TX - Heidi Broussard, 33 Found Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Found Alive Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #7

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I'm not sure if it's been mentioned or not, but at the end of the video clip from NBC, the reporter said that the family is planning a vigil for Heidi in the next day or so, at the same spot that locals were going to gather to do a search today (he didn't say where, but IIRC it was a church). The family said they want to connect with the community and grieve with those that feel their pain.

Suspect in case of missing mom Heidi Broussard found dead acted 'concerned', friends say
If LE had a valid lead that said a kidnapped child was inside a house why would they need a search warrant to save the child?

Wouldn't that be an exigent circumstance?

Exigent Circumstances
I think it would depend on how sure they were. If it was just a lead, to the home of a woman with her own newborn, that probably wouldn't be enough regardless of what they suspected. If someone told them she hadn't been pregnant and had shown up with a three week old baby, that would probably be exigent.
I don’t think so. If I recall, this friend lived in the same building.
I’m not sure that’s exactly what he said. In any case, might he have meant simply somewhere in the complex, like a laundry room? Or, might MF had said she was looking into renting an apartment in the same complex? It’s just odd that he said she was with a friend, and it turns out she was.
‘Wow and someone (MF?) already bought some of those things for her. Wash cloths, a snuggler, a teepee(?) I never thought I would see anything so disturbing.
The even weirder thing is I am POSITIVE that teepee hadn't been purchased when this case was breaking. If you search around enough you can find a screenshot of the registry, where it shows the tee pee is desired: 1, purchased: 0. So since December 19, after MF was already in custody, some whack job apparently purchased that teepee for MF's registry.
All due respect, they definitely call CPS in Texas when child abuse is suspected, it's one of the reasons they are so over burdened.

If someone had been following the case and knew MF was Heidi's friend and she showed up recenly with a new baby, I can see them calling Police, but not CPS - unless they just weren't 100% sure the baby wasn't hers.

Thank you, thank you -- I still have time to edit.

I obviously left out the word "only" (People don't only call CPS for child abuse). I should know better than to write long posts while trying to wrap gifts!
If LE had a valid lead that said a kidnapped child was inside a house why would they need a search warrant to save the child?

Wouldn't that be an exigent circumstance?

Exigent Circumstances
We don’t know how strong the lead was and a miss-step early in an investigation can completely invalidate any evidence that resulted. I think it was very sound detective/police work. All t’s crossed, etc.
I think the search warrant was probably for the car - wouldn't there be some sort of smell after that long in the trunk, especially given our warm weather?
I'm sure that LE did get a search warrant for the car, the house, cell phones and maybe more after they found Margo and perhaps a bad smell.

I don't think they used a family member to get a wellness check on the home in order to find the baby. JMO.
Yup, much like Kenzie Lueck getting into the car in SLC. Immediately disabled/phone turned off... :/
This is what I think too. And then CPS called the medics to do a standard physical examination/transport to hospital to officially confirm baby was in good physical health/condition.

But if you click on either of those NBC links, I don't actually see those quotes from Arizpe? Is it possible they have since been removed?

Also, reporter Jessica Willey's tweet in the KIRO article link above said MEDICS responded to the house for the child after a call from CPS requested an EVALUATION. Which I take to mean as that once CPS was on the scene as a child was there and called for medics to follow standard protocol and transport to hospital to make sure the child was in good physical condition and examined.

So I don't think CPS actually was the one to initiate an investigative or welfare check. I think CPS called CY-Fair VFD for to check the child out medically.

Jessica Willey:
BUT Cy-Fair VFD confirms Medic 10 responded to the house this afternoon for a 1-month-old female. Call came from CPS, who requested an evaluation. She had no obvious injuries but went to hospital for evaluation.

(It's all a bit confusing which is why I think we are going in circles a bit! We need a Sam Kraemer to ask and set it straight!)

OT but news out of Colorado Springs is Sam transferring to Milwaukee
We don’t know how strong the lead was and a miss-step early in an investigation can completely invalidate any evidence that resulted. I think it was very sound detective/police work. All t’s crossed, etc.
What ever the lead was it was strong enough to rescue Margo and lead to the arrest of MF. JMO
FWIW, I haven’t gone through the attorney verification process here but agree with your legal analysis. Though there have been womb raider cases that have qualified for NGRI, in this particular instance, she’s likely disqualified herself by carefully choosing the items from the the registry, posting the registry, things she’s said to friends, driving several hours and then trying to still convince CPS and friends the baby was hers, and trying to clear her tracks with reporters.

I haven’t heard of one! Do you recall any because I’d like to file that away for future reference.

Also, I hope you get verified. It’s easy and we really need more attorneys on here. ( I think!)
Sorry, I had the facts mixed up. I thought the baby was taken by CPS to the hospital, where police were called and it was discovered she was baby Margo. I didn’t realize they went there and found her while investigating.
Because MF was probably insisting that Margo was HER baby, I think LE would take the baby to the hospital to be evaluated and than placed with CPS until the DNA tests came back. That way they know without a doubt that this baby IS Margo, who will then be placed with her family.
At least her (former) attorney noted that she didn't show any signs whatsoever of being mentally ill/incompetent when he worked with her earlier this year.

Given the changes in her physical appearance, I'm openly speculating that she may have been taking steroids/male-type hormones to create the needed changes in her physical appearance to pass herself off as pregnant.

Weight gain, facial changes and hair loss all fit with steroid use/abuse.


You know looking at her old mugshot it appears she had a combover back then, whenever it was. I think she has something going on. Not sure what.
I think the search warrant was probably for the car - wouldn't there be some sort of smell after that long in the trunk, especially given our warm weather?
We simple do not know how long she was in the car or when she was killed. That information has not been disclosed yet. I hope it was quick for Heidi IMO and that her agony was short, but we really don't know the details yet.
This is an ongoing investigation and investigators are not going to identify who contacted CPS -- at least not at this time.

People don't only call CPS just for suspected child abuse. They call if they think a child is left alone in the house too long without adequate supervision while mom goes to the store, or they're worried a parent is ill or in bed and unable to properly care for their children. (Texas doesn't have a minimum age law where a child can't be left alone).

Agreed, I don't think investigators would identify anyone now - I just wondered if some info will come out in an affidavit or warrant or documents that get released later as public documents like we got spoiled with in the Colorado cases.

Oh yes, I know CPS can be called for many reasons. I just think in this case it's taken on a life of its own with unsubstantiated rumors of who called and why. I still haven't read in MSM that it was a relative, nor I think that was necessarily the tip that broke the case open -- but it also wouldn't surprise me if someone close to MF was suspicious and called in a tip.
Woman linked to Heidi Broussard's death brought to Austin jail

In Houston on Saturday afternoon, a box of unopened baby formula was sitting on the doormat outside Fieramusca’s home.

Neighbors said Fieramusca lived with Christopher Green, who told authorities he believed Fieramusca was pregnant with his child. He said he thought she had given birth to the baby while he was out of town.
Agreed, I don't think investigators would identify anyone now - I just wondered if some info will come out in an affidavit or warrant or documents that get released later as public documents like we got spoiled with in the Colorado cases.

Oh yes, I know CPS can be called for many reasons. I just think in this case it's taken on a life of its own with unsubstantiated rumors of who called and why. I still haven't read in MSM that it was a relative, nor I think that was necessarily the tip that broke the case open -- but it also wouldn't surprise me if someone close to MF was suspicious and called in a tip.
It's possible that LE had multiple tips and other information that led them to Houston and MF and not just one single call from one individual. JMO
A week! That's awful. I was in for three or four days. The d*** nurse kept coming in at night and moving my babe from my side back into the bassinet. :mad:

If you have another, you should definitely look into birth centers. Another nice thing is the baby never leaves you. Anything they need to do, they do right in your room.
So sorry you had a bad hospital experience. Please remember, we're not all bad. :D
Woman linked to Heidi Broussard's death brought to Austin jail

In Houston on Saturday afternoon, a box of unopened baby formula was sitting on the doormat outside Fieramusca’s home.

Neighbors said Fieramusca lived with Christopher Green, who told authorities he believed Fieramusca was pregnant with his child. He said he thought she had given birth to the baby while he was out of town.

Ok, there goes any doubt about some bizzaro world landlord/tenant relationship where rent isn’t paid for 2 years. This makes much more sense, especially him being out of town.

Mama might want to talk with her son before giving anymore interviews
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