have your thoughts changed? **new poll**

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Who do you think is responsible for Baby Lisa being missing

  • mom

    Votes: 223 49.4%
  • dad

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • mom and dad

    Votes: 76 16.9%

    Votes: 31 6.9%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 119 26.4%

  • Total voters
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I think its all very hinky....and what comes to my mind is this...Remember that psychic lady that cindy anthony or who ever contacted in the caylee anthony case? Well i dont know for sure, but it i seem to recall that out of that mumble jumble going on & what i THINK i know about that case, it turned out this psychic lady was correct about saying where caylee was after all. IF i am correct in my memory. AND if that is right, WHY doesnt someone contact that same psychic lady concerning this little baby Lisa & her where abouts & what happened to her?? If i knew her name and number i would, any child is worth the chance in my mind. Just my opinion & thoughts
Have a good night all

You can go look at psychiccrimefighter.com (or something like that). You can probably find it if you google. They have some interesting things to say.
Interesting theory!

Sarx said last night that a cadaver dog would not 'hit' on anything like a toy, and also would not 'hit' urine or feces from someone who was not deceased.


The lawyer said that no carpeting was removed at the foot of the bed where the cadaver dog "hit." The news reported that SAR professionals state 90% accuracy with cadaver dogs. I know this may seem "far fetched" however, how do we not know that Deborah may have purchased rugs for the house from a garage sale and/or an estate sale and a recently deceased persons' scent was on the throw rug and the PD took the throw rug and not carpeting? Doesn't make sense to not take carpeting where they believe a deceased person may have lay?

Also, I am pretty confident that one or other of the brothers would have spoken up about an accident to the baby as I cannot imagine the mom doing anything purposely and if an accident I am sure she would have been "freaking out" and one of the boys would have heard and / or witnesses and would have spoken up by now to family or their dad. Again...if mom ends up guilty of harming baby, whether by accident or purposely...I will be extremely surprised.
Do we know for a fact that no previous owners passed away in the house?
No Fingerprints, hairs, fibers, etc.
Waits till Mom is Drunk and leaves door unlocked
Waits till Father is working the night shift.
Goes in the front Door and turns on the lights
takes a baby and 3 non working cell phones
No barking from 2 dogs in back yard.
No Noise to wake up mom or boys or baby.

Is there such a person to be able to get the timely this perfect.
Possible maybe but not likely..

Either its not a "stranger" abduction and/or the mom played a role in what happened that night.
After watching a few interviews, In my opinion only, the mom is telling the truth of about 90 percent of what she says. I still feel she may know something that we dont. The father, he is looking more and more suspicious in my book, the fact he doesnt look anyone in the eyes he is talking to doesnt help my opinion of him and the non emotion coming from him is bewildering. I know he has an alibi but whos to say he couldnt have paid someone off to dispose of the baby or sale the baby for money. I feel terrible saying those things but this is what makes me think something is up.

-Dad is the one who discovers baby missing.
-Dad is the one who walked into the house saying that the lights were all on and acting surprised by it, (I dont think I would be at all surprised if I had a wife who was drunk and all these kids running about before bed),
-Dad suposedly checked on boys and wife before baby?
-Dad seems unemotional and unresponsive to questions asked of him.
-Dad seems to stay out of media spotlight as much as possible.
-Dad still sticking beside Deb even though she "could have" had something to do, in other words if he thought she had anything to do with this, why be so close to her...
-Sorry for saying this but Dad just looks DANG suspicious to me....

Ive read cases where the fathers try to sell off or kill kids for either money or insurance policy and nothing strikes me as unbelievable these days....so i wouldnt be surprised, and maybe lisa knows something about this but is afraid to admit it to herself or say anything.
New here, so excuse my jumbled thoughts, but a few things have been bothering me about this night. If Mom put Lisa to bed at 6:40, by 10:30 a 30 pound childs' diaper would be soaked through, maybe Lisa was fussy and Mom brought her into bed with her, awakes, still in a stuper and shoves the child off the bed in anger now that her own bedclothing (the comforter, and possibly Lisa's Car's "binkie") has been soaked, as by midnight-ish no diaper can retain the amount of fluids I can only assume any mom would be giving her child throughout the afternoon/evening.. Now those bedclothes are on the floor along with the child who died from her injuries. (Where the dogs hit) Dad comes home, wakes up Mom to this scene, cover up mode starts? One other thing that bothers me is why would Debra be afraid to look in the backyard when Jeremy was obviously home when Mom was first apprised that the child was gone? She would have a man to go outside to search for Lisa...which would be my own personal first action! Why be afraid?? I'd be running anywhere I could possibly think of...anyway..thanks for letting me join in...
My big problem with saying that Debbie did it is there is no reasonable explanation. Lets say it was an accident. What mother would not immediately get help for the child? Only a mother who had little or no sense of responsibility, and all indications are that Debbie was a good, caring mother. So, lets say Jeremy killed Lisa. Again, what kind of person would not immediately turn him in? Lets say one of the boys accidentally killed Lisa. Again, what reasonable person would not call the authorities? If it was an accident then there would be no charges against the child. These people obviously trust LE, based on how far they allowed the police to push them with no lawyer, so why wouldn't they trust LE in an accident? Maybe it was abuse? But most abusers are already on the radar. She has two other children, and no history with CPS. None of her neighbors will say anything bad about her - and THAT'S pretty surprising. There are always people who will say bad things when the camera is rolling.

Logistically it just doesn't seem possible. She would have had to kill Lisa, get rid of the body, and clean up all forensic evidence (which is darned near impossible anyway) in 5 hours time, in a house with 2 other children. Where did she take this child? And how? She had no car. Who would help her? Who would you even ASK to help you with that?

I am not saying that it is impossible for her to have done it, but so far, all of the speculation against her is explainable without needing outlandish explanations. Even the quantity of "evidence" that has come down around her can all be explained. And, most importantly, it all hinges on what she told LE. It makes no difference what she told the media in interviews, or what they have pieced together. Until we have confirmation from LE that Debbie lied to THEM, I give her the benefit of the doubt.
I was on the fence. But I was leaning heavily and finally fell off on the side that DB did it.
My Opinion
From the beginning I found several "hinky" things in this story. Not enough to make me say that these parents were guilty of anything, but odd.
1. The house being "open" and lights on.
2. The coincidences of it being the "first overnight job" for dad.

The story about dad rushing out to the neighbors asking if anyone had seen Lisa and calling 911 from a neighbors phone, is the first version I heard of this story. Sounded like a panicked Dad and what I would expect to hear. The timeline seemed pretty credible to me. Mom put baby to bed at 7:30, boys and friend watching movie in bedroom, and checking on baby and kids before retiring at 10:30 sounded pretty credible too. Mom sleeping very soundly seemed OK to me. I accepted that this could have all taken place and a stranger could have slipped in. COULD HAVE. I can see there could be logical arguement on both sides of the question about Who done it.

Then the timeline starts to change. Not slightly a pretty good bit. Story changes alot in answer to questions that LE and public poses. They would have done themselves a favor by sticking to their original story and ignoring the questions!!! Now in trying to defend themselves they have destroyed Moms credibility and brought Dad's into question. The "BS" by BS and the attorney in their media blitz is just trying to gain back some of the ground Mom dug up... MOM tainted the jury pool to begin with and now they are backwashing with garbage to confuse us... the jury pool.

I still am not sure what exactly happened to precious baby Lisa, but I am pretty sure Mom had a hand in it. It would be wonderful if the true convaluted story contained a safe baby out there somewhere but my gut says it doesn't
My Opinion
From the beginning I found several "hinky" things in this story. Not enough to make me say that these parents were guilty of anything, but odd.
1. The house being "open" and lights on.
2. The coincidences of it being the "first overnight job" for dad.

The story about dad rushing out to the neighbors asking if anyone had seen Lisa and calling 911 from a neighbors phone, is the first version I heard of this story. Sounded like a panicked Dad and what I would expect to hear. The timeline seemed pretty credible to me. Mom put baby to bed at 7:30, boys and friend watching movie in bedroom, and checking on baby and kids before retiring at 10:30 sounded pretty credible too. Mom sleeping very soundly seemed OK to me. I accepted that this could have all taken place and a stranger could have slipped in. COULD HAVE. I can see there could be logical arguement on both sides of the question about Who done it.

Then the timeline starts to change. Not slightly a pretty good bit. Story changes alot in answer to questions that LE and public poses. They would have done themselves a favor by sticking to their original story and ignoring the questions!!! Now in trying to defend themselves they have destroyed Moms credibility and brought Dad's into question. The "BS" by BS and the attorney in their media blitz is just trying to gain back some of the ground Mom dug up... MOM tainted the jury pool to begin with and now they are backwashing with garbage to confuse us... the jury pool.

I still am not sure what exactly happened to precious baby Lisa, but I am pretty sure Mom had a hand in it. It would be wonderful if the true convaluted story contained a safe baby out there somewhere but my gut says it doesn't

Yep. I think DB's original story is closest to the truth. I think she was drinking that night, but not to the point of blacking out. Am I remembering correctly that LE found the receipt(s) from the store in the garbage? That would imply that she was trying to hide it or simply didn't need the receipt, but I thought she had failed to mention at first that she had been at the store earlier. I suspect it was only after the video and disclosure about the drinking came out that they decided to use it to their advantage and the theory of DB being black-out drunk emerged. When Lisa was standing up in the crib and DB wanted her to go to sleep, could she have shaken her hard enough in frustration to get her to go to sleep, only to find the baby deceased when she went back to check on her at 10:30? In that case, she would know that the COD would be determined to not have been an accident, thus making her feel she had no choice but to cover it up in order to protect herself.

Despite having said that, I really keep hoping that the parents are innocent and that baby Lisa is found!

Opinion hasn't changed. Mom is hinky. Won't let police question children, one was in bed with her. Won't let police search house with the exception of Lisa's room. Dogs hit on her bedroom. I wanted to believe her but I never did. Dad seems stressed with his clenched fist while hugging his wife with with the big fat cross hanging around her neck.
Hanging on to the fence, albeit by my fingernails, I'm still up there.

IMO there hasn't been any damning evidence that shows (beyond a reasonable doubt) that either of these parents killed their child.

Hoping it stays that way, but not much surprises me anymore.

Praying little Lisa is recovered so we can get some answers.
The creepy man walking with the diapered baby, made me think....but just for a minute. It bugged that she was drinking so much and mixing it with anti anxiety meds. But the way she shared the info, like she was doing the world a favor..."being honest" sealed it for me. Actually they had video of her buying the booze...so, if she didn't come clean..exposure was next.
On another note...if I saw a man walking in the cold, with a baby barely dressed....I would have got my dh to follow him.
In all honesty, I was firmly on the fence until this latest People magazine article. Shoddy tabloid-ish reporting aside, the direct quote from DB that she "wasn't worried" that her husband was 6 hours late is what did it for me.

This is the first I'd heard that JI was supposed to be home around 10 or so. That's huge to me.

Granted, being passed out face down in a puddle of drool could be the reason for not being "worried," but I'm still not sure if I believe DB really was that drunk.

I can, however, empathize with what it's like to be without a phone and have no idea where your husband is. I remember back when I was living with my first love and he used to work the late shift at a restaurant... and then go out with his "work friends" after for half the night. Years later, I'm smart enough to know he was up to no good. But at the time (and long before people carried around cell phones), it was the worst feeling of helplessness to not know where he was and not be able to call and find out. I remember that watching the clock at 3am - panicked and oscillating between fear of car accidents and extreme anger and rage - feeling of helplessness like it was yesterday. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

And now DB is making sure we know that she wasn't worried in the least that she expected her hubby 6 hours before he came home. Why is it so important for us to know that? Plus, wouldn't it be entirely normal to be worried? OR, for the jealous types, assume the worst and think he was out with someone else? Or, for most of us rational women out there, go back and forth between both scenarios?

I'm not purporting to know what happened in that house... But I just know that feeling all too well. Scared that your hubby may have been in an accident. Frustrated that you can't call to find out. Fearful that something's happened; unable to sleep as you watch the minutes tick by... Flying through rages that he might be with someone else... snooping online to see what you might find in his browser history... etc etc etc. I just imagine being pushed to a breaking point, and then add a screaming sick baby on top of it. Maybe add a five year old who won't stay in bed, and (perhaps?) a skittish kitten that you thought was a good idea earlier, who has now clawed the drapes and peed on the carpet (still not sure how I feel about that kitten though).

JMO - but if someone was going to uncharacteristically snap that night, the stage was definitely set.
Only one vote for dad? Wow.

I do have some new thoughts. Off to post in the theories thread....
i just don't feel comfortable stating innocent or guilty at this point ... what would really help ME is if the anthony's came out in full support of the mom and the grandparents, donating large sums of moneys for the investigation and search. 'cause if the anthony's think mom is not guilty - she isn't.

actually, i am normally a 110% IUPGer - but i'm ready to sign off on this case as to the parent's - "book 'em 'dano"

This is my first post ever. I hope I don't get flamed.

I voted that I don't know, because that's the truth but I am actually leaning toward SODDI. I know, I know, it RARELY happens and statistics show that it's usually the parents....BUT just because it's a one in a million chance that I will win the lottery doesn't mean that I won't...

She seems nervous and guilty. Yeah, I would too. You go from your normal life to being under a microscope. Also, I'm sure she feels horribly guilty that her baby got taken from her crib while she was passed out drunk in bed.

The witnesses are swaying it for me, to be honest. And the phones. Why would she need to get rid of the phones? It just seems like an odd detail for DB to fabricate.

Hey, I could be wrong, but I just try to imagine MY life and what people would dig up about me.

I sure do hope they find her...
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