TX - Heidi Broussard, 33 Found Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Found Alive Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #7

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Perhaps MF watched Heidi arrive home, and as Heidi was getting things into the flat, MF called (using a burner phone) as had something important to tell her: "let's have a quick chat in my car, downstairs".
MF has 2 coffees, and hands Heidi, one laced with a strong sedative.
Within minutes, Heidi is very sedated, and MF drives off.

But a neighbour heard an argument, after 1 pm.
Possibly HB speaking to MF (on the phone), HB not pleased, to be quickly called away.
So, HB went willingly into the car with MF.

I wonder, did she fasten the baby in the car seat, if there was one in back? If so, did she sit in back with Margo because she might’ve been fussy or anything? Or did she simply enter the passenger side of the car with Margo in her arms, thinking they weren’t going anywhere?

If it’s the latter, it would be easier to get HB where she wanted to take her. It’s not like HB was gonna physically fight MF with the baby in her arms, nor would she try to jump out of the car with a baby while it’s moving.

Curious how long after HB got into the car until the car drove away? Was there time enough to sip enough of a laced drink to incapacitate her before leaving?

I really want to know where MF told LE they went after learning she went willingly with MF. It must’ve been somewhat believable. She didn’t disclose that she went somewhere until after LE found out, right? If it was on camera that same camera should’ve captured that car dropping Heidi off, you’d think. Did LE suspect MF at all? Maybe the CPS call happened after they’d begun investigating, but you’d think they would’ve went straight to MF’s house to do that and they would’ve seen or heard a baby, and if she knew LE was suspicious seemed like she’d have been spooked or tried to hide the baby. Yet when CPS showed up MF didn’t attempt to hide the baby as she was there in her swing.

Sorry guys, for the stream of conscious posts but that happens when I drink Red Bull.
“Less than stunning” is a most kind way to describe her hair.:D If stress caused her hair to thin, she’ll be bald in no time, imo. Personally, I think she had to feel stress since this was in the works for so long. Moo
It is not just her hair, is her entire appearance. Even in her mugshot from a year ago (and keep in mind, mugshots are traditionally people looking their worst) she was a normal looking human. I saw this one and saw a person who has wholly let themselves go to the deepest degree. She looks crazy, dirty and unkempt.

I guess that’s a side effect of having a poison soul.
I think her wanting to talk to Tim endlessly about HB and the case is consistent w/a guilty party. But I also know when SW went missing and after CW was arrested, some people just couldn’t seem to talk about anything else, and they’d talk to anybody who listened.

IMO some did it for attention and some because maybe they didn’t know what else to talk about. However, there were just as many who would talk excessively about the case because they were trying to process the whole thing in their minds. Especially when there were more questions than answers. While I was very selective about who I spoke with, I’m certain I droned on more than once.

Tim Miller has spoken w/hundreds of friends of the missing over the years and while I’m sure a 45 min conversation isn’t the norm, I bet this wasn’t the first time he ran into a chatterbox. He seems both wise and kind, and I completely understand why he’d assume her loquaciousness meant no more than a concerned friend who also happened to be housebound w/a new baby—grateful to have adult conversation and the opportunity to vent.

Naturally we look at this from behind, but let's try to look at it from the front end. HB suspected nothing... her day started with an alarm, a kiss, lunches... then the maiden trip to school, even going in, to buy the books she'd never get to read.... then back home, expecting a day of her own making. Her seat in the back position because perhaps MOO sweet little Margo had something to say about her bumpy morning. You can't nurse a baby with a steering wheel in the way! A crying baby, a lactating mommy, I can easily imagine a quick nurse in the car before heading into the house. Bring in the baby, the carseat, the books...plan to grab the rest in a minute, leave the car unlocked... set the books down, set the carseat down. Maybe the baby's in a snuggli, run back down to get the purse, leave the door open....see your bestie drive up! Goodness, what a surprise! MOO bestie has a story.... her SO has imaginary Luna, she just a few minutes but couldn't resist stopping by to see how Day 1 went.... HB gets in the car willingly and wholly unaware...

MOO but I am certain HB never intended to go anywhere. Door open, no purse, no baby supplies.... perhaps MF found a way to get in the back seat with Margo.... All she'd have to do is say, "Drive or I'll hurt her."

Surveillance video will tell us much. Was MF there before HB returned... did MF's car pull in, HB got in, and off it went....did they sit there a while?

How I wish we could rewind time.

The thought of sweet Margo crying for her mommy undoes me.

The 45 min conversation with Tim Miller...I think she probably kept him on the phone as long as possible, in order to make sure he was absorbing all the dirt she was spewing about SC .
She wanted to make sure to convince him that S was an obvious suspect, and that it would be relayed.
It is not just her hair, is her entire appearance. Even in her mugshot from a year ago (and keep in mind, mugshots are traditionally people looking their worst) she was a normal looking human. I saw this one and saw a person who has wholly let themselves go to the deepest degree. She looks crazy, dirty and unkempt.

I guess that’s a side effect of having a poison soul.

Or maybe the result of sleeplessness and exhaustion from spending several days taking care of a newborn...
^^ SBM

It is a very sad case. MF is certainly up there with the best of the socio/manipulatives I've seen and not surprising to me that she chose what seems baby boy items on very public baby registries. I think this choice could serve multiple purposes including initially deflecting attention to herself. It wouldn't last long.

I also think MF had to be in a mental state that wasn't making her a desirable companion, and her relationship with the man providing her shelter was at risk. She would not be the first to fake a pregnancy to manipulate a partner into staying with her. I wouldn't be surprised if she told the duped baby daddy that she wanted to be surprised at birth to learn the gender. She probably told him she could easily exchange baby items if they had a girl.

It had to be a life not going as planned! I see a woman that lost her job for allegedly stealing $5,000 (State Jail Felony Charge) -- making future professional employment difficult. And by pure luck, the charges against her were dismissed just weeks ago in November 2019. (Prosecution didn't believe they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt).

I'm sure we could come up with a hundred "what ifs" but I have to wonder if a guilty verdict and 180-day jail sentence could have prevented this murder. Passing off a three week old as your newborn much easier than a four-month-old. :(
Maybe she had her eyes on another (boy) baby and it didn't work out. I just don't see any signs that this was a plan she'd been brewing for months.
Here's a link about breastfeeding a baby when you have not just given birth yourself. In this context, it's beyond chilling: Breastfeeding Your Adopted Baby
I don't see how it is 'beyond chilling' for an adoptive Mom to try to do the very best thing for her child.

As an adoptive Mom, I was very sad that my newborns were never breast-fed. I felt guilty about that for quite awhile, like I failed them in some way.

I did see these instructions before our babies were born. I even went to some of the prenatal appointments with the birthmoms. The OB-gyns showed me pamphlets like this and said it was the best thing for the baby.

I tried for awhile but it didnt seem to be working well enough and I worried my kids woiuldnt get enough sustenance.

But it does hurt my heart to see mocking of adoptive mothers trying hard to do what is medically the best option for her child. Rant over...:oops:

btw, both my kids were and still are healthy and happy, even without nursing....
I'm leaning to MF having drugged Heidi with a very strong sedative or whatever, in a drink or coffee she was soooo thoughtful to give her while sitting in the car chatting. Nothing physical and risky should somebody walk by or look out a window. As soon as poor Heidi became disoriented or keeled over in the seat.....off they went.
I want to know what this women's online search history is. I bet experts are digging into that as we speak.

Depending on the drug, it might show up in the autopsy.
Are there any mamas in here who can give me insight into a birth center? I’ve seen it mentioned a few times that MF told people she gave birth to “Luna” in a birth center, and it is mentioned as though it might be some sort of shortcut to a hospital. What’s the deal? Is there less documentation there? Shorter stay? Cheaper? What’s the draw and difference from hospital labor?
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