TX - Heidi Broussard, 33 Found Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Found Alive Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #7

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I don't see ht us 'beyond chilling' about an adoptee Mom trying to do the very best thing for child.

As an adoptive Mom, I was very sad that my newborns never were breast-fed. I felt guilty about that for quite awhile, like I failed them in some way.

I did see these instructions before our babies were born. I even went to some of the prenatal appointments with the birthmoms. The OB-gyns showed me pamphlets like this and said it was the best thing fir the baby.

I tried for awhile but it didnt seem to be working well enough and I worried my kids woiuldnt get enough sustenance.

But it does hurt my heart to see mocking of adoptive mothers trying hard to do what is medically the best option for her child. Rant over...:oops:

btw, both my kids were and still are healthy and happy, even without nursing....
My post mentioned it was "beyond chilling" if someone induced lactation in order to steal a baby. Please take another look at my post--it says "this this context" it is beyond chilling. Meaning the context of a woman inducing lactation in order to feed a baby that she stole.

I am well aware that certain babies cannot ingest breastmilk. I was one of them, in fact. I am in NO WAY mocking adoptive mothers and I am sorry if you somehow took it that way.
I’m still searching for the article but I know for certain I read about a relative calling CPS, and in more than one news source. That being said we know how often MSM mid-reports and later changes or deletes things. This was being reported Thursday night/Friday am. We may just have to wait until we hear more for confirmation.
I read it too. Will try to find it.
I also wonder if HB knew the gender of her baby before she delivered baby Margo? What I am getting at is that may be the reason MF signed up for unisex items, because she wasn't sure what to expect??
Yes, apparently she did according to a post in the last thread. She stated so on her instagram, even the name she chose.
I know trying to visualize, how does one walk out of their house with their child, then end up in a trunk deceased in broad day light..

If MF strangled H in her apartment, how could she get her into the trunk, that would be on video somewhere? Then MF carries a dead body to her car, no way she could do that?? Then puts H in a trunk in broad daylight, straps the baby in...

I'm very curious as to how this could have happened, during the day..

The abduction looked very quick, whichever scenario...something got H out of her house, leaving the door ajar, with Margot in at least a seat...

The vehicle I keep seeing at the back of the house looks like a cross over. I wonder if the seats folded down? Could be an easy way to maneuver a body to the back of the vehicle.
It will be interesting to see MF's timeline - when did she leave Houston, when did she arrive in Austin, when did she make it back home? Did she stop anywhere on the drive back home? If Margo was hungry or needed a diaper change, she may have been in the car screaming. But it would have been risky to stop anywhere.

Between gps, cell phones, and cameras everywhere, LE should have a pretty solid picture. Are there any toll roads between Houston and Austin where her car would have been captured? Did she get into Austin the night before? Where was she and what was she doing hanging around Austin that morning while she waited for an op?

I tend to think the phone call to Heidi may have been real, breast feeding related or not, so that she could get get intel on her target and know she was back home and alone. Unless she was lurking somewhere where she could watch.
Depending on traffic, it's only a 2.5 hour drive from Austin to Jersey Village. There are a ton of backroads and wooded areas where a body could be dumped and not found for a very long time. So why take her home? No toll roads on 290.
I’m really only alarmed by the change in her eyes over the years - which very much appears to me to be consistent with alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and high stress. Her weight and hair can be explained so many ways, but the eyes are... odd. JMO


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My post mentioned it was "beyond chilling" if someone induced lactation in order to steal a baby. Please take another look at my post--it says "this this context" it is beyond chilling. Meaning the context of a woman inducing lactation in order to feed a baby that she stole.

I am well aware that certain babies cannot ingest breastmilk. I was one of them, in fact. I am in NO WAY mocking adoptive mothers and I am sorry if you somehow took it that way.
OK, I misunderstood. ' Which is why I got the bee in my bonnet. ;) Sorry.
The quote from TM’s interview about MF saying that their conversation that morning about HB having trouble breastfeeding really stands out, could be nothing, shoot I’m scared to infer anything out of any statement anymore but kwim..

I’m sure you guys have already discussed the breastfeeding thing at length..

My point is I just had a question and it’s bugging me to death...there was an old movie about a woman who breastfeeds a baby she kidnapped. Was that Rebecca Dermornay in “Hand That Rocks The Cradle”, or am I thinking of another movie?
Are there any mamas in here who can give me insight into a birth center? I’ve seen it mentioned a few times that MF told people she gave birth to “Luna” in a birth center, and it is mentioned as though it might be some sort of shortcut to a hospital. What’s the deal? Is there less documentation there? Shorter stay? Cheaper? What’s the draw and difference from hospital labor?

Just google Austin and birthing center and you'll find at least three there.

Midwives deliver the babies naturally, which some women prefer over going to a hospital.
That's what I'm thinking. How else was baby Margo fed,and kept alive for week? Breastfed babies are not very keen on taking a bottle, or formula. They want the real thing from Mama. I know from experience. Does anyone know if there was baby formula,and bottles,around when they got Baby Margo,or executed the search warrant?

Some mothers produce excess milk and save it in the fridge. I wonder if Heidi had any saved that MF confiscated?
i recall Investigative ID did a series of besties, where one of them winds up killing
the other--often they grew up together-- but it turns out that jea!ousy was involved for one reason or another--one episode i recall there was jealousy because one of the besties had a baby resulting in jealousy by the other bestie----another one i recall was one of the besties had a baby but she felt her friend was critical of how she was raising the child--rage was building and she murdered her best friend--so i think jealousy might have been a factor in this case
This is very possible. I had a friend in high school who was insanely jealous of everything. Although we had a close relationship, I knew she was crazy and didn’t trust her at all. We lived in a super small town (we only had like 300 people in our graduating class) and it was just easier to tolerate her as much as possible than it would have been to avoid her or call her out on her behavior because she would’ve just created more unnecessary drama. A few years after we graduated from high school, she was engaged and kicked me out of her wedding because I rode on the back of her ex-bf’s motorcycle. She claimed that I “did it out of spite”. Never mind the fact that she was getting married to another guy and. Or that her ex was my neighbor and a super good friend of mine (& had been since before they even dated). She was just batsh*t crazy... and still is actually. Anyway, the point I meant to make before I got sidetracked was that jealousy can definitely make someone a person lose their mind.
So, HB went willingly into the car with MF.

I wonder, did she fasten the baby in the car seat, if there was one in back? If so, did she sit in back with Margo because she might’ve been fussy or anything? Or did she simply enter the passenger side of the car with Margo in her arms, thinking they weren’t going anywhere?

If it’s the latter, it would be easier to get HB where she wanted to take her. It’s not like HB was gonna physically fight MF with the baby in her arms, nor would she try to jump out of the car with a baby while it’s moving.

Curious how long after HB got into the car until the car drove away? Was there time enough to sip enough of a laced drink to incapacitate her before leaving?

I really want to know where MF told LE they went after learning she went willingly with MF. It must’ve been somewhat believable. She didn’t disclose that she went somewhere until after LE found out, right? If it was on camera that same camera should’ve captured that car dropping Heidi off, you’d think. Did LE suspect MF at all? Maybe the CPS call happened after they’d begun investigating, but you’d think they would’ve went straight to MF’s house to do that and they would’ve seen or heard a baby, and if she knew LE was suspicious seemed like she’d have been spooked or tried to hide the baby. Yet when CPS showed up MF didn’t attempt to hide the baby as she was there in her swing.

Sorry guys, for the stream of conscious posts but that happens when I drink Red Bull.

no attempt to hide the baby because she either believes it is hers or believes that she can convince others that it is.
This tragedy is going to be a very deep and interesting dive into so many things. The best friend relationship, the pregnancy/womb robber, the ligature strangling by someone you know and love, the keeping a corpse close for days, the "boyfriend" dynamic...I could go on and on.[/QU

DBM I'm thinking bad thoughts that shouldn't be shared!
I’m really only alarmed by the change in her eyes over the years - which very much appears to me to be consistent with alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and high stress. Her weight and hair can be explained so many ways, but the eyes are... odd. JMO

There is lots of research on mental illness and the eyes. You should google it. It makes for an interesting read.
Some mothers produce excess milk and save it in the fridge. I wonder if Heidi had any saved that MF confiscated?
I hope this doesn’t come off as weird or creepy, but I have a ton stored in the freezer that my LO doesn’t need...wonder if they are getting breast milk donations (yes, this is a thing) for baby Margo. Should donate what I have stashed away...
I’m really only alarmed by the change in her eyes over the years - which very much appears to me to be consistent with alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and high stress. Her weight and hair can be explained so many ways, but the eyes are... odd. JMO
Could be a thyroid issue,if she had drug problem I would think she would have quite the arrest record. MOO.
I’m really only alarmed by the change in her eyes over the years - which very much appears to me to be consistent with alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and high stress. Her weight and hair can be explained so many ways, but the eyes are... odd. JMO

It's like the earlier photo of MF is of a completely different person.
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