Heart Shaped Sticker And Duct Tape #2

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and the constant repetition of speculation as if it were fact. For example, the psychologist on NG created this completely speculative personality profile for KC which she's repeated on a daily basis on TV for the past six months, and it's been repeated so much people started using it as a basis for further speculation, whole theories built up on the presumption that KC is a psychopath, guilty and remorseless. Then that's the actual starting point for wilder and wilder speculation. It's not even been proved yet that she's guilty. People have heard this bogus profile of KCA so often they actually refer to it now as if it's undisputed fact. It's unbelievable.
This thread is so far off track. We started out discussing the heart sticker and the duct tape.
I agree with you. Having been duct taped myself around my eyes and mouth during a kidnapping the only way to remove it from your hair is to cut it. Even when large pieces tear out you still have to use scissors to remove all of it.:eek: With the family sooo concerned about beauty and perception of a perfect family how would KC explain a boy haircut on her sweet Caylee. Why haven't they put this sweet baby to rest and get her out of the cardboard box?:furious:
Hi Sweetie, just want to say a quick hello and wish you well.God Bless you! Nore
ps. I also wish Caylee could be put to rest.It is time for that atty.to quit chomping his mouth and take care of the sweet Angel.She rests with Jesus now...no more hurts.
and the constant repetition of speculation as if it were fact. For example, the psychologist on NG created this completely speculative personality profile for KC which she's repeated on a daily basis on TV for the past six months, and it's been repeated so much people started using it as a basis for further speculation, whole theories built up on the presumption that KC is a psychopath, guilty and remorseless. Then that's the actual starting point for wilder and wilder speculation. It's not even been proved yet that she's guilty. People have heard this bogus profile of KCA so often they actually refer to it now as if it's undisputed fact. It's unbelievable.

i don't care what any psychologist on NG stated, i personally don't trust many psychologists and psychiatrists for personal reasons but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when your child goes missing and you don't report it and choose to party and hang out with your b/f and lie, lie, lie, lie...well, something is not right in her melon.

who do you suspect, who should LE be focusing on instead of just casey? i think if LE had any other leads they would be investigating them, it's just that even though the evidence that we see is circumstantial at this point, it still all leads to casey.
Have to agree with you there, seagull, an ethical psychologist wouldn't be diagnosing someone he/she's never met by the few minutes of observation provided by the media. One example is the constant repetition that the meter reader thinks he saw a skull in August - he said no such thing, and yet it's believed as though it were a fact.
If you want to understand Casey's mind take a look at her Photobucket icon collection. In Casey's world hearts don't always mean what you think they might. One icon she had saved said:

"Revenge is love" followed by three hearts. Casey is cruel and heartless and her icon collection proves exactly what was on her mind, IMO. I agree that this was a hate crime.

I saw all that early on, Indigo. She's not the only one in this saga who likes hearts of course, as we all discussed early on, I know it's a taboo subject now, funny how some subjects get disallowed while other speculation is allowed to run completely wild. I remember in the one TV report back in the early days, the cameraman kept zooming in on the heart on Caylee's hand and that person's hand. I am not accusing that person of anything, but many young women draw hearts, including KC and her friends. Some of the friends' facebook pages reflected dark humor, too, just like KC's. It's typical of that age to a degree.
it concerns me that the investigation may have ended somewhat prematurely, due to the charges being brought. It's very sad if the truth will never be known or if the perpetrator gets away with it. Of course KC could be a murderer, I can't rule her out, but I'm definitely not totally convinced at this point. It's very scary to me that there are quite a few members of the public who seem like they would be perfectly happy for KC to be railroaded to a guilty verdict, you know, proof or no proof, why continue to investigate, why open any cans of worms? These are the ones who always claim, "Oh, for the LE to investigate anything other than KC would cost too much money, would take too much time, would be too much trouble, there wouldn't be any point, etc, etc." Very scary.

LE has investigated every person that last saw Caylee alive and took their statements, several of them.
LE took statements from the 3 closest family members, along with DNA samples and requested polygraph tests but family refused.
LE tried to take a statement from ZFG but KC could not give a phone number to the person that she was leaving her precious child with for 2 years. KC could not give any verifiable address where this Nanny had lived the past 2 years where KC's daughter was to have spent time.
LE took statement from Kc's boyfriend, current and many past ones.

The list could go on and on and on . LE has investigated way, way beyond KC, it is just all roads lead BACK to KC.
Have to agree with you there, seagull, an ethical psychologist wouldn't be diagnosing someone he/she's never met by the few minutes of observation provided by the media. One example is the constant repetition that the meter reader thinks he saw a skull in August - he said no such thing, and yet it's believed as though it were a fact.

that's true, in the earliest call he only said he saw something white that seemed suspicious, didn't he? (it was never clear if he meant a bag, clothing, skin, or what exactly he saw that first time. I hope he will be questioned further at trial in case he saw anything that indicated the state of decomposition at that point, etc.)
LE has investigated every person that last saw Caylee alive and took their statements, several of them.
LE took statements from the 3 closest family members, along with DNA samples and requested polygraph tests but family refused.
LE tried to take a statement from ZFG but KC could not give a phone number to the person that she was leaving her precious child with for 2 years. KC could not give any verifiable address where this Nanny had lived the past 2 years where KC's daughter was to have spent time.
LE took statement from Kc's boyfriend, current and many past ones.

The list could go on and on and on . LE has investigated way, way beyond KC, it is just all roads lead BACK to KC.

taking statements is hardly an investigation. Polygraphs are unscientific and completely subjective, they do not tell truth from lies.
The only point I agree with you on is that KC's inability or unwillingness to provide the information regarding the nanny is very strange and will have to be explained or she could very well go to prison, innocent or guilty.
i have read quite a few of your posts in this thread and your theory that casey could have left caylee with friends or whoever and didn't think they'd harm her really doesn't make sense when you listen to her initial interviews with LE.
casey states that after trying to call "the nanny" she visited some places "the nanny" was known to take caylee, after not finding them anywhere she became frantic. but then wait, she went out with her b/f and rented some movies about kidnappings and murders. she texts her friends and gives no signs that anything is wrong, she even party's at fusion and tries to get her friends to come out for a hot body contest. but wait...i thought she was frantic because "the nanny" disappeared with her daughter? did casey just think "oh well, i'm sure she's fine"..and carry on as if "the nanny" would bring her back eventually? (a nanny that does not exist i might add)

when you have a child that you love deeply and you drop her off at the babysitters with an arranged time to pick her up and she is nowhere to be found, FOR DAYS, you don't go rent movies, you don't partay like it's 1999. you don't show up with evidence of a decomposing body in the trunk of your car, you don't show up with cadaver dogs hitting on areas of your backyard, you don't lead LE on a wild goose chase full of lies. (etc. etc.) you just don't. you don't act like the above when someone is holding your child for ransom or even if it would incriminate yourself in a murder.

the only murder in which casey would incriminate herself is the murder of her daughter. LE have focused primarily on casey because she is the last person known to see caylee alive, she lied, no one else lied, it was her car that had the stench of death in it, not anyone else. all evidence leads back to casey. i honestly cannot understand how people have a problem seeing that.

don't even get me started on the duct tape and the sticker, none of it makes sense because casey doesn't make sense, she's a complete psycho, sociopath, whatever her infliction, is that she somehow rationalized the tape and sticker in her own mind, something none of us here could ever understand.


AMEN! .. I haven't seen/read/heard one single thing to make me believe that KC could be innocent. I've tried and can think of NOTHING that she has said or done that points toward her innocence. Everything she has done blatently SCREAMS guilty to me. I believe that she murdered Caylee and never looked back. The heart sticker was her last slap in face to poor Caylee...and maybe Cindy too. PURE EVIL imho :furious:
Have to agree with you there, seagull, an ethical psychologist wouldn't be diagnosing someone he/she's never met by the few minutes of observation provided by the media.

And without medical testing to rule out a medical illness or process.
I saw all that early on, Indigo. She's not the only one in this saga who likes hearts of course, as we all discussed early on, I know it's a taboo subject now, funny how some subjects get disallowed while other speculation is allowed to run completely wild. I remember in the one TV report back in the early days, the cameraman kept zooming in on the heart on Caylee's hand and that person's hand. I am not accusing that person of anything, but many young women draw hearts, including KC and her friends. Some of the friends' facebook pages reflected dark humor, too, just like KC's. It's typical of that age to a degree.

True about the dark Myspace/FB pages.. my son's is. But his daughter was not missing for 31 days without being reported and later found tossed in the woods like trash. Thankfully she is at home tucked in bed. When were hearts discussed earlier, if you don't mind my asking, I must have missed it. I'd like to check that out.
i have read quite a few of your posts in this thread and your theory that casey could have left caylee with friends or whoever and didn't think they'd harm her really doesn't make sense when you listen to her initial interviews with LE.
casey states that after trying to call "the nanny" she visited some places "the nanny" was known to take caylee, after not finding them anywhere she became frantic. but then wait, she went out with her b/f and rented some movies about kidnappings and murders. she texts her friends and gives no signs that anything is wrong, she even party's at fusion and tries to get her friends to come out for a hot body contest. but wait...i thought she was frantic because "the nanny" disappeared with her daughter? did casey just think "oh well, i'm sure she's fine"..and carry on as if "the nanny" would bring her back eventually? (a nanny that does not exist i might add)

when you have a child that you love deeply and you drop her off at the babysitters with an arranged time to pick her up and she is nowhere to be found, FOR DAYS, you don't go rent movies, you don't partay like it's 1999. you don't show up with evidence of a decomposing body in the trunk of your car, you don't show up with cadaver dogs hitting on areas of your backyard, you don't lead LE on a wild goose chase full of lies. (etc. etc.) you just don't. you don't act like the above when someone is holding your child for ransom or even if it would incriminate yourself in a murder.

the only murder in which casey would incriminate herself is the murder of her daughter. LE have focused primarily on casey because she is the last person known to see caylee alive, she lied, no one else lied, it was her car that had the stench of death in it, not anyone else. all evidence leads back to casey. i honestly cannot understand how people have a problem seeing that.

don't even get me started on the duct tape and the sticker, none of it makes sense because casey doesn't make sense, she's a complete psycho, sociopath, whatever her infliction, is that she somehow rationalized the tape and sticker in her own mind, something none of us here could ever understand.


Okay, not sure where I am going with this...the heart and the soul are sometimes considered the same (especially if you look @ ancient history). So KC puts the heart on the duck tape b/c she extinguished her soul???
Or is she saying I am killing you out of love. I don't want another person to have to grow up in that house.
taking statements is hardly an investigation. Polygraphs are unscientific and completely subjective, they do not tell truth from lies.
The only point I agree with you on is that KC's inability or unwillingness to provide the information regarding the nanny is very strange and will have to be explained or she could very well go to prison, innocent or guilty.

No but a statement is a starting point and LE also took computers, disks and cell phones and other physical evidence we may not know about from some of KC's friends. This is investigating and I'm sure if LE found anything suspicious in anyone of these friends, LE would continue to dig as LE did with the family and do multiple interviews, searches and whatever was neccessary to find the truth.
Yes, polygraphs do not tell anything, a polygraph measures physical responses in conjunction to a question asked. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal when someone's 2 1/2 year old grand daughter is missing. M. Klaas begged LE to give him a poly in the initial hours his daughter went missing in order to rule him out so LE would focus on finding his daughter.
AMEN! .. I haven't seen/read/heard one single thing to make me believe that KC could be innocent. I've tried and can think of NOTHING that she has said or done that points toward her innocence. Everything she has done blatently SCREAMS guilty to me. I believe that she murdered Caylee and never looked back. The heart sticker was her last slap in face to poor Caylee...and maybe Cindy too. PURE EVIL imho :furious:

I completely agree. I even tried to imagine scenarios where someone would frame KC for this. Let's face it-until recently KC hung w/ a pretty tame crowd and the Fusion crowd wasn't exactly "rough". As far as we know she wasn't involved in the mob etc... KC did not have the opportunity to come into contact w/ someone with the ability to frame her for this. This is all her w/ the exception of 3 others who have helped to cover-up this tragedy.
and the constant repetition of speculation as if it were fact. For example, the psychologist on NG created this completely speculative personality profile for KC which she's repeated on a daily basis on TV for the past six months, and it's been repeated so much people started using it as a basis for further speculation, whole theories built up on the presumption that KC is a psychopath, guilty and remorseless. Then that's the actual starting point for wilder and wilder speculation. It's not even been proved yet that she's guilty. People have heard this bogus profile of KCA so often they actually refer to it now as if it's undisputed fact. It's unbelievable.

Well, to be fair, at the very least we know that Casey is someone who fraudulently cleaned out her close friend's bank account; took advantage of her family by elaborately lying to them about being employed for two years; and stole from her grandfather's nursing home fund. In my view that alone is a pretty strong indication that she has sociopathic tendencies.

As for the heart sticker, I don't think it was based on "feelings." I think it was a stylistic thing -- she loves images that juxtapose love and death.
guys, any of you who don't live in Orlando, like I don't, I was just there last weekend with my husband and little boy on vacation, and before leaving town we visited Caylee's memorial site. I put some photos on my page if you want to see them. When you look at all those little animals everyone has left for Caylee, well, it's so sweet of everyone, they are really beautiful, and some are favorite toys that you can tell children have left. I could just imagine that Caylee would have gotten a kick out of seeing all these toys. Bless her and her grandparents and other loved ones. Have a good night you all, sorry to go off topic there.
I completely agree. I even tried to imagine scenarios where someone would frame KC for this. Let's face it-until recently KC hung w/ a pretty tame crowd and the Fusion crowd wasn't exactly "rough". As far as we know she wasn't involved in the mob etc... KC did not have the opportunity to come into contact w/ someone with the ability to frame her for this. This is all her w/ the exception of 3 others who have helped to cover-up this tragedy.

What makes you assume these things? Can you substantiate these points?
(By the way, I've never had a conspiracy or "framing" theory, I just think many questions are still unanswered and LE may not have got to the bottom of this yet. Again, I can't rule KC out either.)
I just think it's a shame charges were brought when they were because then it's all about proving the case against the defendant from that point on, no more investigation of any of the other surrounding circumstances. On the first day when her stories didn't add up they said that they thought Caylee was dead and that she knew what had happened. They left it up to her to tell them. They just left it at that, besides taking statements and going through the slightest amount of investigation. What if she's addle-brained, what if she can't tell them the truth or doesn't know what happened? If I were them, no disrespect to LE, and I know they have lots of experience, I also know this case has been hard on LE due to the huge amount of publicity, but if I were them I would personally have proceeded as if she were insane and of no help, and investigated independently, just in case.
another meaning for the heart, Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" a short story most of us read in H.S., many experts feel that incest was the basis for this.
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