Henry Lee's new book, anyone?

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It's a change from his earlier statement, 2 percent. In his own book, ST relates a statement made by Lee to Hunter at the time he was considering whether to push forth on an indictment: "if you do this, you will have to confess your own sins."

For my money, that's the reason why Alex Hunter shut down the Grand Jury after the indictment. I'm not really concerned with being popular, so what I'm about to say will undoubtedly get some people angry, but I think it needs saying, so here goes.

I've often compared the DA's office in this case to the administration of Richard Nixon, specifically to Nixon's conduct vis-a-vis the Watergate scandal. There are people, such as my brother, who believe that Nixon's choice to resign rather than be put through an investigation and impeachment, were not out of respect for the office of president, but out of fear (possibly justified) that an investigation would uncover something MUCH worse.

Well, that's the tack that I've begun to take regarding the DA's office. I admit, it's a theory only. I couldn't even hazard a guess as to what Hunter and company might wish to keep hidden. But I can't ignore the pattern that I've noticed. That being: Hunter and his successors have fought very strongly to make sure that no one from the outside can examine the case files or work the case.

Exhibit A: The Grand Jury itself. Hunter was very clear that he did not want one and stated to the police and his assistants after the June 1998 interviews that one would not be called. He DID call one later that year, of course, but only AFTER ST's resignation letter made the rounds in the media and the governor of CO started feeling the heat. Hunter called the Grand Jury as a dog-and-pony show to present the image that he was doing something with the case so that the governor's office would not take the case from him and appoint a special prosecutor, which he was threatening to do.

You have to wonder WHY Hunter was so intent that the governor's office not take the case.

Exhibit B: The lawsuit-that-wasn't by the Rs against FOX NEWS. Determined not to make the same mistakes that had crippled Hoffman and Wolf, FOX NEWS's legal team made a concerted effort to obtain the case file and use it in court. Mary Lacy, who had replaced Hunter by then, announced publicly that she would fight the attempt. Ultimately, the suit was dismissed, but it would have been interesting to see what legal justification Lacy would have used in court to deny access to the files.

BBM & Snipped for relevance.

ITA SuperDave! AH had something to hide himself, and IMO HH & JR, and I'd bet others on the RST, knew exactly what it was! It was something bad enough that it would have ruined AH, IMO!
BBM & Snipped for relevance.

ITA SuperDave! AH had something to hide himself, and IMO HH & JR, and I'd bet others on the RST, knew exactly what it was! It was something bad enough that it would have ruined AH, IMO!

That's what I'm wondering, too. If it had been ONLY ST who dragged him over the coals, that would be one thing. But in 1982, a local sheriff named Kirk Long fired off a resignation letter in a very similar vein.

Look, I don't claim to have all of the pieces of this, but from the ones I HAVE put together, the picture is looking pretty g*d-damned UGLY.

I don't know if it connects directly to this, but a few years ago, some jerkwad lawyer made rounds in the press calling for a new Grand Jury to investigate the Boulder Police department for what HE judged to be misconduct. Well, there was a poster (whose name I can't remember) who agreed with him. I suggested that the new GJ should not stop there; that they should investigate the DA's office, Hal Haddon's law firm, Lou Smit and a few others while they were at it!

The subject was QUICKLY dropped and never brought up again, and it should be fairly obvious as to why. It's for that very reason that no one with any intelligence will wish to sue me when my book is released, because I intend to make good on my threat to depose everyone who is not dead in the case. That includes Hunter and Lacy. Win, lose, or draw, I'll put them through the wringer. And the things I will squeeze out.
No doubt HA, HH, LW, JR and a few others all have a few skeletons in their closets that would destroy them. They didn't get where they are by playing nice. I have my own thoughts about what those skeletons are, but I won't get into them on the public forum.

Ever notice that the Rs & the RST are all silent when the truth is told? I can think of one book in particular, that never received any attention, but not a word was heard from the R camp about it. I'm sure they knew about it, and if there was ever anything that made them look bad, that book was it. Granted, it was based on questionable "science", but if there was a chance they could have sued over it, I'm sure they would have. They don't want any part of suing someone that can actually prove anything against them.

If they mess with you, let 'em have it with both barrels! (so to speak. LOL) I know what I'm asking for at Christmas! ;)
No doubt HA, HH, LW, JR and a few others all have a few skeletons in their closets that would destroy them. They didn't get where they are by playing nice. I have my own thoughts about what those skeletons are, but I won't get into them on the public forum.

I get your reasoning. (But I'd still like to know.)

Ever notice that the Rs & the RST are all silent when the truth is told? I can think of one book in particular, that never received any attention, but not a word was heard from the R camp about it. I'm sure they knew about it, and if there was ever anything that made them look bad, that book was it. Granted, it was based on questionable "science", but if there was a chance they could have sued over it, I'm sure they would have. They don't want any part of suing someone that can actually prove anything against them.

Don't think I haven't noticed.

If they mess with you, let 'em have it with both barrels! (so to speak. LOL) I know what I'm asking for at Christmas! ;)

I believe Percy Shelley said it best in the immortal poem Ozymandias: "Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
No doubt HA, HH, LW, JR and a few others all have a few skeletons in their closets that would destroy them. They didn't get where they are by playing nice. I have my own thoughts about what those skeletons are, but I won't get into them on the public forum.

Ever notice that the Rs & the RST are all silent when the truth is told? I can think of one book in particular, that never received any attention, but not a word was heard from the R camp about it. I'm sure they knew about it, and if there was ever anything that made them look bad, that book was it. Granted, it was based on questionable "science", but if there was a chance they could have sued over it, I'm sure they would have. They don't want any part of suing someone that can actually prove anything against them.

If they mess with you, let 'em have it with both barrels! (so to speak. LOL) I know what I'm asking for at Christmas! ;)

Care to share the name of that book?
Just want to clarify something I posted that in re-reading was confusing even to me. :)

"-Place where body was found clearly secondary location
(those insiders who knew of this room and/or had access were eliminated)

-Wine cellar is not an obvious room in the house, indicating knowledge of the house layout
(I agree plus same as above ... those "in the know" were eliminated)"

By "insider(s)" being eliminated I did not mean John and Patsy Ramsey. I meant all others who had insider knowledge but were not family members living in the household.
Just want to clarify something I posted that in re-reading was confusing even to me. :)

"-Place where body was found clearly secondary location
(those insiders who knew of this room and/or had access were eliminated)

-Wine cellar is not an obvious room in the house, indicating knowledge of the house layout
(I agree plus same as above ... those "in the know" were eliminated)"

By "insider(s)" being eliminated I did not mean John and Patsy Ramsey. I meant all others who had insider knowledge but were not family members living in the household.

It is not like this room was down a secret book case.

It was in the basement. All one had to do was look around. It matters not who knew about the room, If someone is down there, they are going to see the door.

It is a shame that the police did not take more time searching that day..
It is not like this room was down a secret book case.

It was in the basement. All one had to do was look around. It matters not who knew about the room, If someone is down there, they are going to see the door.

It is a shame that the police did not take more time searching that day..

Given the layout of the basement, I think it does matter who knew about the room. There's a space on the side of my AC unit in the basement that I've never looked at. Mostly because I can't think of anything important that would be there.

Having seen the layout of the Ramsey house I'm surprised anyone but the family knew about the room.
I don't. All you have to do is go down and look around.. The door is there, a door means a room.

It is in the basement and it is there. That someone went into it and killed jbr in there, means it was not that hard to find. If the police had done a thorough search they would have found it first. It is not like it was camoflaged.. I have to look at the door again but isn't there a lock at the top of it? Obviously a door.
Given the layout of the basement, I think it does matter who knew about the room. There's a space on the side of my AC unit in the basement that I've never looked at. Mostly because I can't think of anything important that would be there.

Having seen the layout of the Ramsey house I'm surprised anyone but the family knew about the room.

I agree with you 2 percent. Not only that, if this so-called Intruder were evil enough to torture and kill her then it is ludicrous to believe the purported Intruder would care about whether or not she was wrapped and hidden. It's more probable an Intruder would have just left her lying in the basement without the staged effects. It doesn't make any more sense than saying the Intruder wiggled out that dinky window in the basement when all they had to do was walk up a few steps and ease out the back door nearby.
Not if they wanted privacy and no noises going up into the house.
Not if they wanted privacy and no noises going up into the house.

Then how would one explain the boldness of the Intruder going to JonBenet's bedroom and getting her into the basement or your earlier stated belief that the Ramseys wouldn't likely be able to hear anything from their bedroom?

Imo, an Intruder seeking privacy would have taken her away from the house in the dark of night, which is what most Intruders of this nature do according to the FBI. Agents stated they had never seen a case like this where an actual Intruder was involved.
Because people walk around at night, You would not assume footsteps in your house are an intruder. People go potty, Some get up for drinks, You are most likely to just figure the noise if it is not loud or crazy sounds like someone up to potty or whatever. Not that it was someone taking your child.

I think something happened that changed his plans..

It matters not what the fbi has seen before. There is a first time for everything.

John Douglas is an fbi profiler who says he thinks it could be an intruder..

If you want to find the truth most times you have to let go of what you know to be true in the past and open to the possibilities of the evidence.
I don't. All you have to do is go down and look around.. The door is there, a door means a room.

It is in the basement and it is there. That someone went into it and killed jbr in there, means it was not that hard to find. If the police had done a thorough search they would have found it first. It is not like it was camoflaged.. I have to look at the door again but isn't there a lock at the top of it? Obviously a door.

I presume from this that you believe the intruder not only entered the house but cased it as well, looking around. Why?

If the intent was to kidnap her, why worry about an obscure room in the basement?
If the intent was to kidnap her as well as molest her, why stay in the house to do it? You mentioned noise, well the least noisy and safest place to assault a child you've kidnapped is pretty much anywhere other than the place you kidnapped her.

The room is right by the furnace and water heater. Most people would assume that room is full of other similar appliances and not even be curious enough to check it out. Police didn't...and police are the nosiest people in the world with rampant curiosity about everything. I don't think they were thorough enough, either, but I think it's telling they didn't even notice that room.

Also, my experience is most people do not touch rooms with things like water heaters, furnaces and ACs in case they bump something. Anyone who was burned on old fashioned radiator and heating grates know exactly what I'm saying!
Because people walk around at night, You would not assume footsteps in your house are an intruder. People go potty, Some get up for drinks, You are most likely to just figure the noise if it is not loud or crazy sounds like someone up to potty or whatever. Not that it was someone taking your child.

I think something happened that changed his plans..

It matters not what the fbi has seen before. There is a first time for everything.

John Douglas is an fbi profiler who says he thinks it could be an intruder..

If you want to find the truth most times you have to let go of what you know to be true in the past and open to the possibilities of the evidence.

According to John and Patsy, JonBenet would not get up during the night and would never go downstairs alone or with a stranger. According to Patsy, she could hear things going on at night and that's why she always left JonBenet's door ajar and a night light on.

Sure, there's a first time for everything, but Intruders kidnapping a child in the middle of the night is not a first-time event. CASKU opinions are not to be sneezed at, imo

Gregg McCreary, Robert Ressler, and Roy Hazelwood are all FBI profilers (and in that field as long as Douglas), with Hazelwood specializing in sex crimes. Their opinions, in the main, dissent with Douglas's opinion. Btw, I believe Douglas, fairly recently, stated that he made his analysis based on data the Ramsey lawyers furnished him and an interview with John Ramsey. I've not seen a comment on whether or not he interviewed Patsy.

Most of the time if one wants the truth one will gather, test/analyse, and correlate the evidence, both direct and indirect, and continue reevaluating as new data comes in or at least that's how professionals do it.
FWIW, if you want to critique the police for not taking more time to search thoroughly, why not critique the R's for not looking through the house?
JMO, I'd check my house, every room if I'd be in those circumstances. And yes, I know no one knows how they would react.
According to John and Patsy, JonBenet would not get up during the night and would never go downstairs alone or with a stranger. According to Patsy, she could hear things going on at night and that's why she always left JonBenet's door ajar and a night line on.

Sure, there's a first time for everything, but Intruders kidnapping a child in the middle of the night is not a first-time event. CASKU opinions are not to be sneezed at, imo

Gregg McCreary, Robert Ressler, and Roy Hazelwood are all FBI profilers (and in that field as long as Douglas), with Hazelwood specializing in sex crimes. Their opinions, in the main, dissent with Douglas's opinion. Btw, I believe Douglas, fairly recently, stated that he made his analysis based on data the Ramsey lawyers furnished him and an interview with John Ramsey. I've not seen a comment on whether or not he interviewed Patsy.

Most of the time if one wants the truth one will gather, test/analyse, and correlate the evidence, both direct and indirect, and continue reevaluating as new data comes in or at least that's how professionals do it.
As I recall (and that doesn't mean it's a fact, but it could be researched by anyone with more time and inclination than I have at this time), after Douglas had come up with his standard, vacuous, run-of-the-mill profile, he had to admit later that it was initially done without having interviewed Patsy. The only information he was given prior to that interview had been supplied by JR's lawyers. They told him (Douglas) what was in the AR (even though it hadn't been released at the time), and he was told to interview JR to see if he might be responsible for JonBenet's death. He was told that Patsy was too distraught and medicated to be able to talk to him. It was only later, after he had announced his "findings" that he was able to talk to Patsy. Some of this was brought out in a live interview he did on television, and his response was that the interviewer would have to speak to JR's lawyers.
So, would it be fairly safe to say that his profile might have been biased as he was only given information from the defense?

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