gaps for LE I knew she must have been mighty drunk, but not intentionally hiding info. Just thinking out loud and OMO.

I posted my thoughts on the other page...but I was just wondering if they thoroughly checked the neighbor that was sitting out with her and drinking with her? What if SHE coached her to drinking more or added something...and she is the one who went into the home knowing DB would be "passed out" and took Baby Lisa? (Maybe for a friend, etc.) I hope they checked the neighbor out very well. To me if I were having a glass of wine with a neighbor that had a sick baby...I would tell her that maybe 2 is plenty for today...but this neighbor sat for how long? Anybody know? Why hasn't the neighbor who was with her been in the news or talking? I recall hearing a "neighbor" refuses to talk to media. I wonder if it could be due to my theory? Wonder if that neighbor made any outgoing calls late late at night to someone? Like "I have the baby...hurry and come and get her!" ?? Just hypothesizing.
Well no matter what happened in my eyes the mother is responsible. Even if it was SODDI she made that possible.

From the very beginning I was mom did it. My mind has ran back and forth between she did it and SODDI to it being a HOAX. Im praying for hoax. But still thinking mom.
I posted my thoughts on the other page...but I was just wondering if they thoroughly checked the neighbor that was sitting out with her and drinking with her? What if SHE coached her to drinking more or added something...and she is the one who went into the home knowing DB would be "passed out" and took Baby Lisa? (Maybe for a friend, etc.) I hope they checked the neighbor out very well. To me if I were having a glass of wine with a neighbor that had a sick baby...I would tell her that maybe 2 is plenty for today...but this neighbor sat for how long? Anybody know? Why hasn't the neighbor who was with her been in the news or talking? I recall hearing a "neighbor" refuses to talk to media. I wonder if it could be due to my theory? Wonder if that neighbor made any outgoing calls late late at night to someone? Like "I have the baby...hurry and come and get her!" ?? Just hypothesizing.

I commend the neighbor for not speaking out and do not find it suspicious at all.
Not speaking to the media works.
Anybody could have taken the baby that night. Some say not likely but we have seen the stories of crazy crazy stuff some will do for a baby.

Jmo and experience. I have a friend that got caught up in a bad situation. I spoke to LE not the media and never will. We know how the media twists what you say even when what you said is on film. And then the public spins and spins. Then it becomes truth. Eyeroll. Lol.
I started off on the fence, started to lean toward the mom did it, but for the past week I'm solidly on the SODDI side. (subject to change) I've seen no evidence, hard evidence or enough circumstantial evidence to sway me at this point.
We have 3 furbabies, my children are all grown, and I take them out almost like clockwork 3 times a day, sometimes 4 to 5, depending on when I wake up, when they wake up and how late they stayed out the night before. With that said, If someone asked me what time I took them out last night, I couldn't tell you exactly. I do know that sometimes after a cat nap I'll wake up in a panic thinking I need to get them outside only to remember after my feet hit the floor that I already took them out.
Last trip out for the night I usually lock both outside doors. I often get up in the middle of the night and recheck them, because I do it from habit, and not conciously, I don't remember doing it and have to double check myself. I don't have to drink to question if I did something, I am totally confused sometimes when sober, which is 99.9 percent of the time, plus a little more.
My point is this, DB said she checked on the kids at 10:30. Maybe that is her regular routine, if she doesn't remember doing it doesn't mean she didn't. I couldn't tell you what I had for dinner yesterday or if I even ate, doesn't mean I didn't or I'm lying.
Some nights I leave an accent light on in the kitchen, sometimes I forget to. I hope I never have to give specifics of what I did everyy minute of any given day or a good many people will cruicify me I'm sure.

IMO, if one wants to be truthful but has trouble remembering if one checked on the children at 10.30 or had dinner yesterday it IS lying to say one did. "I'm not sure, I don't remember, I usually do so maybe I did" would be honest.
:seeya: Now there are 66 of you sharing this fence with me!:fence:

I hope we have coffee up here, lol.


Now ... when those of you who are still sitting on the :fence: get off the :fence: and join those of us who believe "mom" or "parents" did it ...

I will be happy to provide :coffeecup: and :cupcake:



MOO ...
I started off on the fence, started to lean toward the mom did it, but for the past week I'm solidly on the SODDI side. (subject to change) I've seen no evidence, hard evidence or enough circumstantial evidence to sway me at this point.
We have 3 furbabies, my children are all grown, and I take them out almost like clockwork 3 times a day, sometimes 4 to 5, depending on when I wake up, when they wake up and how late they stayed out the night before. With that said, If someone asked me what time I took them out last night, I couldn't tell you exactly. I do know that sometimes after a cat nap I'll wake up in a panic thinking I need to get them outside only to remember after my feet hit the floor that I already took them out.
Last trip out for the night I usually lock both outside doors. I often get up in the middle of the night and recheck them, because I do it from habit, and not conciously, I don't remember doing it and have to double check myself. I don't have to drink to question if I did something, I am totally confused sometimes when sober, which is 99.9 percent of the time, plus a little more.
My point is this, DB said she checked on the kids at 10:30. Maybe that is her regular routine, if she doesn't remember doing it doesn't mean she didn't. I couldn't tell you what I had for dinner yesterday or if I even ate, doesn't mean I didn't or I'm lying.
Some nights I leave an accent light on in the kitchen, sometimes I forget to. I hope I never have to give specifics of what I did everyy minute of any given day or a good many people will cruicify me I'm sure.

Excellent points! I crucified a poor woman whose child was missing. She didn't cry enough tears or she blinked her eyes too many times while talking or she was an unfit mother because she let her children walk home from school while she worked or the crowd she hung out with. Her child was found dead days later. I still thought she or a family member was involved & waited for news from the LE. The only thing they would confirm is that no one has been cleared. This fueled the fire of bashing this poor mother and her family. Long story short - she had nothing to do with the murder of her daughter nor did anyone in her family. I will not allow myself to judge another human the way I did this poor woman. I felt and still feel so ashamed for the things I thought and said about her. I won't go down that road again until I hear something from the Law Enforcement Agencies.
IMO, if one wants to be truthful but has trouble remembering if one checked on the children at 10.30 or had dinner yesterday it IS lying to say one did. "I'm not sure, I don't remember, I usually do so maybe I did" would be honest.

I'd have to disagree, many times my wife will ask if I locked the door and I tell her no, I forgot, then go to do it and find I already locked it, just didn't remember doing it. So that makes me a liar? Sometimes I tell her I did and find I didn't, I still don't think that makes me a liar. I am the last one in and out most nights, it's usually a matter of habit, but sometimes in my rush to get the furkids off their leashes I may skip that step of locking the door. I usually unlock it on my way out too, but today I had to make a call from the back yard so I could get back in :floorlaugh:
Stick a fork in me, I am done. Mom did it, don't know who else is involved with the cover-up, if anyone. Sad day.

Now ... when those of you who are still sitting on the :fence: get off the :fence: and join those of us who believe "mom" or "parents" did it ...

I will be happy to provide :coffeecup: and :cupcake:



MOO ...

I still would LOVE to have coffee:( Even if I am on top of the fence! Please?
I'd have to disagree, many times my wife will ask if I locked the door and I tell her no, I forgot, then go to do it and find I already locked it, just didn't remember doing it. So that makes me a liar? Sometimes I tell her I did and find I didn't, I still don't think that makes me a liar. I am the last one in and out most nights, it's usually a matter of habit, but sometimes in my rush to get the furkids off their leashes I may skip that step of locking the door. I usually unlock it on my way out too, but today I had to make a call from the back yard so I could get back in :floorlaugh:

If you remember things wrong you're just forgetful but if you know you don't remember doing something because you passed out or whatever and still say with great conviction that you did you're a liar. IMO.
I was never leaning towards a stranger abduction. I felt it would have to be either a parent or close friend/acquaintance who knew the father would be working that one night. And the cell phones being missing doesn't make sense.

With the new developments I'm leaning towards it being the mother who caused harm to baby Lisa and the father possibly helping to cover it up.

If DB is responsible then she is a very good actor. But maybe it's not really an act at all. Maybe she's crying the real tears for herself and the possible consequences of her actions.

JI is always hanging his head- maybe because he knows he's in a spot and either doesn't know what to believe, or if he should continue to cover for DB. Instead of looking sad and frantic, he almost appears pensive as in, "What should I do?"
I was never leaning towards a stranger abduction. I felt it would have to be either a parent or close friend/acquaintance who knew the father would be working that one night. And the cell phones being missing doesn't make sense.

With the new developments I'm leaning towards it being the mother who caused harm to baby Lisa and the father possibly helping to cover it up.

If DB is responsible then she is a very good actor. But maybe it's not really an act at all. Maybe she's crying the real tears for herself and the possible consequences of her actions.

JI is always hanging his head- maybe because he knows he's in a spot and either doesn't know what to believe, or if he should continue to cover for DB. Instead of looking sad and frantic, he almost appears pensive as in, "What should I do?"

I agree that if Lisa was abducted by a third party, as I believe, it likely wasn't a stranger but someone acquainted with the layout of the house and the household's routine.

Yes, whether it's for Lisa or for herself, DB's grief appears genuine. I'm inclined to think JI is feeling awkward because he doesn't know what to believe about DB since she allegedly failed a poly.
Yes I fell off the fence.
Wish I knew if a previous owner died in the house or if the dog hit indicated a recent death. I'm still wavering. The media has been really playing this up against the mom when they have no clue and continuously get their facts wrong. One day I think DB knows something, the next I'm unsure.
I still would LOVE to have coffee:( Even if I am on top of the fence! Please?

Sure ... join in :cup::cup:

I just "brewed" a strong pot ... a brand sold here in New Orleans by Cafe Du Monde, with chicory ...

Not quite sure what to think,leaning towards the mom, getting strange vibes from JI ,he seems to have a guilty look on his face to me, maybe he's helped cover-up what happened.I do tend to think that whatever happened was accidental,and then a panicked attempt to make it look like a kidnapping.DB's grief seems real to me,maybe a combination of grief and fear and guilt.
Agggggh!!! Face plant extraordinaire :fence: + :thud: = :sigh:
If the parents ( mom) are responsible, we will know soon enough. There can be a lot of scenarios where it could have been an accident that she/they tried to cover up, but she is still responsible. The scent of death in mom's bedroom is pretty damning. If SODDI, it was a very narrow window of opportunity for a random kidnapping and rather unlikely. At the least, someone had to have known the timing was right when the baby was vulnerable. It makes no sense for a stranger to take an 11 month old baby out of the blue at the exact right time. Am wondering if the man with the baby in a diaper is a setup for distraction.
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