GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #2

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So this is what I got.

1. Steven called Charli to come over Sunday night. He needed help with something.

2.She got there and he killed her.

3. He dragged her body into the back woods or gulch on a tarp. He buried Charli and Joshua.

4. He told the dog to get into his truck. He drove her phone and the dog out to Hana hoping that some Pig Hunter would capture the dog and add it to his pack. He kicked out the dog and threw the phone into the ocean. He did not anticipate someone not stealing the dog.

5. He drove back to Haiku wondering what to do with her truck. He ended up driving it to a spot where it would most likely be stolen although close to his house as the crow flies, a mile by road. He walked home through the fields.

6.The next day the truck was found abandoned and burned. Again no more than a mile from his house . It had been stolen.

7.A search began but close to his house. The uproar was beginning and he was having to field questions and build a story. He needed to throw the Hound dogs off the scent.

8. He dug up the bodies and stripped them of clothes. Slashed the bra to make it look more violent and transported them to an area where he knew they would most likely be found even though that area had already been searched.

9. Once found the search was taken away from near his home and down into the deep jungle.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that parts of her phone where found burnt in her car. Can't find it now.
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that parts of her phone where found burnt in her car. Can't find it now.

I would think that highly unprobable. Once the interior of a car starts burning it gets so hot most everything melts. Regardless.
So she left the sisters house around 8pm. Her cell last ping was 11pm. 3 hours of unexplained time. This was discussed before, I have to go back and reread, did her phone only ping once along Hana road? If so maybe it's was heading down Hana road for the first time?

I am confused by this--please note the date--was it a mistake?:

From Tuesday the 11th (2/11)
"Carly's mother says her cell phone is still on and the last place it pinged from was along the Hana Highway near mile marker 20 Keanae "
I am confused by this--please note the date--was it a mistake?:

From Tuesday the 11th (2/11)
"Carly's mother says her cell phone is still on and the last place it pinged from was along the Hana Highway near mile marker 20 Keanae "

The article was published on Feb 11, 2014 but it doesn't indicate whether or not the mom is saying Charli's phone continued to ping 3 days later. We discussed this in length in the first thread. I don't remember reading that a phone was ever found which would make sense if it continued to ping and receive data until it was drained of battery.

And this is another reason someone who knew Charli killed her. Her phone probably had her sister's phone call in her "recent" phone list and again, Steven had no way of knowing whether or not little sister was told that Charli was meeting Steven.
Charli had an app on her phone that erased all but her last ping that occurred in Keanae around 11PM
Originally Posted by PeterTosh
Wrap them in a blanket or a tarp and drag.

Drag marks. With all that lush foliage and ground cover, you'd have a tough day on the farm trying to cover those tracks. Add in the dark of night.

Sick as it may seem, my friends and I used to play a game in which we'd ask each other "what's the best way to get rid of a dead body?" After a few failed suggestions volleyed between us, we'd somber up and change the subject. :(

<Which would in my mind perhaps point to near Jaws, where the SUV was found. Remember ( from the interview w/ SC):
Mileka: "What do you think about the fact that the car was found torched and on its side?"
Steven: "I'm not really sure what to think about that yet."
Mileka: "Is that a problem area?"
Steven: "I mean, probably. Did they say that was the only car torched and flipped over, 'cause that's a load of crap. There's like a dozen of them down there.

(followed by feigning only an incidental knowledge if the area)

Mileka: "Oh, really? So this is something that happens in that area a lot? I don't know -- that's why I'm asking."
Steven: "Yeah, Peahi is a pretty bad notorious area for people who steal cars to go and ditch them.
Mileka: "And so what do they do? Strip them and torch them?"
Steven: "From what I've seen just by driving by yeah - it looks like it."
Mileka: "And I'm sorry, you said the spot was Pe'ahi?"
Steven: "Yeah, or the Jaws area if that's what you guys want to call it but the road is called Pe'ahi."

Why this bizarre emphasis on the area where the car was found?--any evidence gone? Why the histrionics? --Great effort seems to be made to point to random theft and mischief. He doesn't seem to want it looking like a single, deliberate act. He thinks he has complete control of the narrative. And he exposes intimate knowledge while attempting to have only a passing familiarity--with too much emotional language and undue attention.

I would look in the vicinity of Jaws, or, as savvy local killers (IMO) like to insist upon, Pe'ahi. May he have been preparing a place there on Sunday?

I think that false clues were put out the road to Hana to point away from the Haiku area as well as his false narrative. And I agree that Nala was taken as far from the crime scene as was possible that night.
The article was published on Feb 11, 2014 but it doesn't indicate whether or not the mom is saying Charli's phone continued to ping 3 days later. We discussed this in length in the first thread. I don't remember reading that a phone was ever found which would make sense if it continued to ping and receive data until it was drained of battery.

And this is another reason someone who knew Charli killed her. Her phone probably had her sister's phone call in her "recent" phone list and again, Steven had no way of knowing whether or not little sister was told that Charli was meeting Steven.

Sorry for not remembering that discussion. But it does look like she is not referring to the phone still being alive, on Sunday night. So, what is the earliest possible time this interview could have taken place? Only after reporting to LE late on the tenth, right? So the 11th would be the earliest possible date and the phone was still ringing, according to Kim. The easiest explanation to this bear of very little brain is that the same person who delivered the clothes, the dog and the car tossed the phone someplaceas another red herring-ifigering it would run out of battery before it could be located...if ever.
I'm trying to think of unanswered questions that seem relevant. I hope I'm not being redundant or a numbskull! ...Hoping to help. MOO

Q. * When is SC's probation over?

Q. * Because of the fact (we think) that we only know of events in Charli's life, after she left her sisters' house, from one source, that being SC, is it now clear that no-one really knows:*
why Charli left,
where she went,*
and with whom ( tho' we have a pretty good guess who that might be.)
Do we even know that she went home? Do we know that she got home?
We do know when she left her sister's.
What else do we Know?

I'm trying to shake free of all prior assumptions that are based on what SC and only SC said. It's hard to do.

Q. * Peter Tosh post from 4/1 said concerning SC "He was at work all day. Went to the internet after and left for Hana in the late afternoon according to him."*
Does this actually pertain to Sunday 2/9?
Is there a reference for this?
I'm trying to think of unanswered questions that seem relevant. I hope I'm not being redundant or a numbskull! ...Hoping to help.

Q. * When is SC's probation over?

Q. * Because of the fact (we think) that we only know of events in Charli's life, after she left her sisters' house, from one source, that being SC, is it now clear that no-one really knows:*
why Charli left,
where she went,*
and with whom ( tho' we have a pretty good guess who that might be.)
Do we even know that she went home? Do we know that she got home?
We do know when she left her sister's.
What else do we Know?

I'm trying to shake free of all prior assumptions that are based on what SC and only SC said. It's hard to do.

Q. * Peter Tosh post from 4/1 said concerning SC "He was at work all day. Went to the internet after and left for Hana in the late afternoon according to him."*
Does this actually pertain to Sunday 2/9?
Is there a reference for this?

Probaton ends 7/2/2014

I have no idea what the second question you asked meant.

My post saying he was at work all day is common knowledge here on Maui as we know people who work at Mana Foods where he did and also from the horses mouth.
Last edited by Kapua; 03-20-2014 at 10:30 AM.
"I was unaware that SC had left work and showed the family precisely where he claims that his truck had broken down. If this is true, it supports the theory that the dog and clothes were left on Hana Hwy., and car on Peahi Rd. above Jaws, but Charli had been murdered and disposed of in Haiku. The cell phone pings, again, are the largest clue. If his truck was truly broken down or stuck near Keanae, and he honestly just needed a ride out there to fix it, they would have left Haiku soon after she arrived at his house, especially given the fact that it was Sunday and they both needed to work on Monday morning.
> > >If Charli's cell phone first pinged at 11,<<<
as suggested on the Study FB page this morning, look for the body in Haiku."
Yesterday, 03:13 PM
heartgoesout said
"So she left the sisters house around 8pm.
>>>Her cell last ping was 11pm. <<<<<
3 hours of unexplained time. This was discussed before, I have to go back and reread, did her phone only ping once along Hana road? If so maybe it's was heading down Hana road for the first time?"

Probaton ends 7/2/2014

I have no idea what the second question you asked meant.

My post saying he was at work all day is common knowledge here on Maui as we know people who work at Mana Foods where he did and also from the horses mouth.

"He was at work all day. Went to the internet after and left for Hana in the late afternoon according to him."
So, he went to Hana late afternoon on Sunday 2/9 and returned to Haiku and then supposedly went back out to Keanae with Charli?

And the truck supposedly got stuck there on Saturday?

Do we know what his hours at work were on Sunday?

Thanks for clarifying.
"He was at work all day. Went to the internet after and left for Hana in the late afternoon according to him."
So, he went to Hana late afternoon on Sunday 2/9 and returned to Haiku and then supposedly went back out to Keanae with Charli?

And the truck supposedly got stuck there on Saturday?

Do we know what his hours at work were on Sunday?

Thanks for clarifying.

Dont know about his truck on Saturday. Why do people say that? Hegot off from work atthree
Probaton ends 7/2/2014

I have no idea what the second question you asked meant.

Sorry Peter!

That was only to say that, concerning what happened that night, all we know for sure is the time she walked out her sister's door. is that Right?
Dont know about his truck on Saturday. Why do people say that? Hegot off from work atthree

Thanks so much, Peter.

So, you also say he went home and got on the Internet-- then all those posts would have been done 3:30-ish to "late afternoon". 5-ish?
Why would he take valuable daylight to post inane "shares" (9 of them)??

And then go back out there again when it's late and pitch black? ( I mean how does this converge with both his story and what might have really occurred?)

Thanks so much, Peter.

So, you also say in went home and got on the Internet-- then all those posts would have been done 3:30-ish to "late afternoon". 5-ish?
Why would he take valuable daylight to post inane "shares" (9 of them)??

And then go back out there again when it's late and pitch black? ( I mean how does this converge with both his story and what might have really occurred?)


Pretty tight schedule
Sorry Peter!

That was only to say that, concerning what happened that night, all we know for sure is the time she walked out her sister's door. is that Right?

Thats right. We need to forget his story completely,
The last “ping” from Charli’s cell phone was at 11 PM from Keanae according to Kimberlyn Scott on the “A study” FB page.

If we accept that as fact, then two possibilities exist:
1. Charli was in Keanae at 11 PM on Feb. 9. Or
2. Charli’s cell phone was in Keanae at 11 PM on Feb 9, but not Charli.

We can arrive at different theories based upon whether 1 is correct or 2 is correct.

Theory 1 (based on #1 being true): SC calls Charli and asks her to come over, he wants to talk and has a favor to ask. Charli goes to SC’s house. He tells her that he needs to go to Keanae to pick up some organic mangos for Mana Foods but he can’t use his truck because his tires are bald, can they go together and they can talk on the way up and she can sleep on the way back. He pours her a cup of apple cider laced with Benadryl and off they go in her vehicle, with Nala. She’s asleep by the time they get to Keanae, but he keeps driving to Nahiku, drops Nala off, then heads back to Keanae, kills Charli, removes her clothing, and disposes of her body and cell phone. A bit farther down the road, he plants her clothing, the jacket and pants, two empty rolls of duct tape, gloves, etc. to throw off potential searchers. He then drives Charli’s vehicle to upper Peahi Road, leaves it there unlocked, and walks home.

Theory 2 (based on #2 being true). SC calls Charli and asks her to come over, he wants to talk and has some money to give her for the baby. She goes over. She gets out of the car, Nala stays inside, and he persuades her to go for a short walk. When she has her back to him, he clubs her over the head and knocks her unconscious. He duct tapes her mouth shut, removes her clothing, finishes the job with his weapon of choice, puts her in a pre-dug grave, and covers it well. Then he gets in Charli’s vehicle, drives to Nahiku, lets Nala out, goes to Keanae, tosses the phone out, then to Honomanu to dispose of the clothing, etc., and Peahi to dispose of the vehicle.

Theory 3 (based on #2 being true). SC calls Charli and asks her to come over, he wants to talk. They let Nala out of Charli’s vehicle to go out in the yard. He convinces her to go for a short ride with him and leave Nala to play in the yard with his dog Chunk. He takes her to Jaws kills her, removes her clothing and buries her, placing the clothing in a black plastic garbage bag. He then drives back to his house, picks up Nala, drives her to Nahiku, thows the cell phone out in Keanae, scatters the clothing at Honomanu, abandons the car on Peahi Road and walks home.

Theory 4 (based on #2 being true) Same as #3 except that he kills her in Paia and throws the body in a dumpster.

The last “ping” from Charli’s cell phone was at 11 PM from Keanae according to Kimberlyn Scott on the “A study” FB page.

If we accept that as fact, then two possibilities exist:
1. Charli was in Keanae at 11 PM on Feb. 9. Or
2. Charli’s cell phone was in Keanae at 11 PM on Feb 9, but not Charli.

We can arrive at different theories based upon whether 1 is correct or 2 is correct.

Theory 1 (based on #1 being true): SC calls Charli and asks her to come over, he wants to talk and has a favor to ask. Charli goes to SC’s house. He tells her that he needs to go to Keanae to pick up some organic mangos for Mana Foods but he can’t use his truck because his tires are bald, can they go together and they can talk on the way up and she can sleep on the way back. He pours her a cup of apple cider laced with Benadryl and off they go in her vehicle, with Nala. She’s asleep by the time they get to Keanae, but he keeps driving to Nahiku, drops Nala off, then heads back to Keanae, kills Charli, removes her clothing, and disposes of her body and cell phone. A bit farther down the road, he plants her clothing, the jacket and pants, two empty rolls of duct tape, gloves, etc. to throw off potential searchers. He then drives Charli’s vehicle to upper Peahi Road, leaves it there unlocked, and walks home.


Theory 2 (based on #2 being true). SC calls Charli and asks her to come over, he wants to talk and has some money to give her for the baby. She goes over. She gets out of the car, Nala stays inside, and he persuades her to go for a short walk. When she has her back to him, he clubs her over the head and knocks her unconscious. He duct tapes her mouth shut, removes her clothing, finishes the job with his weapon of choice, puts her in a pre-dug grave, and covers it well. Then he gets in Charli’s vehicle, drives to Nahiku, lets Nala out, goes to Keanae, tosses the phone out, then to Honomanu to dispose of the clothing, etc., and Peahi to dispose of the vehicle.


Theory 3 (based on #2 being true). SC calls Charli and asks her to come over, he wants to talk. They let Nala out of Charli’s vehicle to go out in the yard. He convinces her to go for a short ride with him and leave Nala to play in the yard with his dog Chunk. He takes her to Jaws kills her, removes her clothing and buries her, placing the clothing in a black plastic garbage bag. He then drives back to his house, picks up Nala, drives her to Nahiku, thows the cell phone out in Keanae, scatters the clothing at Honomanu, abandons the car on Peahi Road and walks home.

Theory 4 (based on #2 being true) Same as #3 except that he kills her in Paia and throws the body in a dumpster.


I think Charli is buried somewhere on Maui. :(
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