TX - Heidi Broussard, 33 Found Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Found Alive Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #7

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This scenario would make the most sense to me for the CPS arriving on the scene:
- after painstakingly combing through security tape at Heidi’s apartment complex, a car was IDed by LE as a vehicle of interest.
- that car was traced through records or as part of the investigation to the address in Jersey Village in the Houston area.
- a baby was discovered at this location, and since this location was connected to a kidnapping, CPS was called by LE in the interest of protecting the child.

I think things got real when a baby was found, and since they had no way of knowing for sure at that point if the baby was Margo, CPS was called while they sorted it all out.

Just MOO.
Or someone visiting saw a two week old baby they knew didn't belong to her?
Where does TX (and Austin’s county) stand in general on televised trials? Also on release of documents like arrest warrant detail and search warrant detail pre-trial? And do they do a discovery document dump after trial like CO?
Austin is Travis county just fyi
Even with the planning do you go from NEVER having committed a violent crime to expertly incapacitating your best friend, kidnapping her and a child, strangling her and leaving her in your trunk? Even Israel Keyes didn’t start out with what he considered a successful first attack. It really makes me wonder about an accomplice. If not, it’s hard for me to get my mind around your first violent crime being so heinous and involved, regardless of the planning.
I agree. My problem is that every time I think she definitely had an accomplice, I remember that her body was still in the trunk of MF’s car. I can’t think of a scenario where that would be the case if she had help, but I can see a scenario where MF managed to somehow put her in the trunk but didn’t factor in the newborn baby that would most certainly require her immediate attention. She probably thought she could deal with it later—without considering the rate/stages of decomposition and the nightmare she‘d have on her hands in just a few short hours.
In reading the posts about the eyes, I start to chuckle :) Reason being, I had a photo of myself that looked just like that! When we go to have our driver's license renewed, health card or passport, we're told, "look straight at the camera and don't smile." When my cards arrived, I laughed and when I showed them to me hubby he said, "Sweetheart, you look like a deer in headlights!" I cracked up because it was the truth. But, trust me, I'm not psychotic! I don't doubt she's deranged, but I am NOT, I swear :) Point being, we can't put too much emphasis on those mugshots. JMO
And, I don't have a thyroid problem or thin hair. Just so you know :p
Lol. I’d like to weigh what it says on my DL!
Maybe LE knew along, but MF didn't go home for a few days and they didn't know where she was. That is why they kept their cards so close because they were hoping nothing bad would happen to HB and baby.
There seemed to be a lot of focus on cars very early, with residents saying LE asked them about the kind of car they drove. And there was an early rumour about her being seen walking in the complex. I think they had the video fairly early, but couldn't see the license plate and didn't have a good view of MF. I don't think they really concentrated on her female friends, this case is so out of the norm. I think maybe the connection was initially made with phone data. I bet when MF told LE about her call with HB, she didn't tell LE she had called from the parking lot.
I’m not an idiot LOL.

Like I said, I had the facts mixed up. I thought someone had called CPS and that a caseworker responded to a report of abuse or neglect, and that they took the infant to the hospital and THEN police figured out it was baby Margo.
My understanding (which is subject to change) is that when LE generated a lead to that address, their priority was getting inside immediately, so they had a family member (Tammy? SC?) request a wellness check - didn’t want to wait for a warrant. The CPS caseworker then requested Jersey City VFD to respond and they transported Margo to the hospital. I thought it was almost a ruse that everyone was “in on” to get the infant to safety. I thought this happened before/simultaneously finding HB’s body.
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I had two out of three at a birth center. Basically, the purpose is to treat birth as a normal process instead of something that needs medical intervention. The rooms are set up like normal bedrooms, while they do periodically monitor the baby they don't keep a monitor strapped to you. No epidurals, they will give certain other pain meds upon request, or at least upon begging, lol, since the idea is to minimize any medical intervention. They have bathtubs available since that's supposed to help with pain and relaxation. You can be in whatever position you want, no laying on your back in stirrups, and can move around, walk, whatever you feel like doing. Most of all, they leave you alone unless you want them to be there. They are staffed by regular nurses and doctors, but also have midwives. The ones I was at were adjacent to hospitals, but a lot of them aren't. And yes, generally you are out within 24 hours. There shouldn't be any difference in paperwork, but the cost should generally be less as there is less medical intervention.

I highly recommend birth centers over hospital deliveries. My first was a normal hospital delivery, with epidural, and it was horrible.

That sounds pretty optimal, honestly! I’m sorry you had a bad hospital experience; I, too, had a bad first (and only!) experience! My snugglebug and I didn’t leave the hospital for over a week! I like the idea of a simpler, quicker experience.
My understanding (which is subject to change) is that when LE generated a lead to that address, their priority was getting inside so they had a family member (Tammy? SC?) request a wellness check - didn’t want to wait for a warrant. The CPS caseworker then requested Jersey City VFD to respond and they transported Margo to the hospital. I thought it was almost a ruse that everyone was “in on” to get the infant to safety. I thought this happened before/simultaneously finding HB’s body.
If LE had a valid lead that said a kidnapped child was inside a house why would they need a search warrant to save the child?

Wouldn't that be an exigent circumstance?

Exigent circumstances are exceptions to the general requirement of a warrant under the Fourth Amendment searches and seizures.

Exigent Circumstances
This is an ongoing investigation and investigators are not going to identify who contacted CPS -- at least not at this time.

People don't call CPS just for suspected child abuse. They call if they think a child is left alone in the house too long without adequate supervision while mom goes to the store, or they're worried a parent is ill or in bed and unable to properly care for their children. (Texas doesn't have a minimum age law where a child can't be left alone).

For this case, let's assume this hypothetical scenario:

On Thursday, Dec 12, HB and her newborn daughter vanish without a trace -- it's national news. If MF and HB were bff's since childhood -- more than 20 years-- it's likely HB would be like a daughter to MF's own family.

Your daughter (that may or may not have been pregnant) suddenly presents with a baby girl at the very same time that one very close to her goes missing. MF seemingly had the baby all on her own, allegedly at a birthing center, but she won't let the grandparents, aunts, uncles, see their new grandchild. The whole thing is very suspicious -- and the family wants to help just as Tammy came to help her daughter HB.

It's been one week now and the family thinks there's a baby in the house because they heard crying but MF won't allow the family to come visit. MF's mom is worried about her daughter and alleged grandbaby and calls CPS and asks if they can do a welfare check because her daughter has a newborn baby under very suspicious and stressful circumstances. She tells them her daughter's best friend and baby have also been missing for a week.

There's been no update on the investigation and MF's mom is sick with worry about both her daughter and HB too. Mom is very concerned about the state of her daughter and grandbaby under the circumstances.

At CPS request, Cy-Fair VFD goes out on the welfare check and finds MF at home with a baby in a swing. VFD is also aware of the resident's missing bff and her infant. The baby in the swing resembles the missing baby, and MF is being very evasive. All forces land on the property where they proceed with caution to remove the baby from the house and transport her by ambulance to the hospital.

In the meantime, investigators are learning MF has no birth certificate for her baby, there's no record of her at the birthing center, and the case is now wide open. Investigators know they found the baby and now they're searching for HB.

MF's car was hidden out of view from the street -- almost on the rear patio. We don't know if MF drove her car to Austin as the registration was expired, and no proof of insurance. There's also a problem with her driver's license. It doesn't follow that MF would risk driving that vehicle with expired tags to Austin when she could be pulled over with more penalties than expired registration.

Also, it appears that both MF's driver's license and/or her vehicle registration did not reflect her current address. If MF driving her own vehicle, I just don't think LE could track MF to Bo Jack Dr in Houston from surveillance video.

All due respect, they definitely call CPS in Texas when child abuse is suspected, it's one of the reasons they are so over burdened.

If someone had been following the case and knew MF was Heidi's friend and she showed up recenly with a new baby, I can see them calling Police, but not CPS - unless they just weren't 100% sure the baby wasn't hers.
Wonder if in his line of work-- if Tim Miller and LE can "sense" when they're not getting the truth from people, like Heidi's 'friend' ?
Also, if Heidi got into MF's car willingly, did the cameras that caught that show any hesitation on Heidi's part ?
As if she was being threatened ?
The charges may be upgraded ; imo.

He said he had no idea, IIRC.
That sounds pretty optimal, honestly! I’m sorry you had a bad hospital experience; I, too, had a bad first (and only!) experience! My snugglebug and I didn’t leave the hospital for over a week! I like the idea of a simpler, quicker experience.
A week! That's awful. I was in for three or four days. The d*** nurse kept coming in at night and moving my babe from my side back into the bassinet. :mad:

If you have another, you should definitely look into birth centers. Another nice thing is the baby never leaves you. Anything they need to do, they do right in your room.
If LE had a valid lead that said a kidnapped child was inside a house why would they need a search warrant to save the child?

Wouldn't that be an exigent circumstance?

Exigent Circumstances
I think the search warrant was probably for the car - wouldn't there be some sort of smell after that long in the trunk, especially given our warm weather?

So, this news is really interesting.

While video shows HB getting into MF's car "willingly," I can't imagine that she was "willingly" planning to go all the way to Houston to hang out at MF's house.

I'm wondering if MF had a baby seat in the back of her vehicle or not.
Also wondering: Was MF's imaginary kid a newborn on Dec. 12th, or was MF way "overdue" at that point?

Because HB got in the vehicle willingly, I'm thinking MF came up w/ some ruse related to a girls' day out, something along the lines of heading out to do some Christmas shopping, running baby-related errands together, visiting her new imaginary baby in the hospital, asking HB to accompany her to an OB/Gyn appointment b/c she was "overdue," etc.

It was obviously some sort of deceptive ploy that got HB into the vehicle.

Question becomes: what means did MF use to keep her in that vehicle?
I'm thinking a weapon was pointed at her.
Most likely gun.


She didn’t bring her purse, money, car seat or diaper bag. So I don’t think she thought she was really going anywhere.
Maybe she had her eyes on another (boy) baby and it didn't work out. I just don't see any signs that this was a plan she'd been brewing for months.

MF was going to trial in November for a $5,000 theft from her employer which is a TX State Jail Felony. She very well could have been headed to jail for 180 days to 2 years.

It just came to me that MF may have feigned a pregnancy with a Dec 1, due date believing it would bring her sympathy to avoid a jail sentence. If it didn't work, would she simply go to cover with she lost the baby while she was incarcerated?

However, in the last lucky break MF will ever have in her life, the theft charges against her were dismissed at her Nov 5, 2019 trial date (prosecutor didn't think they could prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt).

Did MF's unexpected freedom trigger her action to produce a baby by any means necessary?

Was she so deluded to think if that she could beat a murder investigation too?

I really don't know if she'd been brewing this plan for months. :eek:
"Video at Broussard's Austin apartment complex captured her getting into Fieramusca's car willingly on Dec. 12, the day she went missing, said sources."

Wonder which sources? And if true, who was holding the baby? Was anyone else in the car?

Why wouldn't she lock the door if she was carrying her keys?

Or take anything except phone and keys?
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