Heart-Shaped Sticker On Tape Over Caylee's Mouth

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You sure didn't offend me RR0004!! The heart sticker over her mouth/duct tape gives me the same willies as when JonBenet was found with a heart drawn on the palm of her hand.....I think when mommy's murder their children somehow putting a heart on their body makes it okay. Please tell me there is a big fat fingerprint of KC's on that heart sticker....
That's exactly what came to my mind! Sick, isn't it?:furious:
While I think the post by "Nancy Botwin" rings very true I have an additional theory re: the heart sticker.

Cindy was the one into scrapbooking and crafting. Does anyone remember the GVS interview with Cindy showing GVS proudly the frame she had made with all of Caylee's pics, and stickers, ect?

Casey may have put that sticker there as a final act of anger towards Cindy. I think the malice we saw in the last video from jail, showed the abusive way that Casey treated her mother. She was so jealous of her mother's relationship with Caylee. It's almost like a really spiteful last expression of hate. She took Caylee from Cindy and she put a sticker on her also.

JMO and one of my theories. The child *advertiser censored* thing has been "lurking" in the background of this case but so far there is no proof that we know of. Of course, we haven't seen the deleted photo evidence yet.

That's a very intelligent and CHILLING thought. ugh.
Chez, I'm not insisting on this scenario - I'm just throwing it out there as something to consider. I am really curious to read the reports about the condition of the duct tape. I wonder if they could match it to boxes of AH? Didn't AH say something to KC about taking the duct tape? It could have been in the trunk of KC's car and that's when she thought of using it.
While I think the post by "Nancy Botwin" rings very true I have an additional theory re: the heart sticker.

Cindy was the one into scrapbooking and crafting. Does anyone remember the GVS interview with Cindy showing GVS proudly the frame she had made with all of Caylee's pics, and stickers, ect?

Casey may have put that sticker there as a final act of anger towards Cindy. I think the malice we saw in the last video from jail, showed the abusive way that Casey treated her mother. She was so jealous of her mother's relationship with Caylee. It's almost like a really spiteful last expression of hate. She took Caylee from Cindy and she put a sticker on her also.

JMO and one of my theories. The child *advertiser censored* thing has been "lurking" in the background of this case but so far there is no proof that we know of. Of course, we haven't seen the deleted photo evidence yet.

It matters very little to me why she put the sticker over her druged unconcious/dead daughter's mouth. It's the icing on the cake of how cold, cruel and callous KC is. And if LE found the sticker sheet in the house, it could be the very element that convinces a jury to convict her.
The heart sticker screams that this was personal. A stranger would not do that, but a mother would. A last symbol of love, whether YOU get that or not doesn't matter - it's a gesture of someone close to the child.

It fits with Casey as she is very immature as shown by her doodling her name as if she were married to Tony.

I think the evidence will only get stronger against Casey.

George, Cindy and Lee, are you getting this?
It matters very little to me why she put the sticker over her druged unconcious/dead daughter's mouth. It's the icing on the cake of how cold, cruel and callous KC is. And if LE found the sticker sheet in the house, it could be the very element that convinces a jury to convict her.
Blows the nanny theory out of the water, Casey would be better off coping to an insanity plea at this point...
I think you could be on to something CuriosityCat. The ultimate insult and dagger in Ca's back would be to use her stickers.
There is a heart either stamped or drawn on her left hand in the picture used for the fliers & website (the one w/ her leaning on her right hand).
I agree, Ziggy. This is a very personal symbol.

Natsound, I am very curious as to what this means - that's what makes cases like this so fascinating to me - trying to understand why human beings do the things they do.
Here are images from Casey's photobucket, showing her use of heart iconography post June 16.

Between the July 7 and July 10 uploads, Casey uploads a host of music-related icons and images, possibly to include on a social networking profile.

Before uploading the "Missing My Love" image on July 16, Casey uploaded several images of Caylee. Those images were used in subsequent "Caylee is Missing" fliers and presumably uploaded and accessed in preparation for the search for Caylee.

The heart sticker is a very alarming detail. IMO it points to a twisted romanticization of the crime, akin to Diane Downs' golden unicorn statue. Uploading heart-iconography and adorning an image of Caylee with a similar red heart, IMO, points to a sadistic and self-indulgent (psychopathic) psychological revisitation of the crime.

The heart sticker also, IMO, could lend credence to child *advertiser censored* theories espoused in this case. Wendy Murphy has espoused this theory since October: Wendy Murphy on October 5 Scared Monkeys radio broadcast (Murphy starts around 16:50 point in the broadcast). Murphy continues to espouse this theory during a December 21 Scared Monkeys radio broadcast here, around the 50 minute mark.

oh my
~snip~Casey may have put that sticker there as a final act of anger towards Cindy. I think the malice we saw in the last video from jail, showed the abusive way that Casey treated her mother. She was so jealous of her mother's relationship with Caylee. It's almost like a really spiteful last expression of hate. She took Caylee from Cindy and she put a sticker on her also.

That didn't cross my mind, but it should have been my first thought. It does sound like what a "spiteful b*tch" (self described) would do!
There are also this one, created/modified 6/26/2008 9:08 am and 9:26 am.


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Duct tape over the mouth is classic kidnapping stuff. It's commonly seen in films and is easy to imagine as something a kidnapper would use to quiet a person kept against their will. KC may have placed the tape on Caylee to make it appear as if she had been silenced by a person holding her. The heart sticker may have been intended to appear as if the kidnapper (Zanny?) was making a statement to KC or others who might find her body. What kind of a statement? Who knows.
It matters very little to me why she put the sticker over her druged unconcious/dead daughter's mouth. It's the icing on the cake of how cold, cruel and callous KC is. And if LE found the sticker sheet in the house, it could be the very element that convinces a jury to convict her.
:applause: :applause: :applause:
I think the sticker was on there to convince Caylee not to be afraid of the tape that mommy was going to put on her. One thing is clear: Casey never intended for Caylee to live for very long after she put that tape on her because of the way she wrapped it, she stuck it to her hair. She had no intention of ever removing that tape from around Caylee, there would be no way to do that without scissors. That's the nail in her defense coffin for me.

Mary, that was the first thing that crossed my mind, too.
We don't know yet if the tape was applied ante or post mortem. If it was post mortem it could indicate staging by the perpetrator. It could well be that when she decided to dump the body, she then put the sticker on top of the duct tape. It could well be that she accidently overdosed the baby with something, panicked, wrapped the baby up in a blanket and put her in the laundry bag, shoving it up against the spare tire. She had a couple days to think about what to do - perhaps she thought she would stage it to look like a kidnapping, placing the tape on her mouth then. After the body fluids leaked she had to dump the body, came back to the house, got a garbage bag, put the sticker on top of the duct tape and then got rid of the body.

To us the sticker is more than disgusting, it's sick, but to KC, it might have seemed like a symbol of love and good bye. We can't think of it as what we would do, we have to think of it as KC would - we think it's inappropriate it, but to KC, it might have been the appropriate act in that situation. We have to think like the perpetrator, not as ourselves to understand this.
I agree the heart alone tells us little about the circumstances under which death occurred. It does not rule out an accident, nor does it prove or even indicate premeditation. I do think we can dismiss the staged kidnapping theory, however.

What I don't see is how the heart and blanket could be viewed as exculpatory, as Wudge indicated. So, Wudge, would you explain that for us, please?
Not true.

The defense does not have to come up with anything. The burden is entirely on the prosecution to prove the premeditation charge beyond a reasonable doubt.

You correctly recognize that the evidence we know of does not meet the burden of proof. Thus, without doing anything, the defense would prevail.

I have to disagree with this. Yes, it is true the prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt - BUT - with the forensics and the circumstantial evidence that we know of, in my opinion the prosecution could convince ANY jury that KC acted with premediation. There are the computer searches, Amy's borrowed duct tape, all the comments about Caylee being fine and she is with the nanny. The stories about the nonexistent nanny that have been going on for sometime. The story about the nanny in the hospital two weeks AFTER the nanny absconded with Caylee. I think there is sufficient evidence to convince a jury and we don't even have the nitty-gritty stuff.

SO - the defense will have to COME UP with something to poke holes in the proscecution's threories. If the defense stands idlely by, thinking the evidence is not strong enough, then they are basically throwing this case (and KC) in the garbage bin (not what I really wanted to say).


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