GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #1

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Interesting about narcissists feeling shame. I didn't know that. They probably very successfully hide that shame, I would imagine.
Did SC grow up on Maui? Anyone know?

Yes. He attended Kekaulike High School
I seriously doubt it. I see him more as a narcissist and he is in self preservation mode. He will do whatever he sees as being in his best interest. Narcissists don't feel guilt, but they do feel shame. I think when his probation is up, he will leave the community that is making him feel that shame.:

I've been reading up a bit on the complexities of narcissists and shame. It seems it is not the shame OF their behavior/actions that bother the narcissist; It is deep-seated shame that DRIVES their behavior. :juggle::juggle:
I've been reading up a bit on the complexities of narcissists and shame. It seems it is not the shame OF their behavior/actions that bother the narcissist; It is deep-seated shame that DRIVES their behavior. :juggle::juggle:

Yes, a deep seated shame. But it's more like a circle. . .shame. . .behavior. . .shame. In general, a lot of their behavior is driven by the need to avoid feeling humiliated and shamed. I think it's interesting here. . .as it seems SC didn't want to have a child with Charli. :(
Yes, a deep seated shame. But it's more like a circle. . .shame. . .behavior. . .shame. In general, a lot of their behavior is driven by the need to avoid feeling humiliated and shamed. I think it's interesting here. . .as it seems SC didn't want to have a child with Charli. :(

Well a narcissist is incapable of love. They can manipulate someone to love them but they can't feel love. IF SC is responsible and IF he is a narcissist then shame can be from bringing a child into the world that he does not and will not love or care for.

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Yes, a deep seated shame. But it's more like a circle. . .shame. . .behavior. . .shame. In general, a lot of their behavior is driven by the need to avoid feeling humiliated and shamed. I think it's interesting here. . .as it seems SC didn't want to have a child with Charli. :(

Yes, that was my first reaction when I read on WS that SC's mother died from a drug overdose.
I attended Charli's Celebration of Life Memorial today

Everything was positive and upbeat but with a measure of sadness

Everyone gathered around the canoe with the unicorn and flowers symbolizing her spirit

Hopefully this will bring some closure. Her mother said the search will continue

SC did not attend
Thank you Justice Hammer. These cases where pregnant women are killed really get to me. It is suppose to be such a happy time. I've carried three children. You are so vulnerable during those last months. Who could do this to an innocent child not even born yet? :(

I had a friend from school. . .we started in kindergarten together. When we were seniors in high school her sister was killed. They lived near our elementary school and the older sister used to babysit us sometimes. You know, when you are really young and are allowed to go to a friend's after school for a few hours? She was my brother's age and her name was Sally. Sally used to make us cookies after school.

She was a manager of a local grocery store. She was married, for less than two years. Her and her husband were joyously expecting their first child. . .a boy. She was closing up one night and was brutally murdered from behind with a machete. I will never get over the feeling of shock I had. LE solved it very quickly. It was a bag boy. . .a 17 yr old! He apparently was obsessed with her and couldn't handle that she was married and expecting a child with her husband. :( I took some comfort in believing that she never saw it coming. But what kind of person can do this??? An expectant mother? Carrying a new innocent life? One with the whole world laid out before them. . .endless possibility! Oh! It makes me so sad. . .and angry.

Be mad at the mom if you want. Be a deadbeat dad or a jealous loser! But kill her and the child? :banghead:
Thank you Justice Hammer. These cases where pregnant women are killed really get to me. It is suppose to be such a happy time. I've carried three children. You are so vulnerable during those last months. Who could do this to an innocent child not even born yet? :(

I had a friend from school. . .we started in kindergarten together. When we were seniors in high school her sister was killed. They lived near our elementary school and the older sister used to babysit us sometimes. You know, when you are really young and are allowed to go to a friend's after school for a few hours? She was my brother's age and her name was Sally. Sally used to make us cookies after school.

She was a manager of a local grocery store. She was married, for less than two years. Her and her husband were joyously expecting their first child. . .a boy. She was closing up one night and was brutally murdered from behind with a machete. I will never get over the feeling of shock I had. LE solved it very quickly. It was a bag boy. . .a 17 yr old! He apparently was obsessed with her and couldn't handle that she was married and expecting a child with her husband. :( I took some comfort in believing that she never saw it coming. But what kind of person can do this??? An expectant mother? Carrying a new innocent life? One with the whole world laid out before them. . .endless possibility! Oh! It makes me so sad. . .and angry.

Be mad at the mom if you want. Be a deadbeat dad or a jealous loser! But kill her and the child? :banghead:

That is really awful. I'm so sorry. :( There are a lot of sick people in the world. I've been in a couple awful relationships, very violent. When I got pregnant last, my ex husband was very angry I wouldn't have an abortion and one day things almost went very badly; I was fortunate he backed off. I think that is why I feel so connected with this case. I followed Laci Peterson's case closely as well. Bottom line, women ought to be safe while carrying a child, they ought to be able to choose who they want to be with, say they want to be alone, be safe, feel safe, and that is that. Men do not have the right to take away a woman's life, her freedom to be who she wants to be, or her sanity. PTSD is a very real and long lasting affliction. I pray that Charli and Joshua are found so that her family can truly put them to rest. <3
Thank you Justice Hammer. These cases where pregnant women are killed really get to me. It is suppose to be such a happy time. I've carried three children. You are so vulnerable during those last months. Who could do this to an innocent child not even born yet? :(

I had a friend from school. . .we started in kindergarten together. When we were seniors in high school her sister was killed. They lived near our elementary school and the older sister used to babysit us sometimes. You know, when you are really young and are allowed to go to a friend's after school for a few hours? She was my brother's age and her name was Sally. Sally used to make us cookies after school.

She was a manager of a local grocery store. She was married, for less than two years. Her and her husband were joyously expecting their first child. . .a boy. She was closing up one night and was brutally murdered from behind with a machete. I will never get over the feeling of shock I had. LE solved it very quickly. It was a bag boy. . .a 17 yr old! He apparently was obsessed with her and couldn't handle that she was married and expecting a child with her husband. :( I took some comfort in believing that she never saw it coming. But what kind of person can do this??? An expectant mother? Carrying a new innocent life? One with the whole world laid out before them. . .endless possibility! Oh! It makes me so sad. . .and angry.

Be mad at the mom if you want. Be a deadbeat dad or a jealous loser! But kill her and the child? :banghead:

You are welcome

I understand your feelings. We are here to try to understand and perhaps uncover that which defies all logic. We recoil in horror at such heinous crimes.

I take the spiritual perspective that we are all in the school of life to learn from our life lessons. And that we live in a orderly universe where the law of karma is expressed in both positive and negative events.

The criminal mind comes from a place of unbalanced weakness. A mind and soul that is in need of healing. The universal healer is love. Love is always the answer!

Photo of the canoe with unicorn and flowers symbolizing Charli's spirit

And with blue smoke her favorite color

Her mother thanked everyone for their help and support and said the search will continue!
People who commit this kind of murder have no respect for life, especially for the life of an unborn child. Most of us will never be able to understand it, and IMO, maybe we're not supposed to understand, because if we did, we would be able to relate with the killer, and that would be horrible.

Photo of the canoe with unicorn and flowers symbolizing Charli's spirit

And with blue smoke her favorite color

Her mother thanked everyone for their help and support and said the search will continue!

Thanks for posting this beautiful picture from Charli and Joshua's memorial! It really shows the love of the family and the community for two who were taken from them much too soon. I know they will always remain in everyone's hearts.

I'm glad to hear that the search effort will continue. As I have mentioned in previous posts, the media is key to keeping the ball rolling, as it did so well in the Peterson case. Someone needs to be in touch with Maui News and as many other media outlets as possible on a regular basis, or the case will go cold very quickly as did Moreira Monsalve's. If family or friends can engage the national media, that would be extremely helpful as well.
According to Chunks FB site he is getting the boot from Grandpas house
Art is open to interpretation. I see that piece as Man existing in a black and white world, too preoccupied with the rigors of work and industry, unable to enjoy the rain. Whereas the Child doesn't mind the wet, embraces the showers with open arms and allows the color to fill their life.

Did Steven choose that image to taunt his Facebook visitors or does he envy the child's wild abandon? Or is he Mr Busybody, pushing forward oblivious to the circumstances around him? Who knows... do we really care?

According to Chunks FB site he is getting the boot from Grandpas house

I do not see this on the facebook page? Chunk O Butter page?
Is SC still employed?
Is Maui PD visibly doing any investigating?
Is there any tips coming in?
According to Chunks FB site he is getting the boot from Grandpas house

This was a post from a guy named JZ Lee, who is an anon poster, maybe to harass him.. maybe he really is getting kicked out. Anyone know Steve well enough to know whether he is getting kicked out?

I noticed, though, that Chunk deleted all posts since March 5th, wonder why? There were posts since then, right? I seem to recall there being other posts, maybe I'm wrong...
To the few people on here that know SC, can you give any insight, anything, anything at all that would indicate SC innocence?
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