Still Missing HI - Ariel Sellers AKA 'Isabella Kalua', 6, last seen asleep in bdrm, Waimanalo, 12 Sep 2021*Arrests

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Hi, Orangecash. Thank you for putting in a possible scenario. That whole album thing just bugs me. Providing your scenario, at what point would the person turn it in to someone, anyone--like family? He or she could not have known days before that something would have happened to the child. Precognition? Knowledge? What could inspire a homeless person to hang onto an album for days? Or, did this person see something or hear something? Just suppositions on my part...some further thoughts on your part?
If we're imagining the scenario I suggested above about a possible coworker finding the photo album could be correct, I'm imagining the finder might keep the album if they had been suspicious of the adoptive mum's brother, thinking something isn't quite right but they don't know what yet so decided to hold onto it, maybe just for a few days until they decided what to do/until they found out more, and then saw the Police appeal/heard by word of mouth. They might be suspicious of him if he's well known for being bad news, or there had been old rumours about him. Or maybe he doesn't have kids so the finder thought it strange he binned a photo album with photos of kids in it.

If it's a homeless person that's found the album and didn't see who dumped it there, it gets a bit less convincing that they'd be suspicious of it and keep a hold of it. If they're homeless they aren't going to want to carry around and store unnecessary things I'd imagine. But again, they could have found it strange someone had thrown out an album containing recent, modern photos. Maybe if they're very lonely, it was nice to see a family album? I don't know, it feels like I'm reaching now.

I wonder what the 'album' actually looks like. Are there lots of photos or just a few? Is it a keepsake book type of album or homemade? Like a memory book about bio family? Possibly decorated by the kids? It makes me sad to think they might have thrown something like that away maliciously.

On another note, I've looked on Google maps at the Waimanalo Convenience Center and it's not very big. Would a place like this be staffed?

ETA- all MOO
Perhaps we should be suspicious of the type of pictures in the album?
Hadn't thought of that :(
I'd like to think if someone found that kind of thing they'd alert Police straight away but it's possible they didn't. The person disposing of it would have to be pretty stupid as well. If they were clever they'd burn the photos surely? Or maybe they were in a panic and weren't thinking straight
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It seems to be pretty well established that the album was found by a homeless person who had been dumpster-diving, and that when the police came around with Ariel's picture asking if anyone had seen her, the person produced the album. As to why the person kept the album, I agree with Knox's message.

Okay. If I'm getting this straight, it is possible that the album contained questionable photos. The homeless person found it. Decided to keep it.--For what reason and how long? It's creepy. This person could have turned it to the authorities but did not. Could have returned it to family--if the photos were just that, family photos--but did not. Then, suddenly, pulled it out like a rabbit out of a hat. Voila. I actually do have something for you to see.--without fear of reprimand or question of personal character, depending on what was in the album. Hmm. And the word of the person that it was found dumpster diving...More hmm. Is it really possible that LE didn't think this odd? But have kept the album and its contents under lock and key?
Also, am I wrong in thinking that the purple ribbons put up during the search only appeared after the garbage bag was found? If, and only if that is true, could that bag have been planted on a date much closer to recovery? So many questions. And no facts. Just my opinions and questions but curious what the thoughts of any other person is. For instance, it was big that the content of the album might be of concern, one way or another. Thank you knox. I truely hope this child is found alive and well somewhere. Most likely someone's home. Thinking anything else is too horrible. Too final.
Thank you @Dave99 for posting the latest article in the Star-Advertiser. Just before I went to bed Sun. morning I clicked on a Google link for it, but I couldn't read it because it was behind a I was happy that your link brought up the article.

I thought that the following about the paternal grandmother was really surprising. To see that she is a licensed clinical social worker, and she wasn't even notified when her grandchildren were taken into custody -- I don't even know what to say.

Taryn Napoleon, Joseph’s cousin, said Isabella’s paternal grandmother, a licensed clinical social worker, wants to provide a home for her grandchildren who were removed from the Kalua home.

“She’s reached out to Child Welfare to get her grandbabies,” she said. “She was never notified they were taken into custody. She never had the opportunity to get them. For a 30-year veteran in the human services field, it’s kind of sad. She should have had the opportunity.”

Now we know that the children have two grandmothers who want them. Those poor little girls have had such unsettled lives. The 12 year old has to be the key witness to whatever happened to her sister and to what their lives were like with the Kalua family and before. It is a big burden for a 12 year old.
View attachment 316735 this is one of the photos the adoptive family provided of Ariel. It was posted to social media with a verbal commentary.. if you're able to zoom in on the areas irvled you can clearly see bruises on her hand and her eye is swollen .

I wonder if this picture was taken in Oct. 2019 when she had a broken finger and the Kalua family said that she slammed her hand in the door. That wouldn't explain a swollen eye, of course.

Do you know @OceanEyes_808 if any of the other girls have shown signs of physical abuse, or if Ariel / Isabella was the one who seems to have suffered all of the physical abuse. That they would have all suffered emotional abuse goes without saying.
I truely hope this child is found alive and well somewhere. Most likely someone's home. Thinking anything else is too horrible. Too final.

I hope that too. When a child is missing, I always have hope that they are alive and well, but in this case it is hard for me to think of a way that it can be possible. Believe me, I've tried. I would like to think that someone who cares about her found a way to rescue her, but I can't think of any way that could have been done. If anyone more imaginative than I can think of a way, I would like to hear about it.
" ... On another note, I've looked on Google maps at the Waimanalo Convenience Center and it's not very big. Would a place like this be staffed? ..."

The Waimanalo Convenience Center is fenced and always staffed by a couple people when open. It's locked up when not open. It's not a big facility, just a place where you drive in and go up a ramp and staff questions what you have and then directs you to dump your stuff into the appropriate, large dumpsters or recycling area. Then big trucks come and take the dumpsters to the real landfill or recycling locations elsewhere, which happens regularly. I don't think trash sits around there for days since the volume of drop offs fills the dumpsters fairly quickly.

I've always been extremely dubious of the "homeless person finding the album" story. After I read that the AF brother, supposedly, has worked at this Convenience Center, a whole lot of more likely scenarios came to mind. I've been to this facility numerous times and, due to the fencing, staffing and unappealing location surrounded by fields and dense brush, I just don't think it likely that a homeless person scaled the fence at night, rooted around the dumpster that hadn't been hauled away yet, and decided to take and preserve some family's random album. That doesn't pass the smell test, so to speak.

I'm pretty certain homeless or others are not allowed to roam around there when it's open. There are very visible warning signs that you're not allowed to sift through or take anything there, plus the staff would tell them to leave. Sure, someone might jump the fence and root anyway, but why preserve the album? I'm not buying it. If the album was at the Convenience Center, it was someone who knew or knew of the family and situation and pulled it out, for whatever reason. Or maybe someone just "claimed" it was found by a homeless person, but they already had it for other reasons, either good or nefarious. JMO MOO
What's the latest from LE? Any word on people being questioned? Any local tensions?

Many of the websites I try to view are blocked as I'm in the UK so there's barely anything available for me to read. This news source from 16th September (4 days into the alleged disappearance) says 'investigators have not yet deemed the case suspicious'
Surely that's not still the official stance from LE?
This is from 7th of October
'The Honolulu Police Department said Wednesday while their active search efforts have ceased, the investigation into Isabella’s disappearance continues with interviews and evidence processing.'
Is it usual in Hawaii that LE would stop searching for a missing child? And go back to desk work? That's shocking to me. If they're continuing interviewing, does that suggest they have person(s) of interest? Have they disclosed what evidence they are processing?
Here's my thoughts:
1. Child missing Sept. 12. Adoptive family calls LE to report missing child early a.m. Sept. 13
2. Album turned in Sept. 14.
3. Garbage bag found Sept. 16th?
4. Around Sept. 16th purple ribbons to mark search spots were initiated.
5. After Sept. 20, contents of garbage bag confirmed connected to case.

Any thoughts on this? Please, accuracy check?
I search for updates on this case every day. I am so confused why this didn't seem to garner much coverage, attention, interest etc? I know much attention is being directed at another case, and I am so grateful when cases get attention and interest so I wouldn’t change that -BUT- why is this precious baby not being talked about more? She’s a child, and a very vulnerable one at that. Is there a lot of coverage locally I am just not seeing? Does this seem odd that the search was suspended and it’s just gone quiet? Maybe my perception is off. Maybe it’s because I’ve fostered and adopted and I feel so protective and worried about kids that have to go through the system. Maybe it’s because I’m a mama to a sweet girl the same age and I’m just extra sensitive. I can’t decide if police likely know what happened and are just working on building their case or if no one knows anything and that’s why nothing is being said.
@Dave99 -- Thank you for all of the first-hand information about the Convenience Center. It does raise a lot of questions concerning what we have heard about the album.

@watson&winny -- I've never heard a specific date that the album was turned in. You heard the 14th? That sounds about is between the time she was reported missing and the garbage bag was found. The garbage bag was found on the 16th and LE said early on that there was a connection to the case....maybe they should have said a potential connection (or maybe they did, and the press left out "potential.") At the news conference on the 17th the police Lt. said that it was too early to say if there was a definite connection. She said the items were being analyzed and it would be a week or longer before they knew for sure if they were connected. She also said that there were other items of interest found in different locations that were being analyzed. You are saying that sometime after Sept 20th the items were confirmed as being connected to the case. That is something I have never heard. If anyone reading this has seen official confirmation, please let us know the source. Honestly, I will be surprised if they make a public announcement about it if it is important to their case.

@MissChanandlerBong and @OrangeCash -- Welcome! It is frustrating to see so little coverage. There are several local people posting on this thread and they always have their eyes open for anything new to report. Those of us at a distance search the web every day and post whatever we find. The new coverage we have seen over the past week is mostly thanks to the hard work and persistence of the bio family and their friends. The rallies they have been holding have caused some people to take notice. @OrangeCash, the article you saw that the police haven't deemed her disappearance suspicious was at the beginning of the search. Since then they have said that they haven't ruled out foul play. It really seemed strange to me when the LE search was suspended after only a week. It makes me think that LE know a lot more than they are saying and they are working at developing their case. MOO
Tom George@TheTomGeorge
Happening now: “Where Is Ariel?” — community rallying outside Waimānalo home of 6-year-old Isabella Kalua (birth name Ariel) and her adoptive family where she went missing from almost 3 weeks ago (video: Mialisa Otis)

Is the blue house theirs? Houses there look pretty small, that's a small house for 4 children? Also, houses don't have a lot of glass. Is that to keep them cool? Is it very hot there?

According to police, some family members are not cooperating in the investigation. Police also confirmed that a backpack found in a canal during a previous search is connected to the case.

Family spokesperson William Harrison stated that the adoptive parents called 911 immediately when they discovered Isabella wasn’t in the home.

In June, Isabella’s parents withdrew her from public school and reportedly started homeschooling her.

Isabella Kalua: Grandmother Says ‘Something Wasn’t Right’ After Missing Hawaii Girl Was Placed with Adoptive Parents

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